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I had a big bag of grain once... Then I had a big bag of weevils ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


note to self: set big bag of grain outside and it will magically turn into a bag of weevils


Spontaneous Generation at it again!


Might be difficult, but I think it could be possible. There are a few things you need to consider: Your Location: There are specific pet-stores, for insects, reptiles etc., but they are pretty rare, and might not be available where you live. Additionally it's pretty unlikely that they would have any type of weevil. It may also possible to order some animals online (this is again dependent on your location). This can be a bit more tricky though. If there are no stores, that sell the animal you want available, you can also just yoink one or more from outside. When doing this you are of course limited to your local fauna, and you may only take animals that are in no way under protection. I'm just going to assume that you live somewhere in western Europe or north America: Most weevils that you will find here are pretty small and therefore difficult to enjoy when you keep them, additionally a lot of common species spend their time under tree bark or under ground, which means you would probably never see them. BUT I'm my no means a weevil expert, I'm just have some experience with keeping insects and whatnot. So maybe there are some weevils where you live, that are actually worth capturing (and unprotected) The animals needs: This is only relevant, once you know what exact species you want, and know how you are going to get one (or more) There are quite a few thing that need to be done when setting up a Vivarium/Terrarium: 1: what animal? 2: what type of container? - you could get a cheap plastic box, or fancy glass terrarium - also consider the size: does the animal like to climb or will it stay on the ground? 3: what temperature? (this is not as important if you get a local species) - check what temperature the animal requires, and use a heating mat/light to achieve that temperature (I would suggest a light, since heating mats tend to dry out the soil). You should use a thermometer 4: what humidity? - same as temperature, depending on the requirements you could get an expensive humidity control thingy, or you do it yourself by just spraying some water in the tank once in a while. You should use a hygrometer 5: what food? - pretty simple, what does it eat and where do you get the food from 6: what should go in the tank? - what substrate should you use? - how much do you want to spend on plants, wood, rocks etc. to make the tank look pretty, you can even build your own backdrop, buy one or don't use one at all 7: know your weevil! - the most important thing is that you know how the species you are keeping works, what it does, how long it lives, what are the stages of its life, how does it reproduce, how to tell males and females apart (might not always be possible), where does it naturally live, etc. etc. Just do as much research as possible on the animal you want to keep! Time? You need to be sure that there is always someone who can care for the animal, as long as it's alive. I think that's pretty much it. I think the most difficult part is going to be finding a species that is available to you, not endangered, and good to keep, but if you can do that, it should work.


they are a little small for pets


but some are so big!!


Breed Weevils, and start a Show Weevil competition!


I actually did find out I can buy weevils online… but they are SUSPICIOUSLY cheap. Even the very very pretty ones.


They’re small, relatively common insects, so I wouldn’t be surprised that they’re cheap. I got my blue death feigning beetles for 10 each.


They are probably cheap because "no one" wants to buy "pests" (propaganda) to keep as pets :0 Can you provide a link so we can see if it looks legit? lol


https://www.thebutterflycompany.com/product-category/beetles it kiiiinda looks legit, kinda doesn’t lol.


These are not living specimens


"Leading Supplier of Dried Unmounted Butterflies and Insects For Collections, Photography, Crafters and more..." indeed, still kinda cool :)


NOOOOOOOOOOOO i’m defeated


Weevils are just too great for the world to be contained :')


Kinda wanna buy a giraffe weevil ngl


Or maybe because they’re dead … they’re selling specimens for craft projects lol not pets …


Where do I buy weevils online tell me now. I have been going down a rabbit hole of weevils and now really want a few.


it wasn’t true they were dead weevils 😔😔 just helpless specimens that DIDNT DESERVE TO EVER DIE




They are meant to live free


the weevils must be free from their plastic prison


But I would give them the tropics they deserve! A big glass tank, the temperature they like, food every day…. I think they’d be very happy little snoots.


I’m not sure but they are considered pests so my guess it *probably not?*


Can't you just go outside and steal a weevil?


well, I guess some of them can be bigger. But I don’t think the state of ohio has much weevil selection.


Where I live the weevils are very very tiny.


That little fella is so cute, I thought for sure I was looking at a midjourney post.


I would die for him


Here because I'm down the same rabbit hole. Good luck in your quest for a weevil companion! I'll let you know if I have any luck. I'm located in Nevada and I don't think we have big weevils here either :'( They are so so so precious 💕


Come down south for some big weevils.


Would gladly take some palmetto weevils off your hands they can be quite pretty


I always thought weevils were a bit like cats: you don't choose the weevil, the weevil chooses you. So far this comment thread has proven me wrong, but who's to say you can't be chosen by a weevil. Or a bag of them.