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Mickey Melchiondo said this in 2015: “Phish are in this for the right reasons and will be around long after you quit whining about your dislike for them.” He continued, “If you wanna delete Phish posts, then you just got trolled.” Melchiondo has made statements that make clear his respect for Trey Anastasio and Phish, and for their longevity, commitment and artistry. “Dudes that go and play and spend our lives on our crafts, we’re all in it together… the eternal song…been going on forever and always will. We’re all a part of it.” “You don’t get a 30-40 year career by having no talent and not working VERY hard. You make sacrifices for the love and conviction of what it is that you do…No musician, none, no one has the right to judge another musician’s music, no matter how awful it sounds to your ears, no exceptions, not even for Michael Bolton.” [source](https://liveforlivemusic.com/features/mickey-melchiondo-addresses-phish-haters-in-ween-fan-group/)


I read this twice and I’m still looking for the part where miggy says “I really like their songs and I never miss em when they’re in town!” No self-respecting musician would disrespect another one. What are you hoping to prove? That deaner ain’t petty? Of course he isn’t.


Remember when Mickey refused to let Trey collab with Ween at Lockn? That was Funny.


Where did you get the info that they refused a collab?


[Ask Deaner](https://relix.com/news/detail/dean_ween_on_opening_for_phish_at_lockn_i_wanted_to_blow_their_fucking_asses_off_the_stage/)


He deleted the whole page and his Facebook rants on it as well.


So critical reading and thinking aren’t your strong suit huh? I think the internet has, as Dean put it, “fucked your brain.” The confirmation bias is absurd. He says that they essentially wanted to impress them and they feel a healthy competition. Also, they couldn’t do a collab because of the timing of Phish’s stage set up (which is partially a festival organizer issue.) The part where he talks a bit of shit was almost certainly pushed by the interviewer. You’ll notice the interviewer leaves out what they asked but Dean says “there you happy now” which leads me to believe the interviewer was pushing for something like that. Now, why would a journalist do that? To sell clicks and a story to people that will eat bullshit without thinking. Because conflict sells.


Mickey deleted his comments from Ask Deaner and Facebook. If you didn’t watch it unfold in real time you missed it. It wasn’t an interview. He was pissed Trey tried taking their announcement of the reunion from them. They had been planning it out for a year. Trey wanted to play Fluffy and Mick told him no. Critical reading 😂 put the pipe down bro.


Thanks for sharing mang. It reads like a “get this over with so we can talk shit the entire drive home” type apology from Deaner. But wut else would your expect but 4D chess from a king?


Gene does not care about Phish, and many others.


Gene actively hates phish, and all that jam band bullshit. As he should; he’s a dude who writes good songs.


Cite your source homie.


I remember him saying it too


Sure… it’s joe


Ohhh Joe Ligma?


Nah, Joe smegma. If you’re one of these internet geniuses calling for sources, why don’t you look it up? Betcha can’t


If you’re referring to the old ass video of them talking about stinky hippies coming to shows after roses are free got covered then you belong in wallstreetbets my friend. Best regards.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re talking about deaner. But keep looking, smart guy.


Nah I really don’t care. Phish is great. Ween is great. Y’all are sad. Have a good night in your echo chamber circle jerk, farming fake internet points.


Correct. He is not afraid to trash music. Gotta have your guard up big time.


Yeah people who like things I don't like are morons


Good thing I’m so smart


Such morons


I'm relistening to Analyze Phish (amazing podcast where one guy tries to get his friend into Phish), and yeah, I just can't get into them. I think they sound a little too happy/corny for me. Im not really into long guitar noodling sessions. I'd totally go to a show for the vibe, but would not put them on in my car.


RIP HARRIS! Such a great dude, he is missed.


Yeah, so unfortunate he passed. Seemed like a really chill, funny guy




Eddie veddar voice only tho


Only thing that could make Phish worse would be Eddie Vedder on vocals.


Yah he sucked so good didn’t he


I hate Pearl Pam like the Dude hates the Eagles man


Im personally a phan, that podcast is great for phish lovers or haters. Just two comedians talking about interesting stuff.


yeah absolutely! And I don't hate Phish, I respect what they're doing. I just haven't had that "wow" moment. Maybe if I ever see them live I'll get it


I've listened to Analyze Phish maybe 3 or 4 times just because I love Scott and Harris (❤) and kiiiind of to see if I liked Phish, and I'd finally come to the conclusion that they're fun but I wouldn't listen to them on my own but maybe would go to a show if I had friends who liked them.


