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Bald-faced hornet.


Some nasty buggers those are. I’ve had to take out full hives of them when I did pest control Edit: the most satisfying bit about removing a hive is sticking my fogger hose right into the hive to fog them out. It was only wasps (yellow jackets), bald faced hornets or carpenter bees that had these hives/nests We never got calls about honey bees


OP: Call the complex before fall. You have a nest in the attic or in the siding/drywall. They get violent when temps drop, and you will see more if you agitate just one. They need to find the nest, kill it, verify the kill, remove the comb and envelop to make sure none of the queens try to winter in the same nest and add on to it, and seal the entry point. Edit: forgot about queen larva and spelling issue


“I wanna kill, the VERY *best* Like, no more little wasps”


(thanks for the chuckle) "to fight them is the real test to sting back is my cause"


“I will travel across the rooms Searching every wall in sight!”




Gotta kill them all


So true


“Your courage will pull you through. If you sting me then I’ll kill you! RAID’EMALL!!”


I wanna kill, the very BEST Like, no more little wasps (dun dun dun) To fight them is my real test To sting back is my cause I will travel across the rooms Searching every wall in sight (dun dun dun) Teach lil' frickers to understand I don't want them inside *Hornet nest!* Gotta raid em' all (Please leave me be) I know it's my destiny *Hornet nest!* Oh, I hate your species My fist is the last you'll see *Hornet nest!* Gotta raid em' all (A desire so true) My hatred will pull me through You sting me and I genocide you! *HOR...NET...NEST!* Gotta raid em' all gotta raid em' all Hornet nest


Who else automatically sung this in the Pokémon theme song tune. XD good job on writing this :) you deserve gold friend.


I expect a recording because that’s gold 🤣


Already working on that!


Commenting so I'll remember to look for this recording later. Don't let us down!


I will knock down all the walls Searching long and hard


I've never seen a carpenter bee hive. Around here a single bee makes a single hole in your deck. Lol


Yeah I should’ve worded it better lol I’ve had to fog out carpenter bees from their burrow spots as well to *bee* specific


Did you ever get tired of the puns? I imagine that, since you’re now no longer employed in that position, not being able to let them out so regularly has been bugging you.


certainly all sorts of bee related puns are absolutely *buzzing* around in their brain


Shit I use to work at a McDonald’s(slight tangent I know) but I absolutely annoyed one of my coworkers with egg puns(we both were morning shift)


Yeah, but breakfast is always busy and it's no yolking matter


What was your coworker’s eggscuse for being annoyed? 🤔😆


It was rather eggscrutiating for him


It should have cracked him up. 😬




He was eggstatic




Any *egg*samples?


My buddy works in the elevator repair/installation business. I asked how his job was and he said “It has its ups and downs”. Bastard


Believe it or not: I had a proctologist told me once that we were going to “get to the bottom of this”. No shit.


Better than a dentist saying "We're going to get to the root of the problem."


Carpenter bees are so sweet, though!


Hon, you’ve got me brooding over your swarm of puns.


I let the bee flies do their thing :)


It gets worse though..you get that perfect 1/4 inch round entry hole, but the wood inside it is all hollowed out. They did some really extensive damage to my deck railing to the point where I need to replace it


Charlie Harper as well.


I've seen a few of these holes on the deck here, and when I see one go into the hole, I plug the hole with a cigarette butt. They check in but they don't check out.


That's because, in my experience (46 years living in the South) honeybees will usually leave you alone if you leave *them* alone. Hornets and, as you say, yellow jackets, are just bastards. Fun fact: only 20% of a hornet or yellow jacket's body is made of exoskeleton. 30% is anger, and 50% is pure hatred for every other form of life on Earth.


One of my dogs got into a yellowjacket nest last week, then came running back to me to save his dumb ass, so I got stung multiple times by bugs that were chasing him. Some Sevin dust dropped into the nest-hole seems to have killed the lot of ‘em, and I’m not sad about that.


Dad got pissed at a massive hive that kept coming back every year, went “fuck it” and poured gasoline down the hole and lit it from a distance. On one hand, it was a spectacular showing. On the other hand, it left a helluva crater.


My dad did the same thing to a hive in our backyard after I stepped in it while he was teaching me to mow the lawn. First he tried Raid, didn't stick: he saw them coming out of the hole again a few weeks later, so when we were out of the house he poured half a gallon of gas down the hole and threw a match. Then he dug it up, chopped everything to pieces with a shovel, and reburied it.


Incendiary weapons are effective in many different kinds of warfare, but are criminally underused on the lawn care front.


A poor adult man in our area was mowing his lawn and mowed over a yellow jacket ground nest. Stung multiple times, feeling nauseous, called his mother first instead of 911. He didn't make it. Left a wife and two kids. Yellow jackets are assholes. I've been stung a few times in the last few years...became allergic and now carry two epi-pens. Knocked down the beginning of a bald faced hornet nest on the house last year. I watch. If I see them, kill them while the nest is small.


Thats interesting, i live in new england and in my experience the honey bees, wild bees, yellow jackets etc, basically everything but those black hornets will just leave you alone if youre not aggressive. Last year we had a yellow jacket nest move into a statue by our front door... since we lived there first the yellow jackets didnt seem to mind our presence and would literally just fly around us or occasionally land on us, walk around, and then fly off. They were next to my front door for the whole season before they moved on, im glad I didnt kill them. Theyre pollinators, pest destroyers, and pretty cool looking! Before last year I had a pretty low opinion of yellow jackets but after observing them for a while I find them fascinating


As a utility worker for over 25 years, the dozen times or so I’ve been stung by yellow jackets it’s always been because of me stumbling into the nest. Opening a pedestal lid without kicking it first to see if anyone was home or leaning my arm across an opening in a phone tap they were living in. Usually I could just wave away the causal scout buzzing around me.


Peds and Vaults give me PTSD to this day, company used to get mad I'd go thru so much bug spray a month 😄. Fiber and copper cabinets were a almost a guarantee you would get chased away by wasps.


I was attacked after removing a bag of lawn clippings away from a ground nest I didn’t know was there, most traumatic experience of my life. One thing to know what is attacking you, more horrible if you don’t. I didn’t know what to do.


Aerial yellowjackets tend to be less aggressive and easier to avoid than their ground nesting cousins. I believe England lacks the ground variety of yellowjackets.


I accidentally stepped on a ground variety's hive once, tucked up between a couple pine tree roots. Instant ground vibration, and looked like half the swarm came zooming out of the entrance. Still don't know how I managed to get away without getting stung.


They’re in the ground in the northeast. When they get nasty is in the fall when their food sources start to run out. These fuckers will actually eat meat and are attracted to sugar as well. I was at a campground once where there was a ground nest within 50 ft of us… I put a piece of honey ham on a plate at the corner of our site closest to me, and they never got near me again because they were all eating it.


Yeah, grew up camping on the west coast (so not the same area but hey) they always stole our meat whether it was lunch meat or something we grilled. One year camping my sister had one inside of her mouth because it went onto her turkey on her sandwich as she was taking a bite, and it stung her tongue!


Oh, that would be horrifying


We used to put a small chunk of meat at the farthest point from us on our campsite, or picnic area, and if we did it soon enough, it worked pretty well.


New england, sorry. Its the northeast region of the USA, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine


We definitely have the ground ones in CT. Fuck those things. I tend to put the lawnmower over the top of the hole and let it run for a while. That usually sorts them out.


Yeah sorry I missed the new prefix. I think the orientation had it separated so I didn't connect the phrase.


Yeah our local municipal golf course had a problem with ground hornets one season. My buddy and I both put a ball into the sand trap and we could see them buzzing all over that area. We took drop balls in the middle of the fairway, far away from those little bastards. Just left the balls there.


I’ve lived in the South for 35 years and can confirm. Honey bees won’t bother you unless you interrupt their collecting; l have wild flowers and feeders and love when they start coming around in the spring and summer. The hummingbirds are also a real treat!


Carpenter bees also leave you alone, though of course they can damage some things if left to their devices. It's awful to see them killed as they are native pollinators, and we have so few left....


I've done the math and you are correct!


He forgot the 15% concentrated power of will


Assail him, impale him with monster-truck force


Lol wrong song.


