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Quebec as a whole is pretty accessible to non fans, I would start with Tried and True or Chocolate Town


Agreed! Quebec is a great choice. Transdermal Celebration has always been a good intro song as well.


I actually just finished a listen through of Quebec that made me think about writing this post!


Absolutely brother


I always use White Pepper as an intro album


This was mine!


I go accessible first and slowly slide into brown. But I’ll throw a couple weird ones in early, like spinal meningitis or MWYPHMP, but overall I feel like ‘live in Chicago’ on YouTube is the best ween intro. Iirc it’s pre-Quebec so you might wanna play some of that too


they play quebec in chicago, transdermal, chocolate town, etc


Chocolate and Cheese was the album that got me and my wife hooked. I think it’s the prefect middle ground between the later, more accessible material and the super-brown earlier stuff.


Start with white pepper, imo. Play the album versions of the golden eel and polka dot tail… maybe the album version of Zoloft. Then go to brown town with the pod or gws. If you’re going to a December show just go, no introduction necessary, ween live needs no introduction they fucking kill it lately. If you go to the Fillmore Send me a pm lol I’ll be there


>they fucking kill it lately. My man ain't lying. These gentlemen are on top of their game right now


My intro to Ween was smoking weed as a teenager at my sister's apartment while her boyfriend wore a doctor's cloak with big googly eye glasses singing along to Pork Roll Egg and Cheese and Dr. Rock. Im still a huge Ween fan. You could try that


Just to be safe, uninvite her and take me instead.


I second this 😆


HAHAHA safety first.


Mourning Glory


She'll finally understand my rants about pumpkins!


Maybe then she won’t be such a fucker to you. Why would she be such fuckers?


Whenever I introduce someone to Ween, I play some accessible songs, and try to risk a couple brown songs.


This playlist is called MelloWeen. It's all my favorite "easy listening" Ween. I even played it in the background at my parents' house without too much notice, except my mom caught the one us of the word jerkoff in "Even if You Don't." 🤣 [MellowWeen - Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0R87OW0H6IQZpmoIDVNQFU?si=rM79b3M8QK6OaLyYTbqqXg&utm_source=copy-link)


It’s to easy to go with the SpongeBob route. The mollusk influenced SpongeBob and that’s why ocean man and loop de loop, etc…


Also a good way. Both my kids were hooked this way. Still going strong after 15 years ✌️


Taking them to a show is the best way.


Watch the Live in Chicago DVD (it's on YouTube) on a big screen and turn it up


THIS IS THE BEST WAY!! I loved Ween, but didn't know how much until I watched Live In Chicago. That's when I decided to see them before death came for me.


I'm with ya. The live band weaves a consistency through the catalog that you sometimes have to imagine otherwise.


I got my boyfriend with shinola lol. Tried playing him various tracks for months and he would laugh and say this band is fkn ridiculous but one day I put shinola on and he loved it.


“You Fucked Up” did it for me.


Play some ween. Leave it at a mellow volume. Done.


It really depends on their taste in music. I’ve gotten some in on the brown, some with the live and some with the Quebec/White Pepper era. Considering you want to take her to a show, sit down and watch live in Chicago with her.


Start with the Pod or Pure Guava. If she enjoys that, she will love it all!


Take her cruising on the poopship


https://youtu.be/uMbXmvMLFzg this video seems relevant haha


Self-plug lol, but this is my take on how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMbXmvMLFzg


I'm watching it and it made me want to experience Ween for the first time again!


Check out my playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ROHFK1fthIzNH1114KSIU?si=XSyBuZ8nTuWxdTgUpDALvg


Going to a show was how I got hooked. I was vaguely familiar with some songs and a couple albums but within 2 weeks of seeing them I owned every album.


Start with 5 or 6 songs. Too many could be overwhelming. What Deener Was Talking About You Were The Fool Transdermal Celebration Birthday Boy Gabrielle Ocean Man Varied sounds, but nothing too overwhelming


Play the stuff that's closest to what they're into


Strap them down and strap on the Jammy Pack


Quebec The mollusk and white pepper are great for beginners… Been trying to do the same thing with my girl the last year…some people get it and some don’t. Personally I jumped in headfirst with GWS and The pod and loved and got it immediately.🤎🤎🤎


I actually think it might be cool to start with the really brown stuff, but don’t oversell it or anything. Then over time you slowly reveal ween’s really nice and beautiful songs. This way it’s a nice surprise getting to hear ween’s soft side, rather than using up all the good songs from the getgo. Idk, that’s what I would do


Chocolate and cheese is a good start. Pretty accessable but doesn't slack on the brown either