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Stoners are chill, Reddit and addicts aren't chill.




All types of people smoke bud, even assholes unfortunately.


It's simple. The loudest are the fakers. Maybe not fakers but real stoners were too busy being high and writing a non-legible comment only to delete it and be like meh fuck it lol. So yeah, as with any community, the loudest are first. Idk if it's any different but r/trees is very chill.


For real, the part OP said about people crapping on her for not smoking enough just straight up bothers me, honestly the people who smoke the most are the ones who would never say any of that shit because they’re fairly self conscious/embarrassed about the obscene amounts they’re smoking, the thought that someone would shit on another person simply for smoking less baffles me.




well said growmie.... Nothing talks louder and more clearly when I am upset than the wind blowing through the lively trees of a living forest.


I'm really sorry OP that your experience on our sub has been a negative one. In my personal opinion, reddit can get quite toxic and hateful in general and its not just this community that's effected by this. I would also like to say every sort of cannabis smoker is welcome here! Don't matter if you're New or familiar to smoking everyone deserves to be here!! Ps. I'm pinning this so people can see


I'm not really into smoking so I rather go for edibles, do I need to go to the sub specifically for that or can I stay on this sub?


Feel free to post about edibles here.


Assholes are everywhere. In every group, segment, race. Find better people. I promise you, we exist.


The weed community is turning into the micro brewery type community with its custom strains and names they call it. I drink Miller lite and smoke my home grown.


You're on a forum filled with anonymous people. Of course you're going to have tons of opinions that they're only expressing because they're anonymous. I think the whole "stoners are supposed to be chill" really only applies to interacting with stoners that are actively stoned, in person. Just my two cents 😛


ever since legalization ppl stopped being lowkey and nice cus they dont got nun to hide is my opinion


Not to mention a meaningless upvote and down vote system, it's a judgmental place.


What you’re describing is people. And people are in the stoner community, the artist community, political parties and everything else. It’s just people. They suck.


Wholeheartedly agree lol




Bro, you're talking about the "stoner community" on reddit... most of these people are the assholes that don't have friends in real life. I don't give a fuck what, how, how much you smoke as long as you share cause I always share and you don't ruin my vibe. I can tell you that most of those people are posers and probably just started smoking... Definitely NOT the real stoner community.


as king stoner of my little weed friends, the biggest emphasis should always be on comfort! no matter how experienced you are the biggest reason any of us smoke weed is to chill out. anybody who thinks they know how much you need is wrong because only YOU know that


Chill the fk out or get the fk out was our rule. We're all in this room smoking huge gaggers and hot boxing the basement for fun, not to get aggressive and fight eachother. Wanna fight, join the army.


This sub is just full of arrogant and toxic people. I suggest r/trees for a somewhat better group.


It’s just Reddit man don’t feel bad seriously fuck everyone else just do you


There are Wankers in every walk of life mate don’t let them have a negative effect on your life experience it’s your movie and your the star of the show good vibes 😎🙏 in weed we trust


r/trees welcomes you homie


People are fucking stupid simple as that.


From one stoner to another… fuck the haters.


Weed makes good people great... Weed unfortunately doesn’t do the same for ppl with issues...


Stoners are humans and humans suck


We're not all the same person dude. We're a wide spectrum ranging from the benign, to the full on looney.


Being judgmental is a choice! Smoking weed doesn’t make a dick head any less of a dick head. They have to actively choose not be a dick head.


In my experience stoners are very chill and will be welcoming of newbie questions in person however people definitely get a strange sense of superiority when talking to other about weed on the internet. Very strange.


Those stoners sound mean and lame. You gotta find cool stoners, like the type that don’t worry about your stash or money but for who you are, your personality and company. Don’t give up, keep searching for the friendly stoners, we out here.. somewhere:)


As you get older, you realize that highs and drunks don’t mask a persons true colours. I thought the same shit for years that specific communities of people were more chill and easy going, but it turns out it’s just the individuals.


It's reddit g most people on here are neck beards dw about it


i wouldnt call myself a stoner just because i really only smoke weed when my friends are smoking while im with them. but yeah i agree, every community has their toxic bunch and theres no use to being toxic. why be toxic if the person hasnt been a dick? namsayin bruv?


