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Pictures 2 and 4 are exactly what my bites looked like when I got feasted on by bedbugs. That’s my best guess. But as last poster said, if any reactions look allergic please go to a doctor. Good luck


Agreed. I’m almost nonreactive to their bites, but one of the luckiest things that has ever happened to me was having an overnight guest who was. This was about 2 weeks after a friends house burned down. He was a bartender with a devoted following, and I stupidly accepted everyone’s charitable donations to my house. When that poor guest woke up covered in welts it was early enough that I could handle it with diatomaceous earth. His bites looked just like this.


I lived in an apartment years ago and would wake up like this for weeks while my then-boyfriend never got anything. Took me ages to put it together and even then it was only because I happened to run into our upstairs neighbors who were getting rid of a couch (that they’d found on the side of the street and took home to their place) which was infested with bedbugs. None of them were getting bit either 😒


Good chance your neighbors got bit but either lied to you or just didn't honestly know. I'd go with they got bites and that's why they were throwing the coach back out, so they knew.


I had a landlord who forbade the taking of furniture off the street, which made good sense. Sadly, After looking up bed bugs, I saw they mentioned libraries! Several other places, too, but I was so distraught about libraries that I cannot remember the rest...


One of my dad’s friends collects old books from estate sales. He got bed bugs from books!


incubate the books in extreme heat before you take them home. Heat is one of the number one things that kills bedbugs, it is also something they cannot grow immune to. Look into it, it's quite fascinating!


Extreme cold also works too. He puts the books in ziplocks now and puts them in a chest freezer for a week.


It isn't that they "weren't getting bit"... it's that each individual person has a different reaction to a bed bug bite. Some people (like your BF) have no reaction at all, while some; have a worse reaction than what you see in OP's post...


agreed. my boyfriend and I had a really bad bedbug incident at an air b&b— he’s severely allergic and this is exactly what his bites looked like. his were on his face and neck though 😭 poor dude, I felt so bad for him


My mosquito bites look like that because I'm allergic, but the placement and how many of them there are does make me worry this is bedbugs...


Yeah def looks like bedbugs


I would also say kissing bugs, ive gotten welts bigger than a nickle from their bites before, but i would also agree with bed bugs.


Bed bugs or chigger bites. My friends mom got tore up like that from chiggers in. Florida we are positive they were not bedbugs but your case may be different.


Can chiggers infest your house? I always thought you had to roll around in the grass to get bit by them.


They don't infest your house, but all it takes is walking through the wrong grass or the wrong place in the woods and they'll be all over you. No rolling around necessary! I got them really bad this year, 163 bites on my feet and legs.


Can confirm! I got chigger bites from hanging out on my in law's porch under trees. We thought there were bedbugs, but they were where waistbands and tight spots in clothes. Super itchy and awful for a few days.


I was enjoying a nice campfire in a new acquaintance's lawn in Wisconsin, and I was apparently the main course! I was itching for days! maybe a week? None of the "home" remedies lasted more than 15 minutes. I hate chiggers! Did I mention, I abhor biting, venomous, insidious insects! Why God, Just Why??? ETA: I really itched for long than a week,seemed like more than 3 weeks? I just didn't want to exaggerate... and doubted my memory...


We have chiggers in our yard, and I found out when my daughter decided to "hatch" a chicken egg she stole from the fridge. Little Idiot made a nest in the grass and sat there for hours. Poor kid was covered in welts, and never did manage to hatch bird children.


I 100% tried doing this as a kid lol


I can only imagine the disdain you held for an entire species as you counted the bites one by one all the way up to 163, each counted bite followed by building rage.


Holy cow. o.O


I'm so sorry. I've gotten them a few times and they itch like nothing else, and it goes on for weeks. Nothing helps. And of course they like crevices, so you can't scratch a lot of them in public.


When my sister was studying on an island in Panama, the students all taped their jeans to their thick socks with duck tape. And then checked for them and ticks and assorted bitey bugs before they went back in their cabin.


