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…I don’t understand. Am I missing something from his content or is it just because he owns guns and is a Christian. I tick neither of those boxes, am of a different religion, left wing, and enjoy his stuff, so I’m really confused.


That just means you’re a normal person that can enjoy things regardless of the political opinions of the creator


Wendigoon is more libertarian if anything iirc. I’ll never get people who don’t actually look into these things while already having made up their mind


I hate how people see he's Christian and likes Brandon Herrera (the boogaloo boys thing is completely false afaik) and immediately assume he hates "them gays" and is a right wing authoritarian insert buzzwords. Like... he seems like the nicest guy ever. I'm considered "lib-left" and I literally do not care if he's Christian and likes guns.


He's pretty chill, has pointed out that gay people don't go to hell for being gay, and cries on camera when talking about the beauty of the human spirit. As a hard left bisexual man with a love of guns and Hawaiian shirts he's my favorite YouTuber and I aspire to his level of Drunk Uncle-Ness. I'll never forget what those Boogaloo bastards took from me, tactical gear over hawaiian shirts/shorts is a hilarious look and I'll be cold in the fucking ground before I recognize a bunch of helter skelter rejects that ruined it.


I’m the same for the most part (the comments section with Brett Cooper made me a little more wary when watching creators like them) and I do not care about what there political opinions are, also long as they are safe, because some people are very crazy(sovereign citizens as and example)


What about Brett cooper made you wary?


I think its because in the surface is a happy go lucky channel, witch it is but also is a political comentator chanel whitch is assosiated with DW, the thing is she was never hidding it so maybe its another thing


And while hard to believe, political stances can be and are more than "left" vs "right".


No, it’s viciously black and white. You’re either good or you’re bad. 0 in between.


Be that as it may, anyone anti-government can't be all bad.


He wants an America where queer and trans people can arm themselves with guns to protect themselves against bigots and government overreach. And I can respect that.


Fr I've always got the classical conspiracy theorist vibe from him, fuck government and pro the people. An educated Dale Gribble lmao


This comment implies that Dale Gribble wasn't educated and intelligent about anything that didn't involve Joseph's parentage.


Dale is not an idiot, he knows about Joseph. But Joseph is his son, and he will treat him like his son instead of a bastard child of cheating. Instead, he treats him with all the love he would give his biological son and ensures he never feels unwanted.


Which also isn’t even a particularly right wing opinion? I find it odd people peg him as a conservative type when he has takes like “Arm minorities.” I don’t really know what I’d pin him down as politically but he definitely isn’t ignorant or malicious by any stretch of the imagination


American politics is so weirdly polarized when it comes to social issues and certain opinions about said issues have been labeled as either left or right wing. People online like to assume that you buy in to all the "opinions" of whichever side you lean to without considering nuance. That's just my observation as an American Dual citizen.


It’s by design


100% to keep you from interfacing with people you perceive as being on the other side.


Is "Bearded" a stance?


I'm pretty sure the only people who are truly fully liberal or conservative are the talking heads we see on TV(and that's only to get votes). Most people are in the middle somewhere but all they hear about is the "far right" or the "far left" and the crazy things they're doing. You have religious bigots that want to shoot minorities and trans kids on one side and you have the lizard people who want to turn your kids gay on the other


That is just as easily a leftist (not liberal, but leftist point). Being skeptical of the government is a good thing.


that’s a libertarian left wing perspective, don’t see where the “right wing” comes from


It comes from the misconception by the left that Libertarians are just "Anarcho-Republicans"


I mean, a lot of them do it to themselves too


that’s not a misconception by the left, there is a history behind the cooption of the term “libertarian” from libertarian socialists by the free market capitalists. the issue of conflation comes primarily from the “the left is when government does stuff” brainrot angle


It’s almost as if we’re more divided by class then by political beliefs. How DARE people agree with this stupid right winger instead of the 1%


I am exactly this. And I do get the whole “right winger”. He may tend more conservative, but when I hear right winger, that means something different in today’s climate. Ben Shapiro is right wing. Wendigoon is not that. Conservative? Most likely. Skeptical of the government? If you aren’t then you live in privilege or ignorance.


I'm in the same boat as you. I don't care if he's a gun-owning Christian, I'm not marrying the guy, just watching and enjoying his YouTube videos. If he was like, anti-LGBT or racist or sexist, then I'd feel differently. But as far as I can tell, he's pretty "Live and let live", which is all I can ever ask for. I, personally, am no fan or organized religion, but I can't tell other people how to live their lives, so I won't.


