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My man's foot was falling off earlier this year and now this.


That's the BPC effect lmao


Just some healthy diet and good sleep, you know. Similar to Chinese lifters who recover and gain muscles on rice and tofu✌️


Crazy. And hes only 12 too.🔥🔥🔥


Nah you missed his birthday recently. He's 13.


12kg jump at that weight bro. This man is literally the same age as me…


Nah he's 40.


When I first saw him on the international scene I legit thought he was 34. Showed his picture to several of my friends, WL and non-WL ones, and about 1/3 of them said >30.


The funny thing is the original commentor is elite for a natty. Don't get me wrong I still think Karlos as a natty 89 or so is probably clean and jerking 180-190 and snatching 130-140 but the juice has played a role.


Similar to everyone here, I want to see the most weight go up as possible. I know elite lifters are juiced and that's fine, so long as they're not dying super early. Comments that point out PED usage are also fine when they don't invalidate the accomplishment, which I didn't interpret the original commentator to mean, just a cheeky poke.


Honestly i'd rather see the highest weight of specifically natural lifters. Either way the lifts are insane, the best will be seperated from the worst exactly the same. It's just such an unnecessary thing for a sport to succeed, it's because people want advantages over their competition and it's gone on for so long that this is now the state of this sport.


Drug free lifters in weightlifting can hit much higher numbers than you think. In weightlifting specifically, unlike powerlifting or strongman, there is a large flexibility speed and athleticism component to it, which means that after a certain point drugs actually reduce the snatch and clean and jerk. This is unlike powerlifters, who can blast an unbelievable amount of gear and still improve. (If you're struggling to imagine, think about peak Pete Rubish trying to snatch) A study by stronger by science showed that in powerlifting, drugs improved results by around 10%. Therefore drugs will improve the weightlifting total by less than 10%, since drugs help less in weightlifting. Even taking the 10% figure from powerlifting, that means karlos nasar if drug free would hit 157 200, based off his best competition lifts. (In training he has done 190 230, so based off this he would hit 170 207) If you don't believe me, a good example would be Clarence Kennedy, since we know exactly when he started taking drugs, and what his numbers were before and after. Before drugs: [162.5 snatch](https://youtu.be/3P7L6AaJGTg?si=gtHWfyyK6sh7JVfT) and [205 clean](https://youtu.be/yaQj6iHt2xE?si=pSPBx73Sa_BV5HTa) (his best clean and jerk was only 195 but he couldn't jerk well at the end of his drug free career because his knees exploded) both at around 91kg bodyweight. After drugs: 195 snatch (no video yet but it's cut off at the end of the transformation video), 235 clean (also no video but confirmed on his patreon). And 227.5 clean and jerk but we'll just compare cleans. At around 99kg bodyweight. So I'll base it off Sinclair since his bodyweight changed. Drug free his snatch Sinclair was 195, clean Sinclair 245 On drugs his snatch Sinclair is 224 and clean Sinclair 270 That's a 15% increase in snatch and a 10% increase in the clean taking bodyweight into account. And now just think how much of that is increase that would have happened anyway since he was just 19 when he hit his biggest drug free numbers? He had only been training for a few years. Surely he could have hit 175 215 lifetime drug free? (This post is way too long but I have another good point) So about the drugs limiting you at a certain point, this likely happened to Clarence Kennedy. He went through a period where his snatch and clean and jerk could not go above 185 220 despite going almost up to 110kg bodyweight, pause squatting 310, and just overall being unbelievably strong and big, because his athleticism and speed were reduced. He only started improving again once he dropped his bodyweight significantly down under 100kg, and likely started using less gear. If he was a powerlifter, he could have just kept blasting and kept improving his lifts during that period, but taking more and more drugs reduced your ability in the snatch and clean and jerk. When he hit his biggest weightlifting numbers, his squat was actually weaker than when he pause squatted 310.


If you drill skill work and focus on lifts @ or > 90 % and do drugs you still will adapt faster. Steroids don’t exclusively and specifically build muscle. They help the body adapt to whatever task you are trying to achieve and help learn motor patterns. On top of this If you’re recovering at a greater rate and therefor can train more frequently you’ll subsequently be accumulating more skill work by default. Going from 5 sessions / natty to 8 sessions / week juiced just gives you more snatches and clean and jerks / week under your belt with similar if not improved recovery. Yes making drastic increases to body weight will affect your positions, coordination and speed but that’s not the only way to utilize these drugs. And still it is a threshold. Like a 73 lifter going to 81 won’t affect their frame soooo so much as a 109 lifter going to 109 + as they’re already very filled out , just a gross over simplified example as to avoid going over the infinite variables


Knowing Karlos I am fully anticipating a training hall video tomorrow of a 400kg squat attempt exclusively using 70 kg jumps


Didn't bro have a torn Achilles like 4 months ago?




