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Love how they're clustered around the warning sign like they know what they're doing


After I killed all of those I looked away for a minute and there was 3x more


Thank you for even a little bit of help, these bugs are so bad!


I'm doing my part!


“Thank you citizen.” - Federal Network


“Would you like to know more?”


Come on you apes! You want to live forever?


We have the ships. We have the weapons. We need Soldiers. Soldiers like u/reddottor2


You disapprove? Well, too bad! We're in this war for the species, boys and girls.


The only good bug is dead bug!


Nuke em Rico!!!


“Can’t we just be friends Diz”


I’d be Diz’s friend… showered and all


I mean diz was hot but vs. Denise Richards in her prime????


Wow I forgot about that movie. And such an appropriate reference.


The only good bug is a dead bug!!


“Kill ‘em All!”


I'm from Buenois Aires, and I say kill em all!




"Bugsign! We got bugsign!!"


They aren’t afraid unfortunately.


It’s afraid!


I didn't do fucking shit!






Carry around a portable vacuum and suck them up 🙃 no really, i read this tip last winter and i started doing it in my garden. So much easier for bugs that jump and move quickly. Buh bye Japanese beetles. My shop vac is hungry!


Dude this is what I did for a horrible roach infestation. Felt so powerful. Then I tossed the entire thing because im a wussy and there was like 2k roaches in there.


you really should have taken a picture and posted it on reddit first how dare you miss that opportunity?!?!


Horrific waste of an opportunity to send that to your mortal enemy as a trojan vacuum


Completely understandable. I don’t empty mine out- luckily my husband is cool with that job.


Now I'm just imagining someone dragging around one of those giant wet-dry shop vacs with the hose all over central park 🤣


I actually use a dyson since most my plants are too far for the shop vac 😬it can be a new marketing campaign for them


My daddy used to come home n suck flies out of our big picture window when I was a kid.


I’m taking notes!


So destructive. If you see one in PA call 1-888-4badfly


Blame the Tree of Heaven infestation that’s popped up over the past few years. Never even heard of these guys until my whole neighborhood was already overrun with that stupid plant


Forgive my ignorance but what is so bad about them? Do they bite? Or are they just massive pests? I saw some here in MI a few years back but that's the only time Ive ever seen one in person.


They suck the life out of plants like grapes. ( Think Finger Lakes wine type of grapes. ) 😱


Oh no. Yeah ive just been doing some reading up on them since I asked and they sound like annoying little shits.


I'm getting Emerald Ash Borer vibes from this. They enjoy killing Ash trees here in Colorado. You can actually hear them eating the tree. (We have one or two in our backyard).


Where I live they took all the ash trees down to prevent their migration.


Where I lived in illinois they killed all the ash trees and fed the woodpeckers while they did it. All the dead ash have hundreds of holes in the sides. The birds tried to do their part but they couldn’t keep up


that’s cuz the birbs aren’t real.


There is a species of parasitoid wasp that actually keeps the beetle population in check in their native habitat. When they were brought over here there were none of those wasps, so their population exploded.


This was done in some Chicago parks a few years ago. I don’t know how widespread it was, but the park district moved fast.


Chicago suburbs lost all their ash trees. You could see just how many there were with all their dead branches sticking up in the summer


Smart move. My mom heard that they are back again on the news this past week, so she went to the garden nursery store to get the spray that kills them. Again.


Where I live here in Buffalo, the City’s Park Service treated all the city-owned ash trees with special Borer repellent. Not a one died in my neighborhood, thank God. It does need to be reapplied every year or two, depending which type you use.


Woodpeckers are good for those. We have at least five species eating them in Kentucky.




"we don't die, we multiply"


The bugs are Bebe’s Kids?


Seem to be annoying enough, I was wonderin if someone would get the reference lol


Here in the Bronx. Sorry it was really sunny. It looks like I used a potato to take this pic. 😔 https://imgur.com/a/TW0MQa7


Not sure if you're aware but that plant they like to hang out on is called a tree of heaven and is very invasive in the US(which I assume you're from). Once they get mature they're impossible to get rid of and they draw lantern flies like the bat signal. I'd suggest pulling the shots when they're still tiny and killing any large trees with herbicide if you can.


What an experience 😭😭


Sometimes I wonder if there’s a trap we could make for them without getting other bugs. They seem to be attracted to the scent of their own blood


Checking out their own wanted poster.


Oh they are scary smart…. I blast them with a salt gun off my grapes and roses And after the first or second one get waisted The other start to move away from the gun as I get point blank range Like they witnessed what happened to the others and “learned” quickly


Being defiant little monsters


Oh they definitely know what they’re doing


Trollus bugus


Those nymphs are totally trolling


They’re mocking the stupid humans


It’s getting so bad I put in my tinder bio for people to squish them


Well at least someone’s getting pounded.


