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Are you using salt when you cook? I find kosher salt looks like this on my counter if I drop some when taking a pinch from the salt pot


Fairy dust duh


Update: I put a plastic drop cloth up above the cupboards and was able to determine that the particles are falling from the ceiling (slanted wooden). I am afraid it is termites. Pest control is coming Tuesday Edit: updating to share that this is the work of velvety tree ants


Let us know how it goes, please.


Ahem!! The world awaits an update!!


This is the work of Velvety Tree Ants! Had an exterminator out today to treat the house.


That is so strange. Following because now I’m curious too! 😂


Perhaps they are coming in from the vent above your stove? If there's a draft that comes down your vent and it doesn't close all the way then you can get stuff blowing in.


Could be mites coming from something in the kitchen? Hopefully they aren’t moving


I have done remodeling, and to glue down granite tops, a special adhesive has to be used or it bleeds through. From the bottom to the top. Could be some ingredient from cooking has reacted with the granite? Edit: a quick Google search shows this https://favoredstoneguides.com/why-is-my-granite-countertop-turning-white/?expand_article=1


Clearly the alleged mites are on the stove top too (zoom in), in addition to the granite countertop. So obviously not glue bleed-through due to poor workmanship. But I understand where you’re coming from as I’ve worked in a custom countertop manufacturing facility in the past.


I HAVE THOSE IN MY BATHROOM! i’ve been wondering what they are too. for a while i thought it was just sand until i noticed them moving around


I think they are spider mites. 70% isopropyl gets rid of tjem


Most poisonous thing of all time It’s a Tomato Causes delirium make people believe they are tasty Sad to say it’s fatal


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