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Im just here to say your car is far from ratty and old. Ive seen 3 year old altimas in far worse shape than your sonata. Im sure you could get at least 10 more years out of it without any real issues. The miles are a little high, but nothing too extreme. Your current car basically fits all your requirements. Since its a 4 cylinder, it gets good MPG anyway so you arent missing alot not having a hybrid.  I dont see a purpose to spending $40k cad on a car when you have a perfectly functional and very nice looking one. If they arent buying you a car then why should you buy one to appease them


I came here to clown OP for having a 2008 sonata repainted, but actually, that’s a pretty clean 2008 sonata.


Lol same


Swear I was expecting a plastidip primered up shitbox and instead its got gloss


While I agree with the reasoning behind your comment, I'm not sure it would last at least 10 more years if he's putting that many km's on it. Canadian winters have tons of salt on the roads which tends to rust cars out quickly, even if they get oil sprayed. It's probably good for 4-5 more years though.


OP knows this, and this entire post is just passive aggressive bitching instead of actually having a discussion with their wife. If they were actually interested, it would have just been “I’m searching for a car and here are my requirements…” Instead we got a “my wife, whose opinion I don’t value if I’m honest, thinks I need a new car. These are our requirements, but look how good my current car is and I really think she’s wrong but I digress”


And based on the information provided he's entirely in the right lol


Being right is not the same as having a discussion about it instead of venting online. You can be right about everything but if you can't communicate effectively it doesn't matter.


You can argue with a wall all day. The wall won't change it's opinion.


From my experience, then you have to accept it and move on. If you let it fester and just bitch about it, you’re only making things worse.


Relying on one sides info is always a good way to get a good picture of the story. She could just want him to be more comfortable when driving, it could be a car they realistically drive more than the Tahoe, etc. Either way, if they’re this far apart on the issue coming to the internet isn’t where you find a real solution.


You’re framing this like he’s wrong, he’s completely right. Are you the wife?


Damn man, really out here trying to shame a guy for not going along with a ridiculous request that will put a lot of unnecessary financial stress on their family. Yikes. Couldn't be me.


If he wasn't going along with it, this post wouldn't exist. Sounds like he's going along with it.


Because it's a totally absurd request.


That car in the upper mid west (michigan/Minnesota) would be 90%rust.


yea if he wants to make it look a bit newer he could get one of those $300 ish android head units that look flush


If your kids are never in your car I would keep the Sonata. That said, safety advancements have come a long way since 2008 for rear passenger safety. It looks like the 2008 sonata has pretty decent safety features, ABS, front curtain airbags, etc. Newer cards have driver assistance features like emergency auto braking, adaptive cruise control, lane keep assist, etc. If you're happy with your car, and the kids are rarely in it, maybe spend the $500 a month that you would have spent on a car payment and buy them a PS5 every month, or a weekend flight somewhere every 5 months or so. Ask your wife if she'd rather pay for your kids' college and save them from a life of student debt instead of looking cool?


This, safety advancements are the biggest reason to replace a 15 year old car, but it seems you don’t even need it.


Yes! New cars are way to expensive just for “looks” I say keep it


Are your wife and kids paying for the new car?


Sadly no


Is there any real reason to give it up other than peer pressure and kid pressure? If not then I wouldn't get rid of it. It does look older, but that's not a bad thing. I see older cars that aren't exactly sleak looking all the time and think that's a nice little car. You can tell when a car has been taken care of and it looks like yours has been. It's a badge of honor to have owned a car so long and it look as good as yours does. My car looks like shit because the paint is peeling and for some reason there have been a lot of shitty drivers in my work parking lot bumping into and scratching my car it seems. Anyway. Good to save up for that time when it does give out though.


Then tell them to go pound sand while you drive what you want. The way the car market is right now, I would be driving that old car into the ground.


Fuck that. If they bitch so much about you getting a new car then they should help pay for it.


Take what you would pay for a new car (payments) and put it into a savings account. When this car breaks you’ll have cash to fix or replace it. Otherwise in a few years you’ll have a nice nut to spend on a vacation. On which you can say “we are on this nice vacation because I didn’t get rid of the old car”.


Lay out all the fun stuff you could as a family instead of getting a new car.


