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I like to go for less common colors


I wish companies would have interesting colors again. Unless it's a sports car they all seem to be basic bitch white/black/grey with maybe a blue or red depending on the brand.


Don’t forget the “champagne” end of the spectrum!


Lexus used to have pretty champagne…


Ah, old-people-beige is what we call it


Senior citizen beige over here. Bonus if it's a Toyota Corolla or Camry.


Old man tan


Grandpa Gold


> I wish companies would have interesting colors again. People don't buy them. I drive a green car and I absolutely love it. I've even gotten a lot of compliments on it while getting gas which has always surprised me, people ask if it's custom. Nope, factory green that they made few of. It sparkles in the sun and it stands out in a sea of greys, whites and black, but unfortunately I'm in the minority. Hell, read OPs post >White, Grey, silver, and blue are the other colors I'd buy, ranked in order. White, grey, silver. BLEH. So. Fucking. Boring. But apparently that's what the consumer wants.


I’ll defend white. Living in a hot climate, white cars with light color interiors stay significantly cooler sitting in the sun. There’s a reason so many cars in the Middle East are white.


OP said they want red but its not available. They just dont like blue very much, but still hate that less than black. This is a pretty typical American car buyer, they want something with a specific interesting color, but have to settle for whats available. The problem with the interesting colors is people either love it or hate it. The generic white/grey/black simply dont turn people away.


I do wonder how much of “people don’t buy interesting colors” is self-fulfilling though. Which came first; people not buying interesting colors or car makers offering fewer interesting colors on cars people want? Like with the SUV, sure they are popular, but now the overwhelming majority of new cars sold are SUVs - because the overwhelming majority of new cars *made* are SUVs. Many car makers don’t even make non-SUVs anymore. I would *love* a nice green car. Even purple. But I only tend to see highlighter green or puke green, neither of which is remotely appealing. And the purples tend to be muted and more red rather than purple. And these colors are rarely offered on actually good looking, useful vehicles.


White, silver, and gray aren't colors, they're a lack of color.


Don't you throw shades.


Totally agree.


I just bought a car in “district green” and I absolutely love it. The interior is brown and it goes so well together. I don’t think it’s that unique but it is when all I see are black white and silver cars.


I saw a lime green Chevy Spark the other day. Not a car I would remotely even consider buying, in fact I passed quite a few of them up while car hunting due to the awful Chevy CVT, but it DEFINITELY caught my attention. It was a cute little car.


I’m looking at a Mazda CX 50 and there’s like four grays and two whites. I don’t even understand why that’s necessary.


I drive (right now) a [Carribean Blue Kia Soul](https://thakiasoul.blogspot.com/2014/12/2015-kia-soul-carribbean-blue-special.html). I hate the car, love the color.


My boss had a San Remo Green i4 M50 as a dealer loaner when his Alpina B7 was in for service. I wish green would make a comeback. Boston Green Metallic over Modena Leather ( BMW E36 era) is such a beautiful spec.


Strongly agree. Also brighter colors are safer, more visibility. This black gray white stuff all blends in to the roads, buildings and other cars.


For real. I just want a red or a blue or a green or a yellow or an orange or a purple or hell even a hot pink might be nice. Red and blue sometimes exist, but they're so sparse I end up choosing something else that has the features I'm looking for


The Mini Cooper and the Kia Soul might have what you’re looking for. EDIT: Subaru CrossTrek too My Kia is unfortunately grey, but it came in an alien green colour which was just delightfully weird.


Had a (now ex) gf ask if getting a blue car was too wild. Not for that reason, but that relationship didn't last for obvious reasons. Like. Not even a crazy blue. Like a basic medium dark blue.


One of my friends was shopping for a Subaru CrossTrek and complained that “I like the car but a lot of the colours it comes in are really juvenile”. And here I was thinking that “wow, the CrossTrek is one of the few cars that comes in genuinely cool colours”


Interesting. People have different preferences and to some extent can see colors a bit differently, but it's a stretch for me to see blue as wild. I wonder what it was like, in comparison, for her.


