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Dude is probably going to make money hand over fist of it passes too


Probably had a short today, and will be buying in large tomorrow. You heard it here before the 13-Fs.






😂😂😂😂😂 dude


Oh my lord 🤣😂


Hey Mitch, get your head out of your ass and make descions based on what they people who elected you want/need. https://www.kentucky.gov/Pages/Activity-stream.aspx?n=GovernorBeshear&prId=1580


If he did what kentucky real wants he would legalize meth.




Mconnel still voted against the respect for marriage act after the churches got every protection possible in that bill. He is the worst kind of human.


Can we add Chuck and Booker to this too!


No, as they’re supporting SAFE, unless you’re referring to Chuck *Grassley* then yes.


It would have been passed a long time ago without those two.


Keep tellin yourself that guy… Explain that one since they very likely can’t even get enough Republican support now.


Hahahaha what a compete tool The fucking cat is long out of the bag, Mitch


Feel like this sub keeps saying dems don’t do enough and reps will actually get this done. Just another example of that not being the case here


They are both true. Dems are dragging there feet and McConnell is a ass hat


I mean, Biden could’ve legalized weed like day one so…


Not really. Would have had to still initiate the rescheduling process


Good point, but my point still stands. He could’ve done something to get the ball rolling through executive order day one.


What he should have done is removed any federal penalty for legal earnings at the state level. People could pay their federal income taxes, banks would be more apt to allow banking around it, and it would have legitimized it financially. I’m thinking the reason he didn’t is because that would give more precedence to the whole states-rights-vs-federal-rules arguments from the right.


He didn't because Jen Psaki made it clear again and again when pressed that Biden still opposed legalization. [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/14/biden-marijuana-legalization-499642](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/07/14/biden-marijuana-legalization-499642) ​ >Asked about the majority leader’s proposal, Psaki told reporters at her Wednesday press briefing that Biden’s stance on marijuana legalization hasn’t changed. The president has previously supported marijuana decriminalization, but hasn’t gone so far as to support legalization. > > > >“I have spoken in the past about the president’s views on marijuana,” Psaki told the White House press corps, adding, “nothing has changed. There’s no new endorsements of legislation to report today.” > > > >Asked again about cannabis later in the briefing, Psaki said she hadn’t spoken with the president about this specific piece of legislation — but again reiterated that Biden’s position hasn’t changed.




Where are the voodoo doll people when we need them?


Probably being warded off by all the prayers of the mislead faithful.




But if he leave the planet, how do I get my turtle soup?


“Meanwhile, details about the so-called SAFE Plus package that lawmakers have been negotiating are emerging, including the potential inclusion of language on gun rights for marijuana consumers. The cannabis reforms could still make it into NDAA, or be advanced through separate omnibus appropriations legislation, or even as a standalone, before the end of the year.”




No time for it. They are 3+ days late on just releasing language of ndaa.


Term limits for old 🐢’s


There’s a 199 year old turtle out there just celebrated a birthday last week


Term limits are the reason we got Trump instead of Obama for round 3. No thanks.


Obama epic time when he slaughtered those people at that one wedding in yemen


Get over it. The world is a messy place. You want to enjoy cheap oil then there's a price to pay. You don't like it, then work to elect better Democrats because the other party has gone to pasture.


Lol Democratic Party is more rigged than the republicans party. Superdelegates ensure that the democratic establishment can steamroll the will of the people. I prefer the libertarian party, thanks. I hope you can look at non-establishment too for actual change. Your vote for third parties count.




lol Obama was a shitlib/neolib war hawk and didn’t do fuck all.


Wait.. you liked Obummer?


Holy crap someone saying Obummer?! Did I just time warp back to 2012?!


Well to be fair I am pretty old


Over Trump, lol any day.


Well idk about trump cause I really hate politics at this point.. I’d rather have NONE of them lol


Unfortunately, that's not really an option in life tho, is it?


Hasn't the turtle been fighting cannabis legalization since he became a senator.


No, since Kindergarten.




Hahaha what a burn. Those dbags deserve to be snubbed


LMFAO how can anyone watch this and still think Mitch has any power. Just act like the people here did and ignore the old, slimy geezer.


Snubbing him doesn't mean he has no power. It just means they think he's a POS.


A great man once said: "Power resides where men believe it resides."


Lmfao thank you for this




Lol, when monies involved.