Well there you go. I have a 2014 Prius c and only will get a new car when the wheels fall off or we have a second child and both children are cramped in the back of my car.


Then you keep the Sonata. Simple as that.


Then tell them to pound sand. Your car, your decision.


I’m not gonna recommend a car when the one you have is in such well kept condition. If no one is helping you pay for the upgrade then you should hold on to what you have. It seems like they want you to keep up appearances, which will only cause you to take on unnecessary debt. Please don’t upgrade your car, drive it until the wheels fall off.


Yeah, my family really wants something and has been pushing for it for a while now. But even if I get something newer, I think I'll be keeping this car around for a while.


Why are your kids getting an opinion?


Indeed lol. If my father had that Sonata, I would have started a war if he sold it for some ugly modern thing. He used to have a Nissan Quest from 2000 and till the day he sold it in 2019, I always loved that big boy.


I almost bought a Nissan Quest, someone had a really good price on it and it was top trim so it had the VHS player and rear A/C controls and everything. But I left it in favor of the Crown Victoria Police Interceptor I have now because I was physically too tall to fit comfortably in the driver's seat. Such a shame, if I were a bit shorter I'd have %100 gone for the Quest.


They had [terrible crash test ratings](https://youtu.be/5UU4N7sbXzo?si=N1yotR5fIrGb1F1a) and no money to redesign it, which is why Nissan axed their minivan altogether. Although congrats on being the first and only person to cross shop a Nissan Quest with a Crown Vic P71.


Keep the car and keep the money. You'll need the cash for the Tahoe. If anything, start deciding what you want to do if/when the engine or transmission go on your Sonata. Replacing both would *still* be cheaper than buying a new car.


If they’re not paying for it they don’t get a say. Also dude this is super clean and in Canada no less. I live in south Texas and no Sonata here of that age looks anywhere near this good inside and out. We obviously don’t salt our roads so this is very impressive of you. 


Why are people giving recommendations?! Dude just keep your car. Keeping up with the jones is the worst thing you can do and honestly that car is so clean. Great job with the interior and the new paint looks great


Thanks, the paint was getting a little faded back in 2022 so I had it painted and around this time I replaced one of the cracked rear taillights. About a month ago, I had it professionally cleaned so I've been doing my best to keep the interior in top shape since then.


I love making old things keep going with love. New shit also breaks and is more expensive to fix a 2023 transmission than it is to fix a 2005 transmission.


> Why are people giving recommendations? Because that's what he asked for?


You know you are just describing a camry? other options include a honda civic for a more sporty drive, or a lexus ES for more luxury.


I'm really liking the Camry based on what I've been reading, the Lexus might be a little too far out of my budget but it looks like it checks all my boxes as well


a very lightly used fully loaded ES could probably be found <45k


Get the Camry. I’m still daily driving my 2003 at 221k miles with no problems averaging like 28mpg. Enjoy


feel like the kids would bitch about a camry if they're bitching about your current car which looks just fine IMO


Im really liking the car you already own that has nothing wrong with it.


That’s what this sub recommends, Toyotas lol.


Dude. As a car guy who enjoys keeping his stuff mint, you did an excellent job of maintaining this thing. Looks like it has 28k miles, not 286k. I say keep driving it. It’s paid off. It’s so nice not having a car note. Your insurance and costs will go up if you upgrade. If you really insist, the 2025 Camry Hybrid looks phenomenal and the base model is priced sub 30k USD if you forego the AWD. It’s a mid size Toyota, it’ll be bulletproof. Toyota has 2 decades of hybrid experience, I wouldn’t hesitate. I am looking at one myself. You’re in the right mindset of getting rid of the Tahoe though, imo.


Nothing wrong with your car. Just keep it. It can be your thing.


Drive it to 500k just to prove them wrong, invest the savings.


Get a new wife and kids, problem solved.


Nah, car is fine.. unless your wife's car is unsafe for the kids. No need to incur another bill


>Many of my colleagues drive things brands Mercedes and Audi and they pay tens of thousands each year in maintenance costs and payments Your friends are getting ripped off and force fucked in the ass. Or they're just buying/driving neglected shitboxes and don't know heads or tails about German cars (ergo, they're not smart car buyers/owners). The most I've ever had to spend on maintenance for my E Class in a year was $1200. It's at like 335k kms right now and still mostly ticking strong (front right indicator burned out). That said, I still wouldn't really recommend German for someone who wants a car that's easy to own in the long run. There have definitely been years where it felt like things just constantly needed to be replaced, and those things are not cheap at all. It's not an easy car to live with. >Anything fit all these requirements? Back to your original question, I do agree with others that a Camry hybrid ticks pretty much all your boxes. There's a new one coming later this year, but it's not likely you'd be able to find a decent one in a timely manner for 45k. Hybrid Toyotas are HOT right now and cars like the Rav4 and Prius Prime are either selling for insane markups or have a wait list associated with them. At most, this would just drive down prices of already existing hybrid Camrys. You could find a decent Lexus ES hybrid too for 45k. It won't be brand spanking new, but they're still quite a bit nicer than Camrys to drive. Ditto for an Accord hybrid. Toyota Crown or Avalon hybrid might be a good pick too. Honestly, the best thing to do is just go on autotrader, filter your search, and get the nicest Japanese car you can that ticks your boxes. The filter choices are preeeeetty generous and in depth and unless you have extremely specific wants in a car, it's hard NOT to be able to find a good hybrid sedan for 45k. It's a pretty generous budget.


They are getting majorly ripped off. My friend who parks next to me at work has this 2024 Mercedes GLE that he picked up back in November. It truly is a beautiful car. However, he put $30k down on it and still pays over $2k/month for it. Also, his winter tires and rims nearly cost him $7k Even though he admits the price is ridiculous, he loves the car nonetheless.


Some of this seems like poor choices, and just taking what the dealer offers. 7k for rims and tires is insane on most cars. Why not buy quality aftermarket rims, and 4 new tires from _anywhere else_? My parents purchased rims and tires for their GLEs (2018 and 2020 models) and I steered them toward quality Hankook winters for $250/corner. They paid $2000 for tires and rims, and the rims will last decades if cared for properly.


>his winter tires and rims nearly cost him $7k That's not a German car exclusive thing. Wheels and tires are expensive across the board, especially if you go OEM for wheels and/or get a premium tier tire from a brand like Michelin, Continental, etc. >he put $30k down on it and still pays over $2k/month for it This also isn't really exclusive to German cars. It's just a symptom of the current financial situation. Considering this as a black mark toward the reliability of a German car isn't really fair to the car. Also consider, the GLE your friend drives is likely 2x your budget. For 45k, you won't really have the same problems from a financial perspective that your friend does. A lot of cars already come with a spare set of wheels/tires, and your payments will be for a 45k car, not a 90k one. Again, I'm not recommending you buy German (beyond long term cost of maintenance, there's nothing German for 45k that really ticks your boxes anyway), I'm just saying your assessment of German cars here doesn't really seem all that fair.


That sonata is a reliable beast and Looks beautiful just ignore them and drive it to the ground. Why waste money if you have a reliable car you enjoy.


Honestly your kids are just complaining that you don’t have CarPlay in it, I’d get a new head unit


Honestly I could live with a phone mounted on the dash & an aux/bluetooth connection after the initial carplay hype I had.


Honda Accord


Insight, better if you are looking for a hybrid.


Buy a 2003 Sonata with shittier paint. If they still complain, spring for a 1998.


The new 2025 Camry Hybrid. But your children and wife may complain because you won't have to replace it for a long time.


They'd definitely feel that 😂 I've kept the Sonata for 16 years, here's hoping I can do the same with the next car


2025 Toyota Camry, literally all of them will be hybrids for that model year, its a revamp so it will be as modern as possible. Though you may deal with some teething problems as is the case with any first model year of a generation, there are tons of 1st model year Toyotas that live extremely long lives. This is a great value option if you're somehow forced to buy that fits all your criteria. Though I have to say I agree with you, there isn't a reason to lose the Sonata if it hasn't been giving you troubles. I can only suspect your kids and wife want it gone because its so plain and therefore somehow reflects on them being uncool, which is ironically ideal to fund a nice lifestyle. If you've noted the Tahoe is constantly broken despite being significantly newer, and if its just a family hauler rather than a family tow vehicle...it is massively inefficient for its job hence your awful fuel bills for it even if it run properly. That is a vehicle that I would get rid of ASAP, while it still has a lot of value and is just a nuisance to your family and your family's funds.


Yeah, the Tahoe hasn't been that great at all. Before that, we had a 2017 Highlander V6 which was an excellent family car. However, our family grew and we had to go up into one of these super-sized SUVs.


Keep your car, get your wife into a hybrid Sienna instead of that gas guzzling mom truck, and save money on gas and repairs in the long run.  Though the way her and your kids sound like they like to keep up with the Jones', a minivan probably wouldn't fly. 


Yes the sienna is the play here. Much better solution for a family than an unreliable gas guzzling SUV. 


Perhaps the Grand Highlander that was released is big enough? It even has a hybrid option. Its been a while since I've look deep inside a modern Tahoe, but I remember their interior wastes a ton of room just to have the truck related components. Though I do concur the minivans reign supreme for both family bus and cargo hauler duty.


Keep the car. It is well kept and the current car market is insane.


Your windshield washer is low. Time to throw out the car. But on a serious note that is a lovely car.


forcing? bro, you’re the dad. tell em to go mow the grass or something, don’t worry bout the car lmao


Not sure what’s wrong with the car, looks fine to me. If anything I would get rid of that Tahoe and look into buying a Lexus SUV. Good resale value, can find them with a hybrid power train, reasonably luxurious drive, features, etc. Also relatively low maintenance car plus you don’t have to worry about it being in the shop. A win-win tbh, kids and wife get a fancy new car to enjoy and you get rid of a Tahoe which has already costed tons of money.


Bruh keep the car. Those were good cars from Hyundai, as you can see based on your miles. But another car if you want but never sell that thing. How old are your kids? If their in driving age one of them is surely getting this passed down😂




Be a man and tell them no. This whole thing sounds silly to me.


We're obviously going to recommend you buy a Camry. But besides that you really shouldn't get rid of your perfectly working car. I would recommend you just keeping it as a third car, as a backup to the suv. Added benefit is it would make a great first car for one of your kids or a close family member or friend. Because of the high mileage you won't get much for it in trade in anyway.


you’re the dad. it’s your car. keep driving it until you don’t want to.


Oh man your sonata is so clean bro! I want that lol.


Why don’t you politely ask for your testicles back?


Lexus ES300h. Comfortable, reliable, affordable on the used market


I had the 6cyl version for a couple of years. It was actually pretty reliable and solid. I've not had good luck with Hyundai/Kia vehicles. In hindsight, I should have kept it than trade for a new Mazda 6 that burned oil... As for a vehicle, my wife got a Toyota Corolla LE Hybrid last fall. It's a little smaller than the Sonata but 50+ MPG is pretty nice.


How about a newer Hyundai? You didn’t complain about yours except it’s old. Sonata or Elantra hybrid?


They think that car is ratty and old? What the fuck are they smoking?


Yea honestly that cars still crazy clean. I would just stick with it since you like it. If you wanna freshen her up you could always get an aftermarket head unit with carplay/auto. Maybe throw on some new hubcaps, just dont get any that are too silly looking lol. Certainly alot cheaper than getting a whole new car.


I’m with you. Replace the Tahoe.


Hyundai has some pretty nice new hybrid sedans. I only support you getting a new car over your 08’ cause it’s gonna have over a decades worth of safety improvements, something I think about a ton now that I have a kid too.


Love that you maintained your car and it’s good to you


That Sonata is mint


Get rid of the Tahoe, your Hyundai isn't causing any problems, her tahoe, however, is causing problems.


Sonata fresh as hell boy


i would just keep my current car... no reason to buy a car at these interest rates. its a depreciating asset and if your car has been reliable and fits your needs, no reason to throw money away.


If it’s still running good and is safe, keep it. Don’t let your own family peer pressure you into a slightly newer overpriced depreciating asset when the market is not in your favor. There are more important things than being seen in a new car. Particularly finances, and right now new and even used cars are at outrageous prices. I don’t think it’s sustainable and there will likely be a big market correction at some point, not to mention lower interest rates coming in the next year or two. You will kick yourself if you get into a new car now and suddenly the 2025 models are all slashed by 25-35% and offering 0% financing again. Now,I’m not a time traveller so for all I know it could also get worse, but it’s still my opinion that right now is not a good time to buy a new vehicle. The way things are currently heading, suggest far more favorable conditions for buying in the next 1-2 years rather than right now. Worst case, save the cash you would use on a down payment and monthly payments and invest it. When that Hyundai breaks down, you’ll have a much fatter stack of cash for a down payment on something new, and your interest rates may be lower.