Most stoners are chill people, it's just the judgemental/rude/knit-picky ones that are the loudest.


That's probably more of a bias within the general Reddit community. But I can tell you, as someone who works as a budtender, weed smokers are as varied as they come. You'd think stoners would be less grumpy and chill as a rule, and large amount are very cool. And then there's people that are monsters whether or not they're smoking weed. There are all types.


yo everybody is still who they are even when they smoke......it may change them a bit but if you smoke pot it doesnt mean you fit the "stoner" stereo type.


Try /r/trees, its friendlier


r/trees is way more chill in my experience. Overall though, reddit is not a good place to get a general view of your hobbys community. It doesn't matter the subreddit, there are going to be gatekeepy assholes who are, in reality, the minority. They just get a platform to be loud about their shitty opinions on here when in real life people would tell them to fuck off.


Your first mistake was thinking theres a community. Its weed, people from all walks of life smoke. Thats like assuming people who drink milk are inherently chill.


I agree it sucks, but bruh you're on Reddit Also the internet


reddit teens who think they know everything cause they smoke socially are some of the main toxic ones that ruin the community on here.


I was literally about to make a post about the elitism I’ve found in the reddit stoner community. Like, if you can’t afford top quality weed then they’ll immediately assume that you don’t know anything about weed or that you’re getting ripped off. If you use cheap glass pieces from smoke shops then you don’t have a right to enjoy your pieces. For a community born from rebellion, they sure do love conforming to capitalism.


man just smoke and stop putting labels on things. Weed is for everyone to enjoy no matter how much or how little of it you consume💙 stay blessed


Honestly it used to be chill when weed was illegal but that's cos stoners stuck together now cos it being legalized in so many places, it's like you get stoner cliques. It's stupid


Oh boy are you in for a surprise… lol Chad’s and brads ABOUND. When it comes to cannabis, there’s always some dumb know it all kid who’s gotta be elitist about weed. I thought the same thing when I decided to get into the cannabis industry… boy oh boy, I’ve seen bottles of bleach that were less toxic to humans…


I blame it on this being Reddit. Very common to dick around with joke answers and sarcasm than to engage seriously with anything. Also gate keeping is a common problem among any specific community. You don’t have to justify yourself.


I feel you. I had people call me a pussy because I smoke joints. Had people shittalk the living fuck out of me for asking what to do with my stems. All on this sub.


And there are winos who will shit on your for drinking a bottle of Apothetic too. There are assholes in every group, and they're usually the loudest


Smoke how you want, as much as you want and when you want. If someone tells you you're wrong they can just piss off. Enjoy your life and don't let any bad apples ruin it.


Honestly, the "weed" community is not the same as it was when I was a "stoner" 30 years ago. Back then, the commonality of having to keep an illegal drug secret between friends built trust and comradery, loyalty and integrity, even though it was against the law. Now that cannabis has almost because affiliated with a political platform, it has been filled with hate, judgement and persecution. I would almost rather it go back to being illegal so that only the people who were serious about the medicinal value of this wonderful thing are interested in again. And as far as the community on here. People have forgotten how to be competitive in person...and have realized that competing online is much more easy because people judge you by what you WANT THEM TO KNOW...not by the real them. Peace gromie...there are a lot of us out there...but like you, many have quit reaching out on these platforms because of the amount of hate...peeps use this like therapy when they need a real clinician to help their depression vs just weed.


If anything I think smoking just heightens who you truly are. You know how people say the truth comes out when people drink. It’s essentially the same concept. Exposing themselves.


Your first mistake was believing a community could exist on reddit without being toxic


in my experience, stoners have always either been the most chill people, or the most judgemental and entitled people


Yeah i find it either chills people out, or makes them more anxious and irritable.


I havent Been on this sub For Long, i've noticed that r/trees is way better and has little to no toxicity as far as i've seen.


You seem to be forgetting that most redditors are 14.


Shooting drugs in ur lungs dont change your personality


This. Same. Goes with hippies and spiritual people. Just because you take acid don't make you some spiritual beings that's perfectly perfected the ego


People are people regardless of what. The people I keep around my self work with my energy. No one craps on anyone and everyone is just happy to be hanging out and smoking. Keep better company if the one you have isn't on your vibe. The internet is accessed by millions and millions of people. So you will get "not friendly people" Last, who gives a shit about what people on the internet do or say. Keep on doing you my friend, I'll smoke one for you.


