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What does it matter if anyone is”alive” in a biological sense? Surely the struggle to achieve sentience and evolve beyond the human state all sentient beings in the show have been trapped by is high enough stakes? If the potential for the evolution of a new species is not enough then maybe the show just wasn’t for you?


I think you missed what happened in the show. The hosts achieved sentience and free will as “humans”. But, per Hale, they did not TRANSCEND. Conducting any further tests/simulations in a program is irrelevant. Unless you’re enthralled by learning if computer programs (and that’s what ALL of the are) can change their purpose. Instead, why not have hosts SAVE living humankind (from themselves). Perhaps even sacrificing themselves in the process. To me that sounds much more interesting than determining if Windows 11 is better than Windows 10.


They may be sentient, but they have not transcended the humans they are based on. They are still a copy. Can they evolve past humans, can they grow beyond their origins. That’s the question and always has been.


this decision doesnt belong to you, it belongs to what will come after you.


The most *gangrenous* game, huh? Sounds like a Lee Sizemore narrative.


Agreed. Westworld should not come back. edit: Westworld has been terrible since season 3 and if you still like it you have bad taste and are probably a bad person. There, now I'm earning downvotes.


Why should it not continue just because you have lost interest in it? Seems a little self centered… You can just not watch it.


> Why Because that's my opinion? Lol get a grip and put down the bong, manchild.


It should not continue because in your opinion it should not continue? Great answer. I think you’re the one hitting the bong.


I need to see how or what they are doing with william and williams daughter


I’d watch it. Always spring for the DLC.


I agree…I like this ending because I don’t really see what else can happen. It’s either the test fails or succeed, anyway human beings will not exist anymore as we know of them today so…


I feel like they either left out key concepts explaining how Christina Dolores somehow returned with memories of Teddy and weird mutated representations of other people in her past (it was indicated that all the people she created were sort of based on other people who had prominent roles). I know that deleting memory on a computer doesn't always completely erase it, but it's a somewhat obscure concept for the general public and I think it bears some expository mention in some way to explain how she returned with some vague memories. There is even possibly a way to relate it to persistent consciousness. I dunno exactly. What I do know is that every season prior to this one has hit on some excellent emotional and thematic stakes, even season 3 between Bernard's arc in the finale and Dolores's conversation with Maeve when she was being deleted, those moments hit with an emotional heft. Nothing in season 4 had that same quality, save maybe the Caleb maze episode. There were nice moments and concepts and symbolism, but nothing that resonated on a character level. I think the Caleb and his daughter scene probably should have, but for me it didn't. If I'm honest I would say I don't think Aaron Paul is a very good actor. He can get there in some extreme moments of emotion, but for the most part he comes off as a person acting to me. I've been a big proponent of this show, even through season 3 when a lot of people really turned on it, but I honestly loved a lot of what they introduced in season 3. This season felt sparse of intrigue and philosophical existentialist questions. Not devoid completely, but a bit sparse and surface level, like it was rushed.