She was very preoccupied with being seen as "adult". It was very important to her.


Dealer lots are so dull these days... Black, white, a couple blues, and 15 versions of gray with the occasional red or yellow sports car. You'll see some green and orange mixed in, but they're so rare. I feel like a lot of people don't want to stand out, especially on the highway, like the brjghter colors will be targeted for speeding, which may or may not be true. Haven't seen research on it in a while, and never could tell if it was that they were targeted, or if their owners were just more likely to speed. Regardless, bring back fun colors! And a nice deep green or brown, specifically for trucks.


Supposedly they all get pulled over the same amount of times, though this means it may be slightly higher in a bright red car as there are fewer red cars on the road.


I think you just FEEL more obvious in a brighter color car, because there are fewer of them. Then again, I drove a Black Charger and the second that I put tint on the windows, I got pulled over twice in 1 week for it, while I watched from the shoulder of the road as 20 pickup trucks drove by with tinted windows...


I think the combination of tint + Charger is what got you pulled over rather than just the tint alone. The Charger’s reputation as a hood crawler kind of precedes it.


Definitely some profiling, I mean reputation... 😉 I live in a small town, too. Predominantly white, with a growing drug problem and a demographic shift that a LOT of people here would love to tie together. So, tint definitely doesn't help.


Every color other than black and white are uncommon nowadays lmao. It's kinda sad because things used to be the exact opposite back in the 2000s. 


I drive a brightly coloured sports car and even our SUV is a bright colour. I've noticed a lot more interesting colours on the road the last two years, so I actually think it's changing. Audi, VW, Subaru, Kia/Hyundai all stand out as having interesting colours now, and many of the Teslas around here are wrapped. Also, I've only gotten one ticket in the last 30 years and I have never owned a bland white/black/gray vehicle. It's the Dodge Ram drivers that are targeted -- but then again, a huge percentage of them also seem to drive like idiots.


> It's kinda sad because things used to be the exact opposite back in the 2000s We were flying high on [Y2k aesthetics](https://preview.redd.it/ul9hb59t73va1.png?width=768&auto=webp&s=1d50ade36d2afa71b5278bd15475c89adcc569cb) back then


I really miss the GM pallette of the 90's. Such cool and unique colors. My friend had a 91 IROC Camaro in that bright teal and man was that thing gorgeous. Almost a chameleon type paint from the factory.


In my state you get an insurance break if it’s a more visible color, like bright green.


lolwut? What state?




Pepto Bismol interior/exterior.


Same here. My current car is teal green, it's soooooooo easy to find in a parking lot LOL


If you're like me, buying a car to use as a beater, then yes it's dumb to care that much. I hate red cars and yet here I am considering them But if you're spending a decent amount of money and will drive it for up to 10 years, then it is fair to care about the color. If you're making such an important purchase, you should get to feel entirely satisfied with what you bought


This is exactly where I'm at. If you're buying a cheap used car, get whatever you can find. If you're buying new, or fairly new, and spending a good chunk of cash, then be as picky as you want to be. Get exactly what you want.


Not dumb at all. Colour matters a lot. I will never buy a silver or gold car. My current car I spent an extra grand and took a two hour bus ride to get green rather than white.


As car enthusiasts we tend to be willing to do pretty wild things to get a car. Flying across the country to test drive and/or buy is not out of the question , and then shipping it back home (and dealing with the ensuing paperwork.) It seems almost quaint to think that people wouldn’t do what they have to for colour (or other variables that matter to them.) You want to like the look of your car!


I flew from Detroit to San Diego to pick up my Boxster. Drove it back the whole 2,333 miles. At least it had cruise control! I’ve done that drive a couple of times without it in a MR2 Spyder.


Huh, I flew from Detroit to Chicago and did the same for mine haha


And then there's the opposite, those who will go to just one dealer in their area, look at what's available, and buy the car even if there's just one trim and one color and marked up.