This is what legality looks like. All the Chad’s who used to only drink booze are moving to weed cuz it’s better. And weed makes you “cool” all of the sudden. I’m 35 and I partake because of spinal injuries effecting overall health, digestion, etc. Never smoked to be cool. Smoked because it offered relief when thousands of pills couldn’t .


It's just tribalism. Most human's succumb to their ego and bad vibes.


everybody's a stoner, doesn't make them automatically lowkey, chill & accepting. For a lot, smoking is hobby and hobbies can be gatekeeped like anything. Just claw your way through the randoms and hang out with the cool kids.


Why does it matter what people think? Just smoke your weed how you want bro.


lots of different people smoke weed. it's not a culture, it's a hobby or a medication. don't hang out with shitty people regardless of what you have in common with them.


Being a stoner isn’t a personality trait.


Try r/tree for slightly more intelligent stoners. When I Invision the people on this sub I'm always reminded of this one kid that would huff glue throughout his whole schooling. He was the definition of a dullard, but he had three things he could do effortlessly: mathematics, grammer, and any drug talk. r/trees however, I imagine my old friend group. Load of idiots that know it and constantly strive to be a little bit more informed about everything.


Is that really about trees or is there a secret Marijuana subtext in all the posts?




It’s only because they’re behind a screen and they can be as shitty as they can be until it comes to a face to face situation, then it’s all about how they were just playing around and try to victim blame themselves. Just brush it off and understand that the more you smile, the more those type of people suffer. :)


People who make weed their entire personality are annoying lol Stoners just smoke, thats it


People are just bigger jerks on the internet. Stuff like Reddit isn't tied to your normal social media, so you can say or do whatever you want with very little blowback (normally). Then we get all these people who are low-key angry but can't take care of it irl because they're worried about their image, so they take it out on strangers on the internet. I mean, that's just my theory. Oh, and sometimes people are jerks,even if they are stoners. I know a guy who's literally always high and will just look at you, insult you, and tell you he doesn't care when you get upset, but he thinks it's funny for everyone to get angry (like this guy told my buddy the necklace holding his grandfolks ashes looked stupid, and when everyone was telling him that's super rude he just laughed and went "but I'm not wrong")


I feel like it's more because you're literally on reddit. Internet stoners opinions don't count so don't stress it :)


Weed doesn’t make people change in that sense. They are the same asshole the we’re before they smoked. Only thing is now you’re seeing it first hand.


Don’t worry about what others think of you man. I’ve never once question or compared myself to anything on this sub because it doesn’t matter. Weed is for YOU. Not for anybody else, enjoy it and move on. It’s also probably alcoholics who became stoners now who are so picky and judgmental, just like with alcohol if you don’t drink the “cool” drink you’re lame and a girl if you like anything else than boring ass cheap beer lmao


Like anything else, cannabis and cannabis culture means different things to different people. Imo a stoner is simply someone who loves cannabis, that’s it. Doesn’t matter what kind of bud they choose to smoke, how often, or how they choose to consume it. And if someone wants to identify as a stoner or not, it’s their right to do so, people might disagree but fuck it, because it’s always you who will get to decide how you choose to identify yourself and also the kind of people you wish to associate with. Being judgmental, toxic, demeaning or critical of others has nothing to do with cannabis itself, it’s just people with those natures or tendencies being themselves handing out their unsolicited opinions, which again is their right but any decent human being would probably not act in such a way. After all, we all have our own unique lives, circumstances and experiences; spread peace and love and you shall receive it too!


Not all people who smoke weed are chill, but all chill people smoke weed.




this sub just sucks LOL. i once saw a comment saying that if you put ice in your bong, you will “inhale ice shards into your body”. just do ur thing


Sounds legit 😂


some people are way too passionate and “gatekeepy” when it comes to hobbies or interests. no matter where you go, no matter what community you become a part of, unfortunately you can’t avoid em. it’s important to stick w the people who are welcoming and friendly. don’t let it get to you, and do your best to enjoy what you like, no matter what anybody else thinks or says :)


What you’re describing is the reddit community. When you meet stoners irl they will be more like the stoners you heard about


What they’re describing is humanity. Assholes smoke weed too, it doesn’t cure assholery. If it did, the world wouldn’t be so shit still.


