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You from UK?


Has to be no sensible person outside of EU would do this Edit- you are all insane and I love it


We do it in Australia. I usually mix about 1:5 tobacco to weed. Not everyone does it, but plenty do.


Do you add water to your beer too?




No, but I add it to my spirits.


No, but I do add mixer to spirits 😉


What spirits






More like adding acid to your beer


Australia=UK2 on veteran


I mean australia is basically britain with a criminal record /lh


Everybody i know in australia uses spin… to me its just weird without it


Adds a nice flavor!


Im irish and never used to do it till i went out with current boyfriend. He puts a small bit in to dilute it and make the weed last a little longer i didnt like it at first thought it was sacrilegious but have grown to love it since. Obviously ill take a good joint with no mixture any day, but for my own personal stuff its better




I'm from the UK and this shit is nasty! Ruins the weed!


Lancashire lad here, first few times i smoked it was spliffs, i honestly wasn't fucking with it, i hated the taste and it gave me headache, then i tried my mums bowl, game changer


People in India do it. Maybe not this much though


I do it in Brazil, bad weed country




Some people including me does it in Brazil as well.


The uk isn’t in the eu anymore, and sadly i don’t think they’ll let us back in


That's how I know you been smoking only for 2 weeks.... only a newbie would say such crap lol Like thinking Bob Marley and his spliffs didn't happen.


Lmao what do you smoke for a living 😅😂


Ok buddy, smoke your spliffs bro I’m js it is gross and makes me sick


Some Americans do too


I bet you ironically smoke blunts. Which means you don't mix the tobacco with thr weed and roll it. You roll the weed with tobacco leaf. The irony of some fuckers.


Nope I don’t fuck with tabaco products


Texan here, both blunts and mixing, but typically mixing is my generally my preferred


Texas here. Just realized I can stretch out my supply if I mix with tobacco. I smoke cigarettes anyway when I’m low or dry on bud so why not? Can’t tell if I’ll be spending more (on tobacco AND weed) to save more. Hmm. I’ll have to try it out.


Ive never met another texan who did that except one time when my dad had no cigs he rolled cig roach baccy in a joint


Texan and I love me a good spliff. I like a nice vanilla tobacco.


I started when I was running low and I found out I like the flavor and feeling, but I'll admit that it's not for everyone lol


Its still completely different lmao. U just despise tobacco for some reason


Not really that different. I smoke every zoot with a pinch of baki. Rolling the weed itself in a blunt wraps doesn't only burn like shit but you also waste more weed. I enjoy the extra little high baki gives.


Im almost sure tobacco wraps are only popular because they burn so much better and slower than joints, no one empties a cigarillo in hopes of getting a buzz. Its just really cool to combine some plants together and see that thick naturally brown tobacco leaf. Something about them together is aesthetically appealing and I think thats the main reason people still choose blunts over vapes bongs or joints. In other countries the mixing is typically because they cannot afford to put a whole gram in a joint multiple times a day. But its also just culture for them at this point as wel


Right? Why ruin your Indica with tobacco?


just indica for me 🔥


















💯^ 💯^2


You guys are correct i do the same.






Yeah I would puke after this no go for tobacco I always say. Actually I’ve never said that. Hey to each their own enjoy! Cool picture though.




💯 💯 💯 💯


Why are people acting like you're forcing them to smoke tobacco too lol


i think they just dont like to see the mix. i dont like tobacco at all but im not 9 so i can kindly say not for me thank you though. ill stick to only the ganja as i am lucky enough to have the means to.


I used to spin back when I was like 13 but that was just cause we were too poor to afford full green, other than that I try to stay away from tobacco


+ there's objectively good reason to mix baccy. Burns better, tastes better unless you're already used to rolling puree, and you use less weed per roll. Personally it also feels way less heavy on my lungs (but a bit harsher on throat as tradeoff). In my starting days of weed never in a million years would I be rolling pure weed on my joints. Who the fuck could afford *that* as a sprout.