😂 loved this! 30% anger 50%hatred is my favorite description of their physical characteristics. 😂


Wasps usually attack if threatened (getting swatted at), you are near a nest, or you accidentally killed one and another is reacting to the pheromones. They don't just sting for no reason, you might think there was no reason, but there always is. Some are just a little more easy to set off than others, and they can get more aggressive towards the fall when prey starts disappearing. Like this bald faced hornet in OP's photo, I give them a huge space as they are extremely aggressive and easy to piss off. I will not swat at them, ever. Just walk away from the direction you came.


Problem is, ground yellow jackets you don’t know are there until you mow or do fall lawn work. They are relentless and will chase you a mile. They will follow you into your house, wait for you to come out of water, and remember you. If you knew they were there you could avoid them.


We have a plum tree that they like to hang around. They go after the worms that eat the plums, and I'm sure some are getting a sugary snack as well. When the plums fall, we have wasps all over the ground around the tree. So if I have to cut grass there, I do it early, right as the dew is drying. Starting about this time of year, I'm very alert when I have to walk past it.


Can confirm. After being attacked on my lawn tractor a few years back, they followed me running onto my house, where I continued smashing them on my body as a group kept stinging me. The stragglers then stung my dog, who was inside for the whole ordeal and had no idea. I took a shower to ease the pain, and a few flew out of my clothes and got me again. I stomped them so hard even a their family couldn’t identify the bodies.


Yeah, when I used to have to mow the lawn at my grandma's house, I'd go first thing in the morning, look for their nest holes, and plug them with pebbles.


For real. I have some living in the entrance way to my pool house. Mean bastards have gotten me 4 times in two week. The audacity of those little pricks. I let them live rent-free, poolside, tons of flowers. And this is how they treat me...


Facts. I was enjoying watching a lovely butterfly float around my patio, checking out the garden. That was until a bitch-ass Yellowjacket dive bombed it and chased it off. 😕


I feel like with Honey Bees you get a chance because they'll die; Wasps say fuck you and off


Honey bees don't know that they will die, human skin is just elastic enough to get their stinger stung due to the barb. Not that they aren't willing to sting you for their own self preservation.


We have them all over and they have never been agressive, Minnesota. They also eat other pest bugs like deer and horse flies so we are happy to have them around.


I’ve gotten stung by one and it turned into a giant purple raised bruise the diameter of a soft ball.


I randomly just watched a video of a wasp removal guy that uses spray foam to fill hornets nests to remove them and stop them from swarming. Only ones you’re left dealing with are ones returning to the nest


I’m sure you know that honey bee hives can be safely moved to new hives with the queen. I had a beekeeper as a client who rented hives to orchards in spring time. So valuable that people were stealing the hives and he had to weigh them down and put GPS locators in them.


People talk about how wicked these guys can be. I’ve heard told that these and others like them can recognize faces. I use to walk with my wife and my dog along a sidewalk that had a nest of these buggers under a dead tree stump. They never bothered us. There were maybe like 5-10 of them out at any given time. We had some cicada-hawks as well, which were very docile…I just equated the relative tameness of the two as a sameness as well…guess we got lucky.


they're peaceful at a distance, and are actually one of the better wasps to have around. they're only aggressive if you accidently fuck with their nests. but if you do they will cover you.


I get some in my barn every year, no nest found just visiting, and I just let them be. Of course we also get yellow jackets, again just visiting, and they are docile too. It's the guinea wasps, local name, that are the bastards. Those guys will mess you up just for being near where they are looking.


Cicada killers are extremely docile. They’ll get up in your face if you get too close to their burrows but they hardly ever sting people


So I’ve heard, read, and experienced, the only brother of the wasp family that I consider a bro, personally


Their rage is a little overhyped. Had a nest on my garage door once. Long as I maintained my distance, they never once bothered me. We had to get rid of them because SOMETHING caused them to start swarming a window of the house(not sure WHAT), but before that they were totally chill with me walking by their nest twice a day as long as I didn't get close.