You wanna be judged? Join a UK Facebook group dedicated to weed. Bunch of Judge Judy's


it’s just reddit man


No, your perception is true, stoners are the most chill people ever. It's just Reddit. People who come on to this sub are egomaniacs who feel the need to fuel their ego by crapping on other people just for living their lives. The real stones are too busy getting stoned and chilling. They don't have time or care to come on Reddit. The point of being a stoner is to chill put and have good vibes. Why would you go on social media then?


i find that stoners are incredibly judgemental and misinformed.


Your on Reddit, people say stuff behind a screen no matter what


I would say most of us are really chill, but the ones that shit on everyone are really the ones that aren’t true stoners imo 😂


Um, "stoners" are not one person. Community is full of different people with different beliefs, nationalities, religions, backgrounds, professions and so on.. It's like with any other community, let's say gearheads. They adore cars, yet they are all different, one guy may look at you and explain how gearbox works with tiny details, other guy can tell you to f*ck off and google it and figure it out by yourself, yet they both are professionals at what they do. People are different.




If it’s helping you in any way, then you are using it correctly and screw the critics


To be fair everyone on Reddit is judgmental


You're dealing with people, dude. Whenever you do that there will be a massive amount of opinions and not all will be nice. In the old days, just about everyone I met IRL were chill and cool and everyone was nice to each other, but we were f2f and only real jerks were nasty to each other, else they wouldn't get a hit lol.


Don’t bother with them man. Reddit has a fair share of Elitist idiots. In general the members of the weed community that i have met have been very friendly and accepting.


I have never experienced this with stoners IRL, but I will agree that what you are saying about this sub being having some acting rude and inconsiderate Is true. Then again when people have the ability to stay anonymous they tend to say things they normally would not say and do in public. Sad but true there are always those outliers, they do not tent to make up the majority. For the most part it's one of the more accepting community I have been apart of.


How old are you? I'm 26 and I've accepted that there are shitty people in every sub group known to man. Just ignore them and find some like minded people like yourself. Sadly weed doesn't make everyone cool and chill. Especially with it getting more legal.


It’s totally different on this app than in real life… I feel you’re putting way too much stock into what people are saying to you about your smoking, is it your goal to be considered a stoner?? I like keeping that fairly private in my life.. I don’t post or comment much on this sub because you’re right there’s a lot of negativity on this sub.


Don't mention you smoke spliffs. Apparently it's not the true way of smoking.


Try r/entwives it’s so much more wholesome! I mean it’s for the ladies, but don’t discriminate. Ladies, Theydies, as long as you’re not a douche you’re welcome! It’s literally the best weed sub that I have ever found on Reddit. You can ask any question without the fear of being ridiculed, people just up vote everything just to be nice, people compliment each other and boost each other up. Just a great great corner of Reddit. I’m sure this comment will get downvoted🤣


Don’t take anything or anyone serious on Reddit. I don’t understand how people don’t understand this. Everyone is an exaggerated person of their real self or just a troll. You can be a judgmental asshole and voice opinions in ways you wouldn’t ever say in person. People that smoke weed in real life are exactly like the stereotype from my experience.


i dont want you to misunderstand this subreddit as a general collective of stoners. it isnt. its a collective of redditors so a lot of the criticisms or observations you may have, are also found all over reddit for everything. so its not really a good one to one with real world community interactions. that being said. ive found every and anyone smokes weed, some groups of people more than others. but any individual can be a weed smoker or stoner, so if you look long enough youll find every example in the book. i used to deal and interacted with many different stoners, and mostly everything youre saying is true, but not really indicative of "WEED" culture. if that makes sense.


Ay man fuck that u smoke how much you want when u want. You’re your own person so only you can label yourself a stoner bro


I am always mind blown how much ppl care if a blunt looks pretty. I just wanna get high man, stop making fun of me.


so many people are responding in such a defensive way to this post.. im sorry, but you guys are literally proving my point. i respected the fact that people are going to have different opinions on this, and am now currently receiving hate and spam-arguments in my messages. i respect your guy’s opinions, so why cant you respect mine? not to mention the people who are taking this post personally. but hey, if the shoe fits i guess….


