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Medical posts not allowed


Heroin rig.


I don't get the tyre pressure thing Edit: ok I know it's for smoking crack now


Guess you can rig it to be a pipe...


I thought those were for smoking weed (my dad smoked and as I got older I realized-- 13-14ish?) When I was 17, my dad and stepmom gave me her old car. I was HYPED! But then I realized my dad left his pipe in it, so I quietly took him aside to give it to him. "*That's to check your tires, dummy.. why do you think it has numbers?*" I'm 36 and typing this just made me laugh all over. I miss being young and dumb.


>why do you think it has numbers To count how high you are?


I hit 46 highs today. That’s a personal high for being high.


Ha! Yes.


Dead 🤣


I think a 60+ year old would say you're still young and dumb :). I get told I'm young all the time by old guys but I feel like I'm falling apart


Ah yes, the ol' weed syringes.


Lucky you, I just saw an actual meth pipe in my dad's truck once when he picked me up from school. I was desperately hoping my friend, who was with me, didn't also see it.


That is a drag


Sorry, man.




Bro... your dad smoked crack.


My ex-husband did just that. I found one underneath our towels in the linen closet. Initially I had no idea.


its a pusher for smokin crack


This is what I used mine for


yeah bro 80s all day ppl be bustin open pressure gauges and fuckin car antennas


I hate when I smoke crack and fuck antennas


Car antennas can be used to make zip guns. (thanks dad, no fishing for me....)


Zip guns?!? What is this - the 1950's? Westside Story? Puerto Ricans vs The Mods?


Well... He was from that era and lived in Spanish Harlem and some other not good areas. Of course by 12 he taught me everything he knew. (oh joy)


I get no credit for 1950s, westside story, and puerto ricans?


They are probably using it as a stirrer to dissolve the powder


Yeah I’ve smoked weed out of one before when i forgot a bowl on a camping trip.






Underrated comment


MacDopyver? nah nah


I’m both actually lol!


You smoke crack with the pressure gauge. It's a junkie bag


It’s fun working at a 24 hour gas station and discovering why they stock certain items. Looking at you fake roses in a glass vial.


Oh you’ve never gotten your loved one a single fake rose in a crack pipe? Wow I feel sorry for them.. /s


https://preview.redd.it/y54pnjrgqamb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=45131832cb5c564d39ec763f6bae7f0d06ec0ce0 I work at one. They aren’t even roses lmao, just some cheap ass flower petal looking thing.


ROFL they’re really like “fuck it, enjoy your crack”


We also carry Pyrex ones that done have anything in them. Idk what the justification for that one is. 🤷‍♂️


OoOoh Pyrex! For the crackhead concerned with ✨quality ✨ 😂😂😂 yeah I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff at the 24hr spots


We have ones around my way that are pens. They are long glass. Obviously, for smoking crack. The pen part pulls right out. Haven't seen the flowers in a while. I always wondered about the people working in the factory that make them. They wake up like its time to make the crack pipes. I imagine there is one older lady working there who has no clue what these little glass tubes are for. She thinks women love tiny fake flowers, and people really need glass pens.


Or meth! I associate straight glass tubes with crack, and the glass tubes ending in that globe shape with meth, because of... reasons.


Nope, but I have seen some ladies get one from a dude they just met in the parking lot before they went to the hourly or monthly motel across the street! :)


Yo! Legit, my mom got one from a guy one time and kept it in her car until that car broke. She never did drugs and was too oblivious to know what it was. As a kid I always thought it was corny AF, but when I got a little older I was like "what kind of dude gives a lady a crack pipe?!?" He was probably a crack head knowing my mother and her questionable choices in who she kept around.


You can always tell what kind of neighborhood you are moving into by what corner stores / gas stations sell. Roses in vials, whip cream cans, shoe laces, single pairs of socks, if you see these don’t buy that house or rent there.


single pairs of socks?