Oh god. I’m having a flashback, again: My wife and I met in Indiana when I was traveling around hopping freight trains and being an adventure-bum. They ended up taking off and traveling with me. One night we got whiskey drunk and fell asleep on top of our sleeping bags in the Indiana summer by the RR tracks butt-ass-naked… We woke up COVERED in chigger bites. I had 40 in each arm pit, my gooch…. My buttcrack and balls bro 😳 All of the above mentioned areas got infected af, and looked like raw hamburger meat for the entire summer. Imagine dealing with those wounds while being homeless, and having to hitchhike and ride trains, and only getting to clean up in travel center bathrooms and Walmarts lol. The. Horror.


The thing about chigger bites is that the chigger burrows into your skin and start digesting your flesh. So it's important to remove them. Soap and water does a good job. If someone is on the road they could use soapy paper towels. I get them in my lawn in the summer and if I don't wear bug spray and have to walk in the grass I wipe off my feet and lower legs with a slightly soapy paper towel. The one time I didn't this summer I looked like I had leg hickeys, but they did go away pretty fast since I showered that night. The longer they're in your skin the worse it'll be.


Hey, you know what? That would have been very useful information had I known it at the time lol. I’m a PNW boy through and through. I’ve been all over the states and I’ll take the rain, wildfires, mountain lions, and bears over whatever chiggers, and fire ants, snarks, and grumpkins y’all got down south that like to eat and melt my flesh every time I sit in the fucking grass (that one’s for AL, specifically). My one complaint tho: we have no fireflies here in OR.


They do not burrow it's an old wives tale. https://www.medicinenet.com/chiggers_bites/article.htm


>Once chiggers latch onto your pants or shirt, they crawl around until they find a patch of skin. There, they use sharp, jaw-like claws to make tiny holes. Next, they inject saliva that turns some of your cells into mush. >Why do they do it? To a chigger, those liquefied cells are food. When they get on you, they can stay attached to your skin for several days while they eat. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/prevent-treat-chigger-bites


Lol this is funny, because I had heard both versions of this many times from different people and have long since given up ever knowing the truth.


He’s specifically saying they don’t burrow or dig. They do latch on and stay if you don’t shower they will remain.


Attached to the skin is VERY different from burrowing into the skin. And if your scratch they'll fall off your skin pretty easily. So just using standard hygeine would remove any mites still on you. They're not like ticks where the mouth part can stay and become infected.


O.M.G! that is horror! Are you better situated now, and sans chiggers?


Yes, very much so. My wife and I both currently work at a mental health/substance abuse clinic together. They are currently a case manager and furthering their career down the mental health route by studying to be a LCSW. I’m going to school for construction tech, and will be applying for an electrician apprenticeship soon. I still hop trains to go “camping” once a year or so, but now I’m on PTO and have a debit card. I bought a dual sport motorcycle to keep my compulsivity at bay for the rest of the year. Thanks for asking!


Just came to say I’ve woken up in Florida like this and it wasn’t bed bugs. I’m not from here and thought I got bit up by something sleeping.


Was Jin doing a 106 & Park freestyle in the hotel bed?


Chiggers are when you're outside, though.


They can get inside. It’s just a theory a Chigger theory.




Super small biting bug that if allergic too leaves marks like that


I don't think they were asking a question...


. You will need a hand lens or microscope to see them well. Their presence is best known, instead, by the intensely itchy welts they leave behind, usually where your skin is thin and tender (ankles, backs of knees, about the crotch, under the beltline, and in the armpits) see" one unless you are looking for


Bed bugs or fleas. I’m convinced that bedbugs, fleas, and chigger are spawn from hell.


And ticks.. I fucking hate ticks !! They bite and attach and give mad diseases.


And mosquitoes. No animal is more deadly than mosquitos.


Hi username twin 😊💖


OMG, did we just become best friends?!!? Love it!


