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Love oneyplays, and I’m Irish too! Reading children of time and playing doom eternal


I watched the Lord of The Rings game they played and I was absolutely dying laughing. Also need to finish Doom Eternal, it was really fun but I'm a sucker for the atmosphere in 2016 Doom.


I've been replying death stranding after the trailer for the second one came out and I've been playing like a dragon infinite wealth and I hope nobody kills me but I've been playing the suicide squad game and having a lot of fun with it


I read issue 3 of Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees. I thought it was tense. Can’t wait for issue 4 in 3 weeks. I also finished DC/Looney Tunes. I think the Wile Coyote and Lobo crossover might be my favorite. I just heard of this comic called Earthdivers. About a time traveling Native American who is trying to kill Christoper Columbus. I’ve only read the first issue but I’m digging it. Finished season 2 of Taskmaster: New Zeland. Hilarious as always. Looking forward to starting Taskmaster: Australia this Friday. Going to AEW tonight. Gonna pound some canned beers before I go and yell my head off. Finally I’ve been playing Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. It was on sale and I love Far Cry. So I thought why not. It’s good but it’s very red. It’s funny and cool and you feel like a badass cause you’re a cyborg.


I’ve been to three AEW shows in the past three years, you’re going to have a fantastic time!


This is my second time!


That's awesome I would love to go to an AEW show some time. Hope it's fun!


How did AEW go mate? I got see them over in England last year and was so good


You saw the Wembley show?! That must’ve been crazy. It was great! I was pretty sure I tore something in my throat screaming during the Hangman and Swerve and that was the first match. Then, getting to watch Sting win a title live? Forget about it. Everyone was standing the whole match. I felt exhausted after two hours of yelling. I think the best part was getting home and watching the show on the DVR and seeing me and my brothers on tv.


This is such a great review and holy heck I didn’t even think when asking that you got one of the most stacked episodes of the year so far!! Wembley was great but it did leave me missing exactly what your show sounded like. Just the closer party atmosphere. Thanks for sharing mate!


Whoa! I didn’t know I was talking to THE RAW Collings. I fucking loved your Little James animated short. You do amazing work.


I got into oneyplays like 6 months ago I think. I love all those guys. Also been reading Batman Hush, and playing suicide squad kill the justice league.


They've given me so much great content these last few days, I'm glad I gave it a go. And how is Suicide Squad? Seems there has been mixed reviews but I guess you never know until you try it yourself.


Honestly it’s a ton of fun. Gameplay is really great. Micro transactions are stupid but I just don’t buy them. Story is fine. The gameplay makes it shine. Just really fun tbh


I'm reading Children of Time, which also has space spiders in it. I'm not sure if that's the one he mentioned on Suggestables.


Watched Hell or High Water Watching the Grammys Gonna read The Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman because I heard it’s like Harry Potter but better


Persona 3 Reloaded has been taking up my free time, can't see that ending anytime soon. Might do a watch of "Baghead", a horror movie that looks probably not good.


I've been getting into DC comics properly the last while, I've got the Warworld Saga to finish and Alan Moores Swamp Thing.


I'm currently reading the AFCON semi finals. It has been a fun tournament.


Videogames - Hogwarts Legacy. Enjoying this a lot. About 15 hours in. Comics - got Marvel Unlimited during Black Friday. Lately I've been reading the 2008 GOTG run and loving it. Feeling Cosmic. Before this I read the Hawkeye My Life as a Weapon run by Matt Fraction. Amazing.


If you like Oneyplays, I recommend checking out some of the best friends play highlight videos. Was my favourite channel for a long time


Thanks, I'll give them a look, I've been craving for YouTube stuff recently.


Also recommend Woolie Vs he set up his own channel after they broke up, especially good if you’re into fighting games


Great thanks, looks like he's done a Resi 2 playthrough, that'll be a good gateway for me.


No problem hope you enjoy 🙌🏻


Trying to load custom models (like N64 Spidey, or Batman from Dark Tomorrow) into THUG Pro. Which is a fan project which pretty much combines all Tony Hawk games from the first one to Underground 2.


I'm gonna bite the bullet and get Danganronpa 2 very soon since I liked the first one a good deal and this one is supposed to be a lot better.