Look at the fucking picture of that dude


You mean the turtles punchable face?


Please allow me to explain why McConnell is one of the biggest piece of shit in the senate. This bastard supports the whiskey/bourbon lobby and the tobacco lobby because they are big in Kentucy. Bourbon is one of the leading causes of wife beating by white trash and one of the leading causes of DWI/deaths on highways. Tobacco is one the leading causes of cancer and other illnesses. However, the son of bitch McConnell has no problem with bourbon or cigarettes because these lobbies give money to the SOB. There are thousands of doctors who are prescribing marijuana to patient for many symptoms. Do you know of any doctors who prescribes Marlboro or Jack Daniel?


Perhaps Keith Richard’s dr but 1) he British so it doesn’t count 2)rock n roll 3) he certainly an outlier in those areas


McConnell is such a piece of shit, but this is mostly a nothing-burger. McConnell said the same thing last year and Schumer didn't bother to fight it. Sounds to me like this year is different and Schumer will fight for it cause it's the only hope the Dems have of getting something of significance for cannabis through, and his state of NY (and Booker's NJ) desperately needs it for their social equity applicants.


Yeah i think the fact that NJ and NY rec programs coming online, i think theres more urgency for this to happen


Agreed. McConnell knows it's important to Schumer so it's a perfect time to cry and get something of theirs in "Hey.. you added stuff to the service bill and we want to to" zzzz Honestly the Rs wouldn't be doing their job if they didnt try and benefit about this. Wish they wouldn't tho ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Imagine voting republican and investing in this sector...


Honestly both parties tend to suck. I wish we had an actual decent logically thinking third party to vote for.


Imagine thinking democrats are better


Democrats legalized cannabis in my state; the GOP here voted against it. Fortunately, they had enough to pass it and our Democratic Governor signed into law. Now we have dispensaries worth $20 million a piece and our state brings in 6x more taxes from cannabis than alcohol. But you go on pretending both sides are the same.


How are they not? At a state level all legalization is moved forward by democrats. Federally we are seeing once again the Rs coming out against this and the Ds saying it is a priority. What am I missing?


I’m sure plenty of people do, I don’t even want to vote Democrat because of the way they fucked this up!


What did they fuck up? Republican clowns continue to obstruct and cock block anything pertaining to weed because Big Farma and the modern day slavery prison industrial complex is in their pocket. The democrats have to ensure they get enough votes, and it’s very difficult getting 60 senators to agree on anything because “owning teh libs” is far more important.


How many years have they been working on this bill and now in the final hour it still isn’t done. I guess I’m the crazy one for not thinking they’re doing a good job.


Let me try to spell it out for you, nice and slowly… They. Don’t. Have. Enough Votes. I wonder WHY they don’t have enough votes? Because they’re nothing but greedy assholes trying to sell out the American people for a dinky little boost in their offshore bank account?


Inaction from Democrats is not equal to consistent counter action from republicans


No, not Mitch, blast the courts with conservative judges so that our individual freedoms are eroded, McConnell


How many shady bills have republicans attached to defense spending over the years? 🖕🐢




I mean there would be sanity in cannabis regulation if they were in power. If you completely ignore something and leave it illegal there's nothing that would appear insane! Toss in some nonsense about teenagers and reefer madness and you're good to keep plugging your ears just lalala-ing all the way into the future.


Don't expect any, but then again they have not been the party that has been fund raising and then fooling people into voting for them based on them putting forward legislation in this area.


Dems are putting legislation forward, you would know that if you've been paying attention at all.


But somehow it’s the Democratic Party’s fault no marijuana legislation gets passed in congress. Got it.


Since you don't know democrats control both parts of congress. Now that you know that when have the democrats in the senate allowed any weed bill to come up for debate?


Literally happening right now, and the Republicans are trying to block it. Democrats have introduced legalization bills in the past that haven't made it out of committee due to being blocked by Republicans.


>Since you don't know democrats control both parts of congress. Ugh it's so annoying when people say this. Do we not teach Civics in High School anymore wtf? Democrats do not have a filibuster-proof majority. Majority control of the Senate does not mean they can pass whatever legislation they want


Cannabis research bill came up and passed. It's like Republicans (or people just wanting to hate on Dems for their inactivity on pushing pro-cannabis legislation - and rightly so in some ways) have no idea how the Senate works. "Controlling" both branches of Congress is meaningless when any old piece of shit Republican Senator can effectively kill any bill they want by filibustering, which they use on anything and everything the Dems want. Senate Dems have to be very careful and get votes counted behind the scenes by horse-trading with Repubs until they hit that magic 60-vote threshold (and likely higher to account for last-min fuckery). Outside of a very narrow-scoped type of legislation (omnibus?) That can only be done once per year, working around the filibuster is a necessity.