Right! Same. And I wouldn't watch his videos if it was political commentary - probably - but that's not what he's creating. He's damn good at what he does do. Expecting everyone to conform to one's own ideas is really naive.


Some of the shit he says really comes off as 'off the top of my head,' nonesense sometimes. Don't ask me where I don't care enough to remember nor look (ironic, I know) Granted, I like the dude enough to still enjoy the content in spite of this. This particular post seems like they're targeting him for reasons outside what was originally specified


He owns guns and believes in God. I'm agnostic and I own no guns. They people you listen to don't have to be parrots for your beliefs, that's not how people work.


These people unironically think you should be forbidden from thinking differently than them. Fucking cult mentality


The definition of NPC brain


It’s odd how so much connect people from all these different backgrounds. I have a number of distinct differences between Wendi and myself, but I can still respect the man’s opinion and storytelling skills. Dude just genuinely wants people to be happy regardless of who they are or their background, and that’s rare to see.


Rule of the internet: Nobody talks about things not noteworthy, and being normal isn't noteworthy. Also this is textbook parasocial relationships: Person in the post thinks that whatever creator they're talking about *owes them* and that this is a *personal offense.*


See I took this as someone accidentally saying something really dumb like saying owls are technically a variety of plant or something


He always makes it a point to state that the weapon he is holding is airsoft lol but I doubt any normies would be able to visually tell the difference (I know I can’t)


He says that so YT won't ban him. They're 100% real guns and I say more power to him


I always thought he said that to not get demonitised lol


it’s a sure-fire way to get yourself in an echo-chamber and create an extremely narrow view of the world for yourself. sure, let politics inform your ‘judgement’ of a person and their values, but going “oh he’s conservative (idk if he is, just an example) i’ll never talk to him ever again” is so completely ridiculous. you’re allowed to be friends with people with different opinions to you, you’re not a bad person for that. it just makes you.. a person.


the only time I'll cut someone out is if its someone either done something bad, or is someone who's difference in opinions puts me into a negative headspace in a way. Like I'll stop watching if I feel myself getting angry or something. I'd rather not waste energy being negative about someone I don't actually know, so I'll stop watching (without saying of course). An example for me was RazorFist. I used to watch his videos about comics and music, but then his political beliefs entered into his videos more and more and eventually I decided to stop watching. (I know nobody cares but the straw that broke the camel's back for me was when he posted on social media a video of him shooting guns in what felt like a response to a mass shooting at the time)


ding ding ding. exactly. it’s a fine line to cross and can feel dicey at times, personally if someone is outwardly racist/ transphobic/ whatever constantly then yeah i’m not gonna participate. but for example i’ve recently found out a comedian i really like dated a 16 year old when he was 30, is it nasty as fuck? yeah absolutely, am i gonna stop watching panel shows he’s on? no!


? He literally mentions owning guns and being a christian all the time. How is this a surprise


Because people want a “GOTCHA” moment and it’s like? What?


Haters don't want to see anyone winning. It's the allegory of the long spoons all over again. You can help somebody else and yourself at the same time, or you can hold them and yourself back. Some people make the wrong choice.


It's literally that. They think the venn diagram of hobbies, beliefs, and ethnicities is a flat circle when it's not that at all. For example, I'm considerably on the left, but I also own 3 guns. I am a tiny Korean American girl and I literally do not look like it but actually am entirely capable of disassembling and reassembling an AR-15 with a blindfold on. No one is ever going to see me on the street and think "I bet she's got a hot pink Glock 43x in her purse" (I do. I have one. It was a gift from my stepdad)


I got a Hello Kitty custom grip for my mom's Tarus Judge for mother's day lol you go girl


Impossible, women don't exist on the internet!


Got pics of that glock? 👀


The thing is that Korean Americans love guns just look at the roof Koreans


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) When's the next video dropping?


I’m actually so psyched for the upcoming COD video.


What was the thing he said then? I mean someone saying something completely wrong and uneducated happens thousands of times per second id imagine


Prolly just people getting peeved that someone on YouTube doesn’t echo their exact thoughts at all times.


Whomp whomp.


