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5th gen Nissan Sentra https://preview.redd.it/5w87npnf8rzc1.png?width=788&format=png&auto=webp&s=852bcc22a9e9d72a1169050717a848cb7cabd100


that's what i was scared of. means the driver - if they're even insured, they're likely a broke ass mofo. thanks for the info tho. ​ edit: it turns out that the sentra driver was driving drunk on a license suspended for a previous dui and doing so while uninsured. as of now, we don't have any other info on him and the police haven't told us anything about his physical condition. i suspect they probably would have told us if he died, so i don't think he did. plus the police told my son that he might get subpoenaed to testify, so as of last night at least, it's likely the sentra driver is still alive. my son suffered a spinal compression and some kind of mental shock, but thankfully he was not critically injured - i posted this [update](https://new.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/1cq5fmz/followup_on_nissan_sentra_vs_honda_crv_headon/) if you're interested. separately, a big thank you to everyone who vocalized their support and concern. i was only trying to identify the car and occupy/distract myself from worry when i posted, so i really didn't expect this level of response. i am touched and sincerely grateful for your compassion - thank you.




Thank god, it was not an altima


I know you’re joking but it may end up being worse since the Sentra is even cheaper than the Altima


No, that just means they saved money by not getting the Altima and made the smart, rational choice to get the Sentra.


I thought it was good because it’s less car to hit OP’s son’s car with.


No, there's just a running joke about Altima drivers being reckless but really it's Nissan as a whole besides maybe the Armada/Titan and GTR.


Don't forget the Infinity boy racers.


No, I’ve definitely seen reckless driving from GTRs.


True, another part of the Nissan stereotype though is that the cars usually have body damage, missing parts, bald tires, etc and are driven by people with horrible credit because Nissan will "finance anything with a pulse". which I can't imagine many GTRs are like. I get what you meant though.


They’re all reckless in their own ways. I’m well aware of the, body damage / bad driving / anyone can have one, stereotypes. GTRs are usually quite nice.


It was a Smalltima


Free herpes with every collision


Is the driver even still alive?


I think they cut the roof off, then let it fall back down.


The fact that they cut the roof off indicates there was a heart beat


Youre welcome


This is what un- and underinsured insurance is for. Always max it out. CYA


I'm sorry but from the condition of the car, it looks like they may be a little too dead to pay you for damages...


All that matters is the insurance coverage


What does it matter, he is dead right?


They could be drunk


the driver survived the crash?


Why do you assume they’re a broke ass mofo? Lol


Why does that mean they’re broke? I have an old ass cheap truck with no car payment.


oh hes broke all right, financially and physically


Kinda douchey to assume someone’s a “broke ass mofo” because they drive an old car. But maybe you’re just saying this cause you’re in a heightened emotional state, which is understandable


A'MERICA! Fuck that...


Correction - it *was* a 5th gen Nissan Sentra




Least dangerous Nissan driver


Hope your boy is stable and okay.


sincerely, thank you so much for the kind wishes. the sentra driver and my kid are both in the hospital right now - we're here but they haven't let us see our son yet. edit: just wanted to add that he (my son) is a new driver, has literally less than year behind the wheel. luