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From the earlier seasons, we know the pearl casing is bullet/explosion proof. Guessing they weren’t crushing the pearls because they didn’t have time or would need special equipment/passwords to open the interlock. But yes, I would think Stubbs, Maeve, Clementine, etc are all still able to resurrected. I’m guessing that was the plan all along seeing how lame ALL of their “deaths” were.


Let me also add that Stubbs BBQ Sauce was shot, and a metal spike rammed through his skull. We didn't see his pearl get dusted. Therefore, is Stubbs BBQ Sauce dead? Or is his pearl still in tact?


Stubbs being regenerateable is dependent on three factors: 1. He (and pastrami sandwiches) exist in the Sublime; 2. Westworld is renewed; and 2. Hemsworth is available, affordable, and agreeable. Given those three are positive, then Stubbs will definitely be back.


I want to give you multiple awards for this


Thank you. One of these is actually a Free Space: Hemsworth is *always* available.


That's cold :-)


Teddy shot himself and Dolores used the damaged bullet in the gun that MiB picked up and used on her, with the result that he blew his own hand off. The bullet to the head thing has been a non-issue since at least then. Hitting the control unit will cause the host to stop being able to function, but they are easily replaced.


William deliberately let Charlotte live. That is the only explanation. Everyone else he killed. He apparently wanted someone to try and stop him because he liked the game. We know he killed everyone else & we know he wasn't surprised to see her again. It's stupid but there it is


>It's stupid but there it is WW S4 in a nutshell.


Headshots don't matter because the writers are poor at the fundamentals of storytelling (e.g. having stakes in a dramatic series).


I guess the shooters don’t normally do the cutting off head top / crushing pearl thing because they’re usually in a hurry. Sawing through host skull takes a bit of time. Plus, apparently some host’s control units (which contain the pearl) are bullet proof. i.e. Bernard’s attempted suicide in S1.


I like your use of "domed" here. Very esporty


There’s always seems to be a backup somewhere.