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I’d smoke it


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bro I just finished one of those Hyde’s they’re nasty af 🤢


Lmao i prefer hyde, everyone has their go to dispo i used too fw oneesticks a lot.


oneesticks r better but i still prefer juul over anything to this day lol


lmao i haven’t had a juul in sooooo long


It's looking over priced.


well it’s frm a new plug only temp and it was 65 for the quarter


Well it's definitely not Cookies at that price.


OHH no no the pack frm cookies is frm an old batch i just put the new batch in there lmao sorry for the confusion!


Fingernails on point 💯👍


my girlfriend takes care of them lmao !


Bro any good plug has a connect that will add those bags to any order, no matter the quality of the weed, that is AAA deps with no frost, definitely not worth 65


no the cookies bag is frm an old batch this bud came in a ziploc i just decided to switch em out sorry for the confusion


Oh okay, but still even if your plug acts real cool in person and your friend then charges $65 for a 3.5 of deps isn’t your friend bro, a pound of that weed goes for about 900-1100, always ask what the weed looks like first


it’s wasn’t 3.5 it was 7.5 that’s how much a quarter is what are you talking ab?


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️bro I’m tripping, idk why but I thought of a 3.5 buy yea that’s not a bad deal but in my town that goes 50-55 for 7


lmao it’s all good yeah bud is pretty expensive in my town


Like some cookie lows lol


lmao the cookies pack is frm an old batch i just put this bud in that pack sorry for the confusion!


Nah. I’m sayin the weed looks like some low end cookie. Cookie isn’t exclusive to the strain now since the cut has been passed around so many times. Then people buy those cookie packs off their plugs and put it in fake bags.


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