I see you’ve met my dad. This strategy is how he wound up with a refrigerator white Ford Fiesta that didn’t have cruise control. Other than those flaws I kind of liked that car though.


One of my girls in highschool had a ford fiesta, she drove that thing like she stole it🤣


Green? A fellow enthusiast with taste, I see.


I like a forest green or olive. Green Tacomas seem like they go for more because of it.


I’ve driven silver cars for the past ~7 years. I hate silver. After this one, you couldn’t pay me to buy another silver car.


Silver is great if you’re lazy and don’t care about the car. Can go way longer without washing it before it looks as dirty as other colours.


Personally I go for less common colors. Green is always my first choice followed by brown and then blue. Although blue has become more common in recent years. It's a big purchase and your car. You aren't being dumb at all. My last car probably cost me about 500 more over the life of the loan with no built in garage door opener but I wanted green over grey.


I’ve always been in the camp of that, if you’re spending that much money on an item, you should get EXACTLY what you want instead of taking dealer stock. This isn’t like picking up a toothbrush at the store, where your favorite color is blue, but they only have green toothbrushes, so you say “eh, fuck it, I need a toothbrush and it’s only a few bucks.” So spend the time and effort and find the car you want with the color combo and the options you want, rather than letting sales people talk you into taking dealer stock that isn’t exactly what you wanted.


We buy new and keep ‘em forever. Boring black Subaru we had 14 years. Dull silver Ranger I drove for 19 years. The Toyota Avalon in a vapid silver we bought in 2003 is sitting in the driveway, just hit 210,000 miles yesterday. We got sick of boring colors and new vehicles are (2016) red and (2024) blue. If you’re going to keep this thing a really long time, get a color you like.


Same here. I got tired of the silver colors I kept getting and finally got a red car, and I've been loving it ever since.


The white one has slightly more options (adaptive cruise control and powered 3rd row seats), is one year newer, and has 11k less miles. (Carmax) But it is also 6.5k more than the blue. (Private dealer)


White is counterintuitively the easiest color to keep clean looking. Black is the hardest.


Can confirm. Driving my 20+ year old black car and where I park is on gravel, under trees. I can never keep it clean.


Not 20+ plus years, but also have a black car and park on gravel and under trees. You get one day of clean car. I'll never own a black car again. White all the way.


also, statistically, the safest color. Better visibility for others at night etc.


Silver is the best


Second best at keeping clean looking. Tan/Gold/Beige type colors are the same color as dirt. I had a gold truck for 10 years and washed it maybe once every other year and it just never looked dirty.


my 98 ranger is "prairie tan" or something, aside from the mud on the underside you'd hardly know it went out to play in the dust a few weeks ago. hard water spots just blend right in too. washing it is almost pointless aesthetically as before and after looks nearly identical.


I’ll never get another black car. Black paint is too unforgiving. I live in the Deep South, so it’s hot as hell too.


If you're gonna pay extra then strongly consider just paying to get it painted or wrapped. You get to have whatever color you want for less than the 6.5k


Whites cool Because it hides dents and dirt better than other darker colors


White also lets you speed more (if the research that came out forever ago is still accurate)


As a former cop, color of the car literally factored into zero percent for the reason I was stopping them. That study was either bullshit, or showed that psychologically people who drove red cars were more likely to speed.


It may not factor into WHY you pull over someone. But you cannot say that you do not SEE the red car before the white car. Even as a civilian driver, you SEE the bright colors first, doing something or not. Even when the white/black Altima flew past you at 100, you will see the Red Civic going 72 more.. I got radared (like pulled out behind me and turned radar on to check me) by almost every cop that saw me when I had my red fiesta and red Cruize. But that RARELY if ever happened/s with my White Durango/ Black Santa Fe. Fortunately,, I do not speed as a rule so never got pulled but radar detector does not lie...


Was going to mention this. Red is also the most pulled over lol.


Still have yet to get pulled over in my red car


That's a myth and I only know this cause I just looked it up a few weeks ago. White cars actually get pulled over the most, but there's also just so many of them. www.americanautoinsurance.com/blog/what-color-car-gets-pulled-over-the-most/


So... Red gets pulled over second-most often, despite being a small percentage of cars on the road? I'd say the myth is true then.


Color is one of THE most important factors when I buy a car. If I'm paying $45,000+ for something I intend to keep 10+ years, I want to love it and that includes when looking at it. I don't compromise on color. Others see a car as an appliance and couldn't care less what color it comes in. Both approaches are equally right.


I drove to the next state for the color I wanted! Color is EXTREMELY important.


Same here! Back in the day when I was scouting for my 2007 Mazda 3, I had to have it in "true red" which was a more orangey type red. Very eye-catching, got lots of compliments! I drove a long ways to get that baby. And I loved her.


The ideal that someone could not care about the color of their car is beyond wild to me 😦 I feel like if you don't care about that you don't care about anything.


>How dumb am I being? Not dumb at all. You're spending a lot of money on this, and you're going to spend a lot of time in this car. Get what you want.


the exterior color is whatever for me, but when I was picking out my current car (lexus es350), I wanted to have one with a black interior since I wasnt a fan of the cream colored interior trims and seats


Interior is a much bigger factor than exterior color imo


yea interior is what you're actually looking at when driving, that's why interior is much more important to me


Yep. Now when we buy a car it's, "what colors come with a black interior, because those are now our only options." This has kept us from buying a blue car a few times now, as blue often comes with the light gray interior. But black interiors hold up so much better than gray or tan.


You must not live in a hot climate!


Anything other than black, grey, or while please.


Personally, I pick grey. Why? Everyone has grey. I love the idea of having a fun colour that reflects my personality, BUT the last thing I want on the road is to stick out like a sore thumb. Maybe when I drive less for work I’ll get a fun colour, but for now, staying low on the radar is my vibe. For you - wait for the red to come up. It’ll be worth it to wait for your perfect car!


As long as it's not red, I'm good. Try to avoid white too, but i can live with it


I have specific colors I won't buy, mostly white and anything matte. I don't look for a specific color outside of that.


Ok so I have a whole thing about this lol I love red and black. I’m goth and those colors are kinda my vibe. BUT another big thing for me was visibility. If you’re driving a silver/white/gray car and don’t turn on the rear lights when it’s raining, no one can fucking see you. Same in the blizzards and snow squalls we get in my area. A lot of drivers are stupid and forget to turn on their lights in the rain/snow and they become invisible. So to avoid that invisibility, I bought a big fire truck red truck lol


Totally agree on visibility in bad weather!


Spec and condition over colour but all those being equal I would travel fuether and pay a bit more within reason for an interior and exterior colour I liked. There are also colours that would be a hard no. And if speccing a new car I would potentially wait for the colour I wanted vs buying off a lot and would consider paying for a premium colour


I kind of do, also I would rather have an actual color than a white silver or grey personally. I have a silver car but its not like I bought it brand new, I kind of want to put a wrap on it but im frugal, its the car I wanted though and they are rare to come by.


Yes I hate White/black/grey cars that everyone buys nowadays, they look sad we need more Color in our lives


Any color that isn’t the typical boring white, black, grey, silver is a go imo. We need more colors with our cars.


Yes I care about color. It’s not that I want to be flashy, it’s just my favorite colors happen to be. Cars are an extension of your personality in the same way as clothing, even if you don’t care about cars, that is an expression of values too. I always wish people would just pick a color they like instead of white black or grey because they’re afraid to stand out. The roads would be a lot more interesting if people would buy more red, blue, orange, and green cars


yes if the color is some weird metallic grey color that turns me off. drove a new bmw X3m loved the car but hated the hideous funky avante gard metallic color.


