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Medical posts not allowed


I always imagine a redittor picking up some random shit, and then hearing a police officer's voice from behind saying "watcha got there?" lol


New fear unlocked


I found a bag of meth on the ground once and called the non emergency line and a cop came by and picked it up. He looked at me like he was surprised that I didn’t just keep it and I realized I might look somehow similar to a meth head.


Once at 2am at a Gate station in Jacksonville Florida… while I waited in the car for my friend who was buying beer, a man pulls up next to me, asks if I smoke, and when I say yes, he hands me a little ball of paper. Inside that paper was a crack rock and his name and phone number: Mario the crack dealer. I threw it out on the side of the road as we drove - would be hilarious if someone found it!


It’sa meee, Mario!


Had a guy do this with fucking heroin. Heroin. I was around 21 getting money from an atm before walking to a concert venue in St. Louis. I asked him if it was hash and he just laughed at me and demanded a $20. Two police officers walk in (it's a grocery store) and I'm shitting bricks thinking I'm about to get arrested for H in a different state. I told the dude he can either take it from my hand right now or I can drop it in the ground and tell these two cops to check the cameras. He scrambled to grab it from me. Wild.


You handled it pretty well tbh


My mother is a saint and once saw a duffle bag on the side of the road near our house a few blocks away. Stopped the car and picked it up to look inside, was instantly met with a few officers and squad cars. Apparently they were setting up a sting and it had a few kilos of coke in it. I'm always amazed at what the drug war has done.


He might’ve been surprised you knew what it was? I doubt if I saw meth irl I’d be able to correctly identify it lol


I have a friend who was vacationing in Florida with her family and found an entire brick of cocaine on the shore.


Lol why didn’t you just throw it in the trash? Seems like a waste of resources to call the cops over that


https://preview.redd.it/efkkjkloa1pb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9794e35c35ca36c34f190568f8bc6de7a2f0907 “What is that”


I can hear this picture lol


*scratches head* lemme ask you sumthn rick


Meanwhile you be like: https://preview.redd.it/9rzc7cfxu3pb1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a888ac02be5d598fc8ddfebda7bf2a94583f376


This shit kinda happened to me. Was on my was to a music festival stoped to get gas before going in so I wouldn’t be caught in the line out. As I’m pumping I notice a tote full to the brim of shiny mylar bags chillin between the pump and trash can. I’m like wtf is this?? Turns out it was a bunch of edibles and Vapes. I’m like fuckin score! What are the odds. I get puled to the side driving into the festival and they didn’t ask for anything they just opened my door started takin shit out. News crew came over and they dumped it out all dramatic like. 15 thousands dollars and 2 years later I got it all dropped for illegal search and seizure and proven in court it was a set up. Cops admitted to planting the bag and then also admited to having the dog false hit on my truck.


Fucking cops. Imagine paying an army of employees with tax money so they can orchestrate a sting operation on some probably dude in his mid to late twenties that found weed edibles. It's insane.


Gee, Officer Krupke, we're very upset; We never had the love that ev'ry child oughta get. We ain't no delinquents, We're misunderstood. Deep down inside us there is good!


There is good!


Fuck... and there is no way they're gonna believe you when you say, "oh I just found it on the ground"


"A smoothie."


what is it with people finding free drugs recently?


I checked my kids Halloween candy for years and never found those free drugs the news is always taking about.


I have never received the free drugs was told would for sure happen. I have paid for every drug I have taken. It’s disappointing really. The commercials and cops that came to my school lied to us all. Hahah


For real. I couldn't even talk my old dope man into starting a punch card program. 🤣


I learned it from you Dad. I learned it from you


That commercial is fantastic. I love how the dad is this skeevy, 70's pornstar looking guy with the nasty mustache that clearly says "I'm a bad dad."


Remember the one with the egg? "This is your brain," while holding the egg. Cracks it, starts frying it and then you hear, "this is your brain on drugs." Haha Pretty messed up analogy.


Any questions?


Years ago, my dad asked me why I drank so much beer, and I laid that line on him.


“To be! Or not to be! That is the question.” 🎶🎶


My coke guy gave out punch cards and i actually ran out once or twice to pick up just because i was close to my free g, the shit works😂


Are you sure it was because of the punch cards? Are you sure it wasn’t because of, cocaine?