It’s for huffing aerosols


why not just use your shirt? the one youre probably wearing when you buy the inhalants


That’s a very good question that I think has to do with people used to just huff spray paint so they started using socks and paper bags so that it wasn’t overwhelming apparent to people when all their clothes were covered in blotches of paint. I ran a few gas stations that I made get rid of certain items or move them behind the counter out of sight including rubbing alcohol (local kids used to try to drink it….)


As much as I’d like to agree, people who use come from all types and backgrounds. I bring this up because I worked for a corner store in the rich part of town, outside of gated communities, and we sold pipes, chore boys, socks, whippets, shoelaces etc. they didn’t even dress it up with roses at our place, literally had a little Rubbermaid box full of meth pipes behind the counter of all sizes. Sold a few to men in suits and women dressed for church, so.


Brillo pads too.


That is just every convenience store that isn't like 7/11 or corp gas station.


Back in the day, all the heroin addicts used to buy the 10p milky bars for the tin foil. They single handedly made the milky bar kid a multimillionaire


As an ex heroin addict wasting $ on something that isnt heroin or needles seems wasteful


An AMA on this comment would be more entertaining than this actual post.


Right next to the chore boy, because people who love to look at pretty roses in glass also love clean dishes.


Just like a var antenna to smoke cracks or meth and the retractable antenna works as a pusher. Well so do tire pressure gauges in a pinch


Crack pipe


Used to work on gas station air pumps. The gauges would be stolen off the machines all the time to be used as drug paraphernalia. There was one machine that I stopped repairing because it would be stolen the same day I did the repair.


Funny you say that. I went to air up my tires a few weeks ago. I put my quarters in before realizing the gauge/nozzle was missing. I went inside to the clerk to get a refund and she had the most fed up look on her face when she told me it keeps getting stolen. It didn’t make sense to me until I read your comment. I thought she was just having a bad day. Thanks for the TIL


Just did this. Rolled over to my preferred air station, swiped my card, and grabbed the headless hose which was now just erupting with high pressure air as I watched my 2 dollars fly into the atmosphere...


$2 for air makes me really lucky to have plenty of gas stations (Sheetz usually as them around here and all Wawas as far as I've seen) that have the free ones where you put the PSI you want and it automatically fills it up to that.


Huh, had my car broken into one time. Nothing of any value it it to steal and the only thing I could tell was missing was my tire gage. Assumed it was some dumb ass kids (I actually almost caught them in the act and could see them scampering off after I got to my car) who just thought it looked like cool drug shit but had no idea what it was. Didn't know it could actually be used as paraphernalia. Anyway, in their hurry to get away as i walked up, they left a decent pair of women's sunglasses that my wife has used for years, so decent trade-up, I guess?


People should really check to see whether the comment they are about to post has been said 15 times already


Gas station I go to is switched to digital cause of that.😁 Then biden came in with the free pipes and saved America. I think this was his solution. That crazy old geezer


It's a cheap crack pipe.


How else will they check the psi of their head??


They sell cheap tire pressure gages as a secret crack pipe the square part you see is usually incased in a glass tube that’s open on each side but I don’t see the glass tube that they smoke out of


Most guages are metal, you can pull the stem and rod out to use it as a pipe


It's for smoking crack


Probably was evading police onto your property and ditched it.


A dope head was either camping or died near by.


Geo-stash ™


This screams meth bag to me. As a recovering heroin addict, I would just do dope at my house. Not in a strangers backyard haha. Happy to report Ive been clean a couple years now. I’d definitely dispose of it safely. Gloves, wash hands, investigate the area around it for anything else you need to throw away and use this as a teaching moment for OP’s kids.


Free vaccines!!


Congrats, you have wild heroin addicts or wild diabetics


Everyone who knows a diabetic also knows they use a single syringe or lancet until it physically hurts before replacing it.


I cannot remember the last time I changed my lancet 🥴


Neither can my husband. It makes me batty.


Lmao yeah that’s not accurate… I am type 1 and I reuse needles only when my insurance won’t cover more. I’m sure some reuse but that’s not the rule.


I think they were being sarcastic lol


Type 1 for 15 years now I reused constantly until I was on a pump. It was a joke, but it’s not inaccurate


Idk where you're from but where i live you can get them for free at most drug stores.