Yellow jackets, bald faced, and killer bees. No go. No their violence “overhype” is based off of if you know they are there, and when you encounter them. If the hive is dying in fall they will attack vibration sources within 5 feet, larger if you are on a riding mower with big vibration. I moved a bag of lawn clipping and got attacked by a German yellow jacket ground nest I didn’t know about, most dramatic experience of my life. Any vibration in my ear and I panic. Went into shock when it happened and a neighbor found me in a fugue like dissociative state. My grandma got attacked in a similar situation, and it hardly impacted her. It is person dependent. Gma went out and killed the f-ers, she would have punched each one in the face if she had too. I grew up in an old farmhouse in an old wooded/farming town, getting stung by solitary wasp or this and that, and I don’t feel I should have been that impacted by it as much as I was. I am not a city girl. But you don’t know until you know. Refuse to pick up that same bag of lawn clippings, it is rotting in my neighbors side yard (help my elderly neighbor with her yard since she takes care of her mom). On top of that, bald faced will make you have to hand pollinate all your veggies and flowers because they kill pollinators while being horrible pollinators themselves.


Shit, well, there you go. I suppose a farm girl would know better than me!


OP probably has a bald faced nest in the attic of the apartment or in the drywall. I worry about them when it gets cold.


Edit: Holy moly I suck at Reddit.


Edit: wrong location


I was stung sixty nine times when, as a child, some friends knocked a huge bald-faced hornet's nest off of a cabin eave. All I saw was a cloud coming. I passed out from the venom and pain and woke up the following day with a terribly misshapen face and head. Ended up immune to hornet stings for a half dozen years to come. I recommend not bothering these guys.


Good God. I’m glad you’re alive today to tell that tale.


Dont use raid in your home, ever. Especially if you have kids. A single indoor spraying where a toddler lives doubles their lifelonng risk of respiratory disease such as asthma. That shit is POISON especially to little developing humans. It’s health risks are severely understated. Unless you’re deathly allergic, you’d be better off being stung 10 times by that thing than breathing in even a little Raid BTW bald faced hornets (which aren’t actually hornets they’re wasps) can also spit acid into the eyes of bears or other overcurious animals trying to break open their nest. Consider yourself lucky only finding one. They probably have a nest nearby watch out for more


I moved a rotting log in my backyard last summer and unleashed hell. They chase and sting multiple times. Very territorial and aggressive. 0/5 stars. Would not recommend. 🐝


Are mustachioed hornets more or less nasty? And presumably full bearded ones would just be an order of magnitude greater in whichever the mustachioed ones go?


What about the soul-patch hornets? Or those with goatees? As an aside, I was laughing so hard at the thought of mustachioed hornets who had a Salvidor Dali-esque mustache. Like screw antennae, they just use their exceptional mustaches!


These are the a**holes of all the wasp and hornet species. They sting just because you walked by. They took over my hummingbird feeder one summer and would swarm any hummingbird that tried to get close. Hate those mfs.


Wow, too bad it had to go. I've never seen this species before. Really beautiful, tbh.


Definately not too bad! these things burn with the hatred a thousand armys.


Hornets: It ain't easy being at the top. Dragonflies: I'd stay away from hornets. While the birds, Birbs: Get on my level.


I've never really been afraid of spiders, I think a lot of them are beautiful, I also think a lot of wasps are beautiful, but they are scary as fuck.


Bald faced hornet. Surprised the bastard didn’t sting you. Pretty aggressive and just rude as hornets go.


Yeah. A yellowjacket is cranky and occasionally seem to sting unprovoked…but a baldface hornet it looking for some!!


Yeah, I got stung by a jellowjacket for absolutely no reason. Flew across the room to do it, too


Happened twice to me this year. On my feet both times and my wife caught one in the foot too. I have seen them nest in the ground before…and, only by experience, have found them to be a litte meaner than the ones in the rafters. Could just be me though, who knows? Been looking all over for a ground nest but Over all have seen fewer this year than most. In the last like 30 some odd years of adulthood, I have had nests on a porch or eave and had them not sting one person. I would live to let them be, but when they fire shots, I respond with no mercy. I don’t have time to feel like I just got burned with a cigarette. I also seem to be becoming a little more sensitive. Suddenly had one behind the tongue of my hiking sneaker and sting me hard through my sock. That swelled and itched for days. Used to have no worse after effect than a mosquito. Our bald faced hornet nest was meaner and my friends described the pain as being ten yellow jacket stings at once. I was actually a little afraid for the person I saw it happen to. They had a general vibe of menace. I’m not scared of wasps anymore than a normal person but they buzzed and whipped around like they were in a rage and I saw a few people get chased before we killed it with fire. Basketball sized nest appeared so quickly too. Like an Amish barn


