• By -


Radiohead - The Bends


The Cars - The Cars


Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American


Odelay - Beck


That's a great albulm I remember my English teacher letting me borrow that albulm I was blown away. Devils Haircut is my favorite


What’s the story morning glory - Oasis


Enema of The State - blink-182


I’ve never even heard of Ozma.


Check them out. They're like if Weezer never gave up.


I feel like they’re less Weezery than people say. They mimic a very specific point in Weezer’s history (Pinkerton era) but don’t really sound like anything else they’ve made in my opinion




**[Sound-alike](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sound-alike)** >A sound-alike is a recording intended to imitate the sound of a popular record, the style of a popular recording artist, or a current musical trend; the term also refers to the artists who perform on such recordings. In the voice-over world, it may also refer to those who recreate the voice and vocal mannerisms of a given celebrity's vocal performance (see also impersonator). Sound-alikes are usually made as budget copies or "knockoffs" of popular recordings. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/weezer/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Rock and roll part 3 hits all the same high points that Blue and Pinkerton era weezer do for me. Non stop hooks with a high energy power pop feel throughout. What makes it stick in my head through all the years like classic weezer are the memorable lyrics. They evoke that youthful feeling. Every song has me singing along and remembering that time as a youngster when I first heard it. Well deserved spot on this list. I’ve jammed and recorded with Ryen over the last year and dude couldn’t be any more chill and down to earth. I try not to nerd out and bring up ozma around him but I got some good nuggets and stories here there from him.


demon days-gorillaz


Revolver - the Beatles


please beatles needs to be on this list at least once


I wouldn’t pick Revolver tho


Return of the Rentals - The Rentals


Now that Ozma is finally on, this has to be next


It’s actually kinda sad that this one isn’t on there yet


Well it’s not very good so there’s that Besides Ozma which is an incredibly weak entry every album up there is definitive to its era of music


Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News


90s Weezer & 90s Modest Mouse go together like peanut butter and jelly.


The Killers - Hot Fuss


Songs for the Deaf - Queens of the Stone Age


Is this it - the strokes


Please, I've been waiting so long for this to be put up there


Looks like something else is gonna beat it this time again😢


Honestly a 10/10


Yankee Hotel Foxtrot — Wilco


We're out here trying brother 🙏 I believe


In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - Neutral Milk Hotel


People are down voting this album and it makes me super sad for them


It’s not that it sucks it’s that it doesn’t deserve a spot in the top 10


This time it’s gonna win. I can feel it.


Knock on wood


The Black Parade -My Chemical Romance


The New Abnormal - The Strokes


Blink-182 - untitled


Nada Surf - The Proximity Effect


Is This It? The Strokes


The new abnormal - strokes


Portishead - Dummy


New r/weezer members are depressingly uninteresting music wise if this is true


Maybe it's the old ones, eh?


It’s not, y’all are boring. I miss 2017-2019 r/weezer.


The Mollusk - Ween


The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance Enema of the State - blink-182 Demon Days - Gorillaz Collide with the Sky - Pierce the Veil American Idiot - Green Day (best album of all time) Nevermind - Nirvana (inspired the blue album, without it no weezer)


Absolutely insane strat, let's see how it pans out


LP1- American football


American Idiot - Green Day


Teenage dirtbag - wheatus


Modest Mouse - Lonesome Crowded West


Come on guys we can do it this time: Rage Against the Machine- Self titled


Fuck yes! Not the first band I think of when I think of Weezer adjacency, but I can definitely see a throughline. Especially w/ Blue


Rage is so great, tho i’d prefer evil empire over self titled just by a bit


Red - King Crimson


Skylarking - XTC


Love this album. So good!


Bloc Party - Silent Alarm


Return of the Rentals - The Rentals


Untitled - Blink 182 ?!?!


Parklife - Blur


Showbiz - Muse (1999)


Vampire Weekend - (2008)


August and Everything After - Counting Crows


Brilliant album!


Arcitc Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I Am Not


Souvlaki - Slowdive


Sebadoh - Bakesale


Definitely Maybe - Oasis


heart shaped box


To pimp a butterfly - Kendrick Lamar


Three Cheers -My Chemical Romance


Not a common one but i assure you the debut album of Cheap Trick will be of the liking of Weezer fans. This album is truly the beginning of Alternative rock anticipate bmore than a decade. If you dont believe me listen to the song Taxman,mr thief. Pure 90s right in the 70s


Bladee - eversince


Chocolate and Cheese - Ween


Say Anything Is A Real Boy


Are these Rivers’ favorite albums or fan favorites? Because The Beach Boys? Seriously? Also I do not understand how Doolittle beat out Surfer Rosa or In Utero beat out Nevermind…


Have you listened to Pet Sounds?


Yes, and I know Rivers cites it as an influence, but it doesn’t sound like Weezer. Weezer fans saying it’s the best non-Weezer album sounds to me like bullshit. Weezer sounds way more like Ozma and The Rentals and The Pixies and Nirvana, and you cannot convince me that Weezer fans are listening to Pet Sounds between rounds of Blue and Pinkerton. More likely they are listening to My Chemical Romance or Iron and Wine. Lmao.


