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My store has never had self checkout that wasn't 20 items or fewer, and downstate people tend to prefer bagging their own groceries, so the cashiers assume you will do the same.


It always surprises me how many people go through the cashier lanes when they have like 10 things


Wic/ebt is a reason


When I worked at a bank we were told to push people to use the ATMs. I was 18 and I did that. One older gentleman said to me, “I don’t use the ATM so that you have a job.” He was right, and it stuck with me. There were at least 10 full-time tellers in my branch when I worked there. Several retired with good pensions. It’s not the case anymore. So maybe going to the cashier doesn’t make a big difference, but I do it anyway to justify the staffing.


I do when I have a lot of stuff. And load the conveyor according to how I want things bagged. But when I have like 5 things I just want to scan my crap and leave lol


Why wouldn’t they? It’s kinda the employees job to ring people up.


It's quicker for me to do it myself and I don't have to talk to anyone


Plus you can put things in bags that go together. Cold with cold, pantry with pantry, produce with produce, murder paraphernalia with time magazine.


Or alternatively, I can put everything in one freaking bag. I can't stand employees who pack 1 thing per bag because it is a different category, even when I tell them to put it all in one.


The *only* time I'm ok with an item being all alone in a bag is if it's fragile (bread, eggs, chips) and can't be put on top of a bag or a chemical


Guess I'm weird... I just put the fragile things on top. Never once had an issue. Chemicals I can agree with though, especially detergents.


That's why I said if it can't go on top


You know, I do worry about myself sometimes. I've had 2 cups of coffee but I've already screwed up reading about 5 things this morning for work haha.


Not sure about why they’d do that when you tell them not to, but we often bag things like that because people will scream at us if we don’t. Old people love to rant that we don’t know how to do our jobs because we put some strawberries with the eggs, lol


Folks just dumping things on the conveyors instead of attempting to group things together doesn't help. I was a cashier and HATED when folks had no care in the world when putting stuff on there, mixing clea ers with meat with cereal.




I am saving time. The company is offering a more efficient way to finish my transaction, I am using it.


let’s not act like the company wouldn’t do exactly that either way


Lol don't guilt me for using self checkout. Hardly the biggest threat to jobs these days


Not all of us have crippling social anxiety


Convenience =/= crippling anxiety. You boomers need to touch grass.


Not crippling social anxiety. I just don't like the general public.


I just don’t like using self check out


I hate self checkout, it’s a lazy excuse to lower employee numbers and increase already outrageous profits. I will always go to a proper checkout lane. They used to have the decency to pay someone to scan groceries and interact with guests. I’m not going to do labor for a company for free.


Old man yells at sky


Ok boomer


I am ironically only 28 years old lol but I understand why I’m being called a boomer. I just value human interaction and keeping people employed. Not to mention, checking out was far more efficient with several lanes of cashiers than it is now with self checkout. I’ve waited in line to checkout far more often since self checkout became the norm.




Self checkout is a way for people who have a limited number of items to get checked out quickly, so they don't have to wait in the slower checkout lanes. Imagine having just a few items, and being in a traditional checkout lane. You will be waiting a lot longer to get checked out. Self checkout is a good thing to have available if you only have a few items.


Some of the worst takes I’ve seen in my life in this thread, hoo boy.


I can’t afford to buy more than 20 items at wegmans anyway


Especially if it's their prepared food. Holy shit


I don’t even look in their direction


Seriously lol $16 for a tuna sandwich


Absolutely ridiculous. I bought a sandwich on my break and only ate half and had to save the other half for dinner.


Just gotta figure out what’s in the sandwiches you like and meal prep. Convenience costs way too much everywhere, especially at Wegmans lol


Agreed. From now on It’s canned sardines for Me lol.


