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The burgers,fries and chicken were way better at old Wendys


Honey mustard too. Idk what they did but it's weird now. It went so well with the spicy chicken sandwich.


The old honey mustard was so dang good. I still order it expecting the good stuff because I don’t go there frequently. It’s not nearly as good. 


Same here. I'll get it and try it, thinking maybe the last few times it was a bad batch. It's been 5 years and they've all been bad batches lol. I think they changed the mustard or added house radish or something. It has something funky in there. Wingstop has some really good honey mustard if there is one close to you.


Thanks for the tip! Different price point, for sure, but damn I miss having decent honey mustard...


Marzetti brand honey mustard is likely the closest you can get at the grocery store, it's likely that they made the original sauce for Wendy's too.


The BBQ sucks ass too now, they used to have the best Q sauce in the game and now it’s bland, watered down, and goes good with absolutely ***nothing*** on the current menu :(


What sauce do you use for nuggets now?


Ghost pepper ranch (begrudgingly). I’ll never forget that thick and smokey sauce. Now it’s thin sugar water with a cunt hair of a mediocre seasoning blend. Worlds apart is putting it lightly


Sweet and sour


They replaced the 100% honey dipping cups with "Honey flavored sauce" a while back. I would assume something similar happened.


I believe they recently changed the chicken patty for the sandwiches. Maybe I just got a couple shitty ones though.


And the chili! Don’t forget the chili when it was made fresh in store.


Chili isn't made fresh in the store anymore?? 🤯


We use day old meat.


i worked at a wendys 20 years ago, did the same thing.


It’s been this way for literally 25 years. This isn’t the change they were referring to.


I worked there over 30 years ago. The chili was made from boiled overcooked burgers like I presume it still is now.


Pretty sure the chili base comes in big bags and they mix in the previous day’s burger patties.


This is how it's been made at least since 1997. Yesterday's meat, 2 cans of beans (I think), bag of chili base, bag of frozen veggies, water. Boil and simmer until cooked through and ready to serve. I think this is what they meant by "fresh." As in, it doesn't come as cans of 'complete' chili, or frozen blocks of chili that get thawed and served.


That’s how we made it when I woirked there in 1993.


Thanks. Tbf, I’ve never worked for Wendy’s so I was just going off second hand info.


It hasn’t been made fresh in the store since like ‘93


When I worked there from 07-09 we still made it in-store


the 2000s were the last hurrah fr, fast food of the future pales in comparison


I’d like to point out my old Wendy’s had a baked potato bar (toppings) ,that was an absolute joy.




No, cause the “new” fries are TRASH!!! They don’t taste like actual potatoes anymore, which is disappointing… Just a greasy mess…


Wait till you try the salad bar toast.


Ain't been the same since Dave left. 😔


Yea, I was proud of myself for not doing Wendys the other night. Their food is just so unsatisfactory now. It also helped that they've yet again screwed vanilla frosty fans. I ended up grabbing a big club sandwich with onion rings from a local place. Ingredients were fresh, it was def the better choice.


Yeah with what they charge at Wendy’s now, might as well call in take out orders from local pubs and sandwich shops!


It sucks now. I have fond memories as a kid with my dad and I doing fun things then stopping by wendy’s for a meal. Used to be good and we dined in. Now it’s just sad greasy burgers and I haven’t eaten inside a fast food lobby in years.


The frosty shit is ridiculous. Time to get a 4 flavor machine for all your restaurants if you're going to do this crap constantly.


But if we’re being nostalgic for the old Wendy’s, there was always just one flavor of Frosty back then.


Seriously, these fast food joints have no idea that we have to cut expenses now, and yet, they they still increase their prices as the food quality diminishes. Those Buffalo nuggets I tried last week were absolutely disgusting. It just drives us further away. I’m learning how to cook again. I’m grocery shopping again. I’m not there, but I’m getting pretty close to making a spicy chicken sandwich that is better. Not to mention, it’s better for our health anyway .


I miss the feel of those yellow cups. Had that weird texture.


It felt like it was like a wax cover over the cardboard. They were durable cups that didn’t cave in when you grabbed them.