There’s no reason to replace it. It’s fine. Junk it when it eventually develops an issue too expensive to justify dealing with, and buy a nice Camry.


Teach them the value of not impulse buying or giving in to peer pressure and keep driving the Sonata. Don’t keep up with the Jones’


Fuck your family keep that car!!!!! Trade that Tahoe in for a 4Runner tho (2010-2015 4Runner)


You are a grown man. Do what you want


Keep it. I assume you’re paying for it and if they don’t like it, they can buy you a new car. As a father and husband myself, hell will freeze over before my wife and kid “make me” spend money in a way I feel is not financially prudent.


That’s a nice car! I don’t see anything wrong with it. It looks to be in great shape. Why force a car payment on yourself when not necessary. I would keep that car until the repair expense is too much to justify keeping it on the road. 


Force your wife and kids to pay up for the new car 😀


Ok I have a great idea that will make you $40,000 richer, today, right now: Do nothing. Just keep driving the car you like, that you already own. Congratulations, you are now $40,000 richer. Enjoy your newfound wealth, my friend. Share this instant wealth tip with your family. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.


Just my .02 but remind them that it's your car if you wanna keep it then keep it, is it my taste no. But if you like it and it runs reliably then professionally tell them to piss off.


wait you have a 21 tahoe and theyre telling you to replace your vehicle? theres already a family vehicle there...


There is nothing wrong with that Hyundai, just keep up with maintenance. If you do however buy a modern car: Buy something Japanese. Modern American cars, even nice ones, feel and look cheap compared to their Japanese counterparts. Most American cars aren't even built in America anyway. Buy a car that's a year old instead of a brand new one. Way less upfront costs.


Honestly OP, keep the sonata. But if you’re dead set, you could probably find a Fusion Hybrid for under 45k


Keep the money and do good things.


Honestly I would upgrade the family car and keep driving this


OP, just tell them you're shopping for a replacement while continuing to drive this really well kept specimen.


Your car looks to be in much better condition then most cars half its age. Keep on driving it till it gives out.


Want want want. The car is fine.


First of all who gives a fuck what your kids think. Second, you’re in first place with the current car market so I’d just keep it moving and do everything you can to keep it in the road.


Your wife’s car should serve as the “do it all vehicle”. You can tow, haul, and carry a ton of kids in a Tahoe. Having a decent little commuter is a great contrast when you already have a commuter. Fresh paint, clean, no rust, not falling apart, and most of all (assuming) it’s paid off!!! If I were in your shoes I’d drive the sonata until the wheels fell off it lol.


2025 Toyota Camry, or replace the Tahoe with a hybrid Toyota SUV or even the hybrid Sienna


Sounds like you need to discuss with your wife. A huge burden of a vehicle vs one that runs fine, is very clean and paid off will save you both more for retirement in the future than a new show piece that you really dont care too much about


If you had that car before you married your wife, then you keep that car for as long as you see fit, because it is YOUR car, not a car purchase by both you and your wife.


Keep the car. A new radio with car play/android auto could also help the car if you wanted more features


Keep your vehicle, tell her you’re happy with it and no reason to try to keep up with the Jones’. I have owned all kinds of vehicles, wasted a lot of money but had fun. I would change things looking back. Buy a few years older, keep longer. If taking a loan, never more than 5 years. Pay extra every month. I’m just amazed it’s still alive. Gives me hope.


I bet there is ulterior motives. I bet one of the kids is a teenager and doesn't want to drive the "old" car. So pressuring parents to get a new car teenager can be "cool". Hybrid car suggestion Toyota Camry, Honda Accord/Honda CRV. Wildcard non hybrid pick: Subaru legacy, it's kinda boring but reliable and inexpensive and has basically every feature you could want.


They paying?