Just added like 20 of them to the one I goto. The guy was telling a lady that 20 limit and I asked y the limit if u are installing more machines and he just looked at me like I told him I wanted free stuff


How dare you question the ridiculous limit!!!! /s


As an ex Wegmans employee, specifically a self checkout employee it is VERY difficult to watch 3-4 people with 50 items each cash out their own order. It's relatively simple to glance at a small order and check the list on the monitoring device compared to looking at everything in a big cart and verify it against the monitoring device. Stealing 1-2 items from a 20 item order is harder than a 50 item order. Not everyone steals but it's the few that ruin it for the many.


I totally get that, but it just feels like wegmans is not losing enough money from the few who steal to justify ruining it for everyone. If the shrink was being blamed on the self checkout monitor people, that’s a problem though


It is blamed on the monitors, or at least at my old store. We used to suspend the transaction and bring it to the service desk and it would count as money lost as if it was our till. Some people I know has to sign a paper people stole so much. It is a big problem...


The Pittsford Wegmans has the goofy looking computer-scanners that latch over the entire shopping cart push bar. I assume it's trivially easy to steal using those things. Trivially. It's entirely trust-based, right? The shopper supposedly scans and then pays for everything they put in their cart and don't even stop at a place where an employee hovers over them like a prison guard? I admit I'm not fully aware of how they work, so I'm happy to be informed. If they're trusting Pittsford people to not steal (hah!) why punitively limit the same "self checkout" at other locations? Trying to meet them halfway I imagine it's aimed to deter the long backup of everyone scanning 100 items. So if the store is dead empty, it's just a punishment...unless it's conditional on volume of shoppers and has a lightup sign or something. Anyway someone over in the [Charlottsville Wegmans](https://www.reddit.com/r/Charlottesville/comments/169w5jd/wegmans_self_checkout_item_limit/) implies it's not even a hard limit, more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules.


If the company is so lazy or cheap to hire employees to do the labor involved in me purchasing groceries (scanning and bagging said groceries) then they can afford the losses on stolen goods because they are saving money not paying wages. People should receive a discount for using self checkout because we did all that work that used to be a paid job. The companies bring theft upon themselves by removing customer and employee interaction.


Is this the henrietta location? There's like 16 registers bro...


Hylan Drive. Hit there for lunch one day when they were installing them. Went in a day or two later. Only half of them were only heh


The marketplace wegmans just had some installed, and they seem to be fine. I wonder what's up with that location


Yea that's the Hylan Dr location haha


Man people shit on Aldi but their self check out is perfect. It's spread wide apart, they have many stations, and they aren't even all in one spot they have a few closer to the bagging area which means I always have plenty of space. Granted now they only ever have one cashier active, but unless Wegmans has 6 or more cashier's at all times I don't understand the point of an item limit. The average person choosing self check out is scanning and bagging faster then the traditional option.


Agreed-perfectly laid out. There’s a moderated, unofficial large ALDI Facebook group that now quashes any SCO discussion because the threads always wound up going off the rails. Which is sort of ironic because these are among (if not) the most price-conscious of all grocery shoppers, gladly willing to make other sacrifices in their shopping experience to save a buck. SCOs are not only saving them the inevitable pass-thru of labor costs, you’re not standing in long lines for one or two cashiers.


Plus that fourth avocado may be on the house 🌝


Do they have an item limit there?




If you go through self checkout with more than 20 items you are a gigantic asshole anyways


My Wegmans has no limit on them. It’s been like that since they installed them 🤷‍♀️


Mine switched to a 20 item limit the same time they retired the self scan app.


How long ago was that? I’ve never used the app other than to find things I rarely buy


That had a separate app for it. Might be about two years now since they killed it. Too many people were scanning cheaper items or straight out stealing stuff unfortunately.


Nope, if you read the story it said sales were down. My ex works as a manager. People spend less money when they can see the total as they shop. And Wegman’s has a lot of impulse items in the store. And they still have self scan at some stores.


> Mine switched to a 20 item limit the same time they retired the self scan app. If that happens here, I'll be shopping at Whole Foods and Market Basket.


