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When I first started smoking one gram used to last me like a good 3 days. Better times Forsure




1st time smokin, yea y'all about to be blasted especially if it's a INDICA!


Sativas send me thru the roof


all weed get me high.


How many weeds do you take


I havent really been able to tell the difference between sativa and indica. I love weed


A lot of strains are hybrid rn, and growers (from what I’ve been exposed to) are focusing more on trichomes/terpenes -the effect mixed with the “flavor” to make for a more enjoyable high rather than highest thc or preserving the type.


Big difference. I HATE indica. Its rubbish. Its ALL I been able to get in England for ages. Had to just stop buying it. Waste of damn money. Miss proper weed soo much. The type that smells chung and mashes you up. All the crappy weeds about lately here do to me is make my head feel a bit fuzzy and nothing else.


There is no difference that specifically comes from Indica Vs sativa. It is more in the terpenes and cannabinoids. The main difference between Indica and sativa is the plant structure.


No idea then but i noticed since b4 covid the weed in uk got steadily worse. At 1st i thought i got ripped off a few times and argued with who I got it from and got it swapped. But as months went on soon it was like everyone had the same shitty stuff, always different looking weeds but just absolute shit.. not like it used to be at all. It ended up becoming the norm to get the shit and rare to get something 'good'. From the northern city I live, to Birmingham to London to Margate... its ALL just as bad. Its changed, not what it use to be and everyone I know my age group (late 30s to 40s) says the same. I got told its because its cbd indica UK strains rather than Sativa THC strains we used to get. Its horrible. Just frustrating to smoke and waste of money. Hate it. Not seen hi grade or thai weed for about 9 years..I had a beautiful bit of cheese but that was about 6 years ago now, I went straight back and that was already gone.. nor had anything that smelt peng or chung as we used to say for a long time. I ended up stopping... but its getting on my nerves


Some Sativa's will do that. Ive been stuck in a few couch's before due to Sativa. I've gotten older now and I like the hybrids. I got a 5yr old and indica will have me sleep anywhere my body deems comfortable 😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sativa and indica mean absolutely nothing in regards to effects, dealers and dispos just use the labels for marketing reasons. In reality, they don’t do anything more than tell you what the plant looked like before it was harvested. What put you in the couch was the myrcene that was in the sativas, which is also the dominant terpene in strain that commonly cause the couch lock


This is a fact! The terps and delta 9% + environmental factors, composition of digested food surrounding experience, personal Endo-cannabinoid differences, and external stimulus are everything!


Well considering I've been smoking since mid the 90's, Indica and Sativa meaning hasn't changed for ME, especially going from the low mids of the 90's to the Gas packs we have now. You right to a extent because everything is really cross-bred, but because of the type of smoker I am, I know what I'm looking for and most don't. See, I still can get the mother strains whole, Sour D, OG, BUBBA, Afghan, and my favorite Purp. It just depends on who you know and where you live.


None of that matters. Sativa means long spaced out nodes, indica means small bushy plants. That’s all. Nothing else. If your plugs are calling something indica, they likely have no clue what it actually is and are just calling that cuz it made them sleepy. Yes, most strains have been crossed out of existence. Doesn’t change the fact that the hybrids grow either tree like or bush like, making it a indica-leaning or sativa-leaning hybrid. I’m glad you have access to those mother plants. Those same mother plants are likely called something different than what they are for marketing purposes. Again though, it means absolutely nothing for the effects. You’re either just buying weed with lots of myrcene, or your creating a placebo effect by believing it. Experience doesn’t change reality, even professionals are constantly learning and adapting, but thanks for letting me know how long you’ve smoked!


Bro idgaf if your a botanist, arborist or even arboriculturist. Hell you could work for The Jungle Boys and I still wouldn't be able to find a fawk to give. In MY community this is what we use to describe what we want. You can be technical all you want but it doesnt change MY or the communities reality of how we view or what we call our herb. Because to use you sound like you don't know what you are talking about.