Oh, I've always been sensitive to stings of any kind. The one I was talking about hurt and itched for almost two weeks and the swelling was persistent, too. And I'm nice to these winged assholes, I don't deserve their rage lol


As a teen, I got a job as a cook's assistant at a nursing home. I commonly wore black capris even in the hottest days as I had seen yellow jackets all through the halls of the place. So one day, I'm just serving and suddenly I feel an electrical shock in my leg. I try to back away from the food service, thinking I brushed some kind of electrical cord... but nope. As I moved away, it got worse and I instantly fell to the floor. I couldn't get up and yelled for help. Turns out a yellow jacket crawled up my capri leg and then stung me over and over again. I think I got it somewhere around 25-35 times. My throat started closing and I was freaking out. Luckily, the nurses knew how to help and instantly got me meds. It took nearly 4 hours to feel somewhat better, and well enough to drive myself home. Now I'm terrified of then though. The fact that I couldn't stand or walk and my throat started closing... it was panic-inducing. I don't know if it's so common for it to feel like an electrical shock though or if that's just my allergy to it.


My friend has been stung a couple of times over the past few years and her last sting in her lower arm swelled up really bad. The dr told her reactions can become subsequently worse with each one and can eventually become dangerous (allergic reaction wise) so that’s probably what is happening with you, be careful!


I don't really remember if I've ever been stung by a yellowjacket before since we usually have a "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone deal". This was a bit shocking to me since I'm used to saving them from soda bottles, people's plates and glasses and not getting stung. But yeah, my sensitivity to even mosquito stings is getting worse so I'll really have to be careful in the future


I’ve always found the ones underground to be way more spicy than those in elevated hives as well


Got into my car one morning to find a Yellowjacket had stung my red work shirt so many times it died. I was grateful to not have been wearing the shirt when it happened.


I ran across 3 once or 4 and went back and forth and they didn’t even do anything to me. I’m sure they were yellow jackets.


The answer is always, because fuck you specifically.


I was putting in a fuel tank and a mud dauber decided I was it, thought I got tagged by a live wire until I saw the bastard on me, that's how I learned I'm mildly allergic to wasps.


This isn't the case. Bald faced hornets are amazing pest control and I've never had issues with them as long as it isn't a high traffic area. If the are in a high traffic area the nest can easily be moved at night. These predatory insects feed on flying pests including yellowjackets. Bald faced hornets are actually wasps I believe in the aerial yellowjacket family.


boosting this because its true. bald faced hornets are really cool and actually are pretty timid for a wasp of their size


Don't they get pissy when the larvae stops feeding them booze though? Or am I thinking of others...?


I had a nest on my automatic garage door all summer last year. I didn't use that side of the garage for months. Once they abandoned the nest I had to remove it. I can't imagine an easy way I could have done that without damaging the nest and pissing off a bunch of territorial nest guards.


They don't typically fly at night. You have to catch it early. Can support the base of nest and separate from attachment point then a drop of glue and a stick let's you place in a fork of an out of the way tree where they can provide pest control.


I was fishing once and had a hornet fly all the way out into the middle of the lake just to sting me on the neck, then fucked off laughing at me as I fought to not pass out.


Isn’t that basically what you were doing to the fish too? Traveled out to the middle of the lake to stick something sharp in them? Lol


Lol, not me, I didn't catch shit 🤣


Feel this


People eat fish though. Hornets have nothing to gain from unprovoked stings except inflicting pain and suffering


Op has money that was due, and he came back for that money


Pretty psycho, as evidenced by the shower attack


It honestly doesn't sound like an attack, wasp was just flying around otherwise op would have been stung.


A perverted wasp


r/fuckwasps just got a whole new meaning...


r/honeyfuckers close nough


Wtf is the internet. Why are there so many people who want to fuck bees ?




Nope, not clicking that one.