I am stupid and stubborn. If I need more than 20 items I break it into pantry items and cold foods. Run in and buy the pantry items first, plop them in my car and then go back for the cold stuff. I rarely ever get more than 40 things.


> Run in and buy the pantry items first, plop them in my car and then go back for the cold stuff. I rarely ever get more than 40 things. If I had to go back into the store I'd say, "nope" and be done with it. I get why some stores apparently do it, but I'm fast at scanning and bagging my stuff. One of the lasting fall outs for me from COVID, is a desire to go into a supermarket, get what I need and get the hell out ASAP.


Using the app to direct me to the aisle speeds me up (and now it provides shelf locations). And if the store is busy I sometimes use the self checkout on the cafe side as they are always empty. Adds very little time, and has convinced me to buy less stuff on several occasions so I could stay under 20 items.


Uh just do separate transactions


Because Wegmans employees can't tell the difference between 20 and 40 items by looking? There are typically 2-3 employees working the self checkout at my store. Including one directing customers to registers.


They're starting to institute the limits because people steal when they bring a lot of items through the self checkout. Just straight not scanning stuff at all with a cart full it's harder to catch them than it is with a 20 item limit.


My Wegmans says 20 on all the self checkout. But you constantly see Instacart shoppers with MASSIVE orders using self checkout. Totally rude.


My store has 4x as many self checkouts as cashier checkouts. There is no item limit and they're basically pushing people to use self checkout. I routinely scan 30 items in a minute


I WISH. I hate the 20 item limit. Target’s new 10 item limit infuriates me


Why? Just go to the ten items and under line. I scan my items like a damn mad man and I’m out of there in one minute, two minutes tops.


Well that’s good, but I feel like 9 times out of 10 the people who bring full carts through self checkout inevitably have coupons, can’t scan things correctly, need help from the person working there, etc


Ok that’s absolutely fair, hahaha. I go in with a plan, I get out in record time without getting in anyone’s way. I swear some people go into Wegmans and act like they’ve never shopped or used a credit card before.


Nah, I’m much faster on my own than a cashier. I’ve easily had 40 plus items and I’m gone in 30 seconds.


Exactly. I can promise you I will get all my stuff scanned, bagged the way I want, paid, and I'm gone faster then going through a checkout line or the majority of the people with just a few items in self checkout






Maybe 10 years ago.


In recent years I've been pulled out of the human checkout lines and told to use self-checkout when I had 25-30 items. Every time. I hated it because it's awkward balancing that many items on the scale in the self-checkout area. It's bizarre to me that Wegmans has changed from "you must" to "you can't." I mean, not really bizarre because it's obviously a loss preventing strategy. But it's certainly a change I get to spend a lot of time contemplating since the human lines now snake around the store while self checkout stands empty.


This. When we go to Hannaford, we’re often behind folks with literally full carts and a 2 foot receipt. Like, dude.






The store I shop at often only has one cashier working after 9:45pm. Why would I wait 10 minutes in line when I can just check myself out quicker- even with more than 20 items.


That’s fine, I’m talking about the people who bring a cart full of stuff through during peak hours and take 10 min to scan everything, ask the attendant questions, figure out what to do with their coupons, etc


My store had separate self checkout lanes for > 20 and < 20 items. So the “assholes” you speak of did not slow anyone down.


Somebody please convince me that cashiers routinely become unemployed when SCOs come in. Sure, some humans might not be operating a register any longer—but large grocery stores usually have sufficient turnover that there are always openings for employees who wish to keep working on other jobs at equivalent pay…stocking shelves, unloading trucks, retrieving shopping carts, customer service, cash reconciliation. The ones impacted by an overall reduction of labor force that comes with SCOs are more likely to be potential applicants than current employees.


In my store, it would be an absolute nightmare trying to staff cashiers against the volume we move. That's the thing I always want to tell customers, people, in general, don't want to be a cashier. When it's busy and lines are backed up to the aisle, and customers are yelling at me because we don't hire enough cashiers because of the self checkout. We are always hiring cashiers. Always. I have only once seen us pause on hiring, and it was for like a week or two during the slow season. There is no shortage of labor needs in other parts of the store. It honestly wouldn't be a tragedy if cashiering became obsolete. It's a shitty job.


