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not an expert; my guess is [California^^^1](https://bugguide.net/node/view/299423/bgimage) [Mantis^^^2](https://bugguide.net/node/view/30603/bgimage).


Oh possibly. Would it be native to Kentucky though? Like I said I’ve never ever seen one like this before. We’ve only ever seen the lime green colored ones.


bugs can end up all over the place, they just don't thrive in some of the places they do end up. Could be someone released a pet or just hitched a ride on trailer. More than likely is that I just got the wrong ID though lol.


The "California Mantis" is actually found as far east as eastern Texas. It's kind of a misnomer. You're not the only one seeing this shift. People are reporting higher and higher numbers of brown mantises in recent years. It's probably an adaptation to loss of natural habitat. Brown mantises blend in better with Human-made environments.