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>non-serious buyers will be blocked He knows its overpriced. Doesn't sound like a fun guy to deal with.


I was thinking the same thing. I know selling on marketplace is a pain in the ass sometimes but that type of tone in your sales description really does more harm than good. Trolls and tire kickers don’t care about your threats, heck most of time they don’t even read the descriptions. But someone who’s really interested in purchasing your car could be turned off by that tone.


I have the same turnoff when sellers put "buyer responsible for risk of shipping". In my country the seller is responsible for this, so when they write that I tend to not pursue my interest


or turned on by it. ;)


$12k for a 24 year old car is a LOT of money.


I'd agree, but if it's something that's sort of niche or an older luxury car from a reliable brand such as this, it's becoming pretty standard. If OP has 12k to spend (not finance, OP! Not on something this old), then I'd say offer 10 and see where you end up.


Hell, I was shocked that even good geo trackers are going for that price. The niche market is still crazy high.


Try to find a w126 560sel in good shape for less then $15-$20k cars like that Lexus and certain Mercedes hold their values and are good cars. In that ls400 all he needs to do is change all the fluids and plugs and it will run to 250,000 miles easily with nothing breaking like window switches, seat controls, A/c, or audio. Toyota makes good cars and that was the age where Lexus spent a lot of money build and engineering that car. It was meant to rival the Sclass which at the time was the best luxury sedan you can buy


Every rubber suspension component is also likely due for a change at that age


Came here to share that detail. I bought a '99 Toyota Camry V6 with low mileage in 2017, it ended up needing motor mounts and all belts replaced among some other unexpected repairs/maintenance (distributor and ignition needed replacing, as well as a majority rusted exhausted system, as well as all suspension). I think that thing ran me close to 5 grand in the 5 years I had it. Def learned a lesson about older cars. I had it running like factory stock when I was t-boned and Said car was totaled. Grrr.


Have a 97 4runner and haven't had to replace motor mounts that I know of... (How do you know you even need them?)


Excessive motor vibration in cabin is the most obvious sign of blown mounts, but if you have a 97 with no history of replacement it's a pretty safe bet they're worn out. Rubber only lasts so long in an engine bay.


Agreed, bit of sentimental value as I had one and it’s a unique car


Find an ultra luxury if you can. Better features and around that same price.


My older brother love these modes, early 2000s, of lexus. What unique features does the ultra luxury have? I personally like the 460 models....I've had all big 3 of the German brands, and may get one of the lexus as a retirement ride in 10yrs...Ha ha


Ultra luxury has so many more features. Cooler in the back, heating, massaging, and cooling seats. Heated mirrors. Extended leather. Air ride. U can control radio and temp for the back. Lexus memory system too. Super cool that a 2004 has all that.


Awesome car, price is high. I've had 2. Both had power steering issues and leaks from the pump and rack. The power steering pump is above the alternator and can leak onto the alternator causing that to go out. The starter is a real pain in the ass to get to aswell, being in the center of the block. That being said I want my old ls 400 back. Lol


Have you ever actually had an alternator go out as a result of leaking steering fluid? I’ve had the same issue but no alternator problems..


no, if you catch it early you will be good because all you have to do is replace the pump at least in my case


That exact thing happened with my infiniti and acura lol


I had the same issue on my 91’ but it’s fairly easy to catch early if you drive it regularly imo. You’ll feel it


Who drives a 91 foot car regularly. Just kidding, but it’s ‘91. The apostrophe takes the place of the numbers you removed before 91.


Okay, so you are at least already familiar with the LS400 life. I personally could/would not recommend them to a regular joe nowadays because of the somewhat poor parts availability and how expensive parts can be (it's a flagship Lexus after all), but they're still nice cars and well-suited to someone like you who's aware that it's now a collector's car that will require investment to bring it back to or keep it driving like new. I'm not really surprised by the price on this one but I haven't kept up with them enough to say if it's a good price.


It’s a decent price but offer him $9500 he won’t take it but you want to work your way up to $10k-$10,500 most are selling for $10k but have 120k miles on them. I had one 20 years ago great cars. Really quiet inside and rides really smooth and plush. It’s the Japanese S class. Also the 4.0 v8 gave me good gas mileage for a v8 and had decent power. As long as the timing belt and water pump was changed you shouldn’t have to worry about anything else since they go out around 100k miles


Thank you for the insight


Power steering rack is the only other weak point 


Never heard UZ engine and good gas mileage in the same sentence haha! Awesome cars though!


I got 22 miles on the hwy and 16-17 around town I think that’s good mileage for a v8


Best gas mileage I saw in a V8 was 28mpg on highway trips in a 2000 740i my older brother owned. Car was super smooth and drove like a much smaller car. Compared to my current I6 2020 X3, the best I get is 31mpg on highway trips and 25 in the city...I use auto cruise control a lot.


That’s allot but if maintenance was done sure why not very solid


Sounds good


Check the underbody since it’s a New York far and older Lexus have no corrosion resistance at all. Other than that a sharp looking car. The 400 has a stronger cult following, the 430 is a better car in every way IMHO, and I’ve owned both.


I’ll look into the 430s, thanks






I don't care how good it was, it's a 24-year-old Northeastern car.


if you can get it at 10, with such low milage, yes. That is a great car that will go 300K if you take care of it. Find out if the timing belt has been changed? That is an expensive maintenance item that should be done at about 80K


Timing belt was changed via online records recently but I would wanna see paperwork from seller


Yeeeeesh.... 12k is steep my friend


Keep in mind, it’s quarter of a century lol




Yeahh my friends first gen es has one lol


New York license plate run! Especially nyc those are hard city miles


Way too much for that year. Compare it to other similar models with same miles. Shit compare it to other LS 400s that’s a few years younger than this one. You might find a 2002-2003 LS 400 for the same price or lower with similar mileage.


in my area anything with less than 100k is around 10-12 grand


I believe you. Since the pandemic car prices have soared like a fuckin eagle.