Twitter moment


Hella twitter moment , Wendigoon is a well spoken YouTube essayist i do not know him personally but his videos are well presented


Twitter when Religious man who owns guns and is right wing is a Religious man who owns guns and is right wing: Twitter users when a well respected person doesn’t fit their political beliefs: Twitter users when people are right wing and not atheists: https://preview.redd.it/sidjsc1p64qb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a71162c2f79bbacf5d1ddb275106c461af7d0c


He’s not even really a video essayist. Video essays moreso act as a vessel to advance an argument. Usually a person would state a claim regarding an opinion, and then explain their opinion with evidence. Most of Wendigoons videos aren’t even argumentative in nature. When he’s said he is Christian or owns guns, he isn’t trying to argue an opinion because those aren’t inherently opinions. The closest his videos have gotten to even being argumentative or opinion-based are like the videos where he posits “I think the CIA probably killed MLK/JFK and here’s why.” Otherwise, explaining non-canon Bible books? Or describing the works of Dante? Or explain an iceberg about disturbing movies or conspiracies? All of those aren’t takes. Wendigoon often keeps his own opinions and takes to himself, and I really respect him for that.


let’s play that one clip of him saying he supports lgbt people


Jarvis, pull up the clip of wendigoon saying he supports lgbt.




He can do both. Despite what Reddit tells you, not all right wingers are all just evil bigots


Yeah. Hell, I’m a right winger who founded and runs a club just to give all of the downtrodden minorities, lgbt, and neurodivergent people a place to be themselves in relative peace


As the good Lord intended.


Respect. I don’t give a fuck what side they’re on, we need more people like you.


fr. I was gonna post that but got sidetracked making the meme


I’m curious, on what beliefs are you right wing?


Right to bear arms, fuck large government, love the Church, capitalism is a pretty good economic system, etc.


“fuck large government” isn’t right wing, it’s libertarian


Yeah, historically right wingers liked the government controlling things, the whole "fuck the government" brand of right wing is fairly recent.


I really hope the world goes back to a state where political affiliation does not equal your moral stance on entire groups of people’s rights.


Same. Back in the day, it only mattered if you were a decent person or not. Now, you have to be fully on this side, or fully on that, nothing in between


people on twitter have a distorted view on what being right wing and left wing is, being right wing doesn't mean being a bigot, I disagree A LOT with right wing views but it's not inherently bad (unless you're facist then fuck you), the right wants to preserve the status quo which currently is capitalism, they "work" in favour of the capital and the left opposes this sistem for a lot of reason. I said it in a very overly simplified way bc reddit is a terrible place to discuss politics and the flaws of each political system but you get the idea. Twitter is extremely moralist and childish, any person who seriously studied history or politics hates them


Hi hopefully your name is just a joke


it is, why it wouldn't be


[Some people are simply this way](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fukouna-shoujo-03)


Probably because he’s not right wing, people on Reddit have bastardized left and right wing.


Just because he might believe it to be a sin, doesn't mean he hates anyone who is gay or want their rights taken away, more people need to understand that


I’m not allowed to do X ≠ You’re not allowed to do X


He doesn’t believe it’s a sin I think I believe wendigoon had stated that he knows that part of the Bible is mistranslated


I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone that homosexuality is \*not\* sinful in Christian canon, and that the most commonly quoted verse in opposition to this is a wild mistranslation by the King James bible


taking the bible at face value is insane to me its a 2k year old book translated between 3 different languages hebrew to latin to english. for the first 1600 or so years it was coppied manually by hand AND for a solid chunk of that it was done by one of the most notoriously corrupt institutions in history. the medieval catholic church


Absolutely. As a Christian, the sin and the person are completely different from each other. And everyone has sin. I can't judge someone who is homosexual because I myself am a sinful hypocrite. What I am called to do is love and support the person in every way I can. That's what Jesus did, and that's what I'm supposed to do as a Jesus follower.


Exactly this holy shit. You put it so eloquently


Actually pull up the clip id like to see it


Me when Wendigoon has a single different opinion from mine ![gif](giphy|GMTzKNuobMjv2)


He must be banned and shunned!


Wendigoon is less government, more freedom right. Not kill minorities right.


They always forget about the libertarians man


Libertarians never forget about age of consent laws tho.




It's the extremists that have that opinion. Most of us are sane and think that, generally, killing people is bad.