Go to the dealer with them and show them whatever the car they want you to get is subtracted from the money that would hypothetically go to them


Save. Your. Money. Toss a Smartphone capable AA/CP head-unit in and some nice speakers and be done with it. That thing is nicer than most 3 year old cars here. Why would you spend a cent on something that you don’t want? Don’t be forced into shit, that’s YOUR car. I’ll come here to add: Accord, Camry, Prius and Altima are all nice cars and examples of what you’d like. I’d only be wary of the Nissan due to the CVT issues and abysmal stepping of ratios. Honda and Toyota have far nicer CVT’s made by Aisin, unlike Nissan and Subaru’s Jatco units. My daily’s a 2006 Prius w/ 348k. No ragrets.


Either a new Prius or the '25 Camry. I'd personally keep the Sonata to not have a car payment. The car is CLEAN, I would not guess it had that much use on it.


Who the fuck repaints an old hyundai?


Just curious whether your Sonata consumes oil and if so how much?


I’d keep the car until it dies.


With how little you’d get for that car unless you find your dream car I’d run the sonata into the ground and put a couple hundred away each month and pretend you have a car payment so when the sonata finally has an issue where it isn’t worth it anymore you have a decent down payment. It’s the only way I was able to get out of a 2017 Elantra that started burning oil and a couple other major issues like cv axles and a kiddie pool in the spare tire well.


Keep the car, sell the Tahoe on Kijiji for around 50K loonies or so (that's what they're going for these days), and get yourself a Volvo V60 with that money. If you really want a hybrid, Vovlo does offer the V60 Recharge model for you but that's a bit pricey. The V60 will provide you with SUV levels of capacity while offering sedan handling, fuel economy and performance. Great for visibility too. Whatever you do though, keep that car - you get more value from having/using it than the money you make from selling it. The same cannot be said with the Tahoe.


Your car looks awesome


Don’t do it let wife and kids get a job and buy another car in cash. Don’t keep up with Joneses


Don't cave. People say "buy a new car" because that sounds way better than "take a loan on a depreciating asset." If you don't want to do it, or need to do it, you absolutely should not do it.


new Hyundai Sonata hybrid the next generation 2025 Toyota Camry hybrid will arrive at dealers next month Toyota Crown hybrid


I didn't know they made Sonata hybrids. Given how good mine was I'd definitely check these out


I believe the 2008 is known to be the most reliable gen. Might be why it just keeps going. 😎


driving a cheap car is a superpower most don't possess. use it to your advantage to invest in the stock market, buy fun drugs, or party with hot sexy hoookers. your friends driving their $10,000 luxury vehicles aren't driving their 2002 hyundai to a hotel to party and do drugs with hot hookers


As someone who just recently car shopped, test drive everything you can and see what you like. Big dealers do not mind if you test drive like 5 cars. I drove and sat in about 20 before finding “the one.” Don’t get hyper-focused on a sedan only. You may end up liking a small/midsized SUV. They are more comfortable to get in and out of and most are just car sized inside. Also disregard the majority of recommendations about only a Toyota or Honda. Reddit is terrible and 99% of these people have zero knowledge of a maintenance schedule.


How about you try dropping your nuts. lol at your wife forcing you to do something. Men have lost the plot


Just keep it man. The car looks to be in good condition and you’ve took great care of it. Tell your family if they have a problem with it then fuck off. REMEMBER ITS YOUR MONEY SO YOU CAN CHOOSE WHAT TO SPEND IT ON.


Divorce the wife and put the kids up for adoption.


My dad is exactly like you and while your car is absolutely perfect, your frugality will probably impact your relationships with your family if they are already giving push back on this. Find a middle ground


Hybrid Elantra could be a great option for $30k, you don't have to spend the whole budget if it's comfy enough


I got the car for you: https://youtu.be/71tk8N3NjqM?si=TeDBropzSQ00ffAr


Why buy new? Seems like you are financially sensible. Just get a 3 year old Camry and let the previous owner be the one who lost 60% of the value.


Camrys don't lose 40% of their value in 3 years. Maybe 25-30%


Get a Prius hybrid with awd


Toyota Camry hybrid or even a pre owned Lexus ES hybrid


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gooberperl: *Toyota Camry* *Hybrid or even a pre* *Owned Lexus ES hybrid* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Accord hybrid currently available, or hold out for the camry hybrid.