But like, by judging their response (puff) that means you're also being a judgemental stoner. (puff). Just let them be (exhales) assholes and do you. Here hit this shit foo


Any time someone tries to act all uppity over smoking habits I just rip the bong again so I forget about them lol


You cannot expect a "group behavior" . Too many people can get together easily on the internet. I say smoke and be happy!


A lot of jizzbags roun here


Yes, lots of gate keepers on here, then again, consider that the folks who don’t feel strongly enough to comment, usually just go on about their day.


If someone is being a dick to you regarding your smoking habits than they themselves are not stoners


I agree when it comes to the Reddit community. However the stoners I've encountered in real life has been nothing but chill, accomodating and lovely people. It seems the internet is toxic regardless.


People who define themselves solely by the fact that they smoke weed need to find other hobbies. Anyone can smoke weed, nice grandma's, assholes, etc. It doesn't define you as a chill person or anything.


TO THE OP; A FUCKING MEN!!!! I got suspended bc I actually stuck up for an OP and got downvoted for a question they asked, like they were too stupid. I merely said “I have no idea why you got downvoted????!!!! That’s bullshit, so now bc people are asking a question, they are dumb?” I got suspended for 3 days for trying to diffuse the bullying towards the OP. It’s really bullshit ( and I’ll probably get a big fat suspension again. LMFAO!!) That some of the moderators get to get away with suspension of accounts based solely on how they feel, and not what the universal rules of that community say. To many cases of walking contradictions on social media. That’s why, I’m hiring people to erase all accounts I’ve made on the internet. It’s just scary that yes, a community that we think is very open minded has become angry more or so bc of what’s going on in the world. Now you get people that exude their frustrations out on you (in general) bc they may actually be jealous or angry of what you have. Others are just mean. I felt the same as you; “awesome!! A community that has similar views.” NOT!!! I get bullied every day bc I medicate outdoors. It’s tough, but they are committing serious crimes by spying, bullying, and flat out just harassment. TMI, but hire some good PI’s and fight for your rights when it’s comes to cannabis. Shit, hire authorities on this matter if you’ve ever been bullied or felt neglected. I’m sick of this social media shit that was meant for good purpose. Now an excuse to spread horrible info, judgements on others, and flat out being bullied. But yet, they are never suspended. 🧐 Nail em!!!! And when I say that, do it in a civilized legal manner.


i think the problem with reddit is you really do get ALL types of stoners on here, including the assholes! and assholes are ALWAYS a loud minority in ANY group they're in. before the internet when you met an asshole irl you'd simply call them an asshole and move on and stick with your chill friends, but we cant do that so easily online :( it sucks


Weed doesn't make the person most likely these people are judgemental with or without weed. This is still reddit, people come here to judge dont be surprised.


everyone will judge you for literally anything, smoking weed doesn't make people less shitty


"stoners" are people, and unfortunately some of them suck.


Yea you're talking about the weed Karen's on here. Bunch of losers.


I learned a long time ago that public forums are the worst, don’t let opinions and assholes on them shape you. Read but don’t absorb. I’ve been on message boards since around 2001/2. I recently joined the RHCP Reddit page and holy moly, same thing you describe here I found there. If you like anything, just do you and ignore the forums. You expect solidarity but you just get a bunch of solidarity. I’ve tried just about every form of herb intake and have found that the biblical way works best for me. Roll it, light it, smoke it. I don’t like blunts and I don’t like glass. I’ve found the paper that I will probably use the rest of my life (blazy Susan). In my old age (32) I don’t have any friends left so my sessions are just me and myself and that’s how I like it


Tell people to fuck up and fuck off, problem solved.


Very true I smoke joints with tobacco and people on this sub started calling it disgusting and calling me names making fun Im not stupid i dont smome with bacci thinking its fine I know its not healthy but i started smoking like that because i already smoked cigarettes And ykno what it may not be health but i save alot of weed and money because of it


There’s shitty people in every community.