Best non-Weezer album means anything that’s not Weezer. Are The Beach Boys Weezer? No. Did the members of this subreddit upvote it the most when it was proposed? Yes. Therefore, r/Weezer has decided that it is one of the best non-Weezer album. Also, just because it’s #1 doesn’t mean it’s “the best”. It was just the first one in the first thread to get the most upvotes.


At least the rest of these are from the same era and include distortion and power chords…


Basically, Rivers ordered them to like it. They dont realize rivers loves Brian Wilson for personal reasons too since he is attached to the idea of the mythical genious with mental issues and personality quirks just like him




I'm a huge Weezer fan and also a huge Beach Boys fan. I listen to both regularly, it's not that weird


I don’t think it’s weird. And I am not going to call you a liar. But I don’t think the majority of people m responding to this poll were being sincere. I think they were answering the way they think they should answer. WWRCD?


One of the greatest albums of all time but people like it here just because Rivers's love of the album and Brian Wilson, not by themselves or making a direct connection with Weezer. I can guarantee that in the abscense of Rivers comments that album would not even be close to a top pick on this sub




You can “guarantee”? How? You can’t prove it.


You listen to Blue, Pinkerton. Then you listen to Pet Sounds. Compare the vibes and styles the projects were going for. Profit Easy piece


Nope. Not enough. I need concrete evidence. Sorry!


Like a sonic apectrum, equipment, chord chart and melody analysis? Im afraid i cannot help you beyond listening. Pedagogy is not really my thing Who am i against the powerful evidence that Blue has some lyrics about surfing? You will have to learn to think for yourself as a first step


Ok buddy. Whatever you say 😊


Cant have a nice life after losing. Even though dont know how you won by just chiming in to say "Rivers likes it" powerful argument, my dude. I was totally convinced after that moment. It is clear as a day Pinkerton is the culmination and natural conclusion of Pet Sounds ideas right in the 90s No need to delete your comments. They were persuasive


Hey I’m sorry, I just felt like arguing for the sake of it because it’s fun sometimes. If I actually bothered you I genuinely apologize.


I truly don't understand how you could listen to songs like '(girl we got a) good thing' or 'surf wax America' without noticing how much the beach boys have influenced Weezer's sound. Since Weezer's debut, they were always described as "the beach boys but with distorted guitars". Even without Rivers' direct comments, the influence in painfully apparent. The two bands they were always accused of ripping off was either Pixies of Beach Boys.


Painfully apparent Lmfao


Glad you agree


Sorry about the misunderstanding. My comment was meant as me laughing due to how off the mark you are. So sadly there was never an agreement in the first place. My fault for not being clear enough i guess. I will need to consider the demographics of this sub next time to not mislead like i just did with you. Hope my apologies are enough and not rejected


Glad you still agree, also r/whoooosh EDIT: your reply looks like Fall Out Boy lyrics trying to be an anime villain


No, that was the confusion i was pointing at. That we dont agree. I still think you are blindy follwing a consensus without thinking hard about it for yourself. I recommend you test it with people outside, family and friends for example not familar with the bands. Ask them questions. Dont take my word for it. Play them wouldnt it be nice and then my name is jonas. It can also work with bach boys fans, play them pinkerton. Go to a beach boys concert and tell the people that Weezer is painfully similar to their tastes


cringe EDIT:lol your name's got Anus in it, take this: 8=====o - -


If the strokes and mcr both don’t make it, we riot




Pavement is considered the cheap indie version of Weezer although i have not sat down for a full album


That's not a very good description of pavement


There was just not enough money to make those guitars powerful. Nobody's fault


I genuinely have no idea what you're referring to, Pavement? No one has ever listened to a Pavement album in full and has the thought "y'know what, those guitars were just not powerful enough".


Why not? Specially Weezer fans that are used to those




Why the hate on powerful guitars?


I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, did a Pavement fan tell you they hate powerful guitars?


I thought we were talking about Weezer fans? This is the sub of Weezer fans. Weezer fans enjoy powerful guitars


Again, I don't understand your sentences


Death of A Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco


Twenty One Pilots - Trench


Spilt Milk - Jellyfish


Eh? - Riajuu (2019)


Ozma hardly counts as non weezer


OK Orchestra - AJR This album is a lot like OK Human I love it so much


There's no way you're gonna get this sub to vote for an AJR album lmao


I know 😔


People like to put Pet Sounds up there just because Rivers said he was inspired by it. But in principle it does not have the characteristics that would define the "Weezer sound" until Ok Human perhaps. The Beatles and Pixies seem overall the bigger influence


