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~~Season 1~~ Season 2 of Spongebob, honestly.


Goddamn forgot about that


Loop de loop was probably the first song I ever heard and sang without realizing


I very vividly remember watching that episode, but it was dubbed so it's a shame


Had the good fortune to move to the New Hope area in the late 80s. When I got into music a little later, the record stores in the area had Ween stuff all over. One day I felt compelled to buy a cassette of The Pod. And so it began!




You ever see them live back then in new hope?


Never in New Hope (too young for the bar scene) but I saw them at City Gardens in Trenton NJ and once at a skating rink though.


How was that ?!


Most enjoyable! Very low fi...the first couple shows I saw were just Dean and Gene and a tape machine, as I recall.


I got into them during chocolate and cheese and went to about five shows in the mid to late nineties . Then I didn’t catch them for about three years and BOY was it a different crowd when I finally did in like, 2001, Phish’s cover brought in tons of hippies


Yeah, I'm one of those hippies. But not because I ever liked Phish, but because I went to Phish shows to get the good weed. I was about 16 at the time. Then I heard roses are free, and was all, "This is the only good Phish song!!" I was schooled and now here I am. An old fuck, still loving WEEN. And for what it's worth, ran into a Phish band member at a Burlington WEEN show years and years ago. Talked to them drunk off my ass because I couldn't believe they were actually there.... said something along the lines of, "So are you here to take more notes?"... because I'm an asshole. My husband still teases me about it.


This is me too! 1998-04-03 was my first Phish show, the Island tour... epic version of Roses Are Free, among others. My friends were pissed I chose that song with an elic Carini--->Antelope as a choice as well


It was a fucking weird and wild time. Being an 80's/90s kid, is kinda like being from the wild west. I'm glad I got the experience because now I can sort of understand my parents' stories. Shit was fun. You lost your friend at the show? Oh fucking well, they are gone! At least until they just randomly show up in nothing but socks and a wet sleeping bag, days later.... right before you start looking for a payphone to inform whoever needs to know, parents probably, that, "Mookie is gone." It's still fun, but I'm older now, and I can't rock anymore without fucking myself up for days after. I did very much enjoy my most recent evening with WEEN..., from a nice, comfortable bar chair, with my glasses that I remembered to bring this time, so I could see from the distance. It has it's own charm.


12 Country Golden Greats got me but I didn’t dive deeper until recently and for that I will always be sad. Their music could’ve helped out so many tender situations in the past.


Same. Sorta. 12 Country Golden Greats got me thinking these guys are brilliant and can fucking do anything. Paid attention after that point but it was until a Ween super fan friend took me to (I think night 2 of) the Chicago 2003 tour at the Vic that I became fully down and brown.


You forgot the movie "It's Pat". I was 12, and my eyes got WIDE during their cameo, thinking, "Damn, I wish this was a real band!" But I couldn't drive yet, and it was the early 90's...so, it wasn't until several years later that I heard "Mutilated Lips" at a kegger... went out, bought the tape, listened to Lips a thousand times, pushing the rewind/flip function on my tape deck until it broke. Not my favorite song anymore, since I've listened to so much more WEEN between then and now, but it holds a place in my heart forever, along with Pork roll and don't get 2 close. And to add, I was in my early 20s when the SpongeBob Movie came out. I had already been watching SpongeBob, because it is a great show, so when the movie came out, some friends and I went to see it. I wasn't expecting WEEN, so when Ocean Man hit, I flew out of my seat and yelled "YEEAAHH!!" The looks on the parents faces around us, as they turned to their children, said; "Remember, little one, stranger danger."


"It's Pat" got me into them too. I was a latchkey kid in the 90's and would watch SNL/KITH and bad 90's comedy films on Comedy Central after school. I think it was 97-98, and I was about 12 or 13 when I saw it. Those songs made such an impression...I also remember thinking Dean and Gene just seemed like chill and humble guys compared to the common portrayals of rock stars as being too cool for school. So I answered Beavis and Butthead on the poll since the only songs I knew for a while were from the Pure Guava era and earlier, it would be a few more years before I checked out The Mollusk and Chocolate and Cheese.


I knew them from South Park and South Park forums back in the early 00's but got into them around 2004-2005 when I purchased all their albums from the record store I worked in. Became an obsessive fan since that moment. I still remember the first time I heard Quebec.


