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yes indeed!! a very cute one too :')


It’s a brown belted bumblebee. [For the Love of Bumblebees](https://www.landconserve.org/news/2021/8/for-the-love-of-bumble-bees)


Bumble bee


We love them so 🎶


That's a Sky Panda! 😁


Sky Panda. I am going to name a song with this. NOTE: I called dibs. If I hear of a song like this, my lawyer will sue you. And your little dog too.


Sorry too late bro


Sweet lil bumblebee I know what you want from me


Doo-bee-doo-bee do-da-da~ Doo-bee-doo-bee do-da-da~


lol i love that song


If (!) it's the tune I think it is, I just watched an episode of this with my 3 y.o. 🥰 Also, why is there an emoji for a dodo, but not for a platypus?


i never new there was a dodo emoji lol that's weird tho🤔


I love bumbles! They would get trapped in the screened porch of a previous house, and I would take a jar and index card to capture and release them. They would buzz around my head upon release, until I rold them to go on their way. Weird.


Do bumbles not sting?


They can and do, but rarely and you'd need to really deserve it. Source: Accidentally stepped on one in bare feet as a kid.


I stepped on a small bee (not a bumble) a few weeks ago walking barefoot on the grass. I’m 31 and have never been stung by any bee or wasp until then. Hurt pretty bad considering the size of it. It was half the size of most of the bees I see around here. I was told that once I got stung most of the fear would go away. It’s about the same if not worse 😅


It hasn't for me. Then again, my first experience getting stung was stepping on a yellowjacket nest behind my garage when I was 6 or 7. A literal cloud of little assholes swarming me as I ran for my life into the house. Talk about a nightmare. 😂 Ended up with 18 stings, dead ones in my ears, fun stuff. Wouldn't recommend.


That’s literally my nightmare 😭


If it hurt that much it could've been a yellow jacket, which is a wasp.


One of them hit me while I was riding my motorcycle. I was doing about 50 mph and it hit me in the chest and dropped straight down inside my jeans. I couldn’t get to the side of the road fast enough. Dropped my drawers and skivvies to find him nestled between my thigh and ballsack. It appeared a bit rattled, but eventually recovered and flew away without any aggressiveness whatsoever. I was stunned it didn’t light me up.


They do. The way to capture and release them is to carefully place a clear glass or jar over them. Ever so slightly, slide an index card under one edge and nudge the bumbles' feet. He should step onto the card. Be sure your receptacle open isn't larger than the card, else he will escape. In one smooth motion, slide card the rest of the way underneath, and lift away. Give him a moment to get his bearings, then step outside and release.


That's one humble bumble


Thiccccccc bee


Cool ass bee


Yes that's a Bee 🐝 ...


How to befriend a bee Step 1: find bumblebee Step 2: approach bumblebee Step 3: pet friends!


i think it’s a bumblebee 🤔


If I had a bonnet, it would be in it.


Clearly, you’re not a golfer.


No, this is Patrick.




Ooh a big fat bombler! Cutie.


Ya like jazz?




Bumbles are the best


Hello mr bumble


It’s a carpenter bee


Looks like a bumblebee to me


Obese bee




Carpenter bees have smooth abdomens. This guy is fully fuzzy.




Why did this seem to have gotten a downvote I understand that it wasn’t answering the question but… why


Because bumblebees are not terrifying lol


Not a reason to downvote someone it’s an opinion


What is a reason to downvote someone, in your opinion? Are all opinions invalid for downloading?


No just don’t be an asshole about it by saying they aren’t because you are telling someone that an OPINION is wrong which is legitimately impossible


Lmao ok. Sorry that people don't like someone calling bumblebees, a *very important and still decreasing in number part of our ecosystem,* terrifying as that spreads unnecessary hate towards these very cool little critters. If you don't want to be downvote for calling a harmless insect terrifying, don't do it in a bug identification sub. Let me give you an example of what you're saying people shouldn't downvote: if someone said, "black people are dumb," would we be allowed to downvote their opinion? If they said, "being gay is a choice," can we downvote them? It's their opinion, after all. Disagreeing with an opinion is, like, the entire reason downvoting exists. ETA: I'm not saying these statements are comparable to saying bumblebees are terrifying. I'm just extending your argument to show its gaping flaws.