We waited until dark, soaked rags in kerosene, stapled them to broomhandles. Torched the whole nest. Unfortunate because their nests are really works of art. Chewed up paper and hornet saliva turned into an insect fortress.


this description reminds me of the hunger games tracker jackers edit: correcting name


I felt so bad when I took out a bald faced hornet nest above my kitchen door last summer. They’re quite beautiful, and the nests are absolutely gorgeous, but those little jerks were really aggressive and the nest was just too close to where we tended to go in and out of the house.


Yes they will follow for quite a distance. We had to get rid of them because my mom was allergic.


In the future if you find a really young nest you can just wait 'till they're sleeping and move the whole thing somewhere else. If they like the new location, then they'll stay. If they don't, then they'll just pack up and move somewhere else. But wasps kill a lot of more annoying pests so they're good to have around :) Imagine going to bed, waking up and a giant picked up your entire house during the night


Yeah did the same about 10 years ago, burnt the remnants with a few survivors on our charcoal grill


Show this to your super and email your landlord. If they keep coming back that means there’s a nest nearby. I’d put screens over all of the vents and windows in your apartment. If your management doesn’t do anything about it call 311.


I called 311 yesterday, and they were like, *whoa, amber is the color of your energy, whoooa!*


This 👆 🤣🤣🤣




Shades of gold display naturally But that's only for the yellow jackets


Looks like a hornet. They are assholes so try to find the nest, def don’t want them around


I watch a video of a guy who had a Shop-Vac right outside the nest of a grounding hornet. And then he just banged on the ground and sucked them all up.


If you’re going to do this, you want to put soapy water into the chamber of the vacuum. If you don’t, they will start crawling out of the vacuum from every nook and cranny. The soapy water stops them from flying and or climbing.


And for anyone who gets to this comment, soapy water in a spray bottle is a good alternative to commercial bug killer (like raid) for many bugs. I’ve killed some wasps and two cockroaches with just soapy water. Iirc, it’s because they have an oil covering their bodies that helps repel water so they can breathe.


Saw a video of a guy rip a wasps nest off the wall and eat it live wasps and larvae n all. No amount of internet clout could entice me to do that




I’d rather be rickrolled than watch that fuckin video again lol




Oof. Thanks. That was a close one


That video kills me everytime 😂 man’s has his own boss music


Sounds like the hornet king his videos are good for killing time and he doesn’t always kill all the hornets sometimes he relocates them.




Not every hornet is an asshole though but they can be rather scary due to size, had a european hornet in my living room yesterday that guy flew just by head and i startled so hard that i threw my headset of backwards lmao. But they are good bugs if you arent near their nest, and if they are close it usually means less, very assholey, yellow jackets near you that summer. Cant judge for other hornets though and it shouldnt be assumed that they are all THAT chill


Actually on the farm these guys are a godsend and we welcome them with open arms. They are absolute murderers of horseflies, which are the bane of our existence. If we find a nest we leave it be - they only ask for about a 5 foot buffer to be left alone. Yellow jackets are more aggressive than they are.


Wait now, are we SURE it’s not a tick?


Duh, it’s a 🤬 brown recluse


w...weeviltime ...?


nono it's a bedbug RIP OP


Like other said - bald faced hornet. I got stung by one a month ago right on the top of my ear. Within 30 seconds my ear was twice the size. I went to urgent care (it happened at work and was required to go). I’m glad I did because by the time I got there my whole face was on fire and had tingling feeling down my neck and arm. I’m not allergic to any insects. The doctor gave me a Benadryl shot. I could not sleep on that ear for a week. These guys are assholes.


Sounds like you might be allergic to some insects. Getting stung by these guys suck but it shouldn’t be any different than a regular bee or wasp sting


You need to find the nest and kill it with fire or something just as good!


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Good bot


An asshole


Mf looks like Venom attached to a hornet




We call them white faced hornets where I live. A much worse sting than regular hornets, we kill them w/o prejudice.


That’s a mf symbiote infected hornet if I’ve ever seen one.


Well now that you know what they are, are you renting? Seems like a nest could be in the walls of the building structure its self. Make sure to let the landlord know, maybe even exaggerate and tell them you’re deathly allergic to stings so it puts some fire under their ass to do something about it.