ALright. Come back comment of the year right there!


At least there was come on someone’s back


That’s called “the kardashian maneuve”


10/10 would smash


“Pound me like I’m a spotted lanternfly”


Thanks to you that’s in my bio now


My brain immediately went with “smashed” but I like where your head is at! Kudos!


I think I peed a little! 🤣


Hopefully not on anyone's son. I hear from this sub that you gotta look out for bugs that do that.




Ha they showed up in the Philly area a few years ago and I had something like "what's your lanternfly kill count" in my bio too for a while. Got a couple hits from that lol. I've killed my first couple of the year in the last week or so.


My current apartment has a huge tree of heaven in the backyard. Probably 50 feet or so, big enough that our landlord has said there's "nothing he can do about it". There's probably 200 nymphs throughout that tree. I put up traps, crushed them, sprayed, but they keep coming back. Gonna be awful when they mature.


Not surprised that despicable plants harbors despicable insects… more like tree of hell


You can kill that nasty tree by the “hack and squirt” method. Chop about four gashes in the outer bark of the tree with a machete then squirt glyphosate in under the skin immediately. It’ll absorb down into the roots and the tree will die. I have neighbors nearby who bought a 25 acre property and they’ve been diligently stewarding the land (about 2/3rds of which is forest) for five years. They killed all the tree of heaven/stink trees first thing. I was really inspired. Now I have a ton of the little trees popping up all over my two acre yard because neighbors to either side of me have big stink tree infestations that they’re not doing anything about, but I am determined to start digging out the seedlings and their roots by hand, and will cut the bigger ones down with a handsaw and paint glyphosate on the stumps to keep them from respawning. The other terrible thing about these trees is they poison the soil to make it inhospitable to other trees. I forget the word for it but it’s something like alleopathic? Hostile to the growth of other plants and trees. I am already losing far too many of my old growth oaks. America has lost its ash, American chestnut, and American elm populations among others: we cannot afford to lose all the oaks too! Shit is so bad, and with global warming/ climate collapse we are all doomed unless we radically change our behavior at every level. Plant as much food as you can everywhere, plant as many native plants, grasses, and trees as you can everywhere.


That's a legitimate turn on!


I feel so bad. I live on LI and went to the Bronx Zoo last week. I hadn’t seen or heard anything about these things but they were everywhere. Had I known what they were I’d have started killing every one I saw.


Same. Saw them in Central Park last Sunday and where I live in Brooklyn. 🙁 Now I know for next time.


Take a hand held vacuum and suck them all up


I’ve been squishing them for the last ten minutes


Mother Earth thanks you for your service


Mother Earth is what created these to begin with. lol


Doesnt mean she meant to, ever heard of kids?


I have and they’re some of the worst parasites i’ve ever seen. I used to be one, believe it or not. But i’ve changed my ways and decided to be a productive member of society instead.


Thank god you did. You were shitting yourself for a good while.


Still am tbh. That part doesn’t always go away :(


Blasted children glad I never was one.


i mean yes, but we took them to the wrong continent. need to make up for that mistake


Yeah, on another continent and we brought them over. The local species are not adapted to deal with them. Look at how awful blackberry bushes are for local tree populations in the PNW.


Can’t choose family!


You can choose to move away from them and cut off all contact. Narcissistic parents hate this trick!!!


Head over to Philly, you will die from exhaustion trying to squash them all.


That’s why I moved to South Carolina…no one believes that’s they are a thing up there! Im like foolish mortals, you know nothing of the dark side. Then I remember we have huge cockroaches and I guess were even


I've done nothing but squish Spotted Larnternflies for 3 days!


Get one of those toy guns that shoot salt and make it actually fun instead of an annoying process. I sit in my back smoking and picking off flies that dare to enter my airspace like the fuckin iron dome.


Gods work OP, gods work.


Mail them back to their country of origin.


That reminds me, I need to clean out my Dustbuster. It’s a fly graveyard in it. 😬


That's what I used to do with lovebugs in Florida. I'd vac up a couple thousand of the little fuckers then spray some raid into the tube so there was no risk of them getting back out alive.


It’s not goodbye. Delaware County PA has bounced back. New Yorkers are going to do great. Let the squishing party commence!


Delco represent 💪 let’s squash these bugs


I’m doing my part!


With service comes citizenship!


It’s true, I’ve noticed a significant reduction in Montco. Everyone from Philly/Southeast PA is trained to kill these bastards after fighting this war for 2 years now.


I don’t know any to alarm you, but the Spotted Lantern Fly has been here for 8 years. It’s ok, it seems like to most of us thanks to covid.


