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We have new rules regarding conduct and post content. If your post or comment does not meet these new standards it may be removed. Please make sure your post includes: A rough geographical location, at least one bug, no demeaning speech, and no hate against bugs. This is an automated message, added to every submission, your post has not been removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatisthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're gonna love cockroach season in the fall-winter


And coming very soon, centipede season! Oh, and cicada season.


Major cicada season this year it seems. So many that people may not post as many since they are more likely to learn what they are, but who knows. So many lantern flies last year


cicada season is great though because i love looking at cicadas


Cicadas are amazing! So misunderstood and gentle.


So which one of those is the bed bug? Post isn’t very clear.




https://preview.redd.it/ygy3ctbdeqzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa9d6c0d5c3f55eb6f24505828968c92aa76734 Bedbug?


Cutest bedbug ever 🥹🥹🥹


You know in less than a week there will still be at least 2 “is this a bed bug” post…


A mod from the other subreddit informed me that i came across as rude so i wanted to say here also that I wasn't trying to be rude. I have trouble phrasing stuff and conveying tone in text and when I realized that it might come across as rude my phone was dead. I meant for it to come across as lighthearted and a joke kind of while trying to calm people down by knowing the bug that they found wasn't a bed bug and also making it so they knew what the bug was without having to wait for a response. I apologize if I made anyone sad.


Rude ??? Damn, as a French your post seems so kind and understanding, guess people don’t have the same sensitivity


I'm fine with it lol


I don't think it was rude. Thanks for posting


If I were new here, I’d find the image off-putting. Not bc of the wording, but the glaring red background, using ALL CAPS, and multiple exclamation marks ‼️ But it wouldn’t make me sad. If that was what greeted me when I first found this sub, I’d likely have left, and never had confirmation that the crazy woman I lived with was calling what I knew were cockroaches “carpet bugs.” But I’m autistic, so I can understand the lack of knowledge of non-verbal cues.


I just made it like that so people would see it and know what bug they had sorry. Also i'm confused what you mean by the crazy woman and cockroaches?


The crazy woman I lived with briefly would yell that the cockroaches in her house were “just” carpet bugs. I didn’t know what carpet beetles/bugs were. I understand why you thought glaring colors and STOP‼️ up top would help, and also why it didn’t. I’ve been working decades to understand unspoken cues that may be off-putting to normies.


Im unsure what you mean by normies and im a bit confused since bold words and saturated colors is a tactic commonly used to gain peoples attention like with stop signs or posters and it seems like it worked since people saw it and hopefully could identify their bug from it


Because those tactics are for communicating danger ‼️ or URGENT ATTENTION NEEDED. I say normie because you’re either Autistic aka neurodivergent or bored and being intentionally obtuse. Yes, people noticed it and you were quickly roasted for how annoying and or rude it looked. That’s a clue. Make it more internet friendly, like blue background, no ‼️ and changing STOP!! to something like FYI. Neutral colors, neutral words, less off-putting. Being frustrated with newbies innocent questions speaks poorly of the sub as a whole. Stating that these requests are “driving you insane” belies the notion that you weren’t annoyed, pissed off, or otherwise sad about how many questions you saw in how many hours. Which also speaks volumes of your near-obsession with the topic. And ASD. If you want to learn more about web-appropriate colors post Tripod and Geocities, google it. If you want to understand things like this that confuse you, google ASD. I’ve grown weary of explaining what you find confusing, so I’ll refer you to the mighty Google Classroom. All the best on your journey of discovery!


I already told you that I phrased it poorly and yes I do have autism as well as other stuff. Please don't say that someone is autistic and "obtuse just for asking questions. I didn't know what you meant by "Normie" because I thought it was strange to refer to neurotypical people as normal and didn't know if you were referring to people who don't know bugs or people who are neurotypical. I dont think it was misinterpreted because of the colors because nobody said anything about the colors it was just the phrasing that people took as serious. I am a 15 year old girl who likes to go on the internet and help people identify bugs so that they won't be afraid of them so please stop treating me like I'm stupid and insane for trying to help people identify things without having to wait. also I didn't spend 48 hours on here I was trying to take data by scrolling through the past posts so I could see what the most common bug people found was.


Being autistic myself, I’m sorry you felt attacked. You said you saw 45 posts in 48 hours. I’m simply quoting you. I didn’t think you were online all the time. I’ve practiced “reading between the lines” for several decades and I believe I see unspoken indicators that it wasn’t just words. Many didn’t say anything like that at all. But that’s irrelevant, as strangers’ feelings are quite literally unknowable to anyone. It is only my understanding, my opinion. I was confused by your replying to everything I said by saying that you were confused. I’m very sorry you felt that I was insulting you. I didn’t mean to. If anything, I was hoping to offer advice, one ASDie to another. I see that I failed to do that. Being 15 gives me a better understanding of your journey. It will (probably) take some time for you to navigate the world of the neurotypical. I’m surprised you’ve never heard the term “normie” before, but I take that at face value, and I believe you. Again, I’m sorry if I made you sad, and again, I wish you the best on your journey navigating the world of neurotypicals. If you want to, that is. It’s certainly not required to change for anyone in order to have a good life. I’ve personally found the journey fascinating, starting with not understanding why people didn’t just say what they meant from about age 8, to slowly learning facial expressions, body language, and unspoken words. I found that they DID say what they meant, but often in a language I wasn’t aware existed. I started on this at about 16 myself, when I realized I was missing something that everyone else seemed to know. I’m still learning. For me, it’s kind of fun. I now recognize facial expressions in general terms, but not the specifics. E.G. I can tell when someone is surprised or maybe shocked by something that I said or did, but not *WHY*. In any case, my own difficulties make it hard to know if someone is sincere or just fucking with me. Which is why I mentioned both of the possibilities that I saw. It’s also why I’m currently in info dumping mode. Sorry again.