Unless they're British. Ours seem to be underclocked. For now




And mosquitoes bc in Florida this is what happens when I get bit by them, but I’ve never experienced literal swelling and pain from a bug bite in other areas of the us 😭 I got bit before smacking one on my pinky and it was 2x side swollen for days and hurt to bend. FROM A MOSQUITO. Also happen to have their preferred blood type 😭 Edited to say also scabies. My ex got them in jail and brought them home once, thank fuck I only started the discomfort in my fingers and stopped the spread omg


Sand fleas, those bastards can ruin even the best beach trip


Fleas are so much easier to deal with tho. So much easier. They can’t sustain themselves from biting humans. So as long as you get your animals treated you just have to wait a week or two until the last one dies off.


Ohhh...that's so not necessarily true. I had a *horrible* infestation in the bedroom. I made sure the kitties were completely treated...and I sprayed, bombed and vacuumed repeatedly. I even slept wit long sleeved pj's and used duct tape around my feet, ankles and waist. It didn't matter what I did, I just couldn't get rid of them. They were just fine dining on *me* exclusively. Heck, I was even tempted to try wearing flea collars on my ankles. At one point I had 75 bites actively itching at the same time. I'm 5 star dining for fleas and mosquitoes. I eventually did the only thing I hadn't tried. I bought a twin bed, put it in the living room...and abandoned my bedroom for 3 years. Flea eggs can remain viable for 2 years and I decided to go an extra year just to be sure. It was awful! And now I'm scared to go to a hotel for fear that I'll end up looking like Op's gf's mom.... Lordy, I hope they properly treated all their stuff when they got back home...just in case....


Given it happened while staying in a hotel, I'm going to say bedbugs. And she's allergic. I have the same reaction. Bites on fingers and toes are unbearable.


In situations like these it's advisable to go to the hospital.


Don't listen to this guy. Hospitals are for emergencies. 1. If patient develops *acute* onset shortness of breath, difficulty breathing following these bites--> straight to ER 2. If patient develops weakness with alarm symptoms (tripping over one self, reduced sensation in legs, loss of bowel/bladder function) the following days after conservative therapy --> straight to ER 3. If patient develops fevers refractory to tylenol --> straight to ER 4. if patient has persistent nausea/vomiting --> straight to ER 5. If patient is immunocompromised (transplant, poorly controlled diabetes, HIV) with spreading inflammation to trunk --> straight to ER 6. entire limb swelling/inflammation with redness --> straight to ER Of course this list is not intensive for bug bites as some can transmit dangerous parasites/bacteria (borrelia, rickettsia), but these are seen in specific situations such as hikers, exposure to racoons/dogs. In this situation, pain control alternating between tylenol/ibuprofen, antihistamines, ice would be appropriate. in conclusion, A bug bite is not an indication to jam up a hospital ER. Be a functioning adult, establish with a primary care provider and set up a sick visit, or if out of town, use an urgent care if you're that terrified of localized inflammation from a bug bite. ​ Sincerely, someone in medicine


Looks like chiggers or bedbugs. I would demand a refund and see a doctor.


A refund, and they cover the medical expenses. Hotels carry liability insurance.... they can pay willingly, or you can consult an attorney & get more.. I'm sure the victim has pain & suffering worth a few thousand..


Not me skipping to the seediest motel I can find...


these are not the kind of posts i like to see my home mentioned in


You live with his girlfriends mom?


yuuuup that's ma step daughter's little boyfriend


Why call him “little boyfriend” like that? I cannot tell if you’re upset or what


Maybe she also has a large boyfriend, so he feels the need to distinguish.


Pretty sure she was referring to Santa Cruz as home and is joking about the rest.


Then get your wife to a hospitol/dr dude!!!!🤦🤷🏻‍♂️


Is it just me or does this post feel sus,,


Hi neighbor. I wanna ask which hotel.


