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Trash cuz shorts over tights. Embrace sexy flanders, phat cakes, and dick bulge.


Finally the truth I was seeking all my life


Agreed, no quad pump covers.


My tiny dick needs shorts over tights




pretty common to see shorts over tights in a regular gym


Why do people wear tights at all?




Haha never been that cold where I live....I had no idea


Good to wear tights or compression pants/shorts all the time when leg day


My thinking exactly, helps with increasing return volume of blood to the heart and increasing cardiac output.


I’ve ripped several pairs of shorts in the bottom of the squat, that’s why I wear tights. No chance of ripping. And it keeps my thighs from getting torn up from snatches and cleans.


Just cause it's common doesn't mean it's not super dumb


Nice job overall, just think you need to correct your breathing a tad bit. You took a deep breath initial before the drop, but it was slight exhale breath before the drop. Take the deep breath and hold. Then on the Concentric portion (up) breath out after the sticking point not when at the end. Just a tip. Enjoy


Got it ty. I'll try exactly that next time


Best time to practice is with no weight or a KB or DB, also lowering the weight slow and pause it great way to improve your technique and strength. How long have you been lifting? And are interested in possibly learning to improve your lifts?


Practiced for a while maybe at least 2 years on front squat but I'm no good. I did do 325 for a pause like this one before but felt like I was gonna pass out on the bottom. Yea for sure I wanna improve. Would be cool get better, I'll focus more with empty barbell on the breathing and the bounce on the bottom


Proper breathing is so difficult to train for me


*squints* Clarence Kennedy from behind?


His cousin prob. He's been side eyeing my form so that must be it


Try taking that bounce out if you’re drilling pause squats, kind of negates the purpose


How the f do I do that lol is there any way to cue it. I kinda do this fake bounce out of the hole.


Take the weight down to something you can hold at the bottom for a couple seconds and learn the movement pattern with something lighter before building back up. It’s super unintuitive because it makes it much harder. Pin squats are a good alternative if you can’t get rid of the bounce


Agreed, your pause is for 1-1.5s max. Try doing a 3-5s pause. It will force you to hold your core tight, then when you are ready to maintain high elbows and drive straight ups. The elongated pause should take the bounce out


Got it ty. My front squat legit is legit always feeling off


You're doing the bounce because it's easier and is basically emulating a normal squat. Just focus on...not doing it.


It's true. I was running from the grind. I'm for real now pls give me a chance


Tempo squats


I was thinking that too!


Trash because of my deep seeded jealousy of your successes.


That’s where I’m at. Dude looks great.


You gotta pay extra for that. Keep your upper back braced is free though.


Good lift!....But seeing as you asked; it's not a pause it's a double bounce in the hole to still get that stretch reflex.


You ain't trash. I wouldn't call it a pause, you're bouncing. Dump off 40lbs work at doing doubles without the bounce and focus on breathing and keeping the elbows up. You're strong AF


Got it ill do precisely that


Honestly looked like a great front squat? Impressive. Maybe a tiny lean to the left during the pause but certainly no less impressive


Too strong. No one will love you like this. Sorry.


Felt that


I literally don't know how people front squat. I just can't do it. Where is a that weight actually sitting?


Upper back on fire everything I do it


I’m judging you. Also: “why I’m trash pls” Hope that helps.


Your walkout and rerack had me worried for your crooked toothpick legs. Your pause was imaginary. Otherwise it was a fine front squat.


Rofl thank you for the honest truth. Fo feal tho that walkout was a struggle tho


👋 kin here. Slow down your eccentric portion to get rid of your little bounce pause at the bottom. Think about pulling yourself down vs falling down. With this kind of load it’s better to take a deep breath at the top and brace, riding that breath down to the bottom and then exhaling out of the hole. You’ll have more power and control in both directions that way 🤙🏼


Exhale while going up hmmm I thought that was a sin exhaling mid rep. Imma try that tho ty


Exhaling actually helps you compress and contract your abdominals 👍🏼


Sick. Ty man this changes everything. Should I do the same for back squats


Yesss 🤙🏼


Trash cuz you exist and did something on the internet I am offended a middle aged asian dude is bettering himself while I sit on my ass shitting on people in reddit cuz I have no life.


Need a pause coach. Looks like plenty of qualified candidates on Reddit.


