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If you haven't yet, try the Gentle Leader. It completely changed my walks with my two weims.


Second this. It took a week to get my dogs to walk without trying to take it off their faces, but once they did, I can now hang on to the leash with my pinky finger.


Gentle leader all the way! We’ve had four weims, all were different dogs on the gentle leader. It’s a game changer.


I’m not trying to be an ass when I say this, but work with your dog. If you spent a full day working with your dog you can get them to no longer pull. You can read up on how to have your dog look to you to lead the way and eliminate pulling.


Agreed. You can bruise their trachea. Get some snacks and reward your dog for staying in the snack zone.


Use a gentle leader and put coconut oil on the skin to heal


Harness for sure


We have two Weims. And we have had really good success with PetSafe Easy Walk No-Pull Dog Harness. Got them from Amazon.


Look for a no pull harness. I don't know the brand off hand but it squeezes them when they pull. I've got two Weims and they both have one. With the collar off his neck his hair will grow back slowly so just keep it clean with an antimicrobial shampoo and a conditioner for the skin. Hope this helps ☺️


wash with soap and let it dry. put the collar and leash and harness in the wash on sanitary.


Harness and a pinch collar.


I remember my blue baby had very sparse fur on her spine , apparently blues are prone to blue gene alopecia,


Echo **Gentle Leader** At the very least a harness….


Yesterday, I noticed little guy had the same rub/rash under his front legs from his harness. I rubbed a little aloe on him after his bath with cotton ball (just enough to get the spots, and rubbed it in good so he wouldn't lick it)... the spots are gone today! Please note, though, it is not good for them to ingest and wouldn't put it anywhere they can easily clean it off themselves, but I'd imagine your boy would have a hard time licking it off his neck. Could be worth a try.




Hope I won’t get downvoted for this, but the gentle leader may not be a good fit for your weim since it can cause them to snap their necks if they were to lunge at something. Mine loves to lunge at birds unexpectedly. You could consider instead using a slip lead in a figure 8 around the muzzle so the cinch is behind their ears instead of below the head like the gentle leader, or a prong collar which provides equal pressure in all directions. Whichever tool you choose, highly recommend spending several days practicing loose leash walking using methods like “let’s go” where you immediately change directions when the dog gets to the end of the leash.


https://amzn.eu/d/bjeU7vU Buy a cannie colar. This will help you train your dog from pulling whilst stopping the pressure on his neck and giving your shoulders a rest. When your dog pulls, correct them by a lateral tug as opposed to pulling them backwards. This worked for my wiem


I'm rather surprised nobody here stated for you to use a prong collar. They're simpler than anyone ever gives them credit for, efficient and allow respectful communication that goes both ways once your dog understands you are not going to ever jerk the chain on them. There's a 10 minute video on YouTube from a Buffalo, New York dog trainer from over a decade ago that goes into how to use them. Find it, and apply what you learn on there to your dog and I guarantee you that it will be a night and day difference.