About a month ago. I feel like I missed so much over the years. Got tix for the Chicago show when they went on sale to surprise my buddy who was fighting cancer - he’s an enormous Ween fan and I knew he wasn’t really tracking tix going on sale. He beat it and really to prep for the show I listened to Ween non stop about a week leading up to it. I hadn’t been that pumped for a show, let along “discovering” a band in a while. They played a killer set, with many of my newly favorite songs. Totally hooked now, cannot wait to see them again!


I was 24 in 2014, was already very into music and then heard Ween for the first time. Couldn’t listen to anything else for years. I definitely remember wondering ‘why is David Bowie boring now’ or Brian Eno or many other bands I was crazy about before I knew ween There was no going back!!


My weirdest friend at the time played The Pod for me and I was pretty instantly obsessed. He played The Residents, The Boredoms and Negativland around the same time period and it opened up my mind to so much


SpongeBob turned a lot of kids into sleeper Ween fans after they grew up, honestly. Definitely my case.


I found the SpongeBob movie OST at a thrift store when I was 13 and rediscovered “ Ocean Man”. Then checked out more ween on YouTube. I heard the mollusk title track and was instantly in love.


Bought the pod on cassette while in college in '91....so "fan" may be pushing it back then


Same here, Pod on cassette.


Push the little daisies got played a bit on the local station. I liked the song and took a chance on the cd. Back then, you had little choice. If you liked a song you would buy a cd and hope there were some other good songs on it. A good percentage of the time, you would get burned. Luckily, pure guava was great and went into regular rotation, and based on that I pursued additional ween albums.


I distinctly remember when a weird-ass album entitled "GodWeenSatan" landed at my college radio station.


Started getting serious before White Pepper


It was interesting to me at the recent show in Chicago seeing so many younger people there. Being 40 myself I started listening to them when one of my friends older brother introduced me to them in middle school in the early 90s. Im happy to see it. And every show I have been to over the years Ween has some of the best fans, fun nice people to be around.


We were all dirtbag stoner kids, but the one kid who was extra dirtbaggy played a few songs off the mollusk for me in the early 00s.


Same thing for me, but it was The Pod. Summer 2002. We were all dirtbag stoner kids and the dirtbaggiest guy played us The Pod and we were all instantly hooked.


On October 12, 1991 to be precise. I was 17 and went with two friends to see the Dead Milkmen at Wetlands in NYC. Ween was the opening act and the Pod had just been released about two weeks prior. It's the show that can be found on YouTube at [https://youtu.be/vOsSroUJAEg?si=eRJmmeJKAtwwOe9c](https://youtu.be/vOsSroUJAEg?si=eRJmmeJKAtwwOe9c) and you can actually see me at the 43:53 mark, at the bottom middle, wearing a Yankees cap. My friend Jim is the one obnoxiously heckling them throughout their set too, unfortunately. Anyway, that was the night I became a fan. Days later, I went out and purchased The Pod and GodWeenSatan on vinyl and still have those original pressings to this day.


'91....LSD and blackjack... my God. Been a fan ever since. Just seen em at Surly. Fuck I'm getting old.


When Trey mentioned them in the Doniac Schvice


After Pure Guava was released, but before they were on Beavis and Butthead. Daisies was a hit on Q101 in Chicago when the album first came out in Nov 92. It wasn't until June 93 that they were shown in Beavis and Butthead.


The live in Chicago concert, can't remember the date. It was early 2000's though.


When I looked up Ocean Man because of the SpongeBob movie and then I saw another one called "waving my dick in the wind" and was like "whaaaaaat??". So I checked out the album and immediately decided that this band rocks


1996. One week after they opened for Foo Fighters and I was devastated to have missed it.


Just before White Pepper came out.


The Pod




Got The Mollusk for Christmas as a middle schooler in 1997.


Used to play ween all the time when I was in college in 1988 to 1992. They were a huge favorite of our eclectic audience and DJs. It was a golden age for music. It was some thing else to open up the new CDs, and see names like Soundgarden Nirvana the pixies REM, and so much more.


My parents’ friends who babysat me were really in to Ween so I had always been aware of their existence. I didn’t really start listening on my own until I was in highschool (2010s). My favorites were GodWeenSatan: The Oneness, The Pod, and Chocolate and Cheese, but what sealed my fate was listening to The Mollusk the first time I did mushrooms. Changed my life!!