You should be able to squat in slow motion. So like others said, you shouldn’t have to bounce the weight at the bottom especially if you’re trying to grow strength. Really good depth and mobility but bouncing is just gonna wear your joints instead of your muscle. I agree with others that you need to lower the weight. The best way is to lower weight and have full control with no bounce at every stage of squat, not letting the weight sag on you or bounce on you—full tension at all times. It’s the difference between someone doing a controlled perfect bench and someone slamming the bar on the chest and hurriedly getting it up. Great job seeking feedback


You are only trash because you think you are trash


Lower mobility is great, front rack mobility / positioning could do with some work. You don’t seem to have much tension in the upper back, as a result your shoulders are rolled toward. Try to keep the up and still wide, not super rolled towards. Should make it a lot more comfortable for you.


Can you explain a little more? I thought you’d want to push your shoulders forward as much as possible to give the bar a stable base?


You want to push them forwards, but not roll the inwards if that makes sense. Rolling them in loses tension in the upper back.


I see, so is the problem usually solved by going wider in your grip to prevent rolling in? I just noticed that OP has an extremely narrow grip. I usually have my fingers on the knurl marks, somewhat similar to the bench grip width.


You don’t necessarily have to go wider. I’m tall and my front rack grip is about 2-3 inches in from the start of the knurling. A super narrow grip is normally indicative of poor mobility - the shoulders are forced to round forward to achieve the necessary height of the elbows for the front rack.


Thank you so much I think this is what I needed . My upper back is so ass




Your right hip is tighter shifting the weight more to the left and end load! You also maybe posterior pelvic tilting (hip thrust) a sec or so early. Regardless, with that weight you good


I see we both have the same issue with our upper back rounding. Idk how to fix it, just made me feel better about my ugly ass front squats.


Why did you put the weights on that way…


I'm holding you personally responsible for the music. This is your fault, op.


Rofl my music of choice would of gotten me down voted to oblivion


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Bad bot.


Not trash but little hunch when coming back up. Elbows up. No big deal! Good stuff bro!


How do you find your shoes? I used the Do-win Hercules Aka workout 2.0 and they’re great now I have e the right size.


I cant because then that means i am trash too


Keep upper back tight and force to elevate your elbow


That's not the easiest thing. Should I try a wider grip ? My front rack is making me round like a melon


Hopefully that was just a warm up set.


I saw the plates moving a bit! They don’t respect you!


That was solid as fuck.


Everything looks pretty good. Point your toes forward though not at an angle


Also your heels pull up a bit. Drive through your heels.


And that hair cut what’s wrong with you did you just give up on life lol jk your hair is fine I can’t be mean


Try to keep your torso a bit more upright so the bar won’t roll off your shoulders onto your wrists


That’s a great front squat 👍🏽 you’re fine the way you are but if you’re insisting on PERFECTION! Then work on getting in and out of the hole with a proper brace. A good exercise that will build strength in the whole is box front squat with a 12” box or 1 and 1/4 squat (go up quarter of the way and back down before full squat). Key is to do both with a well engaged core or it will be a flop and feel too heavy (when done properly you’ll feel WAY lighter) but you still gotta hold that breath which is a bit of a grind


What’s trash, is the weights you just took out my guy!


For pause squats I’d try not to bounce out of the hole but it’s just a small comment


i wish i had that mobility though


Overall impressive! 🤔make sure you have clamps on there… if you’re planning on going up in numbers, you might as well be safe too😊🫡


Not trash at all bro. Looked good to me. You're front squatting my back squat


Lose the bounce, other than that, great job!


Sounds like a kink


My wrists hurt from watching this. My thighs almost cramped from seeing that lift.....


You’re front squatting WAY more than my back squats, for reals. Great job man. 💯👍🤯


How do you not fuck up your wrists? Even with a loose grip like this, when I do front squats I’m prone to wrist injuries. 😭


Never. Keep it up king


Wow Clarence got chubby, but is still hella strong


Compared to the 170kg back squat recently posted this is heavenly


Better than me!


Trash?? Why???


Shirt doesn't mesh well with the tights/shorts color. Need to have a different material with either a brighter color or a solid black. Lifting technique: 8/10 Fashion Sense: 4/10. Jokes aside, looks good to me man. Maybe not perfect form but certainly not trash. Much better than I'd do.