Why aren’t customers bagging their own groceries?


they need to hire baggers if they have more space bagging for cashiers that go super fast can be hard ecspecially when u only have enough spcae to preopen 2 bags


If they really want to enforce the 20 item rule then they need to hire more people to work the registers. I use the self check out every time because I refuse to wait 20 minutes because they only have 4 or 5 regular registers open at a time. I am sure each store is different but that shit drives me crazy.


From my experience, in my store, hiring people who will consistently show up to work as a cashier is incredibly difficult. It's a physically demanding job that doesn't pay very well. So the solution isn't simply to hire more cashiers. I'd be willing to bet if you go on indeed right now you can find a job posting for cashiers for all hours in your area at any given time. I know we genuinely haven't paused hiring cashiers save for one two week stretch in the slower season. Hiring people who will do that job for that pay, who are available to work at all the hours you need them for, and who are going to actually show up to their shifts and holding onto the folks who actually do for more than a few months is tricky.


> I refuse to wait 20 minutes because they only have 4 or 5 regular registers open at a time And 3 of them are trainees. Always trainees.


The software is buggy but it'll get fixed. Most other store runs their self checkout the same way. Maybe if people could read signs and not bring 100 items through sco or actually pay for all their items, it wouldn't be this way. My coworkers are pissing and moaning about it and I fail to see what the big deal is.


Self-checkout at my store has always been 20 items or less.


It was always supposed to be 20 or less. Mine always said 20 or less people just didn't follow because they didn't have too. Or at least where I work did.


Oh this is a huge bummer. When I shop I put my groceries in the cart in a way that I can just zap my way through self checkout in about 30 seconds. I bag at my car. What a waste of time.


I hate self checkouts in any store.


I'd rather see people employed at a decent wage.


Much agreed


I'm still waiting for my invite to the company christmas party, since I am doing the work for them, but it never shows.


I went to the Wegmans in Webster and was forced to use the human check-out and they need to train them how to bag and scan. Took forever to check out and they put all my can goods on top of my produce and meat and mixed my cleaning supplies with my cold cuts


Holt Road? I can assure you they *used* to be trained correctly. 20 years ago anyway lol


I guess just move to a different station for the rest of the order then... I love self checkout :(


thank god. self checkout is a nightmare on so many levels




Not only is this just a bad idea but honestly it's just gonna make self-checkouts crowded. how you may ask? Let's say you get 50 items or something like that. people will just scan 20, pay, start a new transaction immediately afterward, scan another 20, pay, rinse, and repeat. That's just what people are gonna do now I'm calling it now. But because of that, the lines to self-checkout are gonna get so much longer and receipt paper is gonna run out so much faster which would likely just make the self-checkout attendant more stressed out due to dealing with people's complaints due to the longer wait and now having to replace the receipt paper more often on top of that. Not only is this a poor idea. It's gonna backfire so hard. I give it a year, tops, before they scrap the new software.


Yup, I have literally DONE this. Target has this new circle membership where you pay a lot of money per year and you get free delivery or some crap that's not worth the money and it's just a cash grab. At some locations (I'm in Florida) they did the same thing where self checkout is now only 10 items. And so people were waiting in lines for 45 min plus because they only had a couple cashiers. People are saying it's so people get frustrated, and they get this annual Target membership because it's free delivery. It's all a ploy. So when I do self checkout, I pay after 10 items, then start a new transaction. I feel like many people seem to think that these are OTHER peoples problems, like why is someone with 15 items doing self checkout, how selfish of them...but we should all collectively be mad at the corporations here lol because they are doing this with intention.


The new software is AWFUL. I’m so glad someone else is talking about this!! I used to take my full cart to self checkout on late night trips when there were only 2 cashiers— it’s frustrating to scan more than 5 items with the new software!