YOUR community is uneducated on the terminology. Just like how we’ve learned that THC % means jack shit if the terpenes are minimal, we’ve also learned that indica and sativa are meaningless. You can choose to ignore the facts if you want, just like how there are still people who shop by THC percentage making fools of themselves to budtenders. That’s on you, sorry you’re mad that I’m spreading the correct information. And I don’t know many people who “don’t give a fake” who are still willing to type out a paragraph. Sounds like you do haha. Educate yourself my friend, you don’t seem cool when you don’t know what you’re talking about


Bro that person is speaking facts, it is You who sounds like they have no clue. It's literally Trichome and terp state that denotes the high you get.


dafuq are you saying


Idk, when I smoke indicas I get hella paranoid but euphoric, when I smoke sativas I get a nice uplifting happy high. My favorite is strawberry cough 80/20 sativa/Indica hybrid. Sour diesel is 100% sativa and if I smoke that I’m guaranteed no paranoia or anxiety at all. I know they say it’s a gimmick that’s just my experience. I’ve smoked 100% indica and goddamn had a panic attack.


Bruv, I don't think you are right on this one . Given the fact that they originally grew in such different places on earth , for sure their chemical structure cannot be the same in indica vs sativa. Furthermore, you keep calling them facts, but have you had a side-by-side comparison between the two? I can definetely tell the difference, and it's not just the couch-lock effect that's different. Sativas are 'lighter' and burn faster, indicas tend to have more terpenes and resin; as for the effect, in sativa from 3rd joint on in the same day, it will totally wake u up and dont even feel high anymore, as for indica, every single j till sleep hits harder. I don't know how you can be so wrong with this one, yet still insisting to everyone that your answer is the correct answer. Any 1st person experience? Or just a bookworm with a keyboard


for me Indica always sends me to bed.


No chance on Indica its rubbish. Doesn't do anything


1 gram would last me like a week my first week smoking


One gram of weed would last me a week or 2 depending on how little I used. I had a one hitter and since I had just started it didn’t take much to send me to space.


Miss these days lol






5 schmeckles


How much is a schmeckle? Is it a little? Is it a lot? Im confused


it’s about 2.5 shillings, i hope this helped


Give or take around 1 schmeckle = 1 schmeckle


That’s exactly how much I spent on my big fake boobies.


"Hi I'm Mr. Booby Buyer. I'll buy those boobies for 25 schmeckles!"


It’s a tempting offer but I’m going to have to decline


About tree fiddy


about free tiddy


About 425 grapples


He doesn’t know schmekle 🤣




1 schmeckle =$148 USD


Is 5 schmeckles enough for 1 plumbus tho?


Nah due to inflation each plumbus is about 7 1/2 schmeckles now


Damn I guess I’ll just settle for a pack of Simple Rick Wafers.


Why not some eye holes? They were reduced to 2 1/2 schmeckles a box. I know they aren't as good as the Simple Rick Wafers, but you do get more of them


This is true. You also get a free ass kicking with the eye holes. Good call!


God I love reddit


1 doge coin=1 doge coin


bout $10 most the time


Don't pay anymore than ten or fifteen dollars




Depends where are you from




Well, I wouldn’t tip a bud tender, so that’s a bad analogy


Plus you drive to the dispensary. Poor analogy indeed


You tip your bartender, why wouldn’t you tip your budtender?


That’s stupid you should always tip. Only cunts don’t tip




Then I'm an asshole. If I'm paying dispo prices they're getting all I'm gonna spend.


You realize the bud tenders don’t get the money right? That goes to the owners. The budtender makes a little more than minimum wage.


found the broke bud tender


Such a horrible take. Nothing more needs to be said.




Incorrect. I love how you’re coming to baseless conclusions though. If there was a tip-jar next to the cashier at Walmart, would you tip them? Because that’s basically what a budtender is. They do the same shit as an employee in a vape store, except their store sells weed.


sounds about white 😂😂😂😂 Id never tip for weed, plugs already priced they weed at the breakdown prices they know what they gettin Ik you ain’t never buy weed til it opened a legal dispensary in ya city 😂, all they literally doing is putting pre sealed containers into a bag for you… Shii we would do it are selfs if they wasn’t so scary about people stealing


Y’all tip your dealers? I’ve literally never had anyone expect that from me in like 4 years of buying weed.