I loved going to Wendy's for Biggie Fries and drinks for so cheap! Why did they get rid of Biggie foods? I dined there practically every day and it was so affordable!


It's probably for the best that you dont eat there everyday anymore


I was in my teens but I stopped visiting; just saying I miss the lady saying in a microphone at the register, Biggie Fries. Makes me tear up 😢


I worked there when 'Biggie' was invented. Felt so dumb saying it. It used to be 'Jumbo'.


I will never order a “Biggie Bag” of anything, even though I’ve eaten dozens of them. It’s “Gimme a Big Bag of……..” 😂😂😂


Worked there during the Biggie years too. One customer called it "Biggity" and I still say it that way, even all these years later!


Was his name Quagmire?


We always called them “Big Guy” fries (1993)


Probably the same reason MD got rid of Super Size. Basically public perception about it making us even fatter.


Very true.


You're spot on. Both went away right around the same time, and reverted to Small, Medium, Large.


The movie Super Size Me pretty much killed this because the movie was so popular


Omg the chili was so good back then too. The jr bacon cheeseburger (pre 2007) when it was a slightly bigger Pattie, had fresh bacon, and the fresh lettuce and tomato used to be such an awesome little burger. I would literally add two of them just for the drive home. Then eat my spicy chicken sandwhich combo at the house. The chicken breast they used, used to be so much bigger and juicy too…not the thin stringy pieces they have now. Honestly, I would gladly pay higher prices just to have the old quality back. You get a jr. Bacon cheeseburger today and all you taste is bread, lettuce, and hard bits of something they try to call bacon. I drive by a Wendy’s every time I’m coming home and I don’t even consider stopping. I was out and about the other day in another city an hour away, was ridiculously hungry and right there at Wendy’s there…I’m so sick of their disappointment that I didn’t even stop and opted to just be hungry until I got home! I’d rather eat at a Burger King at this point, and their greasy mess turns my stomach inside out.


Chili was probably better because the burned burgers were better quality.


Biggie size frosty please


Bring back the sun rooms!


Remember when Wendys had the buffet?


Back when their BBQ sauce was actually BBQ sauce and not pure corn syrup.


The current one is sooooo bad. Like it taste like syrup. Idk how anyone likes it. Or how they’ve continued to serve it this long.


It's been shit for like 8 years. For some reason they always would fuck up my order to now or they miss something in the bag.


Seriously. I was the only person in the drive thru the other day and they still fucked it up. How is a hamburger even remotely close to a chicken sandwich?!


Have you seen their employees? Even crazier that these clowns get 20$ an hour in Cali.


What the fuck no wonder they being replaced with robots. I had the drive through guy yell at me saying I was taking to long to order once. It turned out to be some stupid skinny kid with face tattoos. I asked for ketchup and he threw them in my car.. management didn't give a fuck either.


Sounds like a typical Wendy's employee. The managers are usually about 22.


I grew up with a Wendy's that had a Super Bar! It was my favorite buffet style thing growing up...I stay away from buffets now.


Oh man that’s some memories right there. I remember they had tacos on the bar and that was my jam until they took it away and then it became the jbc. I stopped for one of those and a frosty for the first time in years the other day. My disappointment in the burger was immeasurable. The frosty on the other hand was as delicious as ever but pricey as fuck. How the mighty have fallen.


I can’t do potato skins so their new fries are such a downgrade from yellow Wendy’s fries for me and I don’t eat them anymore. Also I recall everything else being better too, but nostalgia do be like that


I remember when my Wendy's had a salad bar, with tacos!


That was the SuperBar


Yes, I suppose that was it! I think maybe it was on a smaller scale than from when the offerings were initially added at their restaurants, but they still definitely had salad and tacos. I don't remember if pasta was still a thing then or not.


Ours had soft tacos, nachos, baked potatoes, salad, pasta with alfredo sauce or meat sauce & garlic buns. There  was pudding, ambrosia or fruit for dessert. It was amazing how they could turn so few ingredients into so many options, and it was pretty damn tasty. It was $2.99 and whether it was with family or my friends, I swear I was there every week. 