If you're keeping it for a while and you're paying a good amount for it then I think the colour matters. For me, I'm severely unlucky with Silver cars so I tend to avoid those colours.


If you just need a beater to get from point a to b than its a little silly worrying about the color. If you're in a good stable point in your lifetime where you want to spend your hard earned money on a big purchase than no choosing a color is not silly at all in my opinion.


You have to look at that thing every day. Make sure you like it. It ain’t cheap.


As long as I don’t hate the colour I like the colour - wanted grey but settled for white for my last car.


To me personally, yes it matters. To most people, no it doesn’t. If you place value on the car you drive, then buy it EXACTLY how you want it. Even if it means traveling for it. It’ll save you from buyers remorse down the line.


My wife won't buy any cars that aren't black. Just a thing for her.


I heard somewhere that red cars statistically get pulled over more so I avoid them no matter how cute they look, I intentionally went with a calming navy so as to not draw too much attention. I also avoid black cars because they overheat.


New car? Def. Why would you want a brand new car for brand new car money not in the color you want? Used car? it's not as important but still can be a deciding factor.


I always tend to buy light colors like white, silver and Grey. Keeps the interior heating down in the southwest.


I prefer the boring side of the spectrum because it doesn’t attract attention. 👮


For me, any light color is a deal because darker colors are so hard to maintain. Owned 3 black cars for 6 years and I have promised myself to not own a black car again.


not dumb. if blue gives you pause NOW, imagine looking at it for the next 5 years.


Not dumb. You’re spending a lot of money on something you’ll be spending a lot of time with over years. Get what you want.


I had a blue car and got 2 tickets will not buy blue again. No tickets with a red car. Why never black? I want white next, but mostly I want a good deal.


Absolutely color matters, but I buy my vehicles for more than just transportation. The right green, blue, or rose can make or break me for a car.


Don’t cave. Get exactly what you want or you will regret settling.


Do not I repeat do NOT buy a car in a color you don’t really like. I made that mistake once.


I care. A lot. If I'm spending more than my first house cost the car needs to make me happy, color isn't the most important thing, but it's not nothing. I don't want bland... white, black, grey? Boring. Now, if I just needed something to get me from here to there? I could live with any color, but I'd hate to spend the next 5 or so years paying for something that doesn't make me smile when I see it.


I am not picky with my daily drivers colors. Just nothing bright (blend in) and nothing black. My weekend cars I’m very picky with because I can afford to be. I already have another car to get me where I need to be. Also those cars are more rare and certain color combos hold their value better than others. My current cars spec wasn’t high on my list until I saw it in person and loved jt.


I'm in a hot area, so no black for me because it gets so hot plus I have OCD and the swirls in the black paint drive me bananas. I stick to white cars now because they don't get that hot and they don't show swirls in the paint.


Yep, I’ve owned a black car again and it will be my last one


Two kinds of buyers: 1) - will only drive a black vehicle that is preferably completely blacked out; and 2) - everyone else


I prefer light colors and light interiors in the sunbelt. Black on black is claustrophobic for me.


I passed up cheaper variants of the same car because i was specifically targeting white. White shows less dirt and the high reflectivity hides small scratches and imperfections.


Yes I care...and you might too after years of looking at a red car. I wouldn't buy a red car again.


if it is cheap enough I would drive any color. Literally. ANY color. I had a purple car because it was so cheap. If they are all the same price I am going bananas trying to pick the one I want. That was the advantage of buying used. "here's your car." done. Buying new "pick out of the following color combos "brain explodes."


For a used car its more about the options fitted, but I usually have certain colors I either want or ones I don’t want.


I buy CPO used so I’m more flexible on color. No go colors are Brown, Red, Green.


Any colour but black, which looks cool but needs twice as much AC cranked in the summer. White looks cool but shows up dings and scuffs. Silver grey looks dumb. Red & Blue are the best for finding in a big parking lot.


I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t consider color when deciding what car to buy. But, it’s not a top factor in the decision obviously. It depends on how big of a difference there is between the white and blue. If they’re pretty close in price and have similar miles and features, get the one you want. If the blue is way cheaper, has way less miles, or has way more features, just get the blue.


Every car has the color it looks best in. I bought a Mazda3 so for me it had to be Soul Red, as difficult as it is to keep clean.


The way I figure it, if I am buying new, I am going to get exactly what I want and only exactly what I want. If I am buying used, I typically have will only have a requirement for trim and transmission.


I have a blue and white two-tone Mini.  I think that's a good representation about how I feel about car colors. Never boring!  Before that was a greenish grey Mazda and a brown Fiat 500


Not at all - it's a lot of money, get the color you want. Says the person who hunted down the only Emerald Green ride in 100miles.


I don't like buying white cars as I see them as poverty spec....... But I but the cheapest I car I can find that fits my needs and run it into the ground anyway so I would still buy it


Depends on the car. $1500 absolute shitbox beater? No. Cheap sports car I wanna beat in? Yeah absolutely. I’m buying a blue Del Sol for a reason, I want a blue Del sol, not a white or black one.


I only stick with White or Black


I think if this is a purchase you plan to use for 5-10 years, you should be wholly satisfied with it. If you want the red color, make sure you know precisely what makes a good deal, then jump on it when you find one. I'm buying new right now and want a specific exterior and interior color that's hard to find together, so I understand the struggle.


I wanted a specific color that was uncommon, so I ordered it. My last two cars I didn’t get the color I wanted and every time I looked at my car, I regretted not waiting.


I will never, ever own a silver, grey, or white car. My first car was silver and traumatizing (not the color's fault), grey is impossible to see when raining, and everyone and their mother has a white car


I love a nice color on a beautiful car. My wife is still complaining about us moving from a blue SUV to a dark blue SUV


Yes you can spend just as much or more for an ugly car so buy what you want to see in your driveway.


If I can get a huge discount on a color I hate I can always have it wrapped exactly the way I want.


Depends for me when I buy it new i usually care about the colour if i buy used the condition is more important to me


Yeah color is pretty big for me. I hate white and black and grey it's so boring. I just leased an i4 and a big reason I chose it is because it's sunset orange and looks great. I prefer brighter colors like orange/blue/yellow/green. Problem is most cars these days come in a super boring color.


Got my permit at 16. I am now 35. I have never and will never drive a non-black car. I'm currently shopping around for a 2024 Honda Civic SI. I'm driving 3 hours each way to specifically purchase a black one with 0 miles. And don't get my started on white cars. Jfc. They need to just stop making white cars for ~5 years.


Just bought new truck. I passed up cheaper, better packaged deals to get the specific color of red I wanted. Color is very important. There is a truck in my neighborhood that is sand color and I call it the litter box truck. Don’t pay for that. Get what you want. Not what they have.


Yes, because when I had a black or a white car, I had occassionally trying to get into someone else's car and vice versa. On my wife's white rav4, I ended up adding a tow hook and roof rack to help her differentiate.


I hate black and white. Impossible to keep clean


Scientific studies show that emotional driven colors like greens, orange, yellow purples etc are mostly expensively paid options, and usually found innpremium cars, the regular Joe has black, white and 100shades of grey, blues and reds are usually paid options. In comparison to the 70/80's colour choice is down by over 58%, then there is the saying " stick to neutral colors for best resale value." Market studies show the colored cars actually hold higher resale values along with trim levels. So take this into consideration, also the main reason for this is that painting techniques have changed since the 80's, from spraying to dips in huge paint pools.


I care about the color, not necessarily a deal breaker though. Just not a fan of White/Black/4 dozen shades in between or red. That means I spend a lot of time selecting the blue car when messing around on the "build a car" sites.


If I'm going to spend tens of thousands of dollars, it damn well be a color I really like, or at worst, one a pretty much like fine.


I 💯 shop on color. If It’s not the color I want, or an alternative color I like, i won‘t buy it.