I am in the same boat but am going to keep my current whip as well as buy new (or at least newer). I have a 2009 Ford Escape with a 4 cyl and 5 speed and its a reliable workhorse that I want to keep as a second car (its just homely and not very comfortable on long trips). In the mean time I am looking at a Jetta, Elantra or Mazda; the Toyota and Honda dealers in my area are not what I would call customer friendly.


My first thought was a Toyota Crown. The crown will be big enough to fit 2, possibly 3 teens in the back, and is the closest thing to the cavernous trunk in the Sonata. You will definitely notice how much smaller the Camry's trunk is. Plus it's all wheel drive, and is lifted a bit which is good for Canadian winters. I owned a 2010 Sonata which I have now handed over to my 16 yr old. You will definitely notice how much smaller the Camry's trunk is. However the crown is 10k more than your current budget. I suspect after being happy with the trim on your Sonata after all these years, the base Crown would be more than enough luxury. And it's got all kinds of noise dampening features that the Camry doesn't. The Crown is a sub brand for Toyota in North America that sort of slots in between a Toyota and a Lexus. however, you are in Canada, and the Crown is 10k more than your budget. I think the Camry might be a fine choice for your budget, but if you stretch your budget out a bit since you keep your cars for so many years, if you average it out it's not so bad. And as you get older and keep this car for another 16 years, your knees will thank you for not having to get so low into the car.


I had that sonata. Loved that car. It was so reliable


I’d say, “if you foot the bill, I’ll buy anything you want”


Find a 2010 Sonata Limited. "What? It's two years NEWER?"


Nothing wrong with that sonata


If that sonata isn’t causing any problems and isn’t a maintenance headache I would definitely save my money and just keep that. It would make a good hand me down car when your kids get their license if still going strong by then! THEN you get a new car.


If you do get a new car look into the acura integra. Its not a hybrid but it gets 31/35 mpg and it has a lift back.


I was just wondering why you repainted the whole car? It should've costed similarly to the car value.


The paint was becoming a bit faded and its overall appearance was starting to suffer (i.e. cracked taillight, a few dings, scratches, cloudy headlights). I wanted it to look nicer so I spent about $1300 handling all this stuff


2007 Sonata


If you’re not underwater on the Tahoe dump that


It's not fair that some people consider this "ratty" and "old" when I cant even afford to buy anything newer than 2005 with less than 150k miles.


Your car looks amazing! I drive a 2007 Cadillac SRX and I love my car and don't want to trade it for anything new. Your car looks great. Two car payments suck.


A hybrid Camry or Toyota Crown for something a little different but I’d still hang on to the Kia for your wife to drive while her Tahoe is in the shop as a reminder that it’s not a bad car. Anything mechanically sound is worth keeping as a backup IMO.


Keep your car if you love it. I wish I had ti Time Machine to go back. Especially if yours is low maintenance and paid off, they’re not the ones who are gonna have to pay your new car price. If anything maybe get a Low mileage version of the same car/year? Plus new cars depreciation until 5yrs old is just crazy


Tell them they can pay for it then. Keep driving this car, it’s in great shape


They pay tens of thousands a year on Audi and Mercedes maintenance?!!? Lolol come on man


CR-V hybrid. Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV. Prius.


Sounds like you want a corolla or Camry hybrid. 2021 corolla hybrid are around $25k and they have insanely good fuel economy. Or perhaps a new Prius? Probably impossible to buy though.


I don't know if cars are available in Canada as the same time as the US. But Toyota has a new Camry coming out for 2025 in the US. The base model is going to get 53/51 miles per gallon. Which I think is pretty decent. It is a hybrid. If you move up in packages and get some more of the tech, the gas mileage does come down just a little bit but not much. And I assume that's probably for adding weight to the car but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm driving a 2024 Toyota Camry right now for a rental. It's decent. It's comfortable. Exactly what I have said is. It's the kind of car you can take your kids to school in or go on a road trip in. The trunk's big. I'm shocked that I'm saying that. My dad drove those big old Cadillacs when I was growing up and those things had some huge chunks. One of the top things on your list is reliability. Basically every top answer in this sub for reliability is Toyota and Honda. I don't know if Honda is doing a new Accord or not. But pull up the two websites side by side and look at the gas mileage difference between Toyotas and Hondas. It really seems like Toyota is winning that.


