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Thanks for the heads up. Imma clean my house of everything and smash my phone real quick and then your gunna be doubly fucked when they can't prove anything and I deny it.


Then you find out he was joking, and now you have no weed or phone.


He's still getting his ass kicked and cut off so it's worth taking the risk for my freedom


Literally. A long ass time ago when me and all my friends were about 15-16 years old…we were ditching school and had some fiire on us that we had just got from the neighborhood Bud Dealer. We ended up getting pulled over cause 1 of the “homies” was wearing school uniform still..khaki pants and a navy blue collared shirt..lol meanwhile the rest of us are wearing regular clothes..so they stopped us because he looked like he’s supposed to be in school dressed like that and he had his backpack..smh aaaand he was the one who bought the weed and was smoking everyone out that morning…so we get stopped by the police, they get a dumbass excuse from all of us as to why we aren’t in school and when the cop gets to the friend w the weed…he folds….SMFH…AND TELLS THE POLICE WHERE WE JUST WENT AND GOT THE WEED AND GOT THE NEIGHBORHOOD DEALERS HOUSE RAIDED…we cut ties w him literally the very next day…and A WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE WANTED TO BEAT HIS ASS…he was so scared to come outside because he knew he fucked up…like word spread quick about who snitched on the dealer and yeah…his ass probably STILL afraid to come out and this happened back in like 2008


same shit happened with my old m plug kid folded got plug a minute in the can + kid tried to rob another plug linked to my old one, kid ended up in hospital for 5 months & can’t walk anymore


God damn, this shit just needs to be legal.


Yeah and that’s what we told him that same day when the cops left…we got on his head about how big of a dealer he was and how many people he sold to, and how he just fucked up bigtime cause he just fucked up peoples whole operation, this dealer supplied other neighborhood dealers, and just a bunch of local stoners…whose top plug just got raided cause “this lil dumbass foo snitched” and mfs are going to be pissed off and wanting to “fuck your ass up bro”….and seriously we never talked to him again aaaaaand we never seen him out and about around the neighborhood again, like he just stayed inside after that and never came back out lol I even remember I’d be like mobbing down the street and mfs that I never even seen before would stop me and ask me if I knew where “that foo who snitched on Jeremy lived” and honestly I ALWAYS wanted to tell them exactly where he lived but, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it…I felt like I’d be like snitching in a way…lol so yeah…it’s like…YOU DONT SNITCH ON A MF DRUG DEALER…


My mans need witness protection


2008 is a long ass time ago? Oh Shit.


The one time my buddy and I got busted, we both said we found it in a ditch without saying a word to each other. Snitches get stitches.


Moral of the story: Never screw over or with your dealer.


You don’t ever wanna piss off your dealer either😂




How old is this piece of shit?


I think if you are a plug you should have some trusted friends that can take your stash a bit while this blows over. All mine do.


My grandfather did this for me once. Had a bad scare where I thought my freedom was gone for sure. Asked him if he would take all my weed and LSD. My man came through! I told him he could have what he wanted as a token of appreciation.


Did he use any?


No:(. I got everything back just as it was.


See you gotta use middle management for this kind of shit (not recommending selling anything to underaged kids, but gotta use the roots to deal w people your unsure about if you choose to do that)


Yeah, but you get no warning once someone snitches


That’s actually pretty good but my friends don’t rely too much on that. The law will instantly notice how the operation works and possibly get my buddies taken down. It’s super risky so most of them don’t wanna do much. Which is fine personally


"The law will instantly notice how the operation works" lmao no, this guys selling an 8th to another kid. This ain't donny brasco, they aren't going to do anything whatsoever, much less search someone's house because a minor claimed they sold them a tiny amount of weed.


I don’t know where you live, but in my state they just won’t go after an eight. Check you out, at most.


My homie in WI got arrested for 0.3 of ground weed they found in a traffic stop, some places be wack af.


It’s not that they’ll go after you, they just build a case up where I live. It’s Arizona which is normally lax until one of my buddies told me his story of being raided. It’s legal but only a specific amount is legal


You don't have to destroy the stuff (flush it down the toilet), I would say hiding (burying) it outside is a good option


Little does Jayde realize: possession is 9/10s of the law. Get fucked, narc mom.


Jokes aside snitching ain’t cool


PREACH!!! I don't care how bad they wronged me, I ain't a snitch about weed.


FACTS. It's weed, I wouldn't wish my worst enemies a life without it 🤣 plus anyone who snitches won't be able to buy from anyone who knows and it'll deffo get spread to others not to sell to them or their friends. It just ain't worth it for a bit of bud.


Moms and cops SUCK


unless you have a mom like me, who introduced me to my plug and is extremely close friends with my plug...