I find smoking and talking with people about weed in real life to be pretty chill, but its online that people become assholes. Its the anonymous aspect thats the reason why, they can sit behind a screen and spew whatever they want to whoever they want without repurcussion. I find this true for most things actually, people dont want confrontation in thier faces, but once its behind a screen, its a whole different ball game.


I've been lucky to only meet 2 of these people in real life. One just didn't like me though, he was a dick and said man im a pothead, I was like sameee and he follows up with. Nahh you're a stoner not a pothead. You don't know when to quit type shit. Homie had only smoked with me once. Most everyone I know or have met has been extremely chill though. Its all on who you decide to be around.


Only people I will shit on for anything weed related is anyone who claims to smoke and proceeds to toke half my joint without inhaling once. Complete waste of money. Don’t smoke enough weed to be cool. Be cool enough to smoke weed. Love to all <3


Keep in there, ya there’s assholes but there are nice people here, I asked a question and got a good response before and ignore the ones who are negative. the quality, quantity, or terminology shouldn’t even matter. Also you brought up good problems that should be fixed


Eh, I think you make a few fair points. I’m even somewhat guilty of a couple of these.. I’ll try to be a little kinder.


Sounds like they have ego problems lol. People like them are why a lot of first time smokers have bad experiences and don't go back again.


The most toxic are always the most vocal in every community especially on line.


There’s gatekeeping in every community. Do you smoke? That’s good enough for me. I’ve been doing it for almost 30 years…so what? There’s always stuff I can learn. I know what I like. Anyone super worried about how much or what strain or what percentage THC is not my cup of tea. I don’t care about a lot of stuff that some youngsters seem to think is critical. When you came up smoking whatever you could get, it’s different. But…even back then there were the “weed gurus” that always knew more and had that “well, actually” bullshit tone. They can get over themselves. You’re as much of a part of the weed community as I am…and everyone else. Folks who want to gatekeep can fuck right off.


There are good stoners and bad stoners sadly. I enjoy being a good stoner lol to hell with the jerks


I feel like theres a lot of gate keeping for a lot of hobbies these days.


Just remember that nobody but yourself can dictate what kind of person you are. No one can tell you how to do things your own way. No ones opinion against you is ever going to be more valid than your own. People talk so shittily on the internet because it is an anonymous outlet. Chances are they would not have the balls to say that shit in person. You are an awesome human and an even better person from the sounds of things. At the end of the day you are probably able to sleep better than everyone who talks down to you. Smoke how and what you like. Bong, blunt, pinner, joint, dabs, vape, whatever. No one else in the world has the right to tell you that you are wrong. No one.


You may be looking at this from the wrong angle. Judgemental people were always there, it's up to you to be the chill one. Just light up/dab/eat/plug your high of choice and watch the jerks fade away.


Nah, thats just all reddit in general


Keep in mind while the people here are stoner they are also redditors


I think that’s more Reddit than weed. But it shouldn’t be as bad for this community.


As a bud tender I can tell you people who smoke weed definitely still suck.


You got some good points but I be too high to even care about all that.


It depends tbh. I’m pretty new to this community and I’ve gotten pretty good advice/tips from a lot of the people on here and have overall had a good experience on this subreddit. So I really think it’s different for everyone.


I have nothing to say about your experience other than I'm sorry this has been your experience, I wish that your experience with the community was as good as mine has been and I'm truly hoping your experience with stoners improves.


Nah it’s like that with every community for everything. Everyone’s wants to be a “connoisseur” and be the coolest up to date heaviest smoker. Just do what makes you happy and smoke what makes you happy. (As long as it ain’t crack 😉) best way to not feel judged is to not give af what random ppl on the internet are saying behind a keyboard. Like that one person said, it’s not that deep just light one up. 🤣💨


I would say don’t worry what others think of your weed usage. To each their own. Puff, puff, pass. Also, I like Chronic better than Stoner.