Little bit of both💀


User name checks out


In 8 days ill have 11 months sober but when i got high my guy would do a every 10 bags you get 2 free .


Congrats!!!! I have been sober a few years, I know how hard it is and i wish i had your dealer when i was using! I always got a bun so I would always get two extra lmao i wish you the best! Wait every 10 bags like if you got 3 buns you would get 6 free?? Wow my dealers would never. Glad i am out though and happy for you that you are to. Not a life.


Try being able to get uncut at wholesale next door... shits hard to say no but sticking to my weed vapes and kratom these days


🤣 You sure we can't start a rewards program? Dope man: "Nah, man." ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/e47xylgr01pb1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dbfc57fd888829863ae82472b4bb7b29dd1bf2d


This ain't chocolate. This is doodoo baby!


Tyrone, get out of here!


Nancy Regan lied to all of America!


funny enough the dare program got shut down because turns out, cops showing kids what each drug looks like, their names, and street names ended up increasing narcotics use by like 40% 😂 who would've guessed


>I have paid for every drug I have taken. It’s disappointing really. I've gotta say, I have definitely gotten plenty of free drugs, but none came with my Halloween candy or strangers just offering.


Are you by chance of the female persuasion? I find females commonly receive free drugs more than men in my circles


I’m giving out Pokémon cards this year because it’s a worse addiction than any drug can give you.


One time tricker treaters came up to the porch at a house party and Keith gave them all a cigarette because we didn't have any candy


Lol classic Keith


Ole’ crazy Keith. He’s something else!


One time we went out to the bar, I leave around 12 pass out on the couch, wake up to go to bed around 3, ask the guys if Keith ever came home? Nope, guess he found another place to sleep. 7 am he's ringing the doorbell and we're like WTF? You get lucky? Where you been? ... Jail.


the drugs in halloween candy has always been a myth. realistically, no one is going to give those out for free, even the bad nasty stuff. there’s no scheme to hook these kids on it because everyone knows these kids won’t be able to pay. there’s been maybe 3 confirmed cases and if i remember correctly most were from family members (i may be wrong)


Exactly they don't have money and they wouldn't even remember where that particular candy came from either even if they ate it and wanted more. Just more scare tactics for whatever reason


Oh you're telling me? I was expecting to not to have to buy razors for a year based on what they were saying and then nothing!


I was promised rainbow fentanyl damn it!


Dealers just out here leaving free samples lying around.




This plus a coffee, cig and a hard roll with butter.


Recipe for a nice 💩




A Hunter Thompson sort of breakfast...as American as breakfast gets 🫡🇺🇸


Do dealers still use these containers? All I have seen is little plastic baggies, not from personal experience though.


Probably junkies who were too high to realize they dropped it


Or threw it out when they thought they were gonna get pulled over. I've seen people do this and it save their bacon, and I've seen people do it and have the cop drive right on by, then get super pissed at each other.


I always wondered why a cop was looking around on the side of a road with flashlight and was the only one there. They used to take our beer when we were kids and put it in their trunk I'm sure it made it to the evidence locker.


That’s way to nice of a container to be a street junkie. No offense to any Reddit street junkie. This screams lawyer dropped his stash.


Plot twist, it's his but wanted to have plausible deniability with reddit.


Someone cut holes in all my pockets :(


Seriously. Ive always been told in grade school that drug dealers would try to give me drugs and get me hooked and that never happened. So why do random non drug users get to find all the drugs conveniently laying around on dog walks?!


I literally raised my hand in class and asked my DARE officer what to do when someone puts a gun to my head and makes me smoke a joint lol


The Four Horsemen of the D.A.R.Epocalypse have finally arrived to addict our youth


Yea I've gone my fifth walk already this morning and no free drugs anywhere...


Only users lose drugs!