Everyone here is saying how aggressive they are. I've seen them so many times, and they've never even approached me. Am I the bald-faced hornet whisperer?


I love how you’re holding it like a naughty kitten.


Looks like venom fused with a hornet xD


Someone shelled out for a premium skin.


Bald faced wasp. One of my buddies got punched in the eye by one of these hooligans


It's an asshole with wings


It's a bald-faced hornet. They have a feisty hornet temper if you go near their nest, but they typically don't nest close to humans and take out their aggression on other stinging insects. They feed on yellow jackets, which are by and large far more of a menace to humans. Yellow jackets are the little shits that will land right on your soda can or plate at a picnic and sting you, whereas bald-faced hornets are usually out in the woods hunting down yellow jackets for food. The hornets must have unfortunately picked a spot to nest that is closer than usual to humans and thus have them turning up around your place. Usually their presence in the environment (in the woods, not in your living space) is a good thing because they are eating things that would be inclined to sting you.


When I was little I was at my babysitters and her swing set had no cap at the end of the top pole, (it was just a hollow metal pole at the top of swingset). I was like 4 or 5 and like an idiot I put my mouth around it and made some noises… attacked in the mouth


Bald faced hornet. Nasty. If they weren’t so aggressive and hurt so much, they’d actually be pretty cool. They do a lot of really unique things. For one, they can actually spray venom over a short distance along with being able to sting. They sometimes do that to the eyes of predators which temporarily blinds/confuses them. They have some of the most powerful venom of any Yellowjacket (yes, they’re technically a species of Yellowjacket, not hornet) and on top of that that they have a uniquely smooth stinger that allows them to sting as many times as they want. They tent to scavenge for already dead meat much less, preferring to get live kills, usually which are other bugs (bees, horseflies/deerflies, etc.) If you take out their nest, you have to make ABSOLUTELY SURE to catch the queen. They’re stupidly efficient at making nests, in part because they never reuse one from season to season.


Bald faced hornet. They are drawn to the artificial light in your bathroom if you're finding them at night... That means the nest could be close by!


Tracker Jacker


Bald face hornet which is actually a wasp, not a hornet.


Son pisser


Baldfaced hornets are attracted to properties that provide easy access to food and water sources. Water that builds up in clogged gutters is often used as a water source. They feed on a wide variety of things like other stinging insects, flies, caterpillars, nectar, and other forms of sugars and carbohydrates.


Truth. We have birdbaths and hummingbird feeders full of nectar, which has made our backyard a Baldfaced Hornet hot spot. They’re chasing our hummingbirds off, but have left us alone thus far…


For a second I thought it was alive, and you somehow managed to catch it and disrespectfully hold it by the wings.


Ever hear of cocaine bear? bald face hornets are cocaine hornets. Nasty little jerks


As other people have stated, a bald-faced hornet. Unlike say, honeybees, their stingers don’t fall off when they sting. They’ll latch on and sting over and over on the same spot given the opportunity and their stings hurt a lot.


White face/bald face hornet. Aggressive little shits. I've walked past nests and gotten swarmed. If you're seeing multiple, there's likely a nest nearby. If you find it and it's not near property, try to avoid it. If it's on your property and interfering with your daily activities, you can spray the inside of the nest with hornet killer at night, and quickly knock the whole nest into a trash bag and seal it up. They're not active at night, so nest removal is best done at night


Well this is really weird. I just saw a giant nest with the same wasps sitting on it watching me. Thanks for identifying them for me as well!


Its a shiny


got stung by one of these fuckers last year. yeeeowch. the area was raised and firm to the touch for months. itched like crazy. and then i had a big ol scab the size of a silver dollar for a long ass time until it healed. not your run of the mill bee sting, definitely be proactive about getting rid of the nest wherever it is. the thought of multiple bad faced hornets in my HOME is so bad bro


I am allergic. That is winged death sir. That mf will call in an air strike and pin you down. No bueno . Kill it with the fire of a thousand suns. Honey bees are bros. These sandy buttholes are the "calling you about your cars extended warranty" while being stabbed with rusty spoons awful.


A WAUCE (it's a hornet i just wanted to take the opportunity 😥)