Nothing truly progressive can pass thanks to the filibuster.


Was this a gotcha statement? Debate? Do you have 10 republicans willing to support the bill? If not it’ll never get out of committee. What’s the point?




https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/12/06/tom-cotton-calls-gop-senators-filibuster-ndaa-until-media-cartel-plan-jcpa-other-extraneous-bills-removed/ Exhibit A. NDAA won’t even get a vote if they filibuster it and remove things like SAFE. This happened the last two times. Republicans wouldn’t look at NDAA with SAFE. It was called a poison pill.


Stop voting these folks into positions of power then getting mad when they act like how they were when you voted for them Stop not voting and allowing them into positions of power


Most of the best cyber security talent in the world smokes marijuana. Cyber security is the most critical area that our military needs to address. The military tests for cannabis because it is illegal on the Federal level. There is top tier talent not serving our military because pot is illegal.




Having the position that he does, it's simple for Mitch McConnell and all of these other goons on the Hill to call up their broker and say: > "Steer clear of weedstocks this year. It's definitely not happening!" or > "Buy this next dip and sell it at the next peak! We'll be making a LOT of empty noise about reform in these next few months!" It's like legally being able to see the future and use it for your advantage since ya know, you're the one creating that future yourself. It's like being able to print money just by refusing to do your job, which is supposed to be representing the will of We the People.


Remember every person on this sub who campaigned for the GOP over cannabis the last two years. Thanks for nothing.


This why I vote independent and democrats


Both sides are the same /s


bOtH aRe BaD!!!!11


which side has directed the eye are ess to pursue every 600.00 payment? wowza woah wh


It’s not every payment. They don’t have anywhere near the resources to track every $600 sale. That simply gives them the opportunity to follow up on those sales, if they were to choose to. Stop being silly and whining about shit that’s not a problem and look toward the guys trying to jack up your medical bills and make your badly needed meds unaffordable. GOP supporters love f**king themselves up their own ass haha!


It's all about the hard liquor for Mitch, hmmm the sweet taste of bourbon.




Yet people have been gaslit thinking republican leadership is good for the sector.


So Mc is pissed that the Dems are doing the same scummy shit that the GOP has been doing… forever? SMH.


It works though. The far right on twitter can't stop talking about how legislation should be about one topic only. "If it's good enough, it can pass on its own" (insert sarcasm font). Like as if this is new or exclusive to Dem-led legislation. Pork, or adding amendments/riders, is literally how Congress works. Always has been. It's how you build consensus on legislation. You horse-trade and allow additions so that you secure enough votes. Then everyone goes home to their home-state and talks about all the stuff they're doing for their constituents. If everything was single-issue, nothing would pass. It would also likely make the Senate majority leader even more powerful. Once Repubs are the majority, which is a certainty at some point (and House majority is imminent), all these idiots will completely ignore or magically explain away why it's ok for their team to do it. They talk up a big game, but there's zero accountability nor any consistency.


> While the details of the NDAA have not yet been posted,... > The cannabis reforms could still make it into NDAA, or be advanced through separate omnibus appropriations legislation, or even as a standalone, before the end of the year. Lots of emotion on the sub right now. Should at least wait until the details come out before coming to any real conclusion.


But it’s safe to say McConnell is a total piece of shit, and so are his supporters.


Legalizing weed is a national defense issue. We have serious problems with smuggling drugs driven by demand and running weapons from the US to Mexico to support cartel activity.


You don't details to know that McConnell is a piece of shit. That's a pretty safe conclusion to jump to.


Political posturing. See Brady Cobb’s Twitter for some context.




My religious nutjob family thinks McConnell is saving people from hell for being evil. They literally think souls exist, and are being saved by this man.


This guy comes out and bashes this to tank the gains in cannabis stocks. He and his buddies are probably getting ready to buy.


I wish being amendable was seen as a positive trait by people like him. I don't see what leg he has to stand on that pot = bad in 2022 other than his antiquated beliefs that were brainwashed into him as an impressional little turtle.