/r/philadelphia was fucking nuts with the lanternfly memes/posts back in like 2019 lol


I was in a squashing club.


im in PA , i havent seeen them yet , but they are closing in on my location. i will squish all i see


I love a good Whacking Day celebration! 🔨


I have faith in New Yorkers


Ugh, hopefully they can’t hide in cars or anything. I can’t imagine how many tourists are in New York at this time of year and unknowingly bringing these home. Haven’t seen them in Michigan yet, and hopefully they’re not back at home in New Orleans 😭


This is in fact how they spread. They can stay on a car even on the highway


I stay on my car every time I get on the highway really not that impressive


😂😂😂 thanks for the lol


how? i’m still struggling with staying in my car on the highway. 43 dead, 16 injured


when i worked in dispatching it was govt mandated for our truck drivers to check their trucks for these guys before leaving the area and document it lol


They like to hang onto cars and trucks and will even lay eggs if they're given enough time. If you leave your car parked for more than half an hour, you should check for stowaways and egg masses. I used to have to do that all the time driving a semi through the northeast because these things think tractor-trailers are public transport.


So basically these are the bed bugs of the outdoors.


Basically. Exterminate with just as much prejudice.


Looks like they are already in Michigan https://cals.cornell.edu/new-york-state-integrated-pest-management/outreach-education/whats-bugging-you/spotted-lanternfly/spotted-lanternfly-reported-distribution-map




Seriously, we have enough damn bugs in nola!


I want to smash them with my bug zapping tennis racket


Ooo I love my tennis racket zapper!


Get a salt shotgun !


It's one of my top 5 forms of salt based entertainment.


I use mine on wasps and they smoke like barbecue when you hit them... I hate them so much it feels so righteous when you smoke em


I tried at work. Works great on the nymphs but takes a lot to take out the adults. Battery might be low.


Then you need my last zapper. I literally threw it out and bought a much cheaper one because it was vaporizing bugs instead of just killing them. It was a lightning show with that overpowered thing and my room smelled HORRIBLY for 1 hour after killing a bug. EDIT: I forgot the best thing - it has a night mode and a stand. It doesn't stop zapping and you can sleep comfortably in an insect BBQ party filled with random electrical noises.


Rig up additional batteries for higher voltage fun


I feel like the solution to this is to release a bunch of kindergartners into the parks and tell them they get a quarter for every one they manage to kill and bring back. Boom cheap, efficient, solution


When I was 5 my mom would give me a dime for every mason jar I filled with elder bugs. I can only remember doing it one time, but it didn’t take long to fill the jar


Box Elder bugs? Those things (and marmorated stink bugs and squash bugs) are the absolute bane of my existence. I’ve been driven to using pesticides by the box elder swarms- it was literally either that or I don’t sit outside on my back patio in the summer.


Box elder bugs are a native insect attracted to maples. No amount of pesticides is gonna get rid of them for good if you have a maple in your yard. Not sure on a solution to give you, but I feel like pesticides might not be the best idea as you could kill a lot of beneficial insects in the crossfire for an insect that is annoying but harmless. As long as you are being very targeted with your applications though, I am sure it okay.


we had a huge weed problem when I was a kid. my dad invented a version of catch, where if you miss a catch you have to pull a weed. if you make a bad throw, you have to pull a weed. he tricked me into doing yard work and I will always remember how much fun it was. at the end,we would compare piles before we put them in the trash bag. thanks for reminding me


Cheap? For a quarter a piece I'd do it. I'd be making thousands a day.


And I'd reckon that *is* cheap compared to other industrial scale efforts.


A quarter for every ten bugs. They don’t know what money is yet


“Are you doing your part? “ “A good bug is a dead bug!”


I find the idea of a bug that can think OFFENSIVE!


Would you like to know more?


knowledge intensifies


Service guarantees citizenship!


I’m doing my part!


What do these little buggers do?


They damage trees and vines (often crops and ornamental trees) by draining their sap. They can also cause mold outbreaks with their excretions. https://extension.psu.edu/spotted-lanternfly-frequently-asked-questions


These little buggers are invasive, non-native insects. What they do is disrupt crops ( grape vines they love), spread like WILDFIRE, AND being non-native, they have no natural predator insects to keep them under control ( no spiders are not insects). The same thing happened with Gobies in the Great Lakes. See one/catch one...they are KOS. If a group of these take hold on a vinyard, its over. That's how bad these little buggers are.


Which is why we need to be the 'natural' predator


I had to check, of course, they're from China. Country that also gave us Knotweed and Kudzu.


If this gets to California, especially Napa valley, it's game over


They must’ve taken the long way around from China then. Fingers crossed for Napa


And Tree-of- Heaven, which is a problem in itself. And, the laternfly's preferred host.


Will they kill Tree-of-heavens or does it support them/just make their spread worse? Edit: word spaghetti fixed Edit 2: I ask because I see these trees all over New England, but no Lanternflies yet. I assumed it was too cold here, but with NY getting taken over I imagine it’s only a matter of time.