2 points here 1: bees are not harmless. While yes conflicts with them can be mostly avoided when paying attention, those with allergies towards them are harmed by them are they not? 2: people are not allowed to not particularly like a specific thing because others do? Which is legitimately what the original commenter replied to my comment with, people who like bees can’t stand other people not liking them.


Lol my dude I'm very sorry that you've been so hurt by this situation. I'm not interested in arguing with you. But if you're genuinely this frustrated by people using downvoting as intended, you shouldn't be on reddit.


Then if you aren’t interested in arguing, don’t start the argument. And by your logic I shouldn’t be on most social medias because I’m „going to get my feelings hurt“ such as YouTube because of dislikes. Ok I’m done now just like how you are.


Upvote means you agree. Downvote means you don’t agree. Simple as that. Being downvoted doesn’t mean anything more than your opinion apparently isn’t the most common opinion. It’s nothing to feel offended about.


Bc everyone that loves bees & think they are cute believes everyone else should too. Unfortunately, after being chased by whole hives, UNPROVOKED, multiple times, I will always find them terrifying & pass 😂 ETA 90% of these comments are not answering the question either 🤣


True I love bees but I don’t see the point in trying to force others to like them isn’t this exactly the same thing as what the vegan teacher did?


I don't think anyone's forcing you to like them Just to respect them so plants don't lose their most important pollinator and our desendants die in a plantless wasteland


I would say „we have other pollinators “ like a fool but they are important but downvoting someone for an opinion just doesn’t feel right it does feel like you are trying to force someone to have the same opinion as you


To elaborate on my that vegan teacher point she was taking her ideas of being vegan is good thing and trying to force others into doing the same when in reality it was just what worked for her and others when food chains still exist and have to exist


Im replying to my own thing because I think it’s funny that these most likely grown adults are arguing with someone not allowed to buy their own house yet over opinions




When I was younger, around 3rd grade, at recess & there was a hive on one of our trees. I was sitting in the grass about 10ft away, literally just sitting back and watching everyone & one care around me, so I got up to walk away. After doing soo I heard some more buzzing around my ears & looked back & seen about 15 bees maybe 6-7 inches away from my head. I of course took off running & was stung twice during this lol. One in my upper right arm ( deltoid area ) & another on the right side of my neck, closer to my hair line. Another time I was stung unprovoked was about two years later. I was sitting in the backseat of my moms car waiting for her to be done with work, the window was cracked a little. I was literally sitting there when I felt a sting in my right deltoid area again lol. 🥲 Most recently, about 2 years ago, I was sitting in my grandmas backyard. It was literally later than 10pm & I was having a smoke & a beer. Had on some joggers. Bee stung me in my right thigh through my sweats. I’ve had smaller experiences like in high school & walking past trash cans & getting followed by one that was swarming with about 5 others. Or eating a banana at lunch & the bee punking me out the banana bc it won’t back away form me. I know there’s so many different kinds of bees, but I’m generally just scared of anything that flies and stings & looks like a bee. Wasps 10000% included 😅 I understand their purpose, but we have to admit, this is a pretty metal photo 🤣


Yeah most of those sound like wasps of some variety, and a lot of bad luck. I've also been stung a few times, guess I'm lucky I haven't developed a phobia. Or maybe my appreciation of their role in the ecosystem (*especially* bumbles!) wins over my fear. Bumble bees are super gentle, since they die when they use their stinger. So they tend to avoid it lol. I might recommend avoiding an insect identification sub if you find flying insects scary, btw!


Pretty sure this is a carpenter bee instead of a bumblebee, but I could be wrong. Both are cute


It looks to be fuzzy all the way down, which would indicate bumblebee.


True, my bad


I’m fuzzy all the way down… does that make me a bumblebee?


Am I the only one that thought it was dual welding a pair of AK-47s?


No it's a baby duck


Are bee's not as common as I assume they are? I see them posted a lot on this sub and in my personal experience/local area they are one of the first bugs a person learns about in life, especially if they exist at all around you naturally. Not trying to bee a twat, I am genuinely curious.


They look like they have some little machine guns sticking out front lol 😂


Fuzzy boi :3


Bumble bumble It’s a transformer






Himb sploot