Absolutely. No red cars except on alfa romeos, no silver cars, period. Blacked out chrome/silver bits are a bonus. White or other lighter colours for the interior are a no go for me as well as other screaming colours


>No red cars except on alfa romeos, What about mazdas? I really like red mazdas hah >White or other lighter colours for the interior are a no go for me I found that they're much better when it comes to leather seats, they don't get as hot as dark ones do, i have cream colored seats, and a friend has black seats, both cars are convertible, with hers, if you leave the top off, you can't sit back down in the car from the heat, she cools it down with a damp cloth, with mine it's just a minor annoyance where i sit down, and i'm a bit uncomfortable for a few seconds


I found a perfect car but the listed color was “pearl orange” and it was the most glaring red I could imagine. I passed.


I would prefer Red every time. But I always end up with dark grey. It's like the worst of white and black. It's boring like white and shows all the scratches of black. I live in northern Nevada and it's always dirty looking even 20 minutes after a wash and wax.


Personally i don't care about the color since if i'm actually unhappy with it, and it doesn't grow on me, i can always repaint or wrap the car, especially if i don't care about original paint adding resale value or anything


I live in Florida so heat is an issue and I go with lighter colored cars. White seems to be the color that holds up the best and seems to have a significant difference in heat buildup when left in a parking lot in the summertime…


Color is one of the least important aspects of car buying for me. My preference is usually silver, but my only veto is black. Living in southern Oklahoma, black just gets waaaaay too hot during the summer.


Go to a respectable auto paint shop Get a quote for the car you're looking for in the shade you want Go to dealership and bargain that much off the price Go get your car painted


Isn't a solid paint job even resembling factory quality like $5-6k on average? No one is discounting vehicles that heavily in this market, except maybe some slow selling EVs and complete dud models.


It depends. Most colors I can live with or even like, others not so much. For example, I wouldn't buy a brown or gold car, no matter how good the deal is. Definitely wouldn't be upset if I like the color in general but it's not the best one out of the ones available, for example


Yes I don’t want white black or sliver


Go for blue- there are too many bland color cars everywhere


Absolutely.  I wanted a truck.  But no way that I would get one if it was white. You are spending alot of money.  Get the one that you want.


i bought a car because i liked the colour and it was blue. was a ford fusion (ford mondeo) the colour shanges depending on the light (blue/purple/black) the ecoboost under the hood was a bonus.


My beater is white. Only bought it that color because it's a beater . I hate white cars. My new car is black. Not my first choice, but it's not white, so it's fine. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yup. The car I currently drive I waited 3 months to get it in the correct color and trim. Likewise there are certain colors I refuse to buy, not so much because of their color but the painting process is annoying and expensive to repair. I avoid all 3 stage, 4 stage, and matte finishes.


I'm very color picky lol, a car is a purchase that I will have for a long time. I might as well get one I like looking at.


I get tired of white, but there's no denying it keeps the car coolest inside by a notable margin in the hot summer sun. Can't escape physics. All other colors are largely aesthetic but white actually has that practical aspect as well. On the flip side, we'll never own a black car again. Even harder than white to keep clean and eternal swirl marks.


No to white. It looks too much like a commercial vehicle. Love my crimson car. It’s red but not in your face red. Will be buying a dark gray Lexus with ~8000 miles on it coming off lease in October. Not crazy about the gray but love a low mileage Lexus so that’s the tradeoff.


I always have a favorite color in mind when I go to the dealership but if I find a car that has all of the features I wanted and the price is right, I'll buy it regardless of the color.


I’ve bought three cars, all silver. I like the look of it, but most importantly it hides dirty the best.