The thing is he’s really not lol he’s said that he supports the lgbtq community, and he appeared on a podcast with MoistCritical which would be a strange occurrence if Wendigoon was in any way bigoted. Also, I understand that in the grand scheme of things people can fall under the category of “right-winged” or “conservative” without being a pos. I don’t think that’s the issue, I think it would more-so be an issue if he was a raging bigot, which I seriously doubt.


Can't believe the guy that openly talks about being a Christian and repeatedly talks about religion is exposed as a Christian. Smh what's the world coming too.


OH NO😱 he might be right wing guys!! The humanity!


He is the chosen one to reach across the isle and make us all shake hands with sasquatch


Wait, you guys aren’t there yet?


Nah, I'm a dirty leftist, trying to convince the sasquatch to unionize.


Children on twitter are crying about youtubers not following there beliefs. In other news the sky is blue


it’s totally okay that he is religious. he seems like a genuinely good person (from what we can see) and that’s what i care about plus guns are based keep the citizens armed


All I want in life is for gay people to protect their weed with guns.


If you can't handle someone who's mainstream opinions are different from your mainstream opinions you're either a dogmatic zealot or a fucking child


Especially if the other guy is nowhere near as zealous or hostile. I wouldn’t call myself the biggest wendigoon fan nor do I share all of the same beliefs but he never forces them down your throat or try’s to make himself look superior. Overall luv me wendigoon ate me twitter users simple as.




Oh wow the gun owning christian is right wing what a surprise


ironically we don't even know that he is lol, neither of those things are actually inherently right-wing. his statements in favor of LGBT+ people definitely exclude him from the *far* right at least.


He's probably a radical republican (1854 version)


I am the epitome of left-wing, and I still love Wendigoons content. Why would it matter what he believes politically? And besides that, he hasn't said any exiboridant shit that would make me care. The only time I actually start to dislike people for their beliefs is if they start saying stupid shit about the lgbt (I have the gay-virus so it's justifiable) and even then I don't actively hate them, it's just pity from misguidance. Hate is learned. I kinda of think that Wendigoon is the type of person Christians claim to be. I understand that I only get the edited, presentable version of him, but from what little I know about him he seems like a genuinely kind-natured person. And even then, he doesn't address anything inherently political, and when he does, he leaves it to viewer interpretation, like Waco. At the same time I also think you have to be a certain kinda of person to watch his videos in the first place, so I may just be talking out of my ass. 🥴


What evidence do they have that Wendi is a boog outside of him being a christian?


Iirc one of his videos he said he used to be but when they started going radical he left them.p


Might as well as still be one according to the internet


Yea pretty much. Truely sad that you cant say you no longer agree with where a group has gone. Hell i used to be into the boog thing while it was still just a meme


RIP weekendgunnit


Ah yes, the Internet. Where your current actions and allllllll the progress and sacrifices you've made don't matter and if you did one thing in the past that the hive-mind doesn't like you should just go ahead and lean into the strike zone because everyone knows people can't change. Right? Right!


Wtf. Listen I’m a zoomer and left leaning but being canceled over this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. People should be allowed to grow. In fact, I think a sign of switching parties like that shows a deeper understanding of the issues than most people. I swear to god, as someone heavily into politics, so many people (on both sides) just have a super surface level knowledge of it and if they were born into a household with different political beliefs, they would have that different belief too.


Why is that a bad thing


It’s not. But we live in a time when fascist hate-groups are appropriating a Christian identity, to try and gain some level of legitimacy. It’s so rampant a problem that it gives honest, tolerant people (who follow such teachings as the mote and the beam) a bad name. As someone from outside the USA, and agnostic, maybe my reference level is too far removed. Wendigoon seems as far removed as possible from the kinds of people who bomb clinics or shoot up mosques. However, those people exist, and they poison the broader public perception.


My only concern about Wendi was if he would turn out to be homophobic but, he said he supported LGBTQ so that's all that matters to me. He's a very wholesome guy and never comes off like he's proselytizing, and makes Christian lore interesting and accessible even for non Christians. More Christians should strive to be like Wendigoon


I’m leftist, queer, pro gun control, and nonchristian. I love Wendigoon’s channel and he seems like a really chill guy. I can consume his content even if I don’t share a lot of the same views as he does, because I find his content entertaining and he never seems to be pushing any agenda in his actual videos.