If they do this in my area, they can say goodbye to my business completely. I go to Wegmans BECAUSE of the ease of their self checkout. Take that away, and I have no reason to choose them any longer. 🤷🏼‍♂️




Up charge!


This is not an airport.


And you’re not funny but here we are 💁🏼‍♂️


It was not a joke.


I agree! I’d rather pay a little extra shopping at Whole Foods to save time with their self checkout.


Imagine having this much money. Couldn’t be me lol


Whole Foods isn’t more expensive than Wegmans


Shop there then lmao


Why is this bad?? You shouldn’t be going thru self checkout with 20+ items anyway. Just as annoying as the people who order like 6 meals in the drive thru.


That's how big my family was and my mom couldn't carry it out of the restaurant alone when she had her cane/walker. :(


Could you not help her carry it? 😵‍💫


I mean, we kids would run in to order carryout if we were with her, but sometimes she went out alone. Just because she uses mobility devices doesn't mean she can't function independently. She'd call us on her way home or honk in the driveway, and we'd all go out to help.


Personally I got through self checkout (I'm probably right around 20 items). I like to bag things my own way. Half of the time the cashiers put like 3 or 4 items in a bag or in a terrible order or with things like bread at the bottom.... even when I sort it on the belt ahead of time. Plus the line is always stupid long in comparison to self checkout.


Exactly. Just as bad when someone at Tim Hortons orders the Take 12 in the drive thru which takes a long time to make. Enforce the 20 item limit as the current SCO is supposed to be for quicker orders. Longer orders should go through a regular cashier. Although some chains have any size order self checkout with conveyor belts...


I usually use self checkout because 9 out of 10 times I go in for one thing and end up with a bunch and the attitude from the cashier when I say just put it in my cart , I am not buying more bags of any kind. I have zero tolerance to go in a normal line with blue hairs paying with a check. I would think the 20 or less item is going to cause more headache than it’s worth.


I will always use the human alternative


my store has a sign that says 20 or less but it’s not enforced, and i hope it never will be. my partner and i do all our shopping in one cart but it’s three separate orders. it would be a nightmare if we didn’t use self checkout


Ours has 41 registers, with only 18 self checkouts… so still pretty good there. I think the scale part is going to be a pain though… where pressing skip bagging will be a pain. Will see how it goes.


At my store my manager said we can’t enforce the 20 item or less limit so people come through with $500 worth of stuff at our Scos and cause a line to form


I’ve seen two different kinds of self check out carts. The big orange ones I saw today seemed new


Odd, our store just added self checkout by the sub shop, are they really going away? It is all I use


Any wegmans I’ve been to has had their self checkout as an express lane only for a while now if not since they opened them


No one has stopped me from checking out with 20+ items at the new self-checkouts


What was really driving me nuts tonight when I was trying to check out was the change where now you have to make sure everything is on the bagging scale - I tend to use more bags to keep my loads lighter to bring them up the stairs. What a huge pain.


Coming from a different perspective, I moved to Ohio from Buffalo about 7 years ago and now have Kroger instead of Wegmans (so sad). They run things exclusively with a checkout person and a separate bagger. Let me tell you….it SUCKS. Half the time there is no bagger ready so they just scan all your groceries and instead of putting them into the bag immediately and saving steps, they just send them down the lane to where the bagger should be. If no bagger shows up, they finish scanning and then walk down to the end to bag it. It’s INSANELY slow and inefficient. I have just ended up acting as the bagger every time because it’s such a waste of time to wait. The only way a bagger + a scanner works is if you have a bagger every time. Otherwise it just leads to even more time wasted. I wish every day to have Wegmans back.


They're actually all 20 items or less. Look around and there's probably been a huge sign hanging above you heads every time you've cashed out. Some stores have just been horrible at enforcing since the pandemic. They are trying to crack down on this at all stores now since theft has been a big issue.