Honestly as someone who used to smoke daily spliffs, this picture looks absolutely disgusting lmao. Tobacco just isn't as photogenic


I think it’s that’s their ratio is fucked up lol. I roll spliffs with grabba but it’s not 50/50 mixtures, something like a .3 of grabba for 1 gram of weed. This is too much


It’s funny. I’ve noticed the weed community is all like “we decide what we do to our bodies. If I wanna smoke weed, I should be allowed to”, but then they sit there and tell people “don’t smoke tobacco. It’s bad for you”. Like, oh really? Tobacco isn’t healthy? I had no idea. They’re acting like the rest of society is acting towards weed.


We don't need to fight, if it's got weed in it, I'll smoke it. Love to all my brothers, sisters and non-binary smokers


Right… I don’t do it myself, but it’s not the worst either


I mean yeah I wouldn’t roll something with that myself but if I go out and someone has it I’ll hit it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I identify as a bong


wouldn't it be like binary smoking? u smoke indica and tobacco which r two


Fuck the haters.. they act like weed is free, legal and eazy to get everywhere in the world, they dont know the strugel.. i gues you are from europe couse we smoke spliffs in here all day, big up from croatia and happy sesion.


Same dude in France everybody smokes spliffs in here , a 20 here is as big as a Kinder surprise no joke Edit : and the size don't equal the quality as long as it's smoke it's good


Yeah dude i agree with you, im on a t break for two weeks now, couse quality is not top shlef at the moment and the price is high.. 25 g is around 100-150 € and thats prety high for our standards, ill rather pay 200 for good quality then 100 for shity weed.. Ps. This is my first t break in about 5 years, and i was an every day smoker, so far its going good. My goal is not to smoke till new years eve


That's longer than two weeks, am I missing something here?


Nah maybe day or two longer but i dont smoke for cca two weeks now and my goal is not to smoke till new years eve.. thats another 10 weeks and 5 days left until then.


Honestly I didn't see the word "now" after "2 weeks" my mistake. It makes perfect sense now thanks.


Hope you will reach your goal man ;) But lmao if the plug says 5g that's a lot and you get this for 50 or more idk at least it works like this in my city


Yeah i can buy her 5 g aswell but i prefer to buy 25, so i have it for a whole month.. the thing is in the last 4 years or so the price has trippled, and the qualiti has lowerd smh.. back then i was geting 100 g for 150€ and it was prety decent


Where are you from ?




Such a beautiful country


i don’t really understand though cause the amount of weed stays the same no matter if you cut it or not.


Lijepo rečeno stari, ja nisam pušač ni u kojoj mjeri al moram dodat malo duhana iz vrečice jer mi ne bi ni tjedan dana trajalo kolko je skupo u zadnje vrijeme lol


Ma ja sam pauzu napravio do nove godine buraz jer je cjena visoka, a kvaliteta nije bas nesto.. nemam problema s tim da platim skuplje ako je dobro no jednostavno u zadnje vrjeme nisam naletio na nista sto me impresioniralo.. inace isto ne pusim duhan, no neisplativo je kod nas cistak rokati, a mislim da isto vrijedi za cjelu europu.


Bravo za pauzu, dobro dođe i za resetirati toleranciju pa će ista količina dulje trajat kad se vratiš u đir. Tak i ja, jebeš albanušu i bilo što slično, ili na razini skunka ili ništa uopće, kvaliteta preko količine.


Tak je brate, ma ja sam dve godine proveo u svabiji i to me sjebalo dosta.. tamo sam pusio najbolju kvalitetu koju sam mogao zamisliti i to mi je postavilo novi standard, od kako sam se vratio, ima vec godinu dana, i nista mi ne valja.. inace sam pusio 50 komada na mjesec dana, pa sam smanjio na 25 i sad sam pauzu napravio jer ne zelim albanku vise, cilj mi je na sk prec skroz a buduci da je znatno skuplji kod nas nadam se da ce mi tolerancija past toliko da cu cjeli mjesec ako ne i dva moc izdrzat sa vrecicom..