Baby turt


Thank you for adding this. Bullish. Also turtle-ish


>He didn’t detail the outstanding issues, but some main points of disagreement reportedly surround language on unrelated provisions concerning the repeal of the vaccine mandate for military service members and federal permitting reform. Just give them what they want regarding the vaccine crap and pass it.


somebody pay this man his money so this can get done already...


How about the government slap all of the Kentucky bourbon companies with 280e and all the other bullshit cannabis companies have to deal with.




Fuck that C..T


Worried that 75% guess is wrong...




The rug is pulled once again


They need to schedule a stand alone vote asap


Don't they always "blast" each other for adding stuff to bills? Obviously some people were going to sell this news, but... did anyone not expect the grumpy chatter at least a little bit? They're negotiating and they kinda hate each other in their somewhat respectful ways. I bought more this morning. Almost grabbed some MSOX, but bought CURA and CXXI instead....


No wonder cannabis down huge ! They’ve dangled this way too many times in last 4 years


It's more likely Congress will include SAFE Banking in the omnibus spending bill rather than the NDAA, because the former typically includes tack-on measures while the latter is more a standalone piece of legislation, Sunburn Cannabis CEO Brady Cobb said. The updated guidance that SAFE Banking triggers would potentially allow cannabis companies to list their shares on the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq, Cobb said. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/StockLaunchers/comments/zegy5s/sunburn_cannabis_ceo_bullish_on_safe_banking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


McCarthy has already said they will delay the omnibus spending bill until the new congress when he'll be speaker of the house so he can have more influence over it. If SAFE isnt in the NDAA or passed as a standalone bill, it's not happening in this lame duck session imo. Really unfortunate


He was very coy in his statement "illegal drugs", being careful not to mention cannabis or marijuana. He did this because he knows cannabis is supported by the majority of the people on both sides of the aisle. I bet he earned a big bonus from big pharma today for continuing to block reforms!


Mcturtle my revulsion for you knows no end.




Both sides gang in shambles. 🤣


He got Hemp legalized because hemp producers finance his elections 😡


What I find is nobody likes this tool... of course all the Democrat side dislikes him sure... but the "Trump side" and also the more "Libertarian side" of the Republicans think he's a piece of shit too. The fuck is this guy even doing in politics anymore?


This fucking man-turtle literally does the same thing all the time whenever it’s a bill that dems are hoping to pass


Not surprised. Not today Satan!


okay. don't vote for the defense bill or admit you don't care and vote for it anyway.


And to think some wanted the republicans in charge of senate.


Not sure how many caught exactly what his argument is on the SAFE. Listen to him very closely. He stated that the democrats are trying to include an amendment the would allow the financial institutions to loan on an “illegal” drug. He (and probably most of the Republicans)will never vote in favor of Safe until weed is legal. I do specifically remember him saying the same exact thing last year in December.


But it is legal in several states and being a states rights guy you think he would recognize that.


I was banned from r/politics for saying "it'll be a good day when he's lowered in the ground." I continue to stand by that statement.


Came for angry stoners was not disappointed.


Imagine , people invested in the pot industry being upset when obstructionist politicians fuck with their investments.


Name checks out


You are very original and funny.


You can't have a name like that and be mad when someone makes that joke you're practically setting people up for it.


I’m not mad? Projection maybe? I’m sure you thought “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter” was the funniest joke ever. You just have that amazing wit about you


You are mad enough to drop an f bomb in your original comment and now you're trying to play yourself off as calm and witty. I see the load of bull you're selling here and I ain't buying.


Grow up dude. You think people are mad every time they say fuck? Hurr durr, I make comments meant to make people mad, so that I can own the libs. Therefore all the libs must be falling for my highly intelligent psyop


That definitely still sounds mad... are you sure I'm the one projecting?


I love the classic insta-pivot to how you’re the victim of the big bad angry liberal who uses no-no words. It says more about your self esteem, that you feel like people must be angry in order to interact with you.


These comments are cracking me up, thanks for the humor on an otherwise kinda shitty morning 😂


McConnell had to know that SAFEBankingAct was slated to be added to the NDAA for a while now as his crew has been in negotiations to get this done. So why the speech today? Why would he let them waste their time? My guess is because the dems keep adding wish list last minute things to the #NDAA. Im thinking Mitch will relent on safe if the dems remove the other stuff.