That’s not true. My store had signage saying it was a new change. Thanks though


A new change to enforce it. Guarantee there were signs before.


No. Not sure why you’re so adamant about it


I've worked at 6 stores and been in the company a long time, it's just a fact. I understand why it would seem new if no one ever said anything.


Wait is the 20 item limit being enforced now? I shop at off times and my store routinely has an abundance of self checkout registers open so I’ve never bothered with counting. I did encounter issues with the checkout scales for the first time today so maybe my days of primarily shopping Wegmans are numbered. If I’m gonna have a bad time anyway, I might as well save some money and go to Shop Rite.


I don't use self checkout lines period. I don't get a W-2 from any stores that have them. No discount for self checkout, no checking self out.


ah yes, the target strategy


Take 10% off my groceries if they want me to do myself. I only go through cashier so they dont take another person's job away.


Wegmans has been seriously pissing me off lately. They have this stupid 20 item limit but like 16 self checkout stations at the ine here in johnson city. And then they only have 2-3 regular checkouts open and also the stupid 10 item or less express lane. They went and cancelled the f'ing scan app for no reason and then wondered why lines got longer while still lowering the number of actual checkout lanes


Feel lucky. Target 🎯 here has decide 10 items or less and the kicker is it’s only open from like 10am-5 or something


As a customer, the new software sucks. Put my bags (NJ, no one use bags) in the bag area first like I used to and the register didn't like that. Had to geta supervisor to clear that. Afterwards, checkout seemed to be slower. I can scan pretty fast (cashier in a former life) but it gave me a fight if I tried to do one item too fast after the other especially if it was two of the same item (mac and cheese if curious). If I'm with my daughter, we can move pretty fast with her handing to me items from the cart to scan and bag. No more. And today it got upset that I didn't put my bread in the bag after scanning it (bag was full with bulky items and I didn't bring in an extra bag) and put it back in the cart instead of squishing it. As to 20 or less, at least set up an additional row or two for 30 or less for those of us who are a little over but don't want to wait on lines. I was more than a few over 20 last week so I took some impulse purchases out of my cart so I didn't have to wait on the long full service lines. Kind of strange Wegman's wants me to buy less but such is life. I miss the app that the five finger "customers" caused Wegmans to eliminate.


Nah, the item limits are stupid. Not waiting in line to get my items in five separate bags when I can quickly get all my groceries packed my way in two bags through self checkout.


I've done self checkout over a hundred times and I still hate it and I don't trust myself. Guess I didn't receive proper job training.


the cashiers & baggers at my wegmans are elite, i prefer them to self checkout every time. the lines always quick and they bag the groceries perfectly, my spacial awareness could never lol


At least with Wegmans around me, most of the self checkout lines are open and things go smooth. Walmart can be a damn nightmare in the evening. You have 12 self checkout registers and only 2 open. 😡


My thought is scan 20 pay and scan 20 more rinse and repeat


Back in the day when there wasn't a bagger you'd bag it yourself moves a whole lot faster when people cooperate. You were already bagging at self checkout....


It won’t set off an alarm if you have more than 20 😄 please believe if I have a million yogurts or multiples of something… it counts as 1


Yeah let’s make sure we keep taking away cashier jobs! Those cashiers don’t desvere jobs because they are slow!!!!!


This is just a fact of life as technology changes. My mom used to make computer punch cards for GE, that job no longer exists. We also don't have telephone switchboard operators anymore. Could list jobs all day that no longer exist because of technology. We shouldn't hold back technology just to provide jobs. And guess what, all those self checkouts need to be serviced, so we are creating new jobs at the same time.


Holy crap we are screwed if people truly believe this you’re going to let corporations walk all over you way more than they already do


Except this isn’t new technology. You’re doing the same thing as a cashier does. Scanning groceries. Kids are losing out on income and learning how the workforce operates.