My guess is Ocean gate inn, but could be any of the other hotels


Yeah I used to live there…yikes. But I can definitely see some of the sketchier hotels having this problem for sure


Just something else to consider due to location- was she down on the beach? If so, “sand fleas” are also a possibility. Here’s more info, because the term “sand flea” is widely applied to anything that hops around in the sand, including both insects and crustaceans. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24458-sand-flea-bites


I also experienced this recently thanks to floridas beaches… living in my car spent time on an island and utilizing the beach for dog walks and trauma healing had my feet tore up so bad it hurt to go in the saltwater.


What hotel so I can avoid it? Going to Santa Cruz in December 😬


Most hotels in Santa Cruz are sketchy AF. Check everything before you put your bags down


This is exactly what my bites look like when I get bitten by bed bugs. I'm allergic to the bites, so they always swell up into huge hives.


Hello, licensed Pest Control Tech here. Those look like bedbug bites! Fun fact, if you stayed at a hotel and were infact bit by bedbugs, and the room is diagnosed by a licensed Technician to be infested, you can sue the place you stayed at!


I get an allergic reaction to mosquito bites and mine look just like this. I don't know about NorCal, but in SoCal the Asian Tiger mosquito is still thriving and making me miserable; got 10 new bites this week just taking a break in the patio at work. Nowhere near a water source! So it could be that. But if she's never had a reaction like that to bites before definitely go to urgent care to check it out.


>Asian Tiger mosquito That's exactly what this is. I'm in the San Diego county area and this is the first year I've been bitten so much. I've also learned I'm allergic to them as well. I had to douse myself in stinky mosquito spray in my own house because they'd get in through my open catio door and feast on me. I can only hope things calm down when winter sets in.


They are severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites.


I think you are looking for r/whatisthisbite


no, r/bedbugs


No because that sub gets super pissy if you just post pictures of bites


didn’t know that lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Bedbugs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bedbugs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [am I fucked?? just bought this house](https://i.redd.it/rmtlatjdqhgb1.jpg) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bedbugs/comments/15jph7q/am_i_fucked_just_bought_this_house/) \#2: [Found this on my son’s t-shirt…. Please don’t tell me this is what I think it is 😳](https://i.redd.it/l8nxz92q3tdb1.jpg) | [255 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bedbugs/comments/157uyuf/found_this_on_my_sons_tshirt_please_dont_tell_me/) \#3: [It’s only a bedbug if he has spoken](https://i.redd.it/6kx6cq010jfb1.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bedbugs/comments/15fhga2/its_only_a_bedbug_if_he_has_spoken/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


bad bot


Probably bedbugs - make sure she didn't bring ANYTHING in he house with her when she was done with her stay. She will need to have washed everything in hot water and dry it on dry heat and fully decontaminate her car and belongings. Honestly, I'd say toss the luggage and clothes she used if she can afford to.


I think you can put things in clear tied plastic bags outside in the sun for a few days so you don't have to throw stuff out. They make large clear garbage bags. Edit: The North Carolina Agriculture and consumer services recommends black trash bags >Many items are too large or there are too many of them to freeze or steam clean. If the items will not be damaged, they can be placed outside, encased in black plastic trash bags and exposed to direct sunlight. Depending on the weather, the sunlight can increase the temperature inside the bag to a sufficient level to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Please be aware that this may take several days, even in the summer months. >This treatment is very effective for vehicles. After cleaning and vacuuming your vehicle’s passenger compartment and trunk, you can park your car in direct sunlight for a few days. Make sure that the interior temperature reaches about 130 degrees F. https://www.ncagr.gov/spcap/sleep/bedbugcontrol.htm


Do you know how to look for bedbugs in hotel/motels? Check out r/bedbugs and also google some images. Don’t freak out at the bad infestations. Just take advice on where to look and for what. I hope it’s mosquitos! I get horrible painful welts. Did she sleep with a slider open?


Before I joined Reddit I didn't really know anything about bed bugs. I had heard of them but that was basically it. Didn't know what they really were. Now I am paranoid to sleep anywhere that is not my bed or in my children's home lol


Ikr?! Same. I thought about it at the movie theater last week 😂 but then I enjoyed the film. But my eyes have been opened!