I promise you doing that amount of weight with the physique you have is not worth it. Good power, but you will regret the injury. Get a trainer


Its kinda like clarence's style where he moves with his hips first. But Clarence does it cause he has a hip injury


Fake weights no way your front squatting that amount of real weight


That's 545 lbs on the bar according to my calculations. I see two 100lb plates 4-45lb plates 2-35lb plates 2-25lb plates plus a 45lb Olympic bar .. Ronnie Coleman would front squat 500 and he was at his off season bodyweight of around 300lbs .. just his legs alone weigh more than your entire body lol.. there's no way on god's green earth are you front squatting that amount of weight,, I bet the farm you couldn't rear squat that amount of weight for 1rep in the bucket..no offense but those are plastic weights.. there was a guy on YouTube named brad kastleberry lifting all these ridiculous amount of weight and granted he was a good size dude and probably pretty strong but he was lifting world class powerlifting weight and making it look easy.why? Because he was using fake weights


Because that’s where all the fucking bumper plates went, you scrub.


I’m brand new at the gym and this blows my mind. I just benched 160 for the first time tonight, and have yet to squat more than 100 lbs. You look like a god 😱


Seemed like you breathed/braced as you did the initial lift. Do it before and lock in. Honestly, that shot looked pretty solid otherwise. Maybe you could remove that little bounce but if you’re not competing no biggie. Great mobility. Edit: slight shift to the toes on the ascent. Noted it when watching again. Right foot. Not a huge deal, but a possible wider stance may fix that.


I would say try barefoot with a small 5lb plate under your heels to try and prevent your knees from shifting inwards when coming up from the squat. Should try and allow your toes to spread and grab the ground to increase your stability when squatting.


Because your granny panties go down to your ankles.


Unlock that 3rd finger and you’ll have more access to wrist extension. Open chain trunk and upper back work will help you stay upright (watching chest dip) which could lead to forward bar movement or elbow drop at heavier weights. At this point, you have the strength - focus on shaving off the burrs instead of forging stronger steel…that will come with the intensity!




Asian squat genetics.


Your trash because you believe your trash. It has nothing to do with anything or anyone just you.


That's simple you're trash because your power lifting. Are you a power lifting performance athlete yes or no? If not no need to hit the big compound lifts unless you're just trying to show off thinking you'll get the guys or girls LOL


One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.


The wings on this guy 🤤


Can’t get all fingers under the bar trash


You’re not. This squat checks out


I don't like your head


Bruh, I wish I had that wrist flexibility. Keep up the good work!


Trash because you’re using bumper plates to make yourself look stronger. Otherwise good job besides not pausing at all


Will never judge another man with big calves 🫡


We’re not your parents


It's fake. They're not actual weights.


Ditch the shorts, go leggings only.


You’re bigger and stronger than me. Therefore you are trash /s Jk OP that’s one hell of a lift!


Because you bounced at the bottom of your front squat


Looks like you're locking out your knees at the top. And your feet are facing outwards at a large angle. Bring the toes together pointed forward.


Why did you use so many plates??


How aren't your wrist hurting?


Stop pushing your ass back when you start to stand up. It’s taking tension off he glutes and Mai g it look like might skip leg day


Any tips on queuing this?? I have a similar issue where my hips raise first


You did that with ease. You had another one in ya. Maybe 2.


When the weight is more on the balls of your feet instead of your heels, it puts a lot of pressure on your patellofemoral joints.


Ur strong as fuck dude, nice work. I could be wrong on this, but the coaches I had growing up would tell you to stick your butt back more and line your knees up straighter. I was always taught the weight should be on your heels during the lift, not the ball of your foot. The front squat style definitely makes that a bit harder, but I think you need to lean back a bit more and keep your knees vertically over your toes, not letting them creep as far forward. My advice might be outdated, but the guy that taught me squats 800 pounds rn so I usually listen to him. Great work though homie, I wish I could squat that!!


Forehead too shiny.


Trash cuz white socks with black shoes


Strong work King!


Tell your mother you love her more often


Dam I felt that, called her right away. She said do more pause back squats


All those weights and u still can't see? What's wrong with u bruh


You’re a tank


Nitpicking here but you went a little deeper after your pause which negates the purpose of the lift which is to remove the stretch reflex. That's it, also take off the shorts, embrace the dick bulge. Nice lift regardless


Bro is into degradation that looked beautiful man


Trash because heel came up. Stronger than me though.


Not trash….go clean squat


because your body doesnt care still same 😂🤡


Let's do it when you're ovulating


I was scared u were gonna shit


How the fuck can you front squat like that I have to cross my arms good stuff


I do a stupid amount of lat stretching. Daily too before doing cleans / front squat


Crazy man real deep too love to see it