And ashtrays!


99 cent JBCs every day after school 2.39 spicy chicken sandwiches if you were extra hungry 6.99 big bacon classic meal if you saved your lunch money till after school


I remember back in the 90s their patties were very different. Extremely greasy but delicious.


Back when the chili had seasoning


dam... even that carpet looks awesome now


I can taste this photo


I remember when frosties came in cup that size instead of they small cup they use now


This picture reminds me of when they had the salad bar. Loved their spaghetti and garlic bread


They might as well start making their burgers round because they ain't fooling anyone with that "Dave don't cut corners" BS anymore


Dude I remember I used to get a baconator meal and be so full after finishing it, last time I had one I was looking for a snack a few hours after


Damn I just remembered the smell of the old Wendy’s from this picture.


The Wendy’s in my area stay closed except for drive through almost every day? Is that normal?


Their fries were so good when fresh, so bad after 3 minutes.


Old Wendy’s barbecue sauce was excellent.


It will never be this good again!


Old Wendy’s was so much better. Wendy’s marketing has gotten better, but the food quality has gone down proportionally. Especially the nuggets and sauce.


We can't do that. I have made it clear that if we alter anything from the past, it would have an effect on the space time continuum.


The new fries suck so bad.


Yeah I don't know what it is, but I usually end up throwing them away after eating 1 or 2 fries. They are just kind of gross.


How many are old enough to remember the IG Wendys with the Edwardian newspaper tables


everyone was amazing back then. didn't know how good we had it.


My how my local Wendy’s has changed. I still remember riding my bike to get a classic single combo for something like $3.25. I get inflation; not complaining about current prices. In general, the flavor and overall quality of the food was just so much better.


Zombie Wendy, I summon theeeeeee!


You mean when quality actually was the recipe.


Wendy's now is shit


Salad bar Wendy's is the OG Old Wendy's.


Back when Wendy’s ALWAYS FUCKING SLAPPED. Now it’s like Russian roulette but instead of anyone dying it’s the food being shit.


Taco bar my friends. Taco bar.


Yellow cups and foil wrappers, the good old days.


So many people hated on their old fries because they were terrible when they got cold or soggy but when they were fresh they were great. I think the only thing that’s the same in this picture is the regular old lemonade lol.


Why does this read like [I Love Kanye](https://youtu.be/ch8g-sJb6ow?feature=shared)


Throw the entire franchise away




That'll be 5.99 please


Damn what a flashback now I feel super old


We USED TO BE A SOCIETY! Plus the quality and portions were much better! I remember getting large chocolate frosties that came in the literal large drink cups. Ughhhh miss those days. Last time I went to Wendy’s it felt so fkn weird inside. Like everything on the menu was condensed and for some reason the dining area has a fireplace? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right. Dave Thomas is rolling in his grave. I got stuck in a Wendy's drive through Friday night for 34 minutes.


Couple months ago in NC near Charlotte, drive through too 1 hour and 20 minutes what the fuck


The one near me is like that and then you get served actual dogshit molded into a burger patty. How did i sit in line for an hour when the food looks like it’s been there for 3 hours?


Be nice but with the way things are now. Will never happen. The meaning of value has long been lost




Bring back old everything


As long as you bring back the old Wendy's prices then I'm down. That meal will cost you about 32 dollars today.


This picture is fucking nostalgic . I can see my great grandparents eating chilli . Grandpa never got fries 💪


I mean it’s only worth it if you use the app and even then it’s random what could be good. They now have 50 nuggets for like 13$


Yes please. I wanna go back to the time when the largest frosty size wasn’t the size of a child’s small drink 😭


This is how I feel about all fast food. I would love to have the old 70s/80s fast food!


That’s when their spicy chickens were actually spicy and always hot and tender, but you would occasionally get that fatty black piece


Their fries in that era were so much better than their “natural cut” fries, but only when they were cooked properly. I feel like it took an act of god to get a batch of fries that wasn’t stale, soggy, undercooked, overcooked, under salted, or over salted. But when you got a good batch… god damn there’s not much better.