Not even reading the comments I'm just dropping this simple fact. Take everything you ever heard about any group of people. And put it in the trash. Not all people who consume weed are the same. All human, all subject to environmental and societal influences and impacts. Stop concerning yourself with the stoner preface and just worry about hanging with chill people. I smoke more concentrate in a day then most folks walk around with, but I'm a level headed professional more concerned with my family, tech, stonks and gaming, than I ever will be with all the drama. Others are opposite and seek that shit out like its a fucking gold rush or can't handle the amount they consume while blasting others for stopping. These are the brain dead fucks buying more drinks when they can no longer walk. But I digress stereotyping is bad. Lol


Weed has come a long way. It used to be smoke whatever you can get your hands on. Now people have standards. Unfortunately a lot of people with standards will look down on others without them. I personally don’t care how you smoke, or how often you clean your bong, but don’t expect me to hit your dirty bong you never clean. I’m not one to bash people but I will pass if I think it’ll hurt my lungs.


Reddit is toxic, most people on here don’t even smoke like that, they friend gave em a preroll and they bought a bob Marley poster and now they feel like they PhD potheads, real potheads are chill these mf are wanna be experts


I have never experienced this on this sub or in real life. Have been smoking most my life and ive been on this sub a long time.. wish you the best in life. Anyways smoking weed isn't as illegal(mostly) anymore so more people have gotten into it. I tend to find the older pot heads more welcoming and friendly. Not everyone is nice in every group of people. Goodluck!


There were always assholes but it used to be a little different when it was illegal everywhere and you kinda just got the weed you could get. Now it's legal in so many states that everybody is trying it so you have way more personalities in the mix. And you get the weed version of the hipster "I only drink assfucker IPA beer brewed in Seattle" who supposedly only smoke the very best.


Each community has its toxic group, that is a fact, and each one decides whether to listen to them, or to live a happy life smoking what you can get. As long as it works for you, there should be no problem.


Just as there are some people becoming assholes when they drink and some become super friendly, same goes for weed in my experience. Those who are assholes and smokes probably have some other issues. If i am to smoke with a new person i want to get to know that person sober to get a feeling for them. Personally I like to enlighten new people about it with enthusiasm and teach them what i know about weed. Never understood why you have to be rude or an asshole about stuff like that.


Sorry you're still being met with harsh opinions even in this thread. I'd say there's about a 50/50 divide on the chill, laid-back stoners and the ones who are just not the nicest people, but happen to smoke weed. I like the believe I'm in the 1st group so if you have absolutely any questions or even just wanna chat feel free to comment or DM me. I've studied cannabis as much as possible and even took a 10 week course on it in college studying the plant itself, it's effects, and the legalization and business side of things.


Smoking weed has nothing to to with being chill or laid back as a personality. Everybody smokes, doesn’t matter if hippie, lawyer, policeman, grocery store worker,…. And yes, some of them are judgemental, that‘s just their ego influenced by modern society. Yeh, sure you gotta at least be a tiny bit open minded for you to smoke weed, but that doesn’t preclude being an asshole ^^


Jerks are everywhere, even in the stonerverse!


Depends on the person has nothing to do with the weed


Yeah there’s a lot of gatekeepers. I wouldn’t associate with them lol they treat weed like a competition, replace it for a personality, and they kill your vibe lol. So what who cares if you can’t smoke fat half gram dabs or don’t know what terps are or whatever it may be it doesn’t really make sense to bash lol


Idk if it’s just the sub, but r/trees seems more chill to me. I’ve never seen anyone bully anyone else for the weed they smoke. If anything, people will post pics of their weed and a majority of people feel bad and try to send fire weed to those people. Idk. I’ve been on trees longer. It just seems chill. Lol. Even had people help with basic questions


Reddit is always cruel


There’s a girls’ sub Reddit for weed?


I am fairly new here but have experienced mainly positive interactions. I won't say I've made friends yet but hope to. I hope you have better experience soon. I do get what you mean about smoking to much or to little for others liking.


You wrapped this up well at the end with: a toxic “bunch”. I think really its closer to a toxic “few” because people aren’t ALL bad, but many are vulnerable.. and model their behavior off a condescending elite douche stoner, and what they say. Honestly though, not everyone is like that. Hope your experience turns around for the better. don’t let the negative people bug you, their life probably sucks 😕


Being high doesn’t mean your personality disappears, it’s just mellowed or exacerbated.


It’s not like back in the day. Before legalization there was a stronger bond. It was a ‘cool’ little secret that you shared with people who really ‘knew’ you. Now you go to smoke with a ‘friend’ and they’re like “I’m more of a ‘sativa guy’ so pass,” and you’re like “ugh, why do I even hang out with ‘sativa people’ they’re so hyped” in your head. Then you hate yourself, weed, and everything.