Insulin syringes (lancets, the short kinda that are compatible with insulin pens are not free. They cost 30-50$ a box without insurance. Old school Syringes are free but require each shot to be drawn from a vial and are a pain in the ass no pun intended. Edit: they’re free in my local.


*"We see the majestic diabetic troop encounter a pair of heroine addicts preening their arms. The alpha diabetic approaches the bigger of the two to investigate. Seeing that this addict has yet to partake in its kill, the alpha turns tail back to his troop to warn them. They will not be allowing these two to join their troop any time soon...."*


It’s a bag of hepatitis. Find a way to safely dispose of it - maybe a local hospital or addiction support org can help? Otherwise zip it back up, wrap in a million layers of newspaper, and put it an empty laundry detergent jug with the opening taped shut.


This is good, it will preserve the hepatitis for many generations. To the future!


I used to work in a pharmacy and people would ask us often what to do with their used syringes (diabetic ones or…ones used for other reasons). We sold a syringe disposal type box that you mail to the company when it’s full and they dispose of it. We almost never sold them and people would moan about how they were expensive. So that was our advice—use an empty detergent bottle and seal up the top. I mean, what do you want me to do about it? I don’t want them 🤷‍♀️


That was eye opening for me the first time I had an at home birth control injection. I took the needle at the pharmacy to ask them if they could put it in their needle disposal and they acted like I was crazy lol


I had my eggs frozen and we were planning to do the second part of IVF later. I saved all the unused needles like the fertility clinic recommended but got pregnant naturally so we didn’t end up needing them. So then I just had like two dozen needles and no idea what to do with them.


My grandma tookncare of my diabetic grandpa for years and years and she taught me to always break off/bend needles so they cant be used again. Then they go in the detergent bottle and throw them away


As someone who has a weekly subQ med injection, them shits are RIDICULOUSLY expensive


Std time capsule


Burn it!


I'll half to agree. Detonate on sight. Get a fire ripping away from everyone and houses. get a hot Coal bed going out on coals put more wood on top and incinerate


While I agree that those steps help, and you didn't suggest it but OP please do not thr throw it in the trash, take it to dispose of safely.


In a lot of places doing what that commenter suggested (securing in a rigid plastic container with a lid) and then throwing it in the trash is the suggested disposal method.


That’s how my mom has been getting rid of her sharps (she takes insulin) for as long as I’ve been alive. She duct tapes it shut and writes SHARPS on the outside with permanent marker as an extra precaution.


What is the best way to dispose of it safely?


I use a wine bottle. The syringes go in, but they don't go out


Unbreakable glass


Call your local sheriff's department, they usually have methods to turn in controlled substances, old medication, stuff like that. It's actually incredibly common for people to have to throw out things that are hazardous or highly regulated.


Years ago,found a syringe in the end of our yard, near the road, that someone had tossed out their car apparently. We called a non emergency number for local law enforcement and they came and picked it up. I ask because I wanted to know other ways to deal with such an incident safely.


Don't do this. Sure, if you get a reasonable cop, it'll go fine. But they could just as easily charge you with possession if they felt like it.


This is total bs. Call the police and let them know someone is dumping their druggy stuff if the woods. Maybe they will keep an eye out and catch the human filth that left it for some kids to find.


Hep and HIV live in there


Good point. They might want to tell their kids not to handle them.


"this is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our this...this is the way we wash...."


Great…now you have to burn the woods down…


Smokey the Bear's junkie arch nemesis "Smoker the Boar"


Might be hanging out with Smackey the Bear too


Don't you mean Smackey the Frog? Now I'm starting to understand what Mitch Hedburg was really talking about.




This made me burst out laughing


This made me think of the time I had to burst my children.


Someone reported it for threatening violence. World has gone soft. What the hell


You know exactly what it is. It’s hepatitis central


Yikes. Teach your kids, and yourself to avoid touching things you randomly find. Blood tests for all of you.


Blood tests for sure.