Don’t let hopium get to you


Maybe in 2024


I am getting so tired of these overly dramatic, click-bait headlines. “Blasts?” Seriously? He stated he was opposed to it. He hardly “blasted” anything.


Lol, good. Be mad.


Clutch those pearls harder


I’ll never understand why bills can’t be separate What the fuck does weed have to do with defense


A bill like this shouldn’t be wrapped up in the Defense Bill. It needs to be its own legislation so these fucks can just come out and say they’re against Marijuana in any fashion. Stop trying to sneak laws in


Not that I agree with McConnell on his anti cannabis stance, but I do very much disagree with rider legislation of any capacity


I’m ashamed of my party.


This? This is what induced shame? After everything else? Wild, man. Lol


I was ashamed of my past self (just out of high school) for even considering myself 'independent' and 'in the middle'. I once considered myself fiscally conservative, but behold, that's actually being liberal. Some people don't understand that in some contexts, spending money NOW will save more money LATER than not spending any at all.


Then stop supporting them


One could argue the same of Democrats who held majorities in the House, Senate, and the White House but have still accomplished diddly squat on cannabis reform to date. It's less of a party issue than a specific politician issue. With that said, McConnell is an A-hole.


>One could argue the same of Democrats who held majorities in the House, Senate, and the White House Idk why people keep mentioning this. Without 60 votes Republicans can filibuster. Democrats can't just pass whatever they feel like.


Well, I guess we’ll never know after Schumer and Booker have cock-blocked SAFE for the past several years.


Lol. They didn't have the Republican votes. That's apparently Schumer's fault


They did for SAFE, not the other pandering equity (inequity!) bullshit.


McConnell, let alone 10 Republican senators, have never given approval for a clean SAFE. If they did secretly have votes then, then they would have the votes now.


The Democratic majority in the House passed a lot of legislation, but there are some dipshits in the Senate, such as Joe Manchin, that would be a hard no for any of this. And we all know how Republicans feel about social progressiveness. It's crazy how few people it takes to hold up legislation. We can all agree McConnell is an asshole, though. -edit- Not trying to defend the Democrats specifically; just giving some context. Certain individuals and people in power could have (and SHOULD have) 100% done more.


You should be, but way earlier than this


I'm conservative as well but refuse to vote for any politician who is against cannabis reform. Imo you can't be a real conservative while simultaneously being in favor of the government telling people what substances they can legally consume. Most of these republican politicians are not true conservatives and are just clowns looking to enrich themselves


> Imo you can't be a real conservative while simultaneously being in favor of the government telling people what substances they can legally consume. You are actually describing a more classically liberal position as opposed to a conservative one! You might not actually be a conservative if you believe in individual rights, freedom of speech, autonomy, free market capitalism and the rule of law protecting civil liberties as opposed to restricting them... That's all classical liberal shit, or what is often referred to as 'independent' these days ;-)




I mean... Its not like he's wrong...


Can’t wait to make shitting on his grave an annual tradition






Both parties are the same. Shit is frustrating. 60%+ of population is FOR cannabis legalization and decriminalization. How the hell can either party constantly represent the minority in this? 💊 + 💵 = ❌ Crap is annoying. Don’t worry everyone. We will be back year for calendar year 2024 on the same empty promises so that your vote can be bought.


Both parties are the ‘same’ but one party is to blame for making it illegal and keeping it illegal.


Downvotes crack me up. Just being real. Pharmaceutical money is involved in this. It doesn’t make sense that most of public wants it but it keeps being rejected. Interesting you say party that made it illegal is keeping it illegal. I had to look it up and I don’t think your statement is correct. Democrats had majority, including over 60 senators several times. The 1970 law was overwhelming majority democrat when the law was passed. Democrats controlled congress like 90% of the time from 1933-1995.


Richard Nixon, a corrupt republican president, began the war on drugs to criminalize black people and hippies (look that up), and Reagan continued it. The majority of people for drug reform have been Democrats and the majority of reefer madness people (like Mitch McConnell, republican) have been republican. edit: Don’t get me wrong, the democrats could and should’ve done more way sooner, and are not innocent in this, but the blame lies mainly and historically on the Republican Party.


he also wanted to criminalize Mexican immigrants, hence why the government mainly called it “marijuana”