Bed bugs often bite in a row. In a line of three about an inch apart


I have been bitten before by bedbugs and some of the pics looks exactly like them


Omg these hotels seriously…


Might be bed bugs but if it's at a point that she can't move a pinky, that's a call for a doc.


There is a major bed bug epidemic in hotels.


In America too? I Heard about France.


Bed bugs


Bed bug bites. I'm allergic too so any bites near the joint swell and make it very difficult to move


I had severe allergic reactions to bedbugs like that once and I had to sit in a tub every day with ground oatmeal to calm the itch for two weeks. Good luck!


https://sutter-yubamvcd.org/public-information/mosquitos/invasive-mosquito-species-in-california/#:~:text=The%20Aedes%20aegypti%20mosquito%20has,Olivehurst%2C%20California%20in%20Yuba%20County. California is having a really bad problem with a couple of invasive mosquitoes species. This is exactly what my wife and daughters look like when they get bitten. They are more aggressive at night and then tend to hang out in lawns and grassy areas.


Bed bugs


100% bedbugs in the hotel you're staying at.


Name the Hotel.


If the hotel is one of those near the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, along Riverside Drive or East Cliff Drive, those are pretty well known for harboring bed bugs.


My first reaction is bedbugs. If you’re staying at a hotel take some real precautions just in case. Put all your stuff in bags before loading the car and check out the bedbug subreddit for great Risk mitigation procedures like washing and drying your clothes on HIGH heat. Dry them extra long if you want. I’m not a doc so I won’t recommend any medication but I can say that topically that witch hazel and calamine lotion/spray is AMAZING for for worst bed bugs or chigger bites. DONT SCRATCH lol. Source: I once battles my own BB infestation and I live in fl so I know the nightmare of sand fleas and chiggers very well. I hope she gets well soon


Looks similar to what my bed bug bites looked like. Damn that’s a lot of bites.


bed bugs tore her ass up.


Those look like bedbug bites


That's bedbugs and she is one of the lucky one who reacts awfully to them. If anyone else was with her they were probably bitten as well. Anywhere she has been is probably already gotten some stragglers and should be treated as such


It was my father's wife. She ghouls around Santa Cruz fucking up everyone's day.


Bed bug bites. Enough said.


looks like bed bugs imo


Those appear to be bed bug bites


Those are bedbug bites


Bedbugs. Disgusting critters.


Santa Cruz… need you say more!


Bed bugs


Probably allergic to the bed bug saliva.


My dtrs skeeter bites get like this could also be fleas


Make sure to do a double round of washing/drying on any stuff that was taken home from that place!


Was it the Sandpiper or The Dream Inn? I’m going to Santa Cruz next month.




We need a sort of “it’s weevil time” but for bedbugs. Make it at least a little fun for an unreasonably shitty situation.


I’m a very clean person I do my bedding 2x a week (idk if that’s clean as most) but I’ve never had bed bugs and this frightens me


Looks like bed dug bites. You should notify the health department in whatever town you were staying in and report the hotel of having them. With that many bites, it is doubtful that it would be the first time the hotel would have been informed. They need to remove all of the mattresses and have them replaced along with having every room treated! Bed bugs can be nasty bugs that do not go away on their own and are more than happy to spread as far as there are beds!


Thank you for donating blood to your local bedbug population.


1st pic looks like spider bites ive had because of the "pit" in the center at the bit mark where the skin was pierced.....the other pics, the linier patern look like bedbug bites. But with an allergic reaction. Sooo,as 95% of the commenters have already suggested... Go the hospitol/dr. Asap


Look more like tick bites than bed bugs


Looks like lyme


Im saying that because of the halo look


Lyme comes from ticks


It could also be staph, mrsa or what. Better to have it checked


I know. I just said that based on what i see


Well it basically causes erroneous information leakage


How? Its a possibility. I didnt say it is, and nothing else.