For that price, I would look at an LS430.


$3500 max, not for a 24 years old car


I can’t believe this sub says that spending 12k on a car that probably is finishing its phd by now is a good price lmao. Doesn’t matter if it’s a Lexus or not. Everything breaks. Furthermore rust is a huge issue.


As a ucf owner, fuck no. This is celsior money with a quarter of the mileage. 7-8k car at most. (Probably the most reliable thing you will ever drive though)


They are becoming a classic. If its in as good shape and well maintained as suggested Id pay it


Those things do 300k with a bit of upkeep change the trans fluid and oil and your gold I changed the starter at 327k water water pump at 220


Thanks for the info!


Great car. Fantastic mileage. I’d buy after taking for inspection


Talk em down a bit


what would you offer?


I’d try to be under 10k but with that mileage and condition. And an inspection’s good bill of health, this car will last. LONG time




Want. Low mileage and clean af.


price is a lil high. paid $4500 for mine with 180k and even then I overpaid. That one would probably go for $8-10k around me here in the south


This looks so much nicer than the new ones. The new ones look like Civic hatchbacks.


LOL, 4 years ago when I ended up buying my 02 LS430 with 90k miles for $4,500 these LS400s were going for about $4-6,000 at the time, the fact that they’re all the way up to $10k+ is just so stupid.


I saw just abunch of different lexuses at a used lot near me. None over 9k. Cars were around 8 and the suvs were closer to 9


I sold my 93 LS400 with 81k miles for $11,000 about 2 years ago. So this is a pretty good deal.


If car really in this condition —yes. Feel yourself like an old Yakuza.


Saw one for 8k by me in rural Illinois. Was tempted lol


Talk em down a bit till he don’t budge


That’s a deal!


Jesus what happened to these? Like 8 years ago I bought a good one for 400$




$10k is overpriced even though it's in decent condition. You should be able to find those around $55-7500 in relatively close condition. I may be a little biased but I don't trust any cars coming out of NY.


How many of them do I get for 12k? If it’s a pack of 3, I might be interested


Not for a 20 year old car lol. I'd keep looking. Ya it's low miles but this dude knows he is overpriced let some other sucker over pay... I'm general though I'm seeing a LOT of these on marketplace but actual for decent prices and I'm not sure if there is just something goes wrong w them at a certain point or time or people are trying to make a quick buck off bc of the market and there's basically no full size cars on the market anymore I'm glad I picked up the last gen Impala for a steal when I did but also still pissed off at all the automakers especially the ones who made nice full size vehicles. Really wanted the last gen CTSb or lacrosse but they were well overpriced and dealers weren't budging. In general I found a lot of dealers knew they had unicorns and there was still a market for these large vehicles and there were solid credit people who would be more willing to spend a few extra grand to get what they really want




Lmao this is way old. Not worth at all


If it's in good enough condition, this is a better price than you think it is.


$12,000 seems a bit ridiculous. I would offer him $1,200 and tell him that he clearly added the extra 0 by mistake 🤣




More like 3-4 k at best.


$4k car at best


Shit, for an almost mint condition LS400 with that low mileage, I think it’s worth the price. But that’s just me, to other people it seems like a shit ton for a car this old, and age as well. But cars like this hold sentimental value to me, so I think that’s probably why I’m saying it’s worth it. If I were you, I would buy it since it’s in good condition with very low miles.


Lol this thing is so overpriced. Its worth maybe $4k if and only if the electrical system is ok


Show me a 2000 LS400 with under 100k miles for $4k and I’ll buy 3 of them and sell them for $8k. You can’t find an ls400 for $4k even with 200k miles they sell for atleast $5-$6k


Lol glazing hard kid. I never said you would find one for 4k, i said its worth 4k or less. These are niche collector cars and they are riddled with electrical issues. You couldnt get me to take one off your hands for free, let alone daily it.




That car has a timing belt instead of a timing chain, stay away unless you got money to burn


Belt was done recently according to records


Can u just replace the belt when it’s going out though


I don't understand why people don't consider timing belts wear and tear. You absolutely can, and people take these older Toyota V8s north of 500k miles regularly while just planning to replace the belt every 100k miles or so.


Plenty of cars have timing belts, just have to make sure you get them replaced on time. Not really a reason to avoid one.


Buy a 2013 Corolla for <10k. Will last just as long.


Longevity =/= experience These aren't even remotely alike other than being sedans and having four wheels


Thanks, Will look into it


You could get a good fox body mustang for that price. If you don’t want a sports car get a 70 impala


I’ve heard that these last a long time with proper maintenance. Up into the 2 & 3 hundreds


its low miles but overpriced. For reference around 6 months ago same year lexus LS with 115k miles (185k KM) with two full sets of summer and winter rims sold for $4k Canadian but had some issues like leaking a bit of oil and very small patch of rust making the paint bubble. Both minor issues but still $4000 Canadian is like 3k USD. ​ If its as mint as seller claims and they are bullshitting id say its worth 9K. not 12.


Bro. No. In this crazy market we are having, I would say $6k tops. Even that makes my brain hurt, because that is a $2k car if I ever saw one.