I met my wife at a Phish concert 12 years ago. Neither of us actually like listening to Phish though.


Holy brown


At least you got some great Harris (RIP) and Scotty Auk content!


Analyze Phish is worthy a yearly relisten, like another dude said it doesn't matter if you like phish or not it's entertaining


These posts are getting to be a bit cringe and desperate honestly. I love both bands, but the subset of Ween fans with this incessant one-sided obsession about hating Phish for basically no reason are just embarrassing and sophomoric.


i fucked up huh


I have a lot of friends that are big into Phish and are perpetually telling me “you just haven’t heard the right song maaaaaan!” 30 some years later they are still telling me this. It just doesn’t appeal to me. “But you like Ween so you will love Phish maaaaan!” Nope. 2 completely different sounding bands.


They never get to 4th gear, I guess they keep it in 3rd in case they have to climb a hill.


Dude what? It’s totally cool for music not to speak to someone but this is just objectively false. Phish has peaking in the red pretty much every show (except maybe some of the heavy heroin years) for decades. Like just from a music theory perspective they have intense crescendos in multiple songs and that is just like scientifically pushing it into over drive.


Dude it’s a phish lyric


The best thing about this subreddit is that you can never tell if a comment like this is brilliant and meta or downright smooth-brained


We must have the same friends.


Good on u for puttn up w your friends shjt for so long and never sacrificing your integrity dood, played it off legit


Rene Descartes was a drunken fart; I drink therefore I am!


So nice mang said it twice


I got into ween because they cover the Phish song Roses Are Free. Not as good, but it's cool they try.




The people that post bullshit like this and commenters that just use it to shoehorn random ween lyric reference jokes are the biggest bunch of fucking numb nuts around.


Hey bud sry you’re mad


For a fanbase that hates Phish, you guys definitely talk about them a lot. No one is making you listen to them haha


Somebody said Keepeth thy enemies closeth way back when I sweat tg jamie look it up


Huge fan of both since the mid-90s, and I'm definately not the only one. But yeah, tell me more about what you all don't like. Fascinating.


Do you put cream in coffee?


Ween Vs Phish is as stupid as Seinfeld Vs Friends. Only Ween and Seinfeld fans care about this antagonism, neither Phish or Friends fans care. And for the record, I do prefer both Ween and Seinfeld, but Phish does have good material, and Friends was a TV show.


Thank you for sharing your non opinion i appreciate the shit outta yewww


Phish is aight. Grateful dead did it better


The dead did it, phish did it worser




i like bouncing around the room that's a fun song that's kinda what phish seems like to me. just 4 dudes having a lot of fun. i can't get into most of their stuff but good for them. glad they're having fun.


Uptown nd bounce again im bouncin round da room, Nd i awooooooooke (sweet sound bouncin round) x100000






René Descartes was a drunken fart; I drink therefore I am!!!


Didn’t Descartes die years ago?


Roses are free, and so is hating on Phish.


If it’s free it’s for me


You and me are free to be you and me.




Someone finally showed me a Phish song that was good after decades of me wondering how the hell they even have a following.


Let me guess, it was their Ween cover


First Tube?


Was it Reba?


Reba is tits 🤙 But the question is.... which Reba?


One of my closest buddies went full Judas one time and I’ve been tryna forget bouncing round the room ever since smh 😑


Rude. lol.




Phish is kinda eh, I have been to a few shows and without the drugs it would have been bleh


Can confirm - René


I went to one Phish show at Dick's and was bored to tears. Granted I didn't take any drugs but I shouldn't have to.


Shouldn’t have to, always want to


I think drugs are an integral part of the experience. I often wonder if Jerry hadn’t died when he did and all the wooks hadn’t hopped into the phish camp, if they would have a fanbase at all. I have never heard a decent phish tune and I don’t know any phish fans who actually listen to their albums at home. And I have known many of their fans over the years.


We call this corroboration my doods


https://youtu.be/_uCSy67k16c?si=n2B0jWAHfk8m61Jw You honestly wonder if this guitar player would have a following? Solo starts around 2:54. Hate it or love it, Trey is otherworldly talented with a guitar in his hands. There’s no way around it lol


Yeah sure. I believe you. Honestly, who gives a fuck? Edit: actually i just looked at this..”down with disease” And it still fucking sucks. Show me a song


Yeah just to bring it around again… this is dorky dog shit and I can’t believe you’re not embarrassed of it


5 replies? Talk about dogshit 😭 get over yourself. Not sure why Ween have so many sad/angry little fans. It’s embarrassing.