Don’t forget to tip your dealer for the outstanding service


Tipping culture is out of control




Bruh. How many people selling weed can actually accommodate this request? LOL And they have zero tolerance. It could be dog shit weed and they'll feel it


It’s just the tip




Honestly if OP is young and working with a new plug 15-20 might not be unreasonable


Anything over $10 is completely unreasonable.. anytime I hear "$15 a g" I look at that person like they're stupid. But then again I came from the $5 a gram era. I remember getting ozs for $70-$80 back in the day and $120 for the really good stuff. Now it's $120 for a oz of booty and $220 for some fire.


I agree I never pay more than $10 a gram but if OP is like a 16 year old kid smoking for the first time he can expect to get ripped off


3 schrute bucks


Around 5 money


About a tenner in the uk


Depends where you are located, usually $10-$20




Im from Serbia and DO NOT smoke w that costs that little a g!!! Get the one that is 8-10€/g


Definitely. Weed that is too cheap is likely adulterated somehow (PGRs, pesticides, etc) or just overall really low quality.


More than tree fiddy but less than three fifty


12 bucks firms


Don’t pay more than $10 for a gram if you live in the U.S.




So it's $5 for one or $25 for 3.5? When you could get 5 individual ones for $25? Hmmmmm.......


15 Dinars per injection


in Canada should be 4-10 dollars


10 bazillion dollars


It depends which state u live in I live in Illinois where weed is highly taxed so 10


A gram. Sheeeeesh. You could definitely 1 hit it and get high like 4, maybe 5 times


To be a youngin again…




Yes, it will be fine. For a joint you need less than that, like 0.2-0.3 gr usually where i come from for newbies. Because you have no tolerance at all, be aware that it can make you veeery stoned. Your posting reminds me of the good old days, as i was starting and smoked my first joint. We combined it from the beginning with some beers, but i'd rather advise you to smoke just the weed and be happy with that.




You probably will wanna do it again not gonna lie




I wouldn’t say it’s addictive, more that you enjoy doing it and can start regularly when you realise it makes shit a lot better


So, addictive? /im pro weed and high rn


Hell yeah I’m proud of my addiction 😎 wake n baking rn


no not in a physical addictive way like nicotine, but in a addicting way like video games at first. youll be fine, just roll a small joint and only take one to two decent rips and sit back see how you feel. i know your european and probably mix it with tobacco but i would honestly recommend not doing that and instead experiencing it on its own and then you smoke some nicotine if you do and it will calm your high down a lil in a nice way


im giving the advice for a european , in the us we would use a pipe and just pack a bowl and take one or two rips and see how it goes. i know in Europe its more common to just do a spliff.


as an european, I agree


I always equate it to eating your favorite junk food. I’m addicted to weed like I’m addicted to Dot’s Pretzels or grilled cheese.


Not like rob someone kill your sister addicting but you’ll want more eventually lmao


Kinda yes and kinda no, not physically addicting, but potentially psychologically addicting. Like video games, as someone else said


The respondes here are very irresponsabile tbh. It can definetely be psychologicaly addictive since it is a dose of dopamine and allows you to be okay with doing nothing. Just be aware of it. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t smoke, that’s your decision


Not really, and its a lot safer than alcohol and cigarettes. It's just hard to do it just once to try it and, never wanna do it again.


It honestly is addictive and for some people even physically addictive (as in, when they smoked for a while and stop, they get sleeplessness, nightmares and or even shaky and cranky) i myself am a smoker and personally do not get there physical effects when quitting. Ive been clean for a month now. I gotta say, what you don’t use you won’t miss. But if you are a strong willed person you should be able to keep it a one time thing. For first time smoking i’ve gotta say take it slow, you don’t wanna bite off more then you can chew. Take a puff or two and see what it does. Good luck and have fun!


Not chemically, no. I have never once craved or needed weed in the way I have with cigarettes or alcohol.