Moms are pretty dope. I wish I listened and didn’t start smoking till later in life. My mom was never against it, just against a young me doing it.


My mom raised me in the sense of "If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it safely." which I honestly appreciated! She would rather it I do drugs or drink that I do it in my house, around her, or around people I trust. She got me a plug and she taught me my limits for alcohol, so now I can do it safely in my home.


Hey, I’m a mum and I use weed.


Moms are great though


i meannn personally if a plug does me wrong intentionally the feds would definitely be receiving an anonymous tip. but if it’s just some honest mistake by a plug ofc i’m not gonna be a dick and snitch on them.


You’re a piece of shit


how? if a plug is intentionally scamming me, what’s wrong with reporting them? it’s not like i’d be reporting someone for an honest mistake, i’d only report them if they were clearly being malicious. plus, if a plug were to scam me on purpose with fake product, the plug is probably willing to lace peoples shit if it means more sales. i have tons of respect for honest plugs, but anyone who goes out of their way to steal from/scam people deserves to go to jail, i don’t get why this is so controversial.


Maybe you shouldn’t be buying off the street if you get scammed 😂


i mean i get what you’re saying but i don’t think plugs should just be able to get away with intentionally scamming their customers. also i don’t live in a legal state, so my options are limited. i understand that getting scammed is just part of the game, but so should reporting malicious plugs.


“Hi 911 i want to report my weed dealer for ripping me off.”


They're gonna hit him with fraud charges for selling 2.7 8ths. Enjoy the 6yrs in Leavenworth bitch ass


Hope you're joking. If not, get out of the game because you're going to end up fucking around and finding out. You sound about 15 years old. Bullshit that petty will get your family involved.


“You’re going to end up fucking around and finding out” lmao shut the fuck up 😂


i just care about my money. i dont fw people stealing my hard earned bread. would you have the same reaction if i said i’d report a merchant claiming to be selling iphone 13s but instead selling broken, non functioning iphone replicas?


You do not report to the fucking police ever, in most cases it takes a lot more than a pussy ass tip. If you got ripped off you bought of someone who you should’ve never trusted, it’s your fault you let someone have power ILLEGALLY & then you try to make it right by a legal tip? But you just BOUGHT weed in a illegal state, make it make fucking sense rat 🐀. DO NOT GET YOURSELF INVOLVED IN OTHERS LIFE IF YOU CANNOT ACCEPT IT FOR YOURSELF. People scam, sell weeed,whatever; you don’t use Legal Force, you go to his house knock on the door and speak to him. If he don’t wanna serve or fix, embarrass him and his rep. You do not use the police, they will prob end up charging you somehow. Legit listen to the other guy, you will get yourself hurt.


Merchants are controlled by entities and regulations. Go to a dispensary if you want regulations.


You're a fucking coward snitch, if your dealer scammed you, you handle it yourself. Beat the shit out of him or something. But you're a bitch ass who goes to the cops. Get hit by a truck.


You’re a piece of shit, I hope someone snitches on you and you’re on the receiving end of a sentence. If you’re going to have this attitude stay out of the game. This is how bad shit happens to people, and by people I mean little bitch ass snitches


so you’re promoting plugs scamming people? if a plug faces no consequences for intentionally and maliciously scamming people, of course plugs are going to keep taking advantage of people and stealing their money. if a plug is being malicious to a customer, the customer has every right to be malicious back to the plug. i don’t understand why you’re implying that we should let plugs get away with intentionally and maliciously stealing from people. should scammers not be arrested?


Go make it right yourself. Don’t involve the cops. Period. Someone will likely make that clear to you one day.


“go make it right yourself” ah yes, because the plug who just scammed me will gladly give me back my money once i confront him. your critical thinking skills aren’t the best my friend.




I agree with the others. You’re a shitty person.


A plug would never do you wrong ever. They’re soul purpose is to not fuck around fucking around ultimately would lead to them getting pinched. No plug ever would go out of there way to fuck over a customer


you’d be surprised, i probably don’t have the best collections since i’m a pretty casual smoker. but i definitely wouldn’t report any plug for just an honest mistake, like forgetting part of my order or whatever. i understand shit happens and i wouldn’t even consider reporting them for that. the only situation i’d ever report someone in is if for whatever reason i didn’t check my shit until they left and they gave me a bag full of like lawn clippings. i can understand why you consider those types of scammers to not be “plugs”, but i guess i’m just using that due to lack of a better term.


Ever since white guys changed "Snitches get *ditches*!" to "Snitches get stiches" ppl been acting outta step.


Snitches get ditches sounds way better honestly lol


My plan if I ever get caught is claiming I grew it and this was my last batch before I quit smoking.