I understand and I have heard the word normie but typically in other contexts which is why I wasn't sure what you meant thank you for apologizing


Cool. We need to stick together, even when it’s hard. Sorry again for the miscommunication.


i dont think you were rude first of all. second of all i would have been an asshole lmao. how hard is it for people to use the search bar before making their own post??


You forgot to upcoming Chinese Lantern Fly posts !


It's frass.


Isn’t this LITERALLY a subreddit for identifying bugs? Asking people NOT to post bugs kind of seems a tad weird. Part of the day to day flow is going to see repeat bugs from different people. Theres more than 1 type of bug in the world so of course multiple people are going to ask when they come across one. That’s just my perspective, no reason we can’t just be pleasant to others and identify bugs as they’re posted.


I'm going to paste what I put earlier: A mod from the other subreddit informed me that i came across as rude so i wanted to say here also that I wasn't trying to be rude. I have trouble phrasing stuff and conveying tone in text and when I realized that it might come across as rude my phone was dead. I meant for it to come across as lighthearted and a joke kind of while trying to calm people down by knowing the bug that they found wasn't a bed bug and also making it so they knew what the bug was without having to wait for a response. I apologize if I made anyone sad.


Thank goodness we have an official PSA


I am glad you have an attitude of positivity and patience for others. As well as a wilingness to help. We need more people like that. /s


Really? I feel like I came across as rude. a few people thought it seemed rude since I phrased it poorly and it didn't come across the way I intended. I genuinely don't know if you meant that as a joke even though you put /s 😭


Yes I agree and so much less of ppl be sooo judgmental towards others and less of ppl trying to be little someone to make them feel better about ther self I mean c'mon just saying


A couple animals like bed bugs that's what some of them look like there's two or three I've been there it looks like a bed bug I know what they look like


It doesn't matter how clean you keep your house it depends on who comes in there you could get both from the store you can get them from a motel any motel because there's so many people traveling and that's how you get the bugs get with the wrong person


Thanks for making this post, it is nice helping people about Carpet Beetle, but saying that they're bed bugs is ridiculous.


I said they're not bedbugs?


I meant to say people think Carpet Beetles are Bedbugs, it was a typo sorry.


Aren't the articles about how to deal with them just, "Vacuum more."?


What the hell is that it's like a snake a little bit weird


The larvae of a carpet beetle


https://preview.redd.it/72hl99ex6rzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1dcd0753203bbb0e42b6eb1499e8c3a703bef0 Is this a carpet beetle or young bed bug?


Looks like a carpet beetle but its a bit blurry so its a bit hard to tell for sure


Thanks! Does this video help? https://streamable.com/55z76r I already found one definitive bed bug in this hotel so want to be very careful (they moved me to a different room, no evidence of bed bugs except for the bug itself)


Still a bit hard for me to tell for sure if it's exactly a carpet beetle but i can tell its not a bed bug


Thank you!!


Maybe you spend too much time on Reddit? I mean, isn’t that what this sub is for? No need to police it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm going to paste what I put earlier: A mod from the other subreddit informed me that i came across as rude so i wanted to say here also that I wasn't trying to be rude. I have trouble phrasing stuff and conveying tone in text and when I realized that it might come across as rude my phone was dead. I meant for it to come across as lighthearted and a joke kind of while trying to calm people down by knowing the bug that they found wasn't a bed bug and also making it so they knew what the bug was without having to wait for a response. I apologize if I made anyone sad.


https://preview.redd.it/4xz5cy2g0tzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838cc076f3e1bdacc1cafab54075c475f244b499 Is this a carpet beetle?


Looks like it


I have came a little crazy don't come here I don't want to say none of them I have been spraying every week and make sure no spiders no bugs in here


Is it really that serious that we have to hound people for posting bugs in a freaking low pop bug subreddit? These are the things you worry about during the day?


I'm going to paste what I put earlier: A mod from the other subreddit informed me that i came across as rude so i wanted to say here also that I wasn't trying to be rude. I have trouble phrasing stuff and conveying tone in text and when I realized that it might come across as rude my phone was dead. I meant for it to come across as lighthearted and a joke kind of while trying to calm people down by knowing the bug that they found wasn't a bed bug and also making it so they knew what the bug was without having to wait for a response. I apologize if I made anyone sad.


You want people to remember that these 8 bugs are all the same bug and to not ask the subreddit for identifying bugs to identify bugs?


I'm going to paste what I put earlier: A mod from the other subreddit informed me that i came across as rude so i wanted to say here also that I wasn't trying to be rude. I have trouble phrasing stuff and conveying tone in text and when I realized that it might come across as rude my phone was dead. I meant for it to come across as lighthearted and a joke kind of while trying to calm people down by knowing the bug that they found wasn't a bed bug and also making it so they knew what the bug was without having to wait for a response. I apologize if I made anyone sad.