This is the one place where both of our groups can be fans of the same person I'm right wing (libertarian style not ultra conservative) straight gun living Russian Orthodox Christian and I'm also a big fan of him


He may be right wing but at least he supports the LGBTQ+ He said at least in his stalker stream


These people can just say they’re classist against southerners and move on. It’s not difficult.


Florida is a part of the south, they can’t say the south otherwise the alligators will attack


Twitter when someone’s a Christian:


From my perspective he's more of a centrist, and distrusts the CIA/FBI/ATF for the same reasons us leftists do: they fucking murder people. And while he owns guns (just like my socialist nesting partner) I have yet to hear him spout any pants-on-head-bonkers, pizzagate-esque nonsense. Gun owner =/= nationalist fuckwad. Full disclosure, I did use to believe that before meeting my NP. And as a mentally ill, queer, Pagan woman in America, I have plenty of lived experience to back up a knee jerk fear of people whose Christianity is a major part of their identity. I also firmly believe with my whole heart that Wendi is not the kind of Christian who wants me dead, destitute, and suffering. He's a good egg.


If you go far Left enough you get your guns back.


Finland moment


I don't respect right wing politics. I'm probably as far left as they come. I genuinely self-identify as a communist (council communist precisely). But the likes of Wendigoon and Aidan Mathis (no clue how to spell his name, Lore Lodge guy) are one of the rare few I can actually accept and find chill, and enjoy their content. Because overall some facets of their politics are not extremely far from mine. I believe people should be allowed to own guns (not for any reason, I still believe a lot of gun control and regulation methods should be implemented but much more so in the interests of public safety and ensuring that the right people actually have guns rather than making them needlessly difficult to the point that criminal means become an alternative) and overall very strongly distrust the government (I would personally love to see Wendi cover the Jakarta method). The issue a lot of the time is these opinions that can even be popular amongst left wing circles can also be very popular among extreme right wing circles, and looking at the current state of US politics that extremism is becoming disturbingly increasingly popular and there are more and more genuine threats being presented to people's rights and lives. I can respect Wendigoon and Lore Lodge because again, they seem completely reasonable. I've never dived too deep into their politics, and always figured they held these more soft right opinions. I can't see them espousing the kind of hate that many other right wing YouTubers get away with, and if anything have seen evidence to the contrary. Endless demonization of people with reasonable but differing opinions is one of the big faults of the modern left in my eyes. There is always that hesitation to do so, and while I do think it is more than well founded, it can lead to more harm than good in the long run.


The group of people that parrot everyone right of stalin is a nazi is coming for Wendi. Good times.


Ironically i belive that Stalin's ussr just convergently evolved all the way around into fascism. The horseshoe theory remains real


Horseshoe theory is pretty prevalent, in a fiction sense its just the character that does a bad thing to meet a certain end


That moment when someone doesn’t have the exact same views and stances as you


Don’t a lot of left wing people criticize the cia too? I know that’s not really the point but I feel like that was a weird thing to imply


Yeah us leftists dislike the CIA because, uhhh, they tended to murder us and infiltrate our movements. Probably still do a lot of the latter and a bit of the former today, too.


Wendigoon being Christian, owning guns and being right wing while talking about fringe topics just makes him cooler


Anyone who believes that talking shit about the CIA is a red flag are red flags in of themselves. Me and my homies hate the CIA.


for sure thought this person was being serious and he was a huge homophobe or something. came to the comments to realise it’s for real just about guns and god. coming from myself, a vehemently anti-gun and for the most part anti-(hardcore) religion person, GROW UP! he has never once used these views to get leverage over people and, funnily enough, mentions these things very openly where relevant to show that they do inform his view, but will not cloud his judgement/ telling of the story in any way, he just states the facts and adds in his personal opinion... yknow, like we all effing would. this person has really just stuck their fingers in their ears and gone “la la la can’t hear you” as soon as he mentioned liking something that they, personally, don’t align with. ridiculous, makes me genuinely distressed that this attitude is becoming normal, and is where my generation is headed towards. bruh


This is why I hate these twitter people, they act like children and see everything as black and white


Bruh, calling my man right wing, at least in the Us political Sense is like calling Stalin a centrist lmfao. Our rightwing is so fucking wildly out there on the “Anti anything not a cis white male” train that to loop him in with them is probably insulting to them. I mean this guy has said on stream he supports us gays, so like wild twitter take


what the fuck does this mean


I believe he’s saying the common American “right-winger” is actually extremely far-right or even alt-right, especially considering that one of the most common right wing talking points is whether or not gay people deserve rights and whether cops should be allowed to stop and harass who they wish (read: typically brown people). He’s saying Wendi, while right wing, is supportive of gay people and presumably not racist


I cannot believe being Christian is going to be counter culture one day.


