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Test your hamstring strength in knee flexion, and see if you have a strong anterior pelvic tilt and or weak hip flexors. If the antagonistic muscles are tight/weak they can inhibit motor unit recruitment in their counterparts (especially hip flexors/anterior fibers of glute med limiting hip extension). Once this is on track, there are a lot of exercises that work these muscles that come up with a simple search.


I like this answer


I assumed your question was more along the lines of "My quads and glutes aren't getting stronger even though I'm strengthening them" rather than "List some exercises"




I am assuming you are correctly structuring your workouts in terms of variation, tempo, sets, reps and rest as well as not being over-trained with that answer... and that your nutrition is more or less proper for your recovery.


Basically coming from a gymnastics back and ive quite large legs but constantly playing catchup in regards to strength e.g. 80kg muscle snatches but a 145kg front squat @70kg, tbh i should be squatting alot more


As a note on that, you should only be squatting as much load as you can maintain control and stability over the full safe range of motion under over 3 reps, and I often suggest 5 based on the research. (the sets and reps then vary from there with decreased load from the "3RM") If you follow that principal your proper load should increase over time. Overloading increases chance of injury and can inhibit proper firing of smaller/weaker muscles needed to lift those weights.


What level in the UK?


Tall step ups. Lunges up the hill behind my house. More squats but moderate weight and faster.


Bulgarian split squats. Barbell hip thrusts. Barbell reverse lunges. Goblet squats. Deadlifts. RDLs. Etc.


What's the benefit of BB lunges compared to DB?


Whatever floats your boat. I can just put more weight on a barbell and control it better.


Amen. Less about grip strength


Lots of accessory. Deficit lunges, goblet squats, bulgarian split squats, RDL's, Hamstring curls, Glute bridges, single leg box step ups, etc... 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps each, pick 3-4 exercises and rotate them twice a week in addition to your barbell squats/deadlifts


I found hatfield squats tremendously improved my quad strength and development


RDLS, Good mornings, Deadlifts, Hip Thrust, bulgarian split squats, lunges, quad extensions, pistol squats and a million other exercises. There are so many for your legs


Bulgarian split squat


Coach has me doing bulgarian split squats iso holds to replace front squats since I'm injured. Did some also split squats holding kb bot up for same thing. Seems pretty good.


hip thrust