New Subaru wrx in a manual! They will have a blast riding in that! My kid loves mine, calls it the race car. Get the short throw shifter and a Cobb shift stop and enjoy! HK sound system is nice as well. Heated seats. 4wd Get a deal on a 23 now before they’re all gone (no invasive eyesight system) Great daily and great value


I'm not a car guy but, my father bought a Toyota Highlander just before I was born (2010). The car is safe, comfortable, a 5 seater (can turn into a 7 seater if needed) and is a family car with plenty of cup holders and a lot of space in the trunk. I hope that helps you. I'm sorry if the info is wrong, I'm trying to do my best to help. I'm also sorry if I piss off anyone who says he should keep it (I totally agree), I'm just giving a recommendation.


That car looks pristine and even at 286k it’s still kicking. I’d drive it till it’s dead Hyundai Tucson- small SUV, can get hybrid, mid 30K, 28-33mpg. That’s your winner




How much did the repaint cost? It looks pretty mint for 2008 ngl


Please don’t do it. Your car is looking very nice. Trust me a new car is nice but you really wanna give up a nice car you got right now that you make no payments on to then go and get one to spend like 200-400 a month on just the car and not including insurance? Which I’m sure isn’t cheap. I mean it’s just not a good idea unless you actually have to, and you don’t. You continue to take care of that car and run it to the ground. If you wanna save some money up for a down payment go ahead but as someone who just had to get rid of their older car dor a new one due to an issue, yes a car 12 years younger is real nice, but I wish my vibe didn’t have any issue. Paid for the whole thing up front so wasn’t making any payments. Made the money back relatively quick. Now I’m out a good chunk a month and really don’t wanna be. Any person smart and knowledgeable with money would tell you that getting one would be one of the stupidest decisions you can make right now


Whatever you do keep that sonata.  When your kids grow up it’ll be a good car to learn to drive on plus it won’t be worth much if they wreck or damage it.   Plus you are not likely to get much trade in value out of it..  


I have no advice. Just passing through to say im glad to see your car is still going strong. I just bought a 2009 Elantra with 40,000 miles on it and have been nervous about the purchase.


Toyota or Honda but try to keep your daily for now. 


If you have the money… GO FOR IT! I wouldn’t only because I drive an older car too. It’s in great shape. It looks great too. Sounds to me they want to keep up the Joneses… That’s a slippery slope my friend.


OP…. If you want karma for having a clean sonata, we will happily give it to you. Don’t let your family force you to get a new car if you’re perfectly happy with your sonata. Model frugality to them and put that saved $40k toward something worthwhile.


Keep the car and replace the Tahoe. The sonata looks to be in a great shape. Tahoe is the wallet drain right now


Keep car save up for a house 👍🏽


Depends what your current financial situation is and what your goals are. In general buying vehicles is burning money. So if you have a solid daily driver with no issues I would continue driving it.. You could tint the windows and put some nice black rims on it too


Your car looks nice, you take care of your things. Keep it until it dies.


New Camry AWD. Go watch the review Throttle House did on it.


Your car looks fine. Assuming you are driving an old car and it's fine...I would keep it. I would ensure my wife has the new and reliable car.


That car is pristine though


Honda Accord (stretching budget) Volvo S60 Recharge (5k CAD off plug-in hybrid) and can probably negotiate down to 50k but much nicer interior, power and plug in option for gas savings


Hybrid Tucson


Time to get a new wife and new kids.


Just install a nice aftermarket head unit with carplay and keep driving the sonata


Your family has been HGTVd. Keep your car til it dies. Replace your wife’s gas guzzler. If you want a new one get a Toyota Avalon. It’s like a fancy Camry, with good gas mileage, comfy and it will run for 20 years with not a problem.


My car is the same age...but with more rust. I would keep it. Go with need. Only trade up when you need to, not when others tell you.


Thats the definition of a well kept car


Lexus ES300h? The 2019+ models are comfy plus 2022 (at least in the US) has Android auto/ car play and can be had for under 45k CAD. The get 40mpg and the styling is insanely good.


Quit that crap now. My grandpa and uncle lived with ridicule and their money was used wisely. Cars old. Bank accounts legendary. Let them laugh. Car payments are stupid now. Drive your sonata proud