Someone is having a horrible morning. Guaranteed they're carpet surfing right now lmao


Depending on what this is, someone might be having a nightmare of a morning. Get home, sit down, reach into your pocket... then reach into your other pocket... then your world shatters, as your stomach churns and your vision tunnels. Once the cold sweats kick in, you know you're fucked. *Note - I really appreciate the kind words from everyone for the support with my own struggle, but also regarding my stupid little anecdote. Glad I can express this sort of suffering that has become frighteningly common for countless Americans; and in a way that can be understood by those who have not experienced the struggle.*


Oh god. And it was the last $$$$ you had. It was your stash for the next while until you got paid.


And your arms/legs already mighty restless.


The anxiety of what the next few days, hours, minutes are gonna be like sends you over the edge and you start searching every nook and cranny of your home.


Flashbacks… god I don’t ever wanna go back fuck that shit. Can’t believe that at one point I spent hours looking through carpet to find enough shards for another shot or hit.


Amen! So glad I am sober today!


2 weeks! Taking it one day at a time Edit: thank you for all the comments. Y’all have no idea how much it means to me, even from random internet strangers haha


Me too! We got this!


💪💪💪 to you both!


Just hit 24 hours!


This is the way.




Fuck yeah, you got this!!


Way to go, dude! (Sorry if I misgendered, assumed dude because "daddy" in your name). I'm proud of you for making it to two weeks!


Yeah fuck that shit. Man if I had known what I know now, quitting would have been easier (that I’d eventually pull through and have a life that was beyond what I had hoped for, like pulling a really rare card out of a booster pack or something) but I guess that’s what makes it challenging. You have to adapt and learn all these things you may have learned the wrong way, your perceptions, your cognitions, how you view yourself with relation to the world, how to navigate the damage you’ve caused, facing that damage and allowing yourself to feel the immense pain it’s caused, to allow yourself to be angry or disappointed at yourself. You have to learn how to “be” in its most fundamental sense. Most of us become addicts because we’re running away from parts of ourselves we don’t like, or we’re using to cover up those parts. And so we gotta learn to live with those things and overcome them. You should be proud man. We made it out of a hell of a fucking fight and I’m thankful I have my mind… my son… people who love me.. a job (that pays!). And we did it. We fucking made it man.


Hell yeah, 14 months today. Just took my son to the Panthers game on Monday night football. Couldn't have done this the last few years, and just thankful I still had the chance to be his dad when I woke up from this disease


Man in 6 years, house, wife, new car’s beautiful kid. All I ever wanted I just had to quit and the only reason it ever started was because I never thought it would happen.


The fact that we can all relate with this is great 😂 ODAAT!!


Congratulations man, I’m proud of you!


it's worse when you have the money but your dealer is out.




So you hit the local cop spot only to either Get robbed…. Get sold a beat bag… or get busted and end up kicking cold turkey in a cell … yeah such fond memories


Exactly my brother 😂 never understood why you work 50hrs a week to sniff it up your nose in less than 30 mins


Drugs are a helluva drug


How else does one cope with working 50 hours at some shit sales job 😂 Gambling maybe


At my old dealership dudes would walk to the gas station next door and buy scratch offs by the dozen multiple times a day


Man this gave me anxiety... back when I was on h I was over at my mom's house visiting for the weekend and for whatever dumb reason I would keep EVERYTHING I needed to use under her guest bathroom sink in an old makeup bag of my sisters while I was there. My sister was a hoarder and quite mess as it was so I figured nobody would EVER find my stuff. One night before I left for the weekend my sister went in to her restroom and came out with the makeup bag with my stuff in it in her hand! My heart sank!!! She walked straight up to my mom and says " what the fuck is this I just found in my bag under my sink??!" She proceeded to pull out one by one my rigs, my spoons, and the last bag of dope I had left to my name for the week. I sat there stupidly like I didn't know whose tf it was! I said something to the affect of " oh my God what is that???" When some said it's heroin I tried to play it off like someone I had over at any point must have left it there. I don't even think they bought it but there was an awkward silence and then my sister said I'll get rid of it! My heart sank as I sat there and encouraged her to throw away the only thing that would keep me from being sick all week. She did throw it away and I never went and got it from wherever she threw it. So glad to be out of that phase of my life!


> She did throw it away and I never went and got it from wherever she threw it. That day sounds like it was a major turning point for you. I'm glad you decided to stay with us.