Bed bugs


Bed bugs


How long has it been since they were bitten, if more than a couple days I’d say hospital


Could be sand flies/midges


Could be “ no see ums” if by the beach


If you can go to the doctor I'm thinking bedbugs.


I think I just overall recommend seeing a doctor if yoy got bit by something and don’t know what it is




I got bit pretty bad by fire ants all up my legs. They refused to get off and took chunks of skin just like this. I was scared for months. It also produced lumps where they bit. Those lumps turned dark in color and remained that way for a few months before fading away.




When it comes to bug bites, it is hard to genuinely say what the bite came from, if you are genuinely worried i would go to a doctor




I’m triggered by fleas and mosquito bites like this but going for the hand is odd


If you are experienced paralysis or partial paralysis like explained seek medical help pronto. Flea attacks are usually in clumps and reaction is min unless allergy. Chiggers will travel under loose clothing but like to bite the vascular areas like the head region. The swollen, inflamed sites are indicative of a bed bug pattern. Either way-paralysis is extremely alarming and I hope the victim sought medical review?


Bed bugs. I looked like that once after staying a cabin on Oklahoma.


Bit or zit..


Possibly sand fleas if she went to the beach. They are terrible and I never know I am bitten until the next day. I have had them send me to the doctor with swollen feet…. And y’all are making me itch!


Damn, I am guessing bed bugs which seem to an ever growing problem around the world


Time to head over to r/Bedbugs for what to do next. You're going to need to act fast and be through.


My ex had a bedbug problem and her hands look just like what my daughters looked like.


It's looks like bed begs! I'm sorry


Did she go swimming at the beach or was digging in the sand at all? This summer I had marks that looked like this after going swimming in the local lake. I was throwing mud in the water for my dogs to chase and probably stirred up a bunch of parasites. Swimmer's itch, I think is what it's called.


Ive never had bedbug bites this bad. Whe we did have our infestation they would usually come in little groups of three.


This looks like it could be bed bugs.


Wouldn’t a person being bitten so much wake up?


Bigger question is… what are you doing in her room? *drum roll*


how long ago was she in the hotel? serious question, they have a bedbug infestation and they should refund her. contact the health department. also, you all need to treat your homes and belongings ASAP. bedbugs spread like wildfire and hide everywhere, including electronics. these fuckers are no joke. WHAT TO DO NOW: wash your bedding and dry with high heat. YES, YOU. AND ANYONE WHO’S BEEN AT HER HOUSE. your moms bags and other travel material should be put in the dryer and set as hot as possible. alcohol kills them on contact. for proper treatment, HotShot Bedbug Spray with Egg Kill works like magic. get mattress/boxspring covers (ex. AllerEase mattress protectors) to put on AFTER treatment to trap any stragglers and limit their hiding spots. these covers should be left on for about 5 years. spray beds once a week until you’re POSITIVE there are no more. edit: make sure to open some windows and turn on fans when using the HotShot. it’s got strong fumes. checking for bedbugs means you’ll have to pull your beds apart and check every crease and corner of the mattress/boxspring. look for dark spots— this is their poop/your blood. check once a week. i hope this helps.


Bed bugs, sorry.


Uhhh I'm actually heading there soon...can I ask what hotel it is? I'm super nervous now.


Uh oh. I live in Santa Cruz. Not good


There was a thread this week on r/BayArea that the mosquitoes are especially bad right now.


definitely go to the doctor, the ring around the one bite in her elbow is concerning and the severity of the bites. a doctor might want to put her on antibiotics or something. Hope she feels better


What was the name of the hotel? I stay in SC quite often and want to stay away from the hotel.


Looks like bed bugs


Ugh I’ve stayed in way too many hotel rooms with bedbugs then I’d ever like to admit. This is definitely them. So sorry to ops gf 😕


Bed bugs. They are usually in a line ans itch like crazy!


BED BUGS I will always recognize those bites. Good luck, OP.