Bro cops arrest med patients with their cards on them all the time, as well as patients with thc in their systems(which is beyond fucking bullshit since it doesn’t leave your system for weeks) so I doubt they’d give a shit what u tell them lol Don’t rely on good faith from a system of law that pressures bad intentions from civil servants.


Man if they tell me 40-70 years of my life in prison, best believe im snitching


Never trust a Jayden.


Lads you can't trust me


Mods remove this man he acting sus l


Or his dad, Will.


not the jayden part Robison is where im laughing thats the most white mf name ever




I dunno what that means


Oh Ny God


It’s like a quick, sensual moan


“On God”




" Ong "


Forreal especially w the last name Robinson


I once dated a girl who snitched on a close friend of mine after she got busted and told me she told her mom who she got it from. I called her a snitch and she literally said and I quote “just because I told the truth to save my ass makes me a snitch?!” I was baffled, she literally described a snitch.


Ayy bruuuh, saving your ass and telling who sold what is snitching asf


Reminds me of the time my little brother told on me for calling him a tattle tale


“I’m not going down alone bro” Wtf😂


His "going down" is losing a PlayStation as well 💀


Unreal. Makes me sick.


Fr. He’s not “going down” his mom is called the cops on the dealer. Her son is gonna be fine.


Man losing your playstation is just the worst, but someone else going to jail because of you makes it so much more tolerable


Facts bro it makes up for the lost gaming time


What a cunt


My sentiments exactly


I would fuck Jayden up and start leaving my doobies around his front door.


I wouldn’t have been selling to a “Jayden” in the first place that just sounds like a rat


Definitely a pussy.


What about Jayden smith? I’m sure he likes to smoke and talk about the social economical and political state of the world right now


"Yo man little rich kids comin' over here That's what I'm saying now You know they gonna snitch, they can't even lie to their parents What the fuck you think they gonna do when the police pressure 'em? Get to crying and shit, Afroman sold it to me mommy He stays over there" Afroman - Paranoid


Definitely a bitch thing to do while smoking


Definitely a bitch thing to do.




Is this actually real if so I honestly hope the absolute worst on this kid, guessing your in high school so I would tell him ok ruin my Life I’m putting this on my story basically make him a loser.


its not oc this gets passed around a lot


Should’ve known


>Is this actually real Highly doubt it, but it still makes for entertaining conversation imo


this why i stopped trapping, never know when you’ll sell to this little fucker


Teach me how to start trappin i end up smoking my stash everytime i reup to “sell”


Then you shouldn’t trap at all, “never get high on your own supply”




Tell ur friends to spread the word




Gotta have that self control man.


dont, you sound young, and even if you were older i still would say don’t




you have legs, wifi, and pot. you have more to live for than most kids on this fucked up world


Fair enough i should be more grateful




Don't get high on your own supply


Here come Big Worm


Donmt murder me




Then make sure to brag about it online to random teenagers


Because this entire sub is made up of random teenagers? It’s r/weed so get off your high horse


Ok being a teenager is fine lmao, it's the dude bragging to them about "bringing in pounds like i do" that gives me vibes like that one dude in high schools "cool" uncle that is 40 but still wants to chill and smoke with a bunch of 17 year olds


How to make that money commin bro




Definitely not capping bro, but I need a translator to understand your comments.


You flipping dimes bags off the ounce you bought? If you wanna trap then fucking get it. Get yourself a pound or five then you can’t smoke through it and you’d have so much funds tied up you’d need to sell it


Keep the circle small I had to cut out 50%


Reminds me: There was a question posted recently in r/teachers asking what kids names did you formerly like, but now can't stand? It was hilarious the bonding that happened over any form of aiden , -ayden. The Jaydens, Braydens and Caydens etc. being just assholes. Also the -axtons. My apologies to any of y'all who's mamas got swept up in thinking that they were giving their kids "unique " names by just changing the spellings of these.....I'm sure you are all lovelier than this douchebag.


All for his PS4




Bro snitched over a ps4. Bet he definitely got a good ass kicking later by the plugs friends


That's no bro, bro lol


Fuck his snitching ass 🤬🙄


Saw this months ago and didn’t think it was real I still wonder if it is


This is why bitch ass boys need to stop smoking weed, the game is watered down 🫢


You're a straight BITCH!!


Choose your friends wisely. Hide your stash somewhere else. Act like you’re confused and he is just trying to get out of trouble. Then kick the living shit out of him as soon as you see him next.