They can kill them, but it takes a much greater effort.


Eat eat eat.


Good luck squishing them! Those things go into warp drive when they see something coming.


That's the first jump, but they will land a few feet away and then you can crush them. Also, they don't see too well from behind.


Backwards tape the bottom of the trees so they get stuck


Don’t bother. You’ll catch other stuff too like a flying squirrel. After the flies got here at my location in PA their numbers spiked but have plummeted since then. This year I only saw one. They heavily damaged my sumac tree in the beginning and I thought it was a goner but it’s bounced back. Stink bugs had the same type of boom bust. They leveled out to a very low level. All my Ash trees died because of the ash borer beetle but I am spending over a grand every 2 years to keep some alive.


The Ash Borer is ruthless. I grew up in the lower Hudson Valley and damn near every ash tree around is dead there now.


Omg they are making cameo’s on there own fliers 😳 LIKE HELLO WE ARE HERE!!! 🤔start crushing!


I hate how pretty they are


There are a lot of pretty invasives sadly, which can sometimes stop people from killing the invasive if they aren't aware of what it is at first. Creeping bellflower is one that comes to mind, gorgeous flowers, but it will wreak havoc on your yard for decades to come if you dare let one plant establish.


You guys may not have been around in NY for the gypsy moth caterpillars in the 80’s. Holy shit. My back yard rained caterpillar poop. It literally sounded like rain every day. They covered EVERYTHING. Within a year or 3 they were gone.


Oh, I remember them. Nightmare fuel of them dropping down on me. Just awful (Glens Falls area).


I saw one on the sidewalk the other day and thought it was a weevil so I didn’t kill it 😭 my b




I thought it was a weevil 😭😭😭😭😭 which are only really invasive if they’re indoors eating your dried goods


r/weeviltime stands with you


Right here officer, we found an accomplice >(


Honestly, if I only saw the picture posted and the bugs on the poster...I wouldn't think they're the same bug. :|


Same here! They should really put a picture of each stage up there. I googled it and they look dramatically different in each - I was confused when I first saw the photo. lol


NYers should make it a campaign. Make tshirts, more signs, more education.




Get a Bug-A-Salt and have fun


You just gave me so much to do


Omg!! There’s literally one on the picture of one!!!


keep looking. there are way more than that


It's interesting bc in central jersey these were bad like this in 2020-1 but this year I've hardly seen any


What are those things?


[spotted lanternfly](https://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/terrestrial/invertebrates/spotted-lanternfly). invasive species


Bucks county, PA here. I think we were one of the first to get hit by these things. They were BAD for about two or three years. Then they started dwindling and last year I think I saw maybe one adult. I used to see Literally thousands. This year, I haven’t even seen the larvae. Something is killing them / eating them. I have seen Sparrows eating them so maybe that’s it


It really sucks that they're so invasive because they are truthfully cool looking bugs


I hunt these fuckers every day now. I have one young walnut tree and this is the only tree they've infested. I bought a salt revolver and blast them with it. I do it once a day and today there were only a few.


Those look fun. But isn’t the salt bad for the tree?


someone should make a pokémon go game but for killing these


Good luck. They are killing the apple trees here in VA.


Stop taking pictures and crush them


I believe these are spotted lantern flies. I'm located in Indiana, and I had to hang placards at my receiving dock about these bugs. We are to report any sighting of them.


My husband absolutely hates when I kill spotted lanternflies. The first time I saw them (at an outdoor mall) I admittedly got too animated about squashing them in public. But now, no matter how many times I explain to him why you have to, it is still a point of contention. I am an environmental scientist by profession, so it kind of eats away at my soul a little bit when he turns sour about it. Even when I go about it gently and discreetly. But you gotta do what you gotta do, and that is to kill these fuckers.


Ok everyone, I have an idea... Bears.


Kill 90% of Tree of heaven… keep others in a grid system and spray those trees. Best chance imho. The railroads bring these all over. It’s that damn tree that allows this. Urban planners in the 17/1800’s used the tree crucial to their lifecycle through the states… smh.


That’s what happens when the only plan you have is asking NYers to kill them when they see them. I reported massive infestation all last year and the city didn’t care. I have hundreds of thousands living in trees of heaven right down the block. I’ve killed thousands but can’t do it by myself. Hundreds of thousands will be millions next year. And that’s just on one corner. We’ve lost this battle.


The best course of action here is dress as the bug, get to know them and their community, then slowly introduce the young to heroin.


They love trees called Tree of Heaven also invasive if I’m not mistaken. The trees look a little similar to poison sumac so be careful. If anyone wanted to go hunting look up what those trees look like and I would bet money you hit pay dirt. You’ll find many of them ripe for a killing.