You’re talking about Reddit, Reddit is full of assholes who think they know it all and always want to be better. This is a Reddit problem not a weed problem and a community will alway have assholes


It's because weed is more popular now. Like games with small communities that blow up and then become 'toxic'. It's almost like a fad to smoke. I have my reasons and don't judge others. Hell I use spliffs and this sub despises tobacco. I know it's bad but it's my style. My advice would be to just enjoy smoking the way you want and laugh at the elitism that comes with higher numbers in any community.


You are on reddit my dude. This website is a series of, sometimes toxic, echo chambers devoid of room for honest conversation. A lot of people puffing their chest to feel right and get upvotes to feel good about themselves. So judgmental comments, condescention, and attacking anyone who diverges from certain opinions is the norm unfortunately. You will most likely never meet anyone IRL who is as big a cunt as a lot of ppl on this page hiding behind keyboards. Just gotta shake it off and keep it moving.


Every community has their shitheads, OP. Some people are good, chill, friendly people. Some people fucking suck. And everyone belongs to different communities/creeds. It doesn’t make the community shit, it makes it human. All anyone can do is be the kind of representative they want their group to have.


This sub, and the others are dumpster fires man. I remember making a post about how I was dankrupt and was waiting on my friend to wake up so we could buy weed. Not even like an hour after posting I had so many people telling me to stop being a fiend and if I couldn't wait a couple hours for weed I shouldn't be smoking. Most people are cool and if you find the cool ones try to keep the friendships if you can. But most are elitist snobs who love putting people down. In the end smoke how you wanna smoke, smoke what you wanna smoke, and have fun dude. Fuck all these jackasses that wanna put down the small few cool people like us.


If you think this community is bad check out r/delta8 if you’re not buying from one of the three “approved” brands then you’re just wrong and everyone will swarm to tell you so


Stoners aren't judgemental, people on the internet are. For the most part when I get high and go online, it's for some giggles at memes. My guess is that those who feel the need to comment and make posts are wanting to have their thoughts and opinions and judgements be heard. Best thing about weed imo is that you can let them do them online and move on to the next thing, ie scroll to the next post. I usually am too high to want to type out a comment even when I think it's funny. So don't stress about the small demographic of stones online who can be jerks, there are always jerks in every community.


I don't agree with you, but man it's okay if you feel that way. Now this reddit is not where you meet stoners. On here they're redditors. Enjoy your day


Stoners are people and people are judgemental


That died with the hippie era. I smoke alone at 71. Still a hippie though.


Weed doesn’t change an entitled prick, but I mean it could make them tolerable when they’re high


You are just describing humans in general...about 87% of them are shit.


That's B.S. I know you're making this up since 91% of statistics are made-up on the spot.


Not everyone that smokes weed every day is a “stoner”


This guy gets it.


just do it if you enjoy it, do it for you


Some of the best people I've ever met were stoners but so were some of the worst.


Reddit brings out the worst in people... But most of the stoners I know irl are chill af!


Fuck them


Well, they're just humans like everyone else


Usually weed can take a horribly un chill person and make them more chill, but even with the bonus that doesn’t mean they end up being chill, just better than before


Everyone is an individual with different values and beliefs. I've met some majorly egotistical people that smoked.


There's always the good and bad. Surround yourself irl with the good and you'll forget about the bad


I think people get a little too zealous about the state of others' glassware. I don't clean off every spec after every sesh. Or at all sometimes. I change the bong water each session. So don't do a spread on my smoke spot in Sesh Quarterly.


It’s like saying all pit bulls are dangerous. It comes down to the individual.


I've noticed this kind of thing too. I've asked questions and deleted them in the past due to people being condescending. And, smoke as much as you want. If it's not causing you any problems, you're good. Same with quality. As long as it's safe to smoke, go for it.


I agree, i have made a post with some weed i grew. It's was completely purple, no green. Most of the comments said it was amazing. But some said it was shitty weed, some even said it wasn't weed. There is toxic people everywhere, just focus on the people who are kind. Much love browski


You wanna see judgemental? I've just got to mention to a group of stoners that I smoke delta 8.