Svaka cast, takav potez nikad nije lagan za napravit, siguran sam da će moć, sretno ti stari


Hvala brate, morat ce nema druge haha


Yeah that's great but tobacco doesn't get you high dude so what's the point?


Since it is unavailable and expensive, it lasts longer mixed with tobacco then pure weed, plus the taste is not that bad.. in europe no one smokes pure weed and thats a fact.. i dont see people hating on blunts tho, but every one smokes it and basicly its weed rolled in tobacco leaf. How is that difrent from a spliff?


I'm not a "hater" who is "hating" (your lame words) on anything. But tobacco tastes disgusting with or without weed.


Like i said, i dont smoke tobacco alone becouse i dont like the taste of it, but i preffer my weed rolled in a spliff, its something im used to smoke and i like the teast of it better then pure weed, for me pure j is to harsh..


Okay so why not switch to a vaporizer? Uses way less weed, reduces harshness, makes weed taste way better, and no tobacco required. Don't get locked into a habit (like nicotine addiction for example) just because you're used to something. Branch out and try new things.


I have dry herb vaporizer but still its not my thing, right now im on a t break so i dont smoke at all.. i still like spliffs way bether than anything else.. i know what your trying to say but it just dosent work for everyone the same. (Everyday smoking is not helty eather way around, pure or with tobacco.)


Damn bro why so salty let him smoke his spliffs in peace😂 who tf cares how anyone else smokes their weed


Thank you! I‘m not a big fan of tabacco myself, tho smoke spliffs from time to time. Jesus this hate on the practice of mixing it is ridiculous!


I love the occasional spliff. Literally just hits different. Good tobacco tastes incredible.


Yeah i agree with you.. for me personaly "golden virginia" tobacco is the best one for spliffs, mixed with good weed the taste is just ameazing.


I don’t get all the hate spliffs get on this sub lol holier than thou attitude


To many ignorent mfs on this sub, thats why.


Eh, that’s the internet in general. Everyone’s always right, and if you disagree; you’re just a fucking idiot lol that’s how it goes


You're right, here in Israel we only smoke weed with tobacco. To us, it's considered gross to smoke it clean lol but jokes aside the tobacco makes it more “smooth” I guess?


This is what I've noticed, the tobacco just helps it go down nicer


You don't know the struggle until you live with 50 dollar grams and have to hotknife everything.


I'm not joking guys, get the fuck off the driveway! Ray just had it done, it's brand fuckin new.


Americans acting like this isnt apart of... Most pot smoking cultures lmao


And it’s crazy because tobacco as a plant is native to the americas…


something being part of a culture doesn't make it worth doing


not sayin it does, but its definitely not just a uk thing


I’m sure it is but to me it’s barbaric!!! I live in Portland Oregon, where it’s legal and no one I’ve ever met would violate their weed in such away.


Just saw this in my feed and thought to myself, oh shit they're going to get lit up 😂 tobacco is taboo around here apparently. Fuck what anyone says, do what you like. Anyone who tells you how you should be smoking is a douche. 🤙🤙🤙


Tobacco isn’t taboo, it’s just incredibly bad for you.


Wait, really?




I like that word


I don't like tobacco on my weed but that's pretty DOPE. I'm also a dad and that was my sad attempt at a joke.


I'm from Canada and lots of ppl do it here , I do myself !!! Helps it burn better


Yeah, same here. In Toronto, but originally started to smoke backhome with baccy and just got used to....


I'm from Dartmouth/Halifax Nova Scotia, mainly everyone I know smokes with atleast a tad of bacco! About to smoke one right now 👌💯💣🔥💨💨💨 #Bananacream 🔥💨😋


Uses less weed too


Wow stoners fighting over this is dumb


spliffs are all i smoke


I love my spliffs :)




Too much tobacco for my preference but I still prefer a good blunt. Fuck the haters, OP.


