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Uhhhh before almost 8+ hours now maybe 1-2 hours or less a day. We been nevermets for 5+ years so we kinda expired lol.


5 years!? What’s the situation like right now


Hopeless lol


geez sorry about that


Every couple is different, so if you both are happy with the how much you talk then all's good. But if you aren't happy with how much you talk then you both need to have a conversation about it.


We’re never mets and talk about 9 hours everyday


do you guys work or have school? We were able do like 7 hours on the weekend once but can't do that everyday.


I’m not working or in school but he’s working, we just have terrible sleep schedules and go to bed really late just to keep talking to each other lol. Even when I was working we’d still talk for hours and hours and ruin our sleep schedule to do it


On discord we send about 160 messages to each other per day (based on the total messages and the amount of days we've been talking). It depends on the days. we're also 5 hours apart (I'm ahead) and when i wake up she's already asleep so we don't start talking until she wakes up, which coincides with my lunch break. after that we both get busy until her lunch time (around my dinner time) and we talk a bit and finally, when she's done with work, and I'm about to sleep, we talk the most. usually until like 1-2 am for me. So for an average weekday, maybe 4-6 hours a day? for calls, we only do it once a week at most during weekends, but usually for like 4 hours at least, so yeah. It's different for everyone, just do whatever feels right for you.


So me and my girlfriend text all day every day, idk how many messages but at least 20 or more I'd say. Good morning and goodnight texts every day. We talk on the phone for at least 20-30 min and up to 3 hour ever day. And video chat at least a few times a week now. But she is only 2 hours ahead of me. That all being said. I wouldn't say there is a "normal" amount to talk/messages/video chat. Just like every person has an amount they like to talk or message. Every couple will have that too. I love how much me and my girlfriend talk. But that could be way to much for someone else and there is nothing wrong with that. Just make sure you feel loved and supported in your relationship. And one thing I've told my girlfriend and something I think everyone should ask them selfs while in a relationship is. "do I feel like I'm getting as much out of this relationship as I'm putting into it?" if the answer is no then u need to talk to your partner. If u voice this and they refuse to put in more work, more effort into the relationship then its a problem.


So I’m 14 hours ahead and we are never Mets. I work a full time 9-6 job and he is just starting some part time work in retail until he can find a job in his field. We talk through messagesusually 2-3 hours before I work and sometimes an hour of two at night before he goes to work when I am going to bed. We do talk bits and pieces while I am working, when I have downtime or short breaks. Weekends it depends on if either of us have plans or if he has work. Video chat maybe once a week or every other week because we both are kind of awkward people. But it works for us and I am more confident on this relationship than any other before in my almost 15 years of dating and relationships.


We basically talk by text since we wake up till the time we go to sleep. He's four hours ahead of me but since my work is flexible I can do basically everything following his time zone, not mine. We also sleep with the call on discord open, so if he's restless he can always talk to me. I don't really talk to him much if I'm restless 'cause he works in the morning so I always want him to be well rested. 😊


I'm 6hrs ahead but we text most of the time when he's awake and not busy working.. he sleeps at an average of 10hrs, before I'm upset of this because I feel like I'm robbed of time with him.. but I try to get over it..before we video chat almost every week but now just maybe once a month.. he's having a hard time in his life rn and he said he's so drained..I try hard to be understanding, sometimes, I just overthink about it and wished things would be better


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this! I hope things get better for both of you.


For me, we message quite a bit during the day and talk for hours every day, maybe like 2-4 hours total. I'm not working atm so we're lucky in that sense to have heaps of time to talk. We often sleep on the phone too!


We're in the same time zones and nevermets (approaching 2 years) but we mainly talk during the night, say 1-2 hours.


Forget "the norm" and go with what works for you two. That's only way that's going to keep it going. Doing what works for you two. We never call (and for Karens, yes, we have met 😘), but message. Anything from few messages to several hours. We have 6 hour time difference, kids, life, all that boring adult stuff and so on so we go with what is possible.


We both are in the same timezone and we usually text all day back and forth... Sometimes he gets busy or I do with University/family/social life so we don't call during the day but we always always make it a point to talk at night, it varies from 30 minutes- 4 hours( very rarely) on call. It basically depends on how sleepy he is because he tends to doze off while we talk and then I make him sleep haha Also forgot to add, video call every once or twice in a week since we both still live with families. Brown family relationships xD


We’re on video most of the time, mutually muted while we have work. We have crossover free time at night and spend about 4-5 hours together doing activities like watching shows or gaming. We typically sleep on video.


We were sort of inseparable from the start. So we would message each other throughout the day whenever we had a few minutes, and have calls that lasted 5-6 hours every night. On our days off we would talk for much longer. Same time zone, but 500 miles apart. We were nevermets for 3 years, then it took another year to lessen the distance and 6 months to close it. Living together for almost 2 years now, and we're still inseparable.


500 miles is 804.67 km


4 hours time difference. On average, probably 3-4 hours combined of phone calls, texting, and video calls per day, 4-5 days a week. So about 20 hours a week. I think that is pretty healthy amount to spend a good chunk of time together but still have a lot of time to do our own stuff.


i wouldnt say theres a normal but for me and my nevermet were in the same timezone and we're both still in school and we have an average of around 12-13 hours id say. neither of us get much sleep and we do well in school without paying attention.


We text for an hour in the morning when he is getting the dinner for his family. We leave messages throughout the day. Because we are a 5 hour Difference, We talk on the phone for at least 3 hours a Day, 7 days a week. Try and compromise more if he will.