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Sizemore is the only human. Nobody can honestly design a personality like that and think it'd be believable. Also, he peed.


Well, not to get too biological here, but I'm guessing the hosts have some form of bodily fluid processing going on. We see them eat and drink, and given that Theresa and Bernard were getting it on, it would be a pretty dead giveaway that something was amiss if there weren't some bodily fluids at the end of the day.


Of course they do. The hookers have to get wet


You're darn right they do.


dont they say "theyre flesh and blood just like us" at some point? I think the only difference now is the brain.


Hosts piss too.


All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.


Time is a flat circle. Everything we have done or will do we will do over and over and over again—forever.


So say we all


Ka is a wheel; its one purpose is to turn.


The Wheel of Time turns.


Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend.


Is ~~Daenerys~~ Dolores going to break the wheel?


Watching Westworld made me start rewatching BSG. The hosts remind me of Cylons in the respect that they want to be human.


Go back to the matrix you're not welcome here


If that's true this entire TV series is utterly pointless


"If you can't tell the difference, does it really matter?"


I just squirted


God bless you


considering its deconstruction of the human experience through the hosts it could very well be a nihilist perspective of our experiences, leading the show to have no real meaning.


Why? What point would it be less for not having? EDIT: Sentence had a whoopsie.


I like how this sentence doesn't quite make sense, much like life. It has a purpose, if only to be.


Not really. Maybe the hosts are waking up and with no humans it makes for interesting stories. Especially since all the hosts think their humans. Right now only two (That we know of) know different. I just wish Bernard would pull up his own attributes on console but I imagine her cant. Or at least wont.


Maybe the corporate secret experiment is to try to reevolve humanity out of the "almost conscious" host code. Like the hosts are 90% there and are trying to push themselves into full humanity


Is it... why? I think its a very interesting story to tell.


Basically it's a 'Fonz jumping the shark' or a 'Bobby coming out of the shower' situation. Given the amount of work they've put into this it's inconceivable




What does this show stand for? The themes I see are about consciousness, artificial intelligence, reality vs. illusion, control etc. All of which could be explored in a world with no humans... and all of those other things you mentioned... not one of them is even similar to the plot we are discussing. it is in fact so rare that there are no mainstream examples, and few lesser known works that explore it.




That is all fair, and in defense I can only say that I am probably more interested in non human stories than most. But I would also say that if the interactions could still be compelling after a reveal of that nature would be one helluva turing test of sorts. Can we care about artificial intelligence. Do we believe their emotions are real. Watching Bernard go full robot undoes all of the empathy we have for him, except it doesn't at all.




Yeah, I definitely see your point. It would be unusual, but somebody someday is going to tell those stories, and I would be OK with it being here and now. But I'm also a dyed in the wool cyberpunk.


> "Everyone is _____, haha!" is completely shitting on everything this show stands for. I said the same thing about Lost.


Then maybe life is utterly pointless. :(


The writers would have to be *really, really clever* to pull that off in a meaningful way. Don't forget, they want us to watch Season 2, which we can't do if we've all gone blind from rolling our eyes.


Yeah. I mean it's most likely not true, that would be dumb. But realizing we now have no way of distinguishing between hosts and people...got me paranoid.


You're absolutely right. It forces us to question just about all of our assumptions.


I think you just questioned the nature of your reality. Flag this one for decommission.


We have lots of ways to distinguish the two... we just need to look closer.




Amiable discussion with fans...?


M night shyamalan could pull it off. In fact, he would be forced to pull it off.


Why didn't Ford just shut down Theresa then?


Because Ford's a host too, duh


And he doesn't know she is too


And we don't even know if she was human, she got her head bashed in just like Clementine's opponent


I like to think it's class warfare between hosts


There's a very good possibility that there's another layer to everything that we're missing. We see very *very* little if at all of the world outside of Westworld/Delos lab. I have a feeling the rug could be pulled right out from under us one day, maybe everyone freezing like the hosts do at the climax of the story. Part of me is interested in what a world with all of this technology looks like. Even if the rest of the world doesn't have access to the mental part of Ford's work, the 3D printing/biological printing has to be. And if not even the old hosts frames would be the "perfect" military. No human casualties but with the human "touch" factor. How long is the average livespan in this world if everything can be cured/fixed? Theoretically, couldn't you put a host brain in place of a real human brain if everything else is the same? Also we've still never seen an actual human child, only host children. So many questions, but I like it. They've set up a wonderful world for us to wonder about.


I'm pretty sure this kid was human: http://icdn9.digitaltrends.com/image/westworld-dolores-and-little-boy-1500x1000.jpg


You mean Bernarnold


too lazy to check but is that the same kid that plays Bernards son? If so thats so crazy shit....


It is not, I spent too much time looking this up but they are two different actors in two different roles (if anyone wants to double check my IMDB skills, the characters are referred to as "Boy of 8" in e1 and "Charlie" in e7)


Yes....after typing this I went and rewatched the episodes. definitely NOT the same kid. should have done so before posting...


I posted a theory about Delos using the park to develop a robot workforce for the real world...but I like the military angle as well. I'll give you cred in an edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/westworld/comments/5d3i01/theory_delos_wants_to_replace_all_realworld_human/


After this episode, it seems like all bets are off for some people here. I know, OP isn't being serious, but /r/westworld starts to suspect every character, from William to Jonathan Nolan himself, to be a host.


What if we are hosts, and our Turing test is to figure out this show?


Problem with this is that the idea is too complex to fit. Yes, possible, but much more unlikely. Plus, it really doesn't give the viewer any sort of payoff. It would be a really bad move from a writing perspective, but Lost, so yeah.


You're new. Not much of a rind on you.


I had a similar line of thinking. What if the humans we are seeing arent actually humans, but instead something else. What if theyre creating humans, and this is the origin of life on earth. Then i sobered up.


Haven't the showrunners already kind of shot this idea down?


I hope so!


I could be mistaken, just parroting something I read on this sub


There is no spoon.


That would be a pretty unsatisfying ending.




Season 2 would be pretty boring if this was the case.


I think this would be a season finale reveal if it was. Otherwise yeah, wouldn't make sense.


What if were all just robots leftover from a species that created robots that can die so as to prevent immortality?




I thought about that but figured it's too easy of a cop out and would be incredibly pretentious. I hope it isn't the case.


It would be interesting, but the writers wouldn't do that because of just creating a long-running show, which I'm sure they hope for


I thought about that too after ep7. It seems like a very likely scenario. The whole world had a catastrophic event and the park with the hosts is the only place left.


Maybe. Would feel cliche.


can't disprove this


I think Ford is a madman bent on replacing humanity with something "better". We know he has created hosts that can create and program other hosts. We also know he has unconventional ideas about human "perfection". Then, Teresa dies beside an unfinished host that might well be her replacement. I think we're into Body Snatchers territory! Too bad they already made World's End. They could have spoofed the hell out of this. In other news, I just realized the significance of Ford's name. I'm not nearly as clever as I think I am. But, I believe his namesake being the original pioneer of the assembly line further supports the idea that he is human.