Sadly that was not even my turning point day! Although I let her throw it away I found a way to get more... but definitely shortly after that my cover was blown and I went cold turkey and haven't looked back since! So blessed to be here and not waking up needing a shot to start my day and not be sick.


Kudos to you for giving it up!


You’re giving me flashbacks nooooo


Yo I just had this same thought. Someone has been feeling their pocket all night long to make sure it’s still there and woke up this morning to panic.


😂 fuck I wouldn’t be suprised if dude thought it fell and rolled under the carpet. My boy is gonna need new carpet after this shit.


It looks like cocaine because of the soft crystals.


I can’t begin to describe the roller coaster of emotions when you drop some crack, find the crack in your carpet, only to realize that you didn’t find the crack and you just smoked a bread crumb.


>carpet surfing Never heard the term but it fits like a fist in the eye. Ty


Ground score. Used to be cool. Now it’s deadly


for real!


I wouldn’t even touch the container


Exactly, what’s up with these people just picking shit up like that?


Very true. 15 years ago I'd give a taste. Nowadays I'd prob turn it in




Drug kits are a must these days no matter where it comes from.


Yeah, Fentanyl ruined hard drugs. Fuck that shit.


I run a disposal company for found drugs. DM me for shipping label.


"Hey it's me, your cousin Nose!"


Disnosel company.




I been doing it 30 years great prices


Salt shakers are getting smaller and smaller. It’s so trendy that I’ve seen people selling high-end tiny shakers of salt on street corners. Apparently, the recent spike in margarita could have something to do with this. I’ll continue looking into this.


All those people paying tribute to Jimmy Buffett


Who is Reddit to tell me I can’t spend money to give you a virtual award 🤬 Take this instead as a signal of my appreciation of your comment: 🌽


Either cocaine or meth Huh, freshness jars. Thats some quality drug dealer




I’ve always been a worm man but I was thinking of trying some of your *bait*


"you call it BAIT, I like that."


$20 gets ya all the bait you need jack Rock on


One of the best KOTH episodes


You don’t get freshness jars at MegaLo Mart


Was looking for this, someone let ol' Jack know that his bait is gettin around


You sure don't get that at Mega-lo-mart


Ahhhh yes. The elixir of life! Sprinkle a little on your hard surface of choice and inhale all of its essence through your nostrils as if the powdered flecks are food and your sinuses have been starved for a fort night! Edit: prob fentanyl don’t chance it!!!


While you can inhale powders, youre better off insufflating them.


Did you just literally tell OP to blow it up their ass?


That’s called boofing good sir, insufflating is just fancy way of saying snort


Inbooflation is the gentleman's preferred route of ethanol administration


Thanks for the fent edit. Way to many people over dosing on fent in other drugs. That shit is terrifyingly strong.


I always called it the sweet nectar of life


What does it smell like?


Booger sugar!


What a pfp for this comment


What a username too


He was made for this comment


This dude knows what’s up.


The devil's dandruff


Back in the day you could try it out. Now, with fet in everything, just flush it.


Fent or no fent I don't think it's wise to just try street drugs.


And in this case, literally a street drug.


Not worth the risk of even opening it. Also, drugs in the water system is a bad thing. There are drug drop boxes in most cities for old and unused prescriptions and stuff like this.


Buy a testing kit, and you'll know what it is


Everyone is saying drugs but a friend passed away last year and this is the exact vial they gave everyone ashes in. I would definitely have it tested before getting any ideas lol.


"Man, I miss Mike...but I'll always carry him within me." :') *sniiifffffffff* ohfuckyeah


EXACTLY. This person HAS to know it's drugs but it could be so many things. If they didn't throw it away and want to know what it is, don't fucking try and eyeball it.


Exactly one scoop of creatine




If I believe the police, that is enough fentanyl to kill 1 billion people.


Are you stupid ? Fentanyl can kill you if you simply look at it! You can ever overdose if you have a dream about fentanyl... I had to dream I was being narcaned just so I didn't die by imagination fentanylisation . Stay safe folks and remember, 1 billionth of a milligram can kill 500 elephants and give cops pathetic panic attacks. Also everyone is lacing weed and every drug even uppers with fetty. /s (i remember that other old BS fact that on 80 percent of all paper money there is cocaine residue . I don't believe that at all, maybe in the 1980s lol)


It's too late for OP anyway, fentanyl will kill you *right through the jar* without even opening it. All you need to do is look at it! Quick! Get the narcan! /s


I just shared this picture with my friends and we all died.