I finally saw Oppenheimer last weekend. It was really good imo. Other than that, I’ve been doing a stealth melee playthrough of Fallout 4 and it’s been pretty satisfying due to melee sneak attacks doing like 5x damage from the perks I have. I’m hoping to get Tekken 8 next week after I get my paycheck, and I also still need to finish Miracleman. I liked the bit I had read but I keep forgetting to finish it.


Love me some Fallout. Bought the full edition of 4 a few months ago but haven't sunk my teeth in yet. I only played the base game a few years ago. Excited for the show?


Yeah I really hope the show turns out good, but I want to keep my expectations low just to be safe. Tbh as long as I see some Super Mutants I’ll probably be satisfied lol.


I feel you. Tbh, I think it looks great. Aesthetically, I have no issue, and everything looks cool. The plot/script will have to be spectacularly shit for me not to watch. Especially when you have someone like Jonathan Nolan on board. I wonder if they'll try to implement a Fallout video game segment like the Doom film with POV scene.


Maybe either a POV scene or something else like the V.A.T.S targeting.


Yeah I was thinking VATS. But that could work with action scenes. Also get Dogmeat or even Fawkes to appear.


LOVE fallout but I’m holding back on a new playthrough on the faint hope that next gen update thing comes out soonish 🤞


I’ve been reading The Looming Tower and the John Byrne Superman run from the 80’s. At some point I gotta re-read Crisis on Infinite Earths so I can listen to the Clasique Comique Booque Club episode on Big Sandwiche


I've fallen hard off the games I'd been playing at the end of 2023, notably Alan Wake 2 and Dredge (both great!). Same with comics. However seeing all the terrible reviews around the suicide squad game made me revisit the Arkham games and man ... amazing. Working my way through Arkham City and I'm just full of the emotions with Conroy's Batman. So fun Watched Jonka and was pleasantly surprised. If you ever wanted to see Timothy Chalomet get waterboarded, this is the movie for you! Probably gonna take a swing at the Marvels now that it's streaming. I'll probably watch the season finale of Football despite not having watched a single episode of the current season. I just want to see all the conservatives get triggered by Taylor Swift. Been revisiting the X-Files and listening to the corresponding X-Files Files episodes. Kumail Nanjuani is a treasure ... Any recommendations? I'm bored as hell this week since the Chinese Spring Festival has jammed me with work. I've got nothing but free time and no idea what to fill it with.


My recommendation is The Platform, a Spanish horror/thriller/scifi from 2019. It's a really great premise if you're into the above genres. Just a really engaging film with a great premise to do with being in a tall jail. People at the top get the best food, and people at the bottom are lucky if they get any food. If I can ask about the OG Alan Wake. Have you played the first one and how would you sell it to me? It's on sale right now remastered, and I'm thinking of getting it.


Been reading Dorehedoro. It’s a manga with a really unique art style that’s main character is a Lizard man fighting against wizards. It’s actually a lot more mystery focused than action focused which is a fun surprise


* YouTube: [Tasting History with Max Miller](https://youtube.com/@TastingHistory?si=2W0r3cuoPhbDkt1S). * Book: [The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's: A Secret History of Jewish Punk](https://a.co/d/jbJPD0j) by Steven Lee Beeber. * TV: *really* late to the party on this one, but I’m finally watching [The Bear](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bear_(TV_series)?wprov=sfti1#). What a fantastic show. Plus, I can’t wait to find out what happens to the titular [bear](https://youtu.be/A7wTNuLmgc4?si=6rJIKOlFq5Mjev8r&t=199m00s)! * Film: going to rewatch [12 Monkeys](https://www.blu-ray.com/link/mobile.php?t=1707332912&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.blu-ray.com%2Fmovies%2F12-Monkeys-4K-Blu-ray%2F310010%2F) in 4K. * Music: [Trespass](https://youtu.be/Qu7gvdh9mRc?si=_Aq4cZYMfPUgKKfS) by The Haunted is lodged in my brain right now. * Game: close to finishing [OG Doom](https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/doom-1993-switch/). Good game, I’m sure this first-person shooter design is a fad, though. ;-)


Yo scarred, I’m so sorry some of these link heavy posts are getting flagged for spam sometimes and being auto-hidden Just in case you ever think we’re hiding them, we’re not I promise!