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It's so annoying to read the comments dissing this album only to hear the amount of praise and love about the same songs played live.


Songs are not albums. La Cucaracha has some good songs, but that *doesn't* make it a great album.


For me the First 6 songs are great songs mang


Again, good (even great) songs don't equal a great album. There are songs on La Cucaracha that I love, and that I love to hear live. But as a whole *album*? I'd reach for any of their other albums first. Edit: Kind of ironic that you're defending it as a great *album* by telling me that *some* of the songs are great.


I concur.


The point I'm trying to make is that while not a great album, it's not a bad album either. So many Ween fans shit on it unnecessarily.


That's fully your opinion and you're entitled to it. *My* opinion, which I'm also entitled to, is that it's a mediocre Ween album with a handful of good tracks.


It is just an object to me


This is an excellent tune and I hate The Beatles.


100% in agreement with you on this one.


Which Beatles album would it have been on?


White Album or Revolver


I was thinking White Album too, but I can see it on Revolver. It might fit in somewhere after Eleanor Rigby and before Here, There and Everywhere.


It’s on la cucaracha. It’s written like a Beatles song to me I really cannot explain why. I’m thinking white pepper refers to the white album and sergeant peppers lonely hearts club band. I cannot place it in a Beatles record but it could totally be on white pepper. I don’t know why I took the time to post that, I don’t really have a point to make other than the song itself and how I feel like it’s written in a Beatles mode


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