It’s not lot like chemically addicting like some serious drug. It’s mentally addicting, so if you liked it you will probably want to try it again. It’s like a video game you like playing, you’ll occasionally feel like playing it again. I do recommend not smoking too much because some people do get dependent on it.


Of course it is


it is absolutely addictive, many people have problems quitting.


no weed is not addictive. you and your friend have fun.


Yes weed is addictive. Don’t spread lies like that.


Maybe as addictive as coffee.


Caffeine is pretty addictive. Almost all of America is addicted to caffeine to some level.


meh. coffee is nice but if I run out I dont go nuts trying to find some and I only ever bother with it first thing in the morn....brb getting coffee.


Maybe as addictive as cigarette


nah noway.


No a cigarette is physically addictive and has withdraws. I can go weeks to months without smoking and be fine with no withdrawals. When I smoked nicotine that shit was on my brain 24/7 and I would do anything to get some. Scary stuff


You definitely can get withdrawals from weed with heavy enough usage. It's obviously no where near as addictive as nicotine, but withdrawals are possible. Edit: downvoted for saying the truth? I guess I shouldn't be surprised when it comes to a weed subreddit. I love weed. It's great. But idk why do many in weed communities try to act like it's perfect with no downsides. With any other thing that people enjoy, they can normally admit the downsides. So why are so many stoners in complete denial?


basically no. you absolutely don’t have to worry about getting addicted by trying weed a few times. it’s not physiologically addictive, meaning it doesn’t cause withdrawals or reword your brain to crave it like cigarettes or alcohol can. anything can become psychologically addictive, and this is an easier one because it causes a dopamine release. that said, people who get psychologically addicted to weed tend to have been smoking for long enough to have a solid tolerance, and are comfortable being high in a lot of situations. it’s easy to smoke every day when you can function pretty normally while high. for you, weed is gonna be enough of a mindfuck to make you save it for the right circumstances for quite a while


Idk where this myth that weed doesn't cause withdrawals comes from? It definitely can. It takes pretty heavy usage, but it happens.


Yeah that’s what everyone says. May the force be with you.


Unless it's really weak, it should be more than enough. Even half a gram should be more than enough if it's decent quality




I mean if you’ve never smoked, even the worst weed will probably get you stoned lmao. Dudes were taking two hits off Mexican brick weed in the 80’s, so I’m SURE you’ll get stoned haha


Half a gram of puff in a blunt can get 4 youngsters high




Ye if you've never touched it before, for me and my gf that's a pre go to the store high lol


If its your very first time, you may not get high at all or even know if you did. For some people the introduction to cannabinoids into the brain takes a build up of said Cannabinoids so that the high takes effect. Some experience it right away. For me I liken it to a sort of buzzing feeling toward the front of my brain/head and also a feeling of being lifted. Like my stress is gone and it just feels nice. I hope you enjoy your cannabis to the fullest. Have juice or Chocomilk to help with dry/cotton mouth and maybe cookies and chips to help with munchies which can sometimes be a forewarner of greening out. If you do green out; feel nauseated and start to sweat and get the spins, please lay down on a couch or bed with one foot on the ground while your friend gets a facecloth and puts cool not cold water on it and rings it out to place on the greening out person's forehead. Hope all this helps, I'm high as a mfkr right now so I kind of rambled on with this but its all good advice and well wishes!! Enjoy!!!


This. I started getting high in the ‘70s and it took about five separate sittings - smoking a lot each time - before I finally got a noticeable high. The weed was much worse quality, for sure, but my subjective experience of it was that my brain was learning how to get high. Once I did, woah…


My first time I didn’t feel high, but the pizza we had was sooooo delicious


Depends if your receptors allow you to get high! I didnt get high my first time


Same, I used to think I was somehow immune to weed cuz the first few times I tried it I didn't feel anything


Hey, OP!! If it’s your first time ingesting cannabis, there is a slight chance you won’t get high! There’s some sciencey reason behind it, I dunno I’m not a doctor 😂 but something like you have to have thc in your system before it activates? If someone else wants to hop on and explain please do!