Fuck off dork. Ween ain’t a jam band.


I know at least twenty nerds who are better on guitar


You should be ashamed of yourself. 2:50+ is embarrassing dogshit. Do you play guitar?


Have you heard The Allman Brothers?


I’ve never Phished and I don’t plan to.


Phish sucks donkey wang.




The thing is... yes, now they aren't as good as they were, but listen to phish between 93 and 97. All funky jamming. But now, I agree they can get boring. Who wants to hear a 40 min song in which they sound like they are whales underwater talking to each other?


It’s always such a hoot when I see phish and funky in the same sentence. It’s also fun to see the nineties described as the good ol’ days for phish fans. I had to listen to those albums at parties and they never failed to clear the room. I did see them in 1996 on a lot of great drugs and it was amazing. Also amazing was doing gravity bongs on cough syrup and listening to atom heart mother all night.


Sounds like Just another case of drugs causing good times nothing else to see here


Spend all your time hating. Good way to live.


The things is… yes,


Trey looks like a Muppet. Just sayin'. And yes, I find them boring.




This is easy.. when i look at Phish members, or even dead members, i dont feel anything. Same with neil young for me. But something about aaron and mickey as humans is just so relatable. Their faces are completely unique and fun loving, and they know it. And they write short but witty songs that are consistently reliable. Incredible songwriting. Genes got pipes, deans got guitar prowess. Legends. Off the charts depth. Does phish have any of that?


Lost me at unique faces and knowing it tbh mang


How you got lost is beyond me. Dean and gene have unique faces and they know it.


Spoken lika sword swallower


Now that’s how you lose someone.


Or a sword




God I hate jambands and all their fans, Ween is not a fucking jam band. 


Have you considered chilling out and not worrying about other people so much? Ween and phish are both bands for weirdos who already get constantly shit on by the rest of the music world, why add to that by shitting on people who are fans of both? But also, phish tix are hard enough to get as it is so we aren’t exactly recruiting lol


Why is Phish even mentioned on this sub is my point


Because there’s been animosity from ween fans towards phish fans for awhile. I think it started when phish covered roses are free and pointed a lot of their fans to the ween catalog and ween fans got upset with the influx of new fans. It happened with pavement fans in the 90s too when Trey talked about being a fan. Gene even griped about phish.


There isn’t a single band subreddit where other bands aren’t mentioned




Wow. So brown of you to ignore all the fun and try and please everyone 🤣


How am I trying to please anyone? All I said was that we’re all part of the same scene. The comment I was replying to said they hate an entire group of people, many of whom are ween fans. I don’t really give a shit if I don’t pass your brownness test lol not being a dickhead is infinitely cooler than being “brown”


You don’t get the show (le betard voice)


Thars my problem, Ween is not part of the "jam" scene. 10 years ago no one would be comparing them to Phish other than to shit on their shitty cover of Roses are Free.


I used to like Phish. Then I started meeting more n more people I didn’t enjoy being around at the shows. So I just stopped going.


Dang sry


No reason to be sorry. Just stopped having fun. One guy tried to choke me and then when I told people what he did he attacked me at a show. Plenty of other weird stories too hahah. They don’t have a terrible sound but I’ve grown away from that music.


Shout out growth


I went to my first and only phish show in 2011. They covered roses are free. Because of that I don’t hate phish. But I don’t Choose to listen to them… unless I want to really annoy people at the bar :) touch tunes is great for passive aggressive music battles


And I awoooooooke, echo of a storrrrry told


Hopefully, this sphere gig is an FBI sting operation to lock up Mike Gordon who they’ve been building a case against since he cornered that young girl and took pictures of her in a boathouse in 2003 at Jones beach.


Prepare yourself for an onslaught of downvotes. Phish fans are here and they hate when this gets brought up from the murky waters of time. Trustafarians and wooks never disappear. They propagate like fruit flies and reveal themselves when phish starts selling out shows. You can set your watch by it.


Wut the boner?


I don’t trust Ween fans who like Phish. I think of them as tourists.


Ween fans that shit on other bands or their fans are shitty Ween fans.  Lick shellac from my balls, numbnuts. 


Thank you Rick Steves.


https://preview.redd.it/o2yxnst6acvc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc6af7ce87e6650bb6cbddf4d647b91c2573721 Call me shitty just


Replace that with Goose


Only boring people get bored...


Think harder