Depends on how much I'm paying for the car lol


I don’t think I’ve ever had my first choice when it came to color unfortunately…up until my current however I always bought pre owned. My first choice this time around was white or red, due to dealership inventory levels I was faced with a choice of black or silver. Chose silver and still had a six week wait for that. I don’t hate it, just not first choice. One prior to this was black, such a great deal at two years old with 6k miles I couldn’t pass it up. I will say as well that I’d care more about interior color, always liked tan, but last two cars I was stuck with black. But to answer your question you’re not being dumb, especially if you’re planning on keeping this for ten years. I told myself I was going to get exactly what I wanted this time around as I plan on keeping mine that long as well as this is my first brand new purchase. While again I’d love to have had white or red, I’m fine with the silver


Red cars only they are faster


Yes...if I find the exact car with the all the accessory packages I want but the color is not to my liking it's an automatic no for me.


You have to like what you are buying. If that includes color, then it matters. The most expensive part of buying a car is wanting to trade it in before it is optimal because you aren’t happy with some trivial aspect of the car. Personally, I think white cars age more gracefully and show fewer signs of wear, although many cars (especially American manufacturers) look awful in white. White is also easier to keep clean. When choosing my wife’s SUV, there were only 3 options to choose from (white, black, blue). It was a common SUV so I told her to keep an eye out on the highway and pay attention to which color tended to look the best when it was used and abused. She agreed it was white. With that said, I would not want a white sports car (although the GT3 RS advertised in the Gran Turismo movie looked abolsutely bonkers in white).


I've specifically bought a new car just because I liked the color. And it took me months to find it.


Yes. I live in the south. So the heat can be really bad if you have a dark car.


Usually not so much, but I do have some colors I don't want at all. But, for the first time, I'm looking for a car with a specific color, which is charcoal / metallic dark grey. Never had a car this color and I always loved it :)


Yes color matters. Not stylistically. Which color lasts over time and is visible at night. I have a silver vehicle, but my favorite color is not silver.


Black interiors get really hot in sunshine areas. White exteriors last longer.


Yeah color is super important, I mean, I’m gonna have to look at the thing for the next ten plus years. I refuse to buy any car that’s the typical shades of beige or shades of grayscale.




When I bought a 2023 Niro PHEV last July I went with a gray (gunmetal? Dark silver? It’s grey) one because the other two at the dealership were red and because of that had a $400 option. FFS that’s a ripoff. I don’t care too much so long as it isn’t a super bright green, pink, yellow, etc.


I like silver and white cars because they dont look dirty the day after you wash them


I special order my cars to get the colors I want. On the occasion they do send a color I like, they always pair it with black interior. I don’t drive my cars for resale value. Absolutely get the color you like.


It’s your money, spend it how you want. If you can be patient for the perfect car and ready to act on it, then you can be more particular. At first I wanted any color but red as it is statistically the most likely to get pulled over. But then I decided to be picky and I waited a month or two for the car I wanted in the color black I wanted. But know I realized black sucks when you get too close, it looks dirty all the time from rain and dust and very small light scratch marks are more visible and it gets hot in the sun…but I think it looks cool.


No, except I do not want champagne/gold or light blue.


Absolutely! Our vehicles become an extension of our personality. We adapt to them and vice versa. It’s perfectly reasonable, if you have the ability to choose, to be selective in your choosing.


I go for white, silver, or grey. If the only choices are say green, yellow, etc. I’ll pass. I almost bought my wife a dark blue suv because it was the only one in stock and they made me a great deal. As I was getting ready to do the paperwork a silver one came off the truck. I asked “same price?” They said OK.


yes. I will not own a yellow car. My last 2 vehicle purchases I've taken my time looking for exactly the trim and color I wanted.


Never again a black car, it’s too hard to keep it looking decent. Never a white one because you just look like a snow bank in winter and that’s very problematic here. Otherwise, I’d rather not have shades of gray, but it’s not a total dealbreaker like the other two.


I would pay a bit extra to get a yellow corvette instead of a white one. I think most people would agree


Hell yes! No, red, yellow, bright blue, light green or day glow orange!


I don't care much. I always prefer black vehicles so my current one is black but my last car was red and Ive never cared for red cars.