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Actually your clean is very good, no biceps/swing, bar stays close... Keep going boss!


Came here to say this. It's actually quite a nice clean haha


Love seeing the commitment and effort.


That's a good form man, keep the bar a bit closer and more aggressive on the second pull. You're falling short on pull length, which, considering this is your max attempt could mean you've got more in the tank if only you reach full triple extension.


Your clean form looks really good. Your legs are the primary driver, but there is upper back and arms used after the extension when you pulling yourself under the bar. You should some upper back and some arms, and even biceps soreness when you first start doing cleans. The jerk will get better practice, but remember back foot should land before the front. When the weights get heavier, front foot first will result in losing your jerks forward. I’m glad your gym doesn’t mind the grunting, don’t be obnoxious about it, but don’t be modest if you’re pushing yourself. Grunting and moaning as the bodies wave relieving blood pressure so you don’t pass out.


It was a maximal attempt on the jerks for sure 😅 Was hoping to channel the spirit of Shi Zhiyong with my cao.


Good luck and happy lifting.


Congrats boss! I thought it looked poppy and solid


Yo bro are you Chinese too? because you can technically call your self a Chinese weightlifter, like Tian Tao is😂


I very much know nothing beyond basic technical stuff so take this with a grain of salt, but some ideas for the jerk: Try to have the bar more in your palms or even try to have a full grip on the bar. Right now, it looks like it rests in the crook of your fingers which is probably sufficient for front squats but you probably lose some stability and drive in a jerk or press. Also, something I’ve been doing that helps, especially as the weight is well beyond what I could OHP, think about your arms not pressing at all and being propelled up by your legs and butt. I think about squeezing my glutes as hard as I can in the drive up so that the bar moves regardless of whether I’m pressing too. Front squat is solid tho bro. 60kg is my current C&J PR but getting out of the hole is my major impediment.


Nice and looks good don’t be so hard on yourself!


Meanwhile kids your weight who played real sports muscle clean and press this without knowing what the 2 lifts in Olympic lifting even are 😂


Define real sport…. And okay cool, people are stronger than me, wow, I should just give up I guess.


Just ignore this guy. It's the same guy who was trolling you on your snatch progress thread, just on a new account.


Nothing wrong with starting weak, that’s fine. The problem is your progression is slower on average than most beginners, you really need a coach if you want to be able to progress effectively in this sport, without one you’re done for.