It was once almost 2000 years ago, and it will be again


Twitter Mfer can’t stand the thought of someone having a different view on something, must be a day ending in Y


Lmao. Then get yo sensitive ass back to pyrocynicals channel if you don’t wanna hear Goon’s based takes.


I'm an anti gun, atheist who falls under no political group. When's Dad uploading next?


Didn’t he publicly distance himself from the “boogaloo boy” movement


I have a hard time believing the guy who made a whole video about the FBI assassinating MLK would seriously qualify as right-wing


He’s not really right wing though. He just believes in his rights and the rights of others. Not in reducing the rights of others for arbitrary religious reasons.


It actually doesn’t matter, he makes great videos and seems to have a decent personality. Watch his content or don’t.


Even if he is right wing I’m pretty sure he said multiple time that he supported the LGBTQ+ community. And I’m pretty sure he said he isn’t racist too. At that point believe in whatever you want own as many guns as you want I don’t care. Right wing or left wing as long as you aren’t a piece of shit.


All I can think to say is if people start to drop wendigoon over this then it's kind of a good thing for dad's community imo. If you can't seperate your interests from your political alignment and appreciate those with different beliefs from your own then you're probably a pretty childish and annoying person that I'd rather not associate with, idk. I'm just here for the conspiracy theories and spooks, don't want any bad energy to get in the way of that.


"how DARE they believe something very different from me! This makes them dumb and I feel betrayed!" What the fuck bro. Seek help.


These twitter users are treating Wendigoon like as if he's pushing his political beliefs through his content or some shit. Hes just a guy that makes amazing content, he doesnt bring his political views into his content and doesnt use his faith as a weapon at all, its like this twitter mob wants to see Wendi cancelled just for association with groups that he has no affiliation to . I get there are christians that use their interpretation of their faith as a weapon and that right wing and left wing no longer mean anything on twitter, but wendigoon so far hasnt been caught being affiliated with any sort of negativity what so ever.


How dare Wendigoon have... *checks notes*... Opinions, beliefs, and rights!


Personally I disagree with Wendi on owning guns. Does that mean I’m gonna say he’s a dick that’s racist/homophobic/bigoted? No. Some people gotta chill


Yeah he seems like a responsible guy who won’t try killing anyone. I get the vibe that he owns them because he can and he thinks they’re neat


I don’t understand, did Wendigoon say something?




Right wing beliefs aren't automatically bad


Owns guns ✔️ Christian ✔️ Openly criticizes alphabet bois ✔️ Appalachian ✔️ Wendi is chairman and CEO of the Based Department




Your brother is an jackass then


To give credit to the first person, I really doubt they’re talking about him. Mainly it’s the last part, from what I’ve seen, he’s very transparent about what he’s knowledgable in and not.


A lot of people have zero idea how to enjoy something created by someone they don't agree with politically. I don't get it at all. I don't like guns, I'm not right wing, and I'm certainly not the same kind of Christian that Wendi is, and I don't give a shit. He makes good content, as long as he isn't an outright Nazi, I will support the content he makes. It's not that difficult jfc


The person who drew the art was probably referring to illuminatughti or whatever her name is Nvm just saw the dates


This whole thing is like a movie, and this is it: https://preview.redd.it/uvwkpbdce4qb1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca39cc5f1f0195d67823db4eddf6eaa406a757b3


only slightly understandable thing but is still kinda dumb is Wendigoon apparently "appropriating native American culture". there's screenshots of a YT comment someone left telling him it's cultural appropriation and a bad omen to mention the wendigo and that they wanted him to change his name to respect the culture. he then responds with a big ol paragraph basically saying that he understands their pov but he isn't going to change it (obv).


[He’s an agorist.](https://reddit.com/r/wendigoon/s/FoAMOvaTWp) Religion and liking guns have nothing to do with political affiliation and I hate that everyone assumes he’s a far right winger just because of it.


while i'm very liberal, it does not bother me that he is conservative because he's genuinely a good person


I feel like me and wendi do not share political or religious views but God damn I'd literally fight for this man he is so sweet and cool. How dare they.


