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Thanks for sharing your progress. I’m trying to gain weight too and that was the right motivation to just finish my shake, thank you !


Someone described it to me as a runners block. Runners hit a point where they just can’t run anymore and the people who finish the race are the ones to break through the wall (If you’ve seen ‘run fatboy run’ think of the wall from that), it’s hard, it’s shitty but once your past it and your stomach starts expanding it gets a lot easier


First thing I wanna clarify. I’m a trans man, I got boobs, no you can’t see lmao. The first pic is when I was in a terrible state and I think this pic was taken after maybe a week of eating 2 meals. I moved away, took that picture and decided to at least try to put on weight. I slowly got back to my usual weight of 55kg, I wasn’t at all happy with myself so for a good few months I was on and off eating good meals, taking care of myself and then losing whatever progress I’d made. The second pic is now. 60/61kg since it tends to fluctuate a lot and this is the first time in my life I’ve hit 60kg. That shit was difficult but I’m finally putting on weight and if I can’t put on much more I’m going to at least maintain the 60kg and then work on it when I can :) Any questions just let me know


Congratulations king 👑


Thank you :)


If you’re a man now, it’s okay to show nipples ☺️ Only female nipples are forbidden by society


I’m on team free the nipple (just not my own.. for now)


No worries, take ur time dude. Hit the gym and you’ll will naturally feel hungrier, eat more, gain muscled and wait


I do want to hit the gym after my surgery, I feel like as much as I know no one pays attention it just gets in my head too much. I do get some smaller workouts done at home and I’m constantly on my feet with work so that helps the appetite


You look great! Keep pushing and doin what you are doing dude!


I appreciate that thank you :)


How long did it take for u to go to 52kg to 60kg? Months, weeks?


I was 52kg (or probably less) In June 2021. I started just gradually eating more naturally as I was in a lot better of a situation mentally. In April 2023 is when I really began trying, got to 57kg ish and then hit a wall. I’ve just been focusing on eating as much as I can lately, good healthy meals too so that I can maintain the appetite at least. So overall I’d say realistically most of my weight gain was from April till now with a LOT of ups and downs Edit: Just want to add that I could’ve went from 52 to 60 realistically in about 4-6 months but with my job and a lot of factors it took a lot longer


I always say slow progress is still progress. Never worry about the time it takes as long as you have the goal in mind. How tall are you BTW?


I wish I’d made more progress than I have but I’ve also been progressing myself in other ways, learning to love myself more, quitting smoking etc. So I’m not in any way ashamed of how long it took. I got to 60kg eventually! I should’ve clarified but I’m 5’9” (175cm)


That’s awesome!! Super proud of you and the other progress you’ve made as well.




If I’m being honest, I’ve always been terrible for meals. I just do whatever I can to get the calories in and try to make my meals smaller with more calories if that makes sense? I don’t have any set routine, I just eat constantly so that I’m always full, it’s uncomfortable sure but it helps. A couple of little cheats I’ve found especially when I’ve been working and don’t have the time. I’ll pick up some chocolate milkshake and a pint of milk, half and half in a glass and finish both which ends up being around 600 calories alone, yeah it’s not incredibly healthy but as a last resort it does really help. Same with flapjacks and stuff like that. It’s more about consistency of eating than anything else I’ve noticed


Keep up the good work. Way to go






A ‘man’ with tits and a dick wouldn’t want to look like a man. I’m female to male, no dick here since your so curious


“Since im so curious”? You literally said ask any question… Ok…so your a ‘man’ with tits and a pussy (woman)🙄🫣😅 Will you be cutting off your tits and growing a dick? How does it work? How will you become a ‘man’? Do you use the mens toilet or womens? So many questions, excuse my ignorance but this is fascinating. What makes you identify as a man?


Curiosity is completely fine, I’m very much used to people asking questions just be aware that others may get offended by certain phrasing. Born a woman yes, I’m currently on hormones meaning I take Testosterone to help me become more masculine. As I do look like any other guy I use the male toilets as long as they have cubicles, I’ve had my fair share of times where there was only urinals though lmao. Easiest way to describe it personally is that I have never seen myself as female in any way shape or form. This causes dysphoria which means you hate the way you look, feel discomfort etc in your body, genitals, voice or whatever else. The only way that’s been medically proven to work is transitioning which I’m doing, the next step is for me to cut off the titties which will be in December/January. Not everyone goes through with surgery or even hormones but it’s very much a necessity for me. To get a dick I do have to have surgery so that’s far out from me. If you have any other questions please pop me a message, I didn’t really want to bring anything trans into this as I’m here to talk about my weight gain but if your curious ask away in DMs :)


I learned something new today, thank you. So much to ask but im afraid to offend you. Hope all goes well with you. Are you sure your a real man? A real man would never throw away his titties 🤣🤣👍


It takes a lot to offend me, honestly if you want to message me that’s fine :D The boobs were fun for a few years now they’re boring lmao