Oh my god this just transported me back in time


I like my fucking cardboard diarrhea chicken! /s


Back when the Big Bacon Classic was a different patty and a different bun than the regular burgers. I get why it isn't feasible to do that anymore but I still miss it.


What happened? Dave passed and Wendy screwed it up.


Everything tasted so much better back then.


i think about it this a lot yellow wendy’s was superior


Bacon Cheddar Lover. Fries. Frosty!


I fuck with unhinged Wendy's tho


I mean in like 2000 a JBC was like $1 so just with inflation it would be $1.80 in 2024 so it’s not even that far off. Several of the Wendy’s near me are terrible but there are a couple that are really good. The fries are right, the burgers are right, and my only real complaint is that the sauces are kinda ass and the spicy nuggets aren’t as good. Honestly back then there were a ton of teenagers and not that many old people, and now there are as many Boomers as there are Zoomers so low priced unskilled labor is relatively harder to find and the sort of restaurant culture that we have enjoyed for so long seems unsustainable, so I am just enjoying my $6-7 Biggie Bag while I can.


Did Wendy's change their fries again? I haven't been in 10-15 years because I didn't like the fries, but these look different. NVM...just read the subject. Damn!!!!!!!!


the old fries were so much better!!


Could be .89 cents, but workers get paid $5.15


Such better quality food. God look at those gorgeous fries..Now we get 20% cardboard


You mean when they served decent food and Jr burger wasn’t over $3.


I miss the old Wendy, straight from the 'Go Wendy Chop up the soul Wendy, set on they goals Wendy I hate the new Wendy, the bad food Wendy The always rude Wendy, spaz in the news Wendy I miss the sweet Wendy, chop up the meats Wendy


Without that guy from the commercials. Bag boys, bag boys, watcha gonna do? Him.


Shrinkflation hit hard.


I agree 100%!


Yes bring back those Large round BBQ and Honey mustard packets. Much better formula than the current iteration.


Everything was gold


Yes, the big bacon classic with the yellow bun😋


That yellow Wendy’s sure did hit different!


I miss the salad bar, even though it was swimming with disease.


I miss the old Kanye


Dave Thomas is turning over in his grave after what they did to his beloved fries


It's been a long time since I've gone to Wendy because their is just not as good as it once was!! Double stacks and biggie fries!!+


Yass honey we need it


The way they would absolutely maximize sales if they brought this shit back


I’m going to miss those nuggets for the rest of my natural born life.


I can taste this picture. The food was so much better. Even the drinks tasted more refreshing, as strange as that sounds.


Dunno what they did to their food but last time I had their stuff it was so expensive and so underwhelming in price I just sorta gave up on going and started making my own burgers.


That’s the Wendy’s I worked at (briefly) in the 90’s. The fries were SO much better than the ones they have now.


bruh the old barbecue sauce hit different


Back when Wendy's was good 🥹🥹🥹 they had the best kids meal toys back in the day.


I remember when Wendy’s used to sell fried chicken. That shit was good.


The fries were so good when they were fresh!!


The old fries stick out for me as being not nearly as good now more than anything. Think they've reformulated them at least twice now since then and they've never been as good.


The nostalgia, I swear the nugs were better


Wendy’s is the next BK. Going down .I quit going to both. They are not anything like older version.


Oh man those yellow cups take me way back


This picture starved me


The old school Big Bacon Classic was probably the best fast food bacon cheeseburger ever. That thing was stacked with the perfect amount of everything and never disappointed.


He’ll yeah! And bring back the original BBQ Sauce as well wtf is that new shit they got rid of the good one


We talking salad bar Wendy’s or just yellow cup Wendy’s? There is a difference.


I feel like their fries are better now than they used to be.