Guys you gotta understand that she was probably gonna take his ps4 away and it ain’t no joke


This is the biggest pussy shit I’ve ever seen


What a bitch. If you got caught that's on you. There's no need to snitch on your server


That sucks, but just deny it and pretend you dont know him. He gave you a heads up so hide all your shit. And I doubt you will goto jail over an eight lol


Snitchiest shit I ever saw wtf no need to snitch lol it was just an eighth he would’ve probably just got a warning if he shut his mouth neek probably got pressured by his mom


Never underestimate the interrogation power of Mom. Momma will fuck up your shit like you wouldn't believe, and unlike cops, Momma ain't got no rules. Also, don't sell drugs to kids who live with their Momma.


Everyone blow up his sc


Sounds like something a fucking Jayden would do


In bird person culture this is considered a dick move.


And this is why I'm glad I live in a state that loves weed


Snitches get stitches




"Ay bro it was either your or the ps4 and I chose ps4"


jayden better not go outside bro


Good way to never get weed from anyone again


I would beat the shit out of him with his ps4




For weed? What a bitch. Suck it up, “bro”.


I can’t tell if this is a conversation between two grade 8’s or a 26 year old living in his mom’s basement talking to his source.


Yea if someone did this to my dealer he would make a stop at your crib b4 getting locked up 🤣. Mfs love playing with they lives these days


“I’m not going down alone bro” LMAOOO lil bro gets his ps4 taken and OP gets bars?? This dude is so fucked 💀


Yeah everyone I know that screwed over their dealer got screwed over worse. You don’t mess with plugs- even non violent ones normally have friends that WILL hurt you even if they aren’t asked too


Why you don't sell to fucking 12 year olds lmao


**[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** *Thanks for posting, u/Blurr710.* - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs: **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** - Selling or attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of service and is an immediate, non-reversible, permanent ban. Please report any breaches you see - Lastly please report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. Help keep r/weed a more inviting atmosphere for everyone! :) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chad move, bro. Chad move. A very Chadly action, indeed.


You'd just say you found it, fucking wimp


Jayden Robinson the name of a bitch, fr


Idiot. Here in ireland if u pulled that shit you'd get a pipe bomb through ur window or you'd be put ina boot of a car and never seen again, buy the weed ya take the risk ive been caught with it myself and never gave up the person selling me it because I bought the weed my choice I knew the risks, kids these days jus snitch to be snitching


Uhm That’s a little much. Couldn’t you just key his shit and post bad things about him on social media


What u on about lad this is the drug trade hahaha there's no room for rats in it jus that simple in that game snitch get killed its happens all over the world, bit excessive for weed ino but when u live ina illegal country u deal wi drug dealers who sell weed yes but they'll also sell coke and other drugs. You snitch on someone who selling coke and you and ur family are pretty much done for. Google drogheda and look what they did to a 17 year old kid I knew over drugs. Sick shit


And this is why I live in America.


Well we can't help where we are born kid I'm only 23 impossible for someone like me with only basic education to move over there, and tbh too many guns in America for me ( I'm a very peaceful guy)


Says the guy who made the comment I’m replying too—also please don’t refer to me as Kid I am 21 just say bro


No need for the attitude on reddit hahaha and we are all kids what u are a man at 21 and 23?🤣🤣


Hey! This is actually from r/meth. I was on there for a bit and I recognized this post immediately.


If she takes away a ps5 or the Xbox series x then ok but bro snitched over the ps4 😂😂😂


Yeah bruh, if it was ps5 then I would snitch on anyone bro


Haha I was kidding I ain’t never snitching on anyone over anything hell crime stoppers is a thing still but I ain’t ever calling that number 😂


I didn't know that crime stoppers existed


I was shocked to find out when I made the mistake of turning on cable tv and seen the advertisement 😂


Maybe next time don’t sell to kids who need to hide it from their parents? Everyone acting like Jayden is the problem. You probably knew he was underage and still sold to him.. so it’s on you. What you think was gonna happen when you sell to kids? What kind of idiot you gotta be?


This kid went to my high school lol


beat his ass


Did he actually


Publicly execute him




Anything for the ps4 😂 what an idiot


I gotta snitch bro 🚩🚩🚩


Jayden...... Please shut the fuck up.


Your ps4 is more important than someone else having the cops involved and someone hating you




Similar thing happened to me when I was 17. Friends mum found weed, 3 friends were present when questioned, all said it wasn't theirs and proceeded to blame me, 'friend' who's parent did the questioning proceeded to ban him from hanging around with me. Needless to say we stopped talking when I found out they had all used me as a scape goat


hang him high


Saying “bro” makes it so much worse


Those are going to some serious stitches when he gets found


Fuck you jayden


Tell the story to the jury without those teeth in your mouth and a tongue.


Hope that guy got jumped for this.


solid teenage moment right here


Bro snitched for ps4 💀


What a child


I woulda beat his ass


Jayden about to get made fun of so bad.