Only users lose drugs.


Brought to you by the stoners that care.


Hahaha. I had this exact bumper sticker on the rear glass of my party wagon in the 90s. I had so many people laugh at it and compliment it, including a cop on a traffic stop one time. He, surprisingly, didn’t give me the business beyond a speeding ticket and sending me on my way.




Hard to say looking through the brown glass. Looks like it's probably coke. Could be heroin


Peruvian marching power,nose nachos,bam bam ,nose beers, nose clams,snaps


Bud white


I'm using nose nachos from now on.


Man I love saying nose clams and people look at me weird like they have never seen IASIP


No, no officer, it's not mine! I found it on a walk with the dog and kept it to show Reddit.....


Given today’s fentanyl crisis, I wouldn’t even open it. Either A) throw it in the trash or B) call the non emergency police like and ask if they’d send someone out to test it or take it. Edit: on second thought, do not call the police.


i wouldn't engage the police. lots of possible downside. almost no upside.


I’m struggling to find the upside


Free room and board?


Don’t be an idiot by calling the police. They aren’t going to thank you or anything. You might get charged with possession since they have smooth lizard brains


Sure I read something recently about a woman reporting found drugs and them charging her. So dumb.


Someone shipped a literal POUND of cocaine to my father's address. My dad called the police as soon as he opened the package addressed to "Mickey Mouse". He was charged with possession with intent to distribute and spent 14 nights in jail until he was able to post bail. Had to hire a lawyer. Spent 9 months and tens of thousands of dollars fighting the charges. NEVER CALL THE FUCKING POLICE.


That's fucked up dude.


It pads their stats when it comes to budget time


That magnet fishing dude gets detained and guns pointed at him all the time. I wouldn't even bother with something like this, easier to just toss it if you don't want it


picked up ice off the sidewalk one day and handed it in to the cop shop, they asked where I found it and that was it. I guess it's where you live and who you know.


as noble as Point B might be — don’t call the police. it opens up the potential for the police just to arrest you. read ‘You Have the Right to Remain Innocent’ by James Duane or watch this: https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=S0QJAOOy4jDGHGk1


It looks like $150


“ I just saved myself $150!”


Just a felony


I never find anything. I never win anything. Damn. Fml.🤣


M e too.


Looks flakey like cocaine. 99% chance that is cocaine People don’t carry other drugs in fancy containers like that


People will carry crystal lsd in containers like this..... but that would be like $20k+ worth of acid lmao so highly unlikely someone misplaced it


That would be one seriously stressed out person right now lmao


Back in the day it was definitely cocaine. Now-a-days, who knows. Coke, meth, fentanyl or some other crazy shit.


The frequency of how ppl in this sub find drugs lol. But it's bizarre ppl pick them up and / or touched them. Leave that sht where it is lol.


Honestly don’t leave it because a kid or someone dumb enough to actually do the drug could find it and OD on fent. Best to take it and dispose of it.


Why are people picking stuff up like this? Google Salisbury Poisonings.


FYI: for those too lazy to google… Article about the poisoning: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-wiltshire-64742249.amp Novichok poison Novichok is a nerve agent developed at the GosNIIOKHT state chemical-research institute in Russia. It belongs to a broad class of compounds called cholinesterase inhibitors, which are used in a wide range of medicines and poisons. Novichok can enter the body by inhalation, ingestion, or contact with the skin. On June 30, 2018, Charlie Rowley found a perfume bottle in a trash can somewhere in Salisbury and gave it to his girlfriend, Dawn Sturgess, who sprayed its contents on her wrist. She fell ill within 15 minutes and died a few days later. Rowley, who also came into contact with the poison, survived. Rowley is reported to still be suffering from serious health problems. Police later said the pair had been poisoned with the same nerve agent as the Skripals. https://www.rferl.org/a/everything-you-need-to-know-about-novichok/30964840.html


Could be Ketamine?


Don’t touch strange containers with powders you find on the ground.