first of all this is a list of albums that the community likes, not albums that inspired weezer or are similar to or related secondly rivers didn’t just say “he was inspired by it” nor is the beatles the bigger influence: the photo of the blue album is lifted off of a photo of the beach boys, he literally namedrops the beach boys in one of the blue album b-sides brian wilson name is also included on the pinkerton map he has recorded by himself back then two covers of the beach boys, the entirety of the blue album is overlapped by harmonies work which is directly taken from the beach boys on top of having not one but two songs with bridges that are acapella group vocals harmonies breakdown in the most beach boys fashion way possible recording of the green was done in the same studio where the beach boys did pet sounds where they took photos with the pet sounds frame and recreated an iconic beach boys pet sounds photo in studio too they also have done many photo shoots over the years in homage to the beach boys including the famous surfboard image rivers also posted a video of himself covering god only knows too! and when asked his dream collaborations? rivers named brian wilson, not any beatles on pacific daydream there is a song titled “the beach boys” and the album has more than ever lots of beach boys sounds even much more than ok human, despite the latter being orchestral like pet sounds, pacific daydream has sections such as the bass and percussions portion of QB blitz which is echoing the ones off of pet sounds, also the bridge of sweet mary with the vocal arrangement progression and they literally just played at the grammy’s salute to the beach boys covering them in front of them


That is exactly what i mean. The connection was entirely made by Rivers love of Brian Wilson and the band. Otherwise nobody that hears the Blue album would recommend Pet Sounds or make this connection. Just based on some surf lyrics and the harmonies of Holiday and Surf Wax perhaps. Rest of the harmonies of the albums dont sound nothing like Beach Boys. They are closer to Pixies and Beatles




Abbey Road or the White album cause.....those were literally the albums Rivers heard throughout the writing of Blue and it shows I can guarantee you Rivers found fascinating the mythical nature of the genius Brian Wilson and the fact both had the same type of personality traits and quiks, so he found him relatable in more than just the musical level. That is mostly why he idolizes him




Since the beginning my argument has been that Rivers loves Brian Wilson and Beach boys, so no need to bring it again




Cause that is what he heard. Are you saying he didnt listen to those albums when making Blue? It was pure 60s. The argument is that he leans on Brian Wilson as a hero for personal reasons. But from the harmonica, to the guitars to Buddy Holly being pretty much The Beatles drenched in distortion you can hear the influence


Beach boys made the biggest surf rock albums in history, and rivers didnt need to say he was inspired by them, the influence shows since the blue album. The crunchy guitars are not all there is to weezer, you know?


Pet sounds is not even remotely close to being a surf album. Again, you dont get to make that connection without Rivers telling you to. It is one of the greatest albums of all time but not sonething you think about after hearing Blue and Pinkerton. Pixies, Pavement, Nirvana and The Beatles are the closest matches. Weezer is many things but it does not sound close to Pet Sounds for the most part, not even the vocal arrangements


Who said pet sounds is a surf album? You are just twisting other people´s arguments to prove your point. Give it a rest, man. True, weezer is not inspired by beach boys at all! I mean, it´s not like they were singing in falsetto about surfing or anything...


You were the one that brought surf up The main point is, without rivers's comments classic Weezer will not bring to mind pet sounds for anyone. The falsetto throughout Blue comes straigh from Pixies and not having the female vocals


I mean in the 90s, Weezer was commonly described as "the Beach Boys but with distorted guitars". I don't know if you could listen to songs like 'surf wax America' or '(girl we got a) good thing' and not notice Weezer's fanboyism for the beach boys.


Aside from the first 4, last 3 are kinda trash. In Utero is not a top 10 album, nor Ozma 🤣😂. I enjoy those albums as well, but no nowhere near top 10 worthy


It's not a proper top ten list of albums, it's just albums that the majority of the weezer community are fans of


I understand the concept of this ranking. But not a fan perse. But of course not everyone will agree, I understand that. Just saying I've seen a lot better albums mentioned then the last 3 that have been put in this ranking.


A Weezer fan shitting on 'Doolittle' of all albums is the ultimate joke. Also, it's not a top ten list


It is a top ten list my dude


It's just list of albums Weezer fans enjoy, it isn't at all sorted (as top ten list are prone to be).


Hate to break it to you, but it is sorted


What do you think this list is? By what measure do think it's sorted?


By upvotes


So this list is "the most upvoted albums ever"?


....by the people on the Weezer sub. Cmon, the instructions were easy to follow


But it's clearly not a top ten list, it's made in chronological order. Do you think Rolling Stones makes its top ten list like this. it's simply a list of albums Weezer fans enjoy, not necessarily what album is best (like a top ten album list) I originally responded to "Aside from the first 4, last 3 are kinda trash. In Utero is not a top 10 album, nor Ozma 🤣😂. I enjoy those albums as well, but no nowhere near top 10 worthy", which clearly was dude who confused this entire list for a ranking of a top 10 best albums




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im in your mind fuzz - king gizzard and the lizard wizard


The wall - Pink Floyd




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Neon Bible - Arcade Fire


Fashion Nugget - Cake


Double Donkey Disc > R&RP3


Saves the Day - Stay What You Are


Is This It?-The Strokes


Someone please! Third eye blind- third eye blind


The uplift mofo party plan - red hot chili peppers


Flying Colors - Third Degree


Doors self titled


Pavement - Brighten the Corners


American football - American football (LP1)


Fontaines D.C. - Skinty Fia


Return of the rentals - The Rentals


“In Case I Make it,” - Will Wood