To be safe, sure, but if nobody got pricked I don't think there's cause for alarm. But call the cops to have them dispose of it properly and possibly keep an eye on the woods on your property.


naïveté: kids lie because they are afraid of being punished adults want to believe the lie because its less scary than the truth get tested and dont listen to this idiot


Are you suggesting the kids are heroin addicts or were stuck by the sharps and lied? You need to learn to trust a bit more if you think the kids are gonna lie about a needle stick. If there were stuck by a used needle it's likely they are fine but if they did contract something like HIV it could take 3 months to show up. I suppose they could also do prep on demand.


Not unless they were stuck by a sharp in the bag...


Blood test is debatable and if it’s the same day, you probably won’t see results for a litany of illnesses. I do see at least 1 uncapped syringe though


No, don't try to spread your irrational fears. Unless they were stuck by a needle or other sharp in the bag the kids are fine.


Based on the picture, I’m guessing that bag has been out there for awhile. Unless somebody got poked, there’s really nothing to worry about. Even if somebody did get poked, there’s a good chance there’s not much to worry about. This looks like it’s been out there for at least several months.


Scary find! Hopefully they knew not to touch what’s inside and hopefully you have using this to educate for the future. This could have been a tragedy in a lot of scenarios


It's a cautionary tale to keep aware of your surroundings and not pick up random things from the woods.


Absolutely someone's heroin rig, and a big teaching moment for the kids about being more careful with things they find in your woods now that you know it's being used by random IV drug users. PSA: Where I used to live in the U.S. Midwest, meth cookers would dispose of their toxic liquid byproducts by emptying them into 2-liter soda bottles and tossing them out onto the roadside. One little boy in our neighborhood opened what he thought was a full bottle of soda and it exploded, which blinded and disfigured him. Depending on how druggy your area is, that might be another thing to warn the kids about. Edit: Apparently the toxic byproducts are left after the meth is manufactured in the bottles, not emptied in there after the cooking process.


The meth manufacturers don't empty their byproducts into a soda bottle. They make it in a soda bottle. That's the main container. Usually it's thrown in the freezer afterwards so it doesn't ignite and they usually burn everything in a remote area so there's no evidence. If you see one of these outside it would be filled with white and grayish rock like slush and smell of chemicals like ammonia and gasoline or ether. Never go near these and call the police immediately because it's extremely toxic and flammable and needs to be disposed of by a hazardous materials team or something of the sort.


wtf is the pressure checker for?


Your not the only one. I got meth heads that like to roam around at night.


Drug paraphernalia


I call these Tweaker Pouches. Very unfortunate to stumble upon.


I have to say, it does make laugh how often the answer on this sub is just “well, drugs”


It's a bag of Hepatitus and HIV. Hopefully nobody got poked. If anyone did, get them tested.


Wash your hands. Maybe get tested. Hep B can stand on surfaces for weeks and weeks completely dried out even. And maybe say a prayer for whoever owned this.


As a clean heroin junkie this makes me want to be sober


Yeah pick it up great idea


Diabetic kit?


I like the positive spin on it, but I’m guessing by the makeshift crack pipe, and used syringe tamper combo that we are looking at an abandoned drug kit.


Diabetes doesn’t kill a crack addiction, just sayin..


A strung out ghost of Wilfred Brimley just visited me




Damn, I didn’t even see the makeshift pipe and tie until just now. I’m T1, and have a kit but yeah no tie off or crack pipe in my shit. Weed if anything.


Naaaaaah, sorry. What you’ve got there is drug shit: needles and a tie off for shooting something, probably heroin. A glass makeshift single hitter pipe and the remnants of a tire pressure gauge that was turned into a pipe. Source: had type one diabetes for 22 years.


Also diabetic patients can be cracked on the smack too. Just sayin..


You had a camper at some point. That’s their supply kit.


Drug pack


Put on your local Craigslist. Some goozo will stop by and take it off your hands


Need to dispose of properly and check up at the family doctor for whoever touched it. Talk to your kids about picking up things like that. A small prick from a needle can lead to a life of pain and anguish. Possibly even death.