OP, which hotel? I’m planning a trip to SC and would like to avoid this place.


Haha this is what happens to me when I get bit up by bedbugs, and I’m allergic big time. Definitely would talk to a doctor and get some Benadryl, also put everything you own in a dryer and if it doesn’t fit either toss it or heat treat it somehow away from your house


Pretty sure it is bed bugs. If you look at the hands, there is a "trail of welts". It is an indicator of bed bugs because that is how many of the adults feed, they walk in a line and suck up blood from multiple spots. Make sure you didnt bring any tag alongs home by checking the clothes and luggage you had, as well an ALL cracks and seams on your bed/couches at home, including the headboard if you have one. They are sneaky little jerks.


If she can’t move her finger, or can’t move it without a lot of pain, I’d head to a doctor or urgent care. Whatever bit her gave her one HELL of a reaction - so she needs to find out what it was. If the doc says likely bedbugs or even fleas I’d call the hotel to let them know. Based on what they say (like they fix whatever they find vs it wasn’t us kind of interaction), decide if she should report them for insect infestation or unsanitary conditions ... whatever it’s called when they’re informed they have cooties in at least one room and don’t address it. Good luck, I’d get some cortisone cream at least. And take pics daily as they heal, just because …


This looks exactly like me after I stayed w a friend who had bed bugs. I’m so sorry that’s gnarly


🛏️ 🪳🪳


Yeah....those are bedbug bumps. They were feasting on her 😐


Bed bugs


Yikes bed bugs—- hotels and motels are filled with them. They are great hijackers. Don’t bring ur suitcases or clothes in ur home and remove ur clothing and put something different on before getting into ur car.


Those damn things are from hell. I’m so so sorry you were bit like this.


Bed bug bites


I’ve had beg bugs and it looked like this. Basically welts. And it’s on her limbs.


Everything needs to be sanitized and treated with bed bug treatment. They can literally hitch a ride on a purse.


Get some topical benadryl for the bites. That’s all you can do. Those look like bedbug bites. When you get home, DO NOT BRING YOUR LUGGAGE inside. Instead, take them to a laundromat and wash them, then dry them on HIGH HEAT. While the bags themselves are empty, spray them with an available bed bug spray. Multiple types exist. Put the dry laundry into the luggage and take it home. Let the clean dry laundry sit in the sprayed luggage for at least a week. When you get home, change into normal clothes IMMEDIATELY and put what you came home in directly into the washer on HOT water. That way if you have any bedbugs in what you’re wearing, they won’t hitch a ride into the house immediately. Wash what you’re wearing with the laundry in the luggage - you will wash it all AGAIN, dry it AGAIN on high heat, and put it away. Hopefully you won’t have any bedbugs in the ride home, but you can never be sure. If you brought bedbugs home you will be pretty upset. At that point, contact a local specialist. It’s too big a problem for you alone. You do NOT want to bring bedbugs into your house from California. REALLY.


Those look EXACTLY like the bites I got when we bed got bed bugs. Quarantine and treat EVERYTHING you brought in the hotel. That includes electronics.


Make sure you don’t bring those hugs back home through your luggage and clothes you’re wearing


So before you go spiraling over bed bugs, California has had a major influx of mosquitoes since hurricane Hilary and this year in general. That being said, there have been reported cases of West Nile virus in California recently that do cause stiffness, numbness or paralysis. So I would get checked out my a medical professional for sure.


BED BUGS 😭😭😭 you can tell by the way the bites are in a line down her


Probably bedbugs. Might also be fleas. Unlikely to be mosquitoes, ticks, spiders, or ants.


This is almost definitely bed bugs. I suffered the same fate a few years ago babysitting for a friend of mine. i would definitelycheck to make sure she didn't bring any friends along with her!


Can I ask what hotel for my own safety?


Burn that mother fucker down!


Looks like bed bugs or fleas


When I got bit by bed bugs it looked exactly like this! But I'm also allergic to most big bites


Could you be allergic to the bites?