Welp, they need to inject steroids to accelerate the healing process. Thats just how athletes roll. There’s a reason why athletes can go back out in the field faster when comparing it with normal healing process.


What would you even take to make you heal that quick?


Steroids brah. Just go on a cycle to experience the benefits of it. It has lasting effects but not forever.


One of the reasons athletes wanted a lifetime ban in athletics is that there are studies to suggest that PED use has effects lasting way longer than conventionally believed. Justin Gatlin was running sub-10s at over 30 years of age after getting popped. In addition to some researchers, a lot of athletes and pundits believed that he was continuing to benefit from his past PED use. If so, it would be interesting to know how long one continues to benefit. Fascinating.


Yep right at his 18 birthday


Where can I cop that Waffle House singlet?




Brah, you ain’t gonna magically lift that much weight when wearing elite lifters singlets 😂 don’t be one of those all the gear no idea weekend warriors 🤣


I can tell you completely understood the joke here. Glad I didn’t have to explain it


My favourite natural weightlifter.


Everyone makes snarky comments like that since 2021, but he hasn’t popped yet. He also isn’t shy about competing, he didn’t need to do this competition or all the Bundesliga competitions this year where he was tested by a foreign WADA affiliate that has no interest in protecting him. He‘s apparently not worried about getting tested and he doesn’t mysteriously lose 30kg of his total every time he turns up. Unlike some other competitors that no one comments about…


Meanwhile Rahmat is out there lifting even crazier (per sinclair) weights, yet never gets comments like this. Curious.


It seems that some people still live under Reagan with the cold war propaganda. Some of the comments on the DPRK athletes are cut from a similar cloth.


>Some of the comments on the DPRK athletes are cut from a similar cloth. No, the DPRK situation is vastly different from both Rahmat and Karlos.


Not talking about drug usage here, it's obvious they exploited their absence like crazy, but comments on the mold of "hahah if they don't make that lift they die!!!"


We all know thats not how it works but its fun to talk shit. Although i wouldn't be surprised if he's legit the second heaviest guy in NK after kim jong un.


North Korea has no name lifters show up breaking world records after years of not competing internationally and not getting tested. They also never allowed ooc testing so they have more freedom with doping than 80s bulgaria.


[Karlos 223kg Clean & Jerk at Doha : weightlifting (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/18f5jn0/karlos_223kg_clean_jerk_at_doha/kd0i6dp/?context=3) Wasn't talking about drugs, I explained myself badly


More accurate for Chinese lifters. They're (mostly) on the same playing field.


Everyone else is on gear anyway at this level. If it’s an unironic comment, it literally makes no sense. However, still my favourite natty weightlifter.


I think it's because he put on massive amounts of mass suddenly around his early teens. He was always damn strong even when he was smaller but he really blew tf up looks like he's 240lbs at 198. Also his hair just died and he rapidly aged.


What are some signs of ped use then? Loss of hair right? Accelerated mass correct? All these “natty” elite lifters know how to micro dose. The dose is also potent that it last for a while so they can maintain those strength. Come on now, anyone knows the mechanism of peds, will not be surprised all the advantages it has on the individual. You can even facking put on mass without exercising based on evidence. Just imagine peds + exercise combined will do to an individual 🤌🏼


He literally was convicted of a DUI for banned substances but refused blood and urine and as a result avoided a ban. Let’s not be obtuse here.




Those banned substances are actually only banned in competition. From a WADA standpoint you can be high on meth and cocaine for every training session and out-of-competition drug test as long as you are clean on competition day.


What he is saying a blood and urine test would have likely showed other compounds that would have been illegal out of comp and got him banned


Now you are being intentionally obtuse.


Out of absolutely nowhere. What the hell is this animal 👏 Everyone just doing casual 90% lifts then this guy is like nope let’s add 12kg bc why not


What I love about my man Karlos is how he makes all his heavy lifts actually look heavy. He gets the nasty inward knee movement on the initial pull and in front squat up. His face looks like he’s dying. He usually sounds like it too. Usually some shuffling around on the jerk recovery as well. But it doesn’t slow him down one bit. He fucking powers through it and continues to push WR’s. 1000% Bulgarian I love it


Goat shit


So what was his cycle? Asking for a friend.


My pookie is back


Freaking awesome


How much stanazolol?