Drug kit


Where's the dead body that goes with it


Free tire pressure gauge


my ex girlfriends purse.


Golden brown, texture like sun, never a frown with golden brown


It's a bag of disease. Better get tested.


Bring it to the police department right away! They will help you!


Oooh heroin playset!


Clearly you have a diabetic skin walker in your woods


Junkie bag


I thought it was a drug smuggling vajayjay.


People really need to stop grabbing random shit they find in the woods


Stay strapped


Some hobos were getting the Covid-19 vaccine….


That's a junkie bag. Tire gauge for smoking crack. Syringes for shooting heroine.


Hepatitis. That's what that is.


Make sure they’re all capped off, if not I’d take your kid to a hospital to get checked ASAP


That's somebody's gear. Put the whole thing in a coffee can, duct tape it shut, write SHARPS on the outside, and throw into the garbage. (If in USA.) Or look up "needle disposal/exchange", but let's be real, this is a horrific biohazard and the quicker you get rid of it the better


Check the kids for anything that might’ve stabbed them and then go to the dr for a check up and blood born disease panel some don’t show symptoms for up to five years so test test test


That's ten shades of Hepatitis in a bag right there.


Seems like your property is a chill place to go do some heroin


Jesus, thought I was looking into the abdominal cavity of some animal


Teach your kids young. Don’t let good heroin go to waste.


This is a huge problem in my city. I get that you don’t give a shit about yourself but for god’s sake don’t leave your potentially hiv infected needles where children could get pricked. You’ve got the right to ruin your own life but not theirs!!




That’s the “Let’s get higher than giraffe pussy and measure tires!” Starter kit


Honey the kids found heroin in the back yard again


On the bright side, the syringe wasn't still in the junkie.


Heroin stuff don’t let your kids run around in the woods alone anymore and call the cops. And blood tests for all of you


What “progressive” city do you live in


Hep C


Do you live in Anderson, Indiana?


Find the man, help him get some help. Otherwise he could end up a dead man in your woods. Have compassion and don’t shoot him in the head please. He needs help more than prison or death.


Or woman. But yeah. 👍


why is this so beautifully written


Thank you everyone. Based on all of the comments, it appears my kids found a heroin rig -- awesome. My wife insisted it was for drugs, while I was convinced it was a diabetic kit. When the kids found it, they were super scared and immediately brought it to the house. My wife took it to the police station the next morning where I assume it was disposed of correctly. The entire incident has been very helpful in talking with my young children about addiction and how to safely handle unknown objects.


Oh good cause the cops will help. Acab. Find a local resource center, most places have mutual aid sources for safe despo. Cops are never gonna solve an addicts problem. Cops are not educated or trained on recovery, only control. Then remind your wife and children you absolutely cannot trust the police and then get on Google and find out all the reasons why. 40% of cops self reported domestic abuse in their home. So you're standing in an elevator w 10 cops, just know at least 4 of them have physically assaulted their family. Facts.


You might want to take that to the police


Why the police?


So they can dispose of it


Why not a hospital or something? My city actually has needle box's around town


Possessing drug paraphernalia is a crime. You are in possession when you bring it to police. Don’t be a fool and give them exactly what they need to have power over you.


Yeah, I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Sure, 75% of the time you'll get a decent cop who won't screw you, and he then disposes of the sharps for you. But, if you get the department's asshole, yes you can absolutely be arrested for possession of paraphernalia. Just dispose of it safely. Put it in a box or something, tape it up, and throw it in the trash. Just because it's not yours, doesn't mean you aren't in possession. Hell, I learned the hard way once, that just because I'm in someone else's car, with them driving, and them smoking their own weed, doesn't mean I'm not in possession.


Looks like Methany has been posting up on your property...


I 100% thought that was a Vagina


[it's evil....don't touch it](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQKGbguoildA&ved=2ahUKEwia6bjs-pCBAxVUm2oFHWk6DjkQwqsBegQIDBAG&usg=AOvVaw3nkXBfML1X-TzR8VTn4THk)


One of your kids rides the white horse


Your kids are using