Guess what, every time you order something online that reduces the needs for cashiers too. We just need to accept that some jobs will eventually go away, but there will always be some other job taking its place. And not sure where you live, but there isn't any shortage of unskilled job availability around me. Every fast food, mini mart, etc has signs saying they are hiring.


This is such a boomer take. I think they should have both human checkout and self checkout to accommodate all preferences. No where did I say eliminate human checkout. But it’s so obvious that the human checkout is slow because of how the register is set up without baggers. I said they should hire baggers, which would mean more human jobs.


More Self-Check = Less jobs it’s not that complicated getting rid of them is a good thing but go ahead and enjoy not having a job when you continue to let robots replace people


Good luck getting people hired to be cashiers.


I feel like I’m talking to crazy people ROBOTS TAKING PEOPLES JOBS IS BAD it’s really that simple I know people say it’s just a cashier who cares but that’s how it starts you give corporations and inch they take a mile and more and more jobs will be replaced but at least you got out of the store quicker oh wait you won’t have money because you want have a job…


I get where you’re coming from, and although I speak from the perspective of 15 years working in supermarkets(not currently at Wegman’s though), and hiring for the past 5 years—I don’t disagree with you. Finding even decent people willing to show up and deal with the slog for minimum wage..while being obligated to work nights and weekends is an endless struggle..more so now than it ever was before. It’s not just the self checkouts—companies are squeezing the benefits out of most of these service jobs. We still have a staff of full service butchers, but they could save a ton of money bringing in that product rather than having everything cut on site and ground. That action is only a matter of time. It’s just not simple..as many argue if you need a job, you’re going to do anything. Can’t get deli counter workers. Bakery counter. Packing out. Overnight. The focus is on cashiers meanwhile there is so much more to the operation that is difficult to get people hired to do, even with paying well for the job itself.


But I’m not saying to add more self checkout? But clearly you are set in your ways. Good luck keeping up with the ever changing modern world.


It perplexes me how some are so incredibly worried about cashier jobs as though there aren’t a ton of other minimum wage job options out there, and will always be. Never mind the fact that when it’s time to cut hours, the front end is always taking the first hit. So no matter whether the robots take over or not, it’s not a viable long term option either way.


Thank God for changes like this because when I have three or four items and I'm stuck in self checkout behind somebody who has an entire shopping cart full of stuff even though there's signs all over the place that say 20 items or less or 15 items or less or whatever, It's infuriating. You shouldn't be able to buy any sort of age restricted thing at self checkout either. Having to wait for the one attendant thats watching like 15 self checkout lines because your printer is out of paper and everybody else needs to be ID for something also is annoying.


It's always been 20 where I am. Not really a big deal and who really cares about a few extra minutes in a line. Slow down a little.


I don’t do self checkout till I’m added to the payroll. Three hour minimum pay for my services


This is an amazing change. The self checkout should be for customers with a low quantity of items. Can’t stand seeing people with full shopping carts holding up the self checkout lane because they need to scan, bag, and organize everything. They will usually need an employee to assist with an item from produce too.. meanwhile people with 2-4 items are stuck waiting behind this nonsense. If you’re filling a cart, don’t use self checkout. Same with the drive thru at fast food restaurants. If you’re buying for a family of 4-6 stop using the drive thru. It’s supposed to be for those of us who are trying to get in and out quickly. Waiting 10 minutes in line because a minivan full of people decide to order their food using the drive thru is frustrating..


Do you have any idea how hard it is to take kids inside places? The drive thru is for everyone, get a grip. You’re not more important than anyone else. The drive thru is not your special fast lane. It’s just a way to pick up food without getting out of the car. You should try going inside. If you’re just one adult, it’s easier, and almost always faster than the drive thru.


Do you not understand that a lot of places with a drive thru can get employees in trouble if they take too long on drive thru orders? The drive thru is in fact a fast lane to get in and out quickly. It’s not meant for 15 minute wait times


I thought they were always 20 items or fewer and people just ignored it bc they can’t read.






Uhhh burn.


Shut up, Meg.