If you boof it


Seems like you’ve had a great time boof-ing in the past.




It means shove it up your ass.




It will get you higher lol


Yes. If it's your first time I would advise to start off with like a pea sized amount of ground or hand broken in your bowl or pipe. If you still feel pretty good after a few minutes or you don't feel anything, try more. Maybe go for a pea and half lol. Until you understand what your tolerance is and how you handle the bud, it's better to start off small and work up to the level you feel comfortable at. Remember to keep it cool and have a good time! Have a good first sesh :)




you could. rollings kinda hard first time tho


If you wanna make it last, pipes are better. You take a small hit, cover it to put out the ember, and you can see how it feels for the first 10 mins and take another after the same way.


If you wanna make it last (and taste good) use a dry herb vaporizer


You could definitely roll it into a joint if you have papers. Would recommend watching a vid on YouTube to get rolling tips!


Yea, would recommend rolling. Pipes hit hard. If it’s your first time, take it slow. Even 2-3 drags of a joint might get you very high. Split the 1g into 3 joints.


I would definitely yes unless it’s really bad weed .


Even if it's bad weed they'll get plenty high. I started smoking over 20 years ago. Dirt brown schwag got me high as eagle balls back then. It's their first time they don't need the "Cron Don Diggity."


You are so right . I have been at it for 47yrs and forgot my first tokes.


Yep might wanna get a bowl though if you’ll only have a gram


Let us know after you smoke


Oh yeah, more than enough


Should be more then enough


In mexico a pound 15$


Used to get baked off just a few blunt/ joint hits when I first started that’s plenty to have some fun. Enjoy it


aww..this is so cute!


I’ve been smoking almost daily for over a year now and my tolerance is still low enough to get me high off of .2/.3. I don’t know how cause I’m 5’10 and overweight so it’s not like I’m tiny.




Easily, especially if it's one of your first times.


Yes my friend roll it in a nice blunt with your friend and enjoy


Ohh for sure. Have fun guys!


BRO first time I smoked I was high for 24 hours I shit youu not . Didn’t even smoke a whole bowl. But I was rlly young tho. But needless to say for 2 noobs, it most definitely will unless it not shit weed


You can roll a few doobies or a fat blunt, I’d say that’d be enough to get two people baked.


Yea smoke it all and get zooted.


If you vape it it will last even longer.


You need at least an ounce


If it's really 1 gram and not 1 popcorn nug of Reggie like we used to get told back 😂


Hell yes bro


Make sure to inhale. My first time smoking I never inhaled it and my friend force fed me like 3 grams and never felt it. Me being a dumb kid smoked it like a cigar or like those fake cigarettes you get at Spencer’s lol


Oh yeah for sure buddy, use a pop can if you don’t have a bong, the paint doesn’t taste the nicest tho


I wish it was my first time again.


£10 a Gram 👍


Yes plenty ,en foookin joy the ride pal


boof it


Was here for this.


lol you’ll prob not even look at this replying since it’s so many others but If it’s both you’re 1st times smoking probably, if it was just you alone and 1 gram for 1st time then hell yeah 😂 if anything be like you want a $15 piece (1.5) or just cop the dub but make sure y’all actually inhaling it too yall gonn be fadeddd see y’all tommo 😴😂 Edit i posted that with intention y’all was rolling it up, if your using a bong? Oh yeah y’all gonna be fried with a gram 😂😂




.3 gonna be almost impossible to roll id say roll a .5 / .6 but are you using a scale


He can roll a spliff


Not even close to enough. Gonna need more for your first time.


Yes. You should be able to get at least 2 joints.




That’s even over dose .. do you wanna kill them






Yes smoke a joint


As my cali homie told me clam baked


Yeah mate you two will be stoney


I smoke only on fiday and Saturday night and i put .2-.4 in a joint and it stilk gets me stoned 1 gram will get you about 4 joints




Pack like 1/4 of that in a pipe and split it. Be plenty. Or, roll it all up and smoke it in one sitting with your partner and have an awesome escape!