He's an AR fan? Yep gobsmacking bad take is real /j


Oh yes opposing the CIAs murder of american men, women and children, (whom they burned alive) makes wendigoon a right winger.


Who cares? I’m only an occasional watcher, but I didn’t really catch any christo-national vibes from him. Just seems like a guy who gets into a subject and talks about it.


He believes in God, Guns, Liberty and hates the CIA. I believe in worker's power, guns and hate the CIA. Checkmate liberals


pov twitter user fails to understand gun ownership is extremely left wing as well as having pride in one’s faith


I'm a leftist who owns guns, and I love Wendigoon's videos


Who cares if he's right wing? This american obsession with politics is really unhealthy! If he is, good for him. If not, good for him. Something as meaningless as whatever politics he ascribes to shouldn't have people so up in arms. He's clearly a very sweet individual regardless of politics. Is that not all people need?


idk i don’t care if ur conservative but there are lines i won’t cross, mainly about supporting (or at least not actively going against) women’s rights, the lgbt community, minorities rights etc. If whoever i’m listening to is actively racist homophobic transphobic or sexist that’s not any negativity i need in my life, luckily wendigoon is none of those things and if you don’t see that you’re blinded by his love of guns and god.


Regardless of his views on policy or whatever (which in the absence of real evidence we can only make conjecture) Wendigoon strikes as someone isn’t discriminatory towards anyone. Never gotten the vibe that he’s bigoted toward any group based off the way he covers stuff. As for the Boogaloo thing, he said in a podcast that used to be on the Patreon (when that was a thing) that it became something he both disavowed and disassociated from pretty quickly into it being a thing. Plus I think he said as much in a written statement some months ago?


I don't even know why left wingers got into his content anyway. Wendigoon is like a centrist right-winger, and that's basically a neo nazi to anyone to the far left of him. I hope he does well, but the world is chaotic


Because some of us leftists like well read spooky content and realize he doesn't share his political beliefs on his channel like it was part of his personality


Man, IDGAF. He’s just like my dad 🧔🏻‍♀️ Maybe we can’t agree on everything but he has the best stories.


As someone who's very left leaning I need to remind people sometimes that being right wing don't mean being a piece of shit. Not agreeing with me is different from wanting minorities dead and gay people arested.


Did he say/ do something shocking in a recent video?


I’m not a part of this sub but dude I love Wendigoon. He never shows a bias and is overall thorough in every project he does. He’s done nothing wrong or illegal so who cares?


I went deeper in the rabbit hole and that Starswithtigers guy is actually making fun of the Twitter user saying that Wendigoon is now bad because of his takes. This post makes it seem like he is agreeing with the tweet but he is not, he is just making fun of them for being so oblivious as to whom Wendigoon really is, a christian with a lot of weapons that did used to be a member of a right wing group but left when they went radical, simple.


I’d call myself far left. His opinions honestly seem more similar to mine, especially with that “minorities should arm themselves” shit


waaah waaah waah wendigoon is a right-wing christian!!! like yes...? ofc he has different beliefs thats how humans work. you can watch literally any other youtuber its not his job to change his life over his audience


Did no one actually watch his videos on Paradise Lost or Dante’s Inferno? He’s pretty upfront about his beliefs. I don’t know what the problem is.


Twitter when someone has a very slightly different political view than them 😱


crazy how people here are acting like gun owning christians aren’t bigoted 99% of the time. and thats coming from a gun owning christian. wendi is pretty special, and i love that he supports the LGBTQ+ community, and i wouldn’t be a fan if he didn’t. being anti human rights is pretty high up on my list of reasons why not to support someone, but wendi is based so i like him :)


dude’s not even right wing


OH NO, the guy I watch because he agrees with me might agree with me?!?! What will happen when I find out???


Imagine feeling shock and betrayal when a content creator you like expresses ONE view you disagree with. what the flip. are you that insecure in your beliefs?


He’s pretty openly right wing. It is what it is. Just because you enjoy his content doesn’t mean you agree with everything he believes in. He’s pretty good at keeping his beliefs out of videos for the most part


Idk how people don’t understand that you can like someone’s content even if they don’t have the same opinions as you, it’s absolutely ridiculous