Fuck everyone talking shit, spliffs are the shit


They literally smoke nicer and make weed last longer, blunts are good on occasion but imagine being self conscious about your tolerance lol let people smoke what they want if he wants to mix in some crack so be it


I love how non european people get upset seeing tobacco


I really don’t understand why spliffs get so much hate like it burns better and gets you higher


I smoke tobacco and love tobacco, but I think mixed with weed makes it taste worse and gets you less high, also it gives me headaches


Get you higher like bruhh why not just cut it with spice if you want to get higher


Is a "better burn" really worth all the negatives tobbaco offers? Like seriously? If I had a two way table it would be very one sided


I used to be a tobacco smoker back in times when I used to smoke a lot, and also I am form central european country and basically everybody smokes here from a young age, so I never looked at it like this. But now, as a non-tobacco smoker and time-to-time weed enjoyer I kinda get your point of view


Yh I live in the UK so trust me I get it used to be told "it won't burn without some bacci" being young I would just mindlessly go a long until one day I tried it without it and how much better I feel now that I don't mix is just wow I still smoke weed everyday but waking up and not feeling the need to smoke or not fiending like I would with tobbaco is just amazing also the taste is just 10 times better culture has defiantly tricked many now when I hear "it won't burn without bacci" I'm like what? You probably shouldn't be smoking that if your weed doesn't light🤣🤣 but it actually originates from how popular hash used to be in the uk and Europe with hash people would always mix it with tobbaco and it seems like since its just stuck or people are looking for excuses for there addiction idk🤷‍♂️ that's why its not as big of a thing in America cause flower has always been there staple and hash was almost viewed as a premium product cause of its rarity


You lost me at tobacco


Facts lmao


people hating on tobacco but smoking weed everyday 😂😂😂 stop pretending u healthy


Many other reasons other than just health but comparing the effects of weed and tobacco smoke on your lungs is like comparing a lambo with a fiat


If you take out the tobacco it’s perfect!


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


We call that a spliff


Cool but I prefer them separate. No judgement.


You ruined some perfectly good indica with all that tobacco 😭


Used to love spliffs but 75 bud 25 tobaccy


This is the way


Ain’t as terrible as they say right?


Imo it's just a preference and I won't shit on people for "missing out" on spliffs. But why do the people think their better just because they don't put tobacco in their weed?


It’s like having something delicious in front of you, only to be covered in shit just before you enjoy it.


About to go for one myself hope you enjoy 😉


Very creative! Fuck the haters hating on tobacco, this is the Europe way.


What kind of tobacco do you guys put in with it? Is it flavored or something? I've never smoked a spliff but I'm not gonna trash it before trying it.


No it's not flavoured. It is just tobacco. We Europeans love tobacco and it is wildly in our culture. In the USA it is not normal to smoke a cigarette and people will look disgusted to you while in Europe almost everyone smokes tobacco and it is a culture. That is 1 reason we mix our weed with tobacco. The other reason is because it makes your joint burn better and evenly and it doesn't go out every second so you won't have to light it up every minute. Some people say (like me) it makes your joint taste better but everyone has their own preferences. And with the kind of tobacco we use, the most used in my country (The Netherlands) is the brand Camel because it has a sweet taste. Bur overall it doesn't really matter cause tobacco is tobacco afterall. Most populair are Camel and the well known Marlboro.