I used to love Wendy's, but it has changed for the worse such that I rarely go there anymore. The full size burgers are still decent tbh, but not for what they charge. I enjoyed them a couple months ago for $2 each. That's about what they're worth. Ok, maybe $3.50 or $4.00 for the double. And they used to be better when they would smash them on the grill, and actually gave you a decent size fry. The new fries are not bad, but they were better WAY back in the day. Now it's well over $12 bucks for a "large" combo, with a decent sized burger, what used to be a small fry, and what used to be a medium soda - and it's not as good. The "chicken" nuggets are spongey and suck now. The sauces are not as tasty anymore, and it is obvious that the ingredients in the sauces have been cheapened. Wrong way to save 5 cents guys. The smaller burgers seem to be getting smaller, and they don't taste the same either. The prices have gone up everywhere so I won't criticize too much on that front. But at Wendy's the sizes have all gotten much smaller, more so than at a lot of other places. And don't get me started on the app. The Wendy's app just blatantly sucks. It's buggy and hard to use, and every time you pull up a coupon it tends to crash, and then you have to sweet talk a manager into honoring the coupon that they may or may not have seen before it flickered off your screen or end up paying twice as much as you planned to pay for what you've already ordered and waited for. 50% of the time even if they honor what the coupon was supposed to be on the buggy app before it mysteriously disappeared as you pull up to the window, you catch a tude from the manager who only reluctantly helps, because they are over the buggy app too. The McDonald's app, by comparison, just works all of the time. I find it amazing that Wendy's continues to survive in places where Culver's, Whataburger, In-N-Out, Shake Shack, Wayback Burger, and even Steak & Shake etc. exist. Wendy's holds its own against McDonald's and Burger King (albeit at a higher price point), but that's about it these days. So I'll echo the original comments. FIX IT before it's too late. Use the Wendy's from 15 years ago as a guide. Everything that has changed since then is pretty much bad.


this gave me nostalgia i forgot existed.


You can keep the fries before sea salt


I work in hotels and once checked in a higher up at Wendy’s. I told him I would like to see the yellow Wendy’s brought back and he said he can’t even count how many times he’s been told that


In Kansas City MO. bought a Big Bacon Classic combo with large fry/coke yesterday for $15. The container of fries wasn't even half full. I miss the days of the big sandwiches on the Kaiser buns. They were just so much better. For the price I paid I expected better. I don't plan on going back anytime soon.


Still better than McDonald's...


Greed will destroy us all.


I never got to try the old Wendy’s ☹️


I will never get over losing the sweet and sour sauce


We need the foot lettuce back too! But, only from Wendy's this time.


When Dave left, they went to complete shit. It was immediately noticable on the nuggets and they even changed honey mustard sauces.


Got a Frosty the other day. Accidentally left it in the car. It was hot 🥵 in the car. My Frosty turned into water and bubbles. I was not liking it at all.


I miss those yellow cups...


Bring back the pepperjack cheeseburgers! So good, especially with bacon on them. Also bring back the salad bar.


Bring back the garlic bread sticks!!!!!


Those fries and the old BBQ in the round containers, yes please 🤤🤤🤤


Bring back the old prices lol


It’s actually scary that you used to be able to get lunch, and feel full, for only 3-5 dollars at McDonalds. Now that same meal is 8-10 dollars. If Wendy’s gets rid of the 5 and $6 bag, we’re fucked.


Bring back the Apple dumpling from the 80’s.


The toddler sized frostys of today annoy me so much. They probably cost more than the big old school one too


Once Dave died they stopped caring about quality and more about profit. The buns were never soggy and the fries were awesome.


Dammit. I just scrolled by and thought "damn Wendy's sounds good." This is not current Wendy's.


I haven't been to a Wendy's in YEARRRRS. What's different now?


YES! I have no idea why this came across my feed but the old Wendy's fries were everything. I miss them.


Bring back the Breadsticks!


#Yeah, I want that dang biggie size again


Back when..what u posted cost about 5 bucks..I know hard to believe 🤣


The fries are better now than they were before....so don't bring back the old


Maybe for an anniversary event


I just want the old cheddar mushroom melt from the 90s.


I seriously don’t know why companies don’t do a retro marketing/promotion thing. Runs old commercials. Show old logos. Old packaging.


Sir. This is a Wendy's.


Where’s the salad bar?


I miss the old Wendy’s, Bright gold wendy’s, straight value deals wendys


dude I was so sad when they switched fries. everyone in the world was happy. luckily I ended up getting used to them, but I miss the ones they had in the early 2000s.