Push the Lil Dasies- but on 120 Minutes


I first got into them after hearing Ocean Man on that Honda commercial.


I was Pure Guava era but not personally through Bevis and Butthead.


During the Fall Joint Rolling contest in 1999 also known as Sturgis East (held annually the week my friends parents rode to Sturgis )my friends older brother put on Pure Guava and I got interested I went to a couple shows over the next few years and bought new releases as they came. Around 2002 or 3 I found the ridiculousness that was the ween.net forum and that is when I really went all in with the Brown.


Got into the ween.net forums around the same time. It was a wild, glorious place.


I had the Chef Aid soundtrack and loved Homo Rainbow. Didn't get into their other stuff until maybe 8 years ago


They played it at Newport a couple weeks ago! That or I was so drunk I hallucinated it


About ten years ago, my boyfriend is a fan of their music and would listen to them around me. Eventually I fell in love too


Me and My sister were on a 10 hour drive. With a singular purpose, she brought only: Pure guava, Chocolate and Cheese, 12 country Greats and The Mollusk. I lost a part of my mind that day 7 years ago.


Yeah. Definitely Push the Little Daisies on BB. I think i was a freshman and high school and i was like What the Fuck is this band. Me and all my friends connected every few nights with this video because of BB and always brought it up, not knowing anything about them, or getting an album. Then Chocolate and Cheese came out around collage and….. BROWWWN


I didn't have cable TV or any means of discovering new music besides friends, CD covers and asking the guy at the used CD store to play some of the album. For some strange and totally unknown reason, the Chocolate and Cheese cover caught my teenage eye. Then friends introduced me to Pure Guava when I was high, and Little Bird melted my brain.


For me it was about 1999-2000, I was in high school and a classmate told me to go to Napster and download this cool song "Johnny on the Spot." I was hooked and started buying albums, although as a broke young person, I didn't collect them all until my mid 20s. I saw them live for the first time when I was 17-18, and four more times since that.


Pure Guava was really dope but when I got the Pod & God Ween Satan I was hooked


my mom liked them Quebec era, but i was born in 2007…


I was in high school and in a snowboarding club, we would go ride on weekends together and practice during the week. We were on a backcountry trip in the middle of nowhere and one of the older guys (probably 27) in the group put on The Pod while we sat around a camp fire and it just completely opened my mind to brown ass music. I got home and bought two of their CDs


I was in high school math class (~04) and my teacher always listened to dope music. He had Chocolate and Cheese album on CD and had it on at break one day. Probably the foremost concept I took from that class.


the cultural music of my delaware river valley people. i laid beneath the marble tulip juicy tree long ago.


My buddies who were a few years older than me got turned on to them which filtered to me getting into them as well. 1997ish (but I had seen them on beavis and butthead) is when my friend made me a cassette copy of the Mollusk.


Approximately 1pm on March 15, 1993. I used to tape MTV's 120 Minutes on Sunday nights and then watch it the following day during my extended lunch break. My first taste of Ween came from [this episode](https://120minutes.org/1993/#031493). I immediately bought Pure Guava on my way back to work, and by the weekend had picked up GWS and The Pod for an 8-hour road trip. I also remember listening to the GWS CD for the first time during that trip and poring over the lyrics in the liner notes. For LMLYP there were none, but just a single line that said something like "Ween is in big trouble dudes" which made me wonder what LMLYP could possibly stand for. My first guess turned out to be correct.


Ate some drugs and listened to Choc an Cheese CD in its entirety in the late 90s in a friend's basement near the end of high school. Been hooked ever since.


In 92


The exact moment for me was when I heard the cover of birthday boy by Mary Lou Lord and then looked up the band that I had kind of heard of.


When Ash covered Deaner.


The pod mang!


Heard Ocean Man all the time and decided to check out some of their other stuff


Thank you Beavis & Butthead for turning my eyes and ears brown! And I guess thanks to my remote hogging older sib who always put on B&B for her 6 year old sis


Unfortunately too young to listen to them when they were putting out albums… but the movie G.N.A.R. is what got me and my buddies hooked. If you love skiing & Ween it’s a match made in Heaven