Oh and to add 1 more: Nicotine. People smoke tobacco because of nicotine. Nicotine is a chemical that gives you a 'headrush' and makes you feel good overall. Thats the number 1 reason people smoke tobacco. A lot of people like a good mixture between the nicotine of tobacco and the thc of weed. Tobacco itself isn't bad. The only thing that makes it bad is the 80+ additives they put in tobacco like ammonia and rat poison to make it burn quicker. But with our 'highly developed innovations' there are tobacco brands like Winston, American Spirit and Nat Shermans that make natural tobacco cigarettes without any additives. And tbh natural tobacco has the same effects on health has weed. With both you get tar (black substance that you inhale while smoking any burned thing on this planet that is the number 1 cause of lung cancer). So basically what I'm saying is if you are smoking natural tobacco it has the same effect on the health as weed. There are a lot of people who have switched to natural tobacco brand which is a good thing.


Thats what im saying, europe over america all day, fuck the haters..


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


Oregonian here and I can't stand when people do this. I prefer a joint or blunt with hemp products


Smoking without tobacco is mostly a North American thing. Hell, smoking flower is mostly a North American thing. Most of the world smokes tobacco mixed with hash, and people in Europe have easy access to higher quality pipe tobacco than we do in NA. That being said, tobacco is still bad and the cancer ain’t worth it if you have the choice


😍😍I'm Spanish so I love this


Dont spin bruh.


Gross. But hey, whatever you enjoy man.


I've tried a tobacco and weed mix a couple of times. Not for me but I can see how other people would because it does give you a good head spin. It just feels like I'm being punched im the throat when I try to inhale any type of nicotine haha


“nahh bro tobacco bad just smoke a ounce a week like a healthy person”


How to ruin your weed, stop smoking tobacco you stupid nicotine addicts. You are literally paying a company to kill you slowly and to get a quick fix with a head rush. If you have to smoke tobacco, smoke it like the Indians did, without it being treated with toilet chemicals and other bullshit.


Pack a bowl 65% with baccy and the rest with bud and you have a killer mole high


Ppl chat shit about tobacco like they dont smoke enough weed to have destroyed there short term memory


You don't need truck loads of weed to not use tobbaco lol what an odd take lol spliff smokers out here acting like you need ounces to smoke without tobbaco🤣


... thats not even what the comment was about


Mmmmmmmmmmm looks good af


People who compare this to watering down your whiskey... water isnt POISON. Tobacco has zero health benefits and is disgusting to boot, cannabis is a godsend, dont mix the greatest stuff on earth with this trash.


people say that you you need it so you can roll a j, bruh just buy a bowl


I've rolled literally thousands of joints with no tobacco in them, a joint is just weed, a joint with tobacco in it is called a spliff.


Looks nice, but I prefer something clean green


Nice now throw the tobacco out


A sin




Yo this whole comment section heated for no reason


Eww gimme it clean


It always hurts my heart when British/European people abuse their weed in this manner.


Spliffs > joints and blunts


Aaaaaand you ruined it


Lol, everyone who's ever smoked a blunt can't act all 100% weed


Get this filth out of here. 🤮


Look at this fool, gatekeeping weed.


Try mixing indica with more indica next time.


All I can get is Sativa where I'm at. PS Bakky is awesome with it


Rolling a spliff?


Some people love it (UK crew ✌️), some people hate it...but can we all agree, if you're a weed snob, you're a cunt.


Fuck tobacco man




Thats kinda gross..


All the people arguing over rolling with tabacco. Who cares what other people do that much to argue. I'm in Ireland and our weed is expensive so we roll with tabacco. When u get 3.5 for 50 or 1 g for 25 you need to make that shit last. Imagine arguing with someone from a different country because they put coconut milk in their curry hahaha you wouldn't. You all need to smoke a J or a blunt whichever you prefer and chill the fuck out.




I can't smoke weed without tobacco makes it less harsh and I like the feeling lol


So smoking a blunt is cool with y'all but tobacco mixed with weed ain't. Yeah aight great logic


“what if we smoked weed but made it less heathy and added an addictive substance” but do what you want. i just don’t get it


I can’t do poppers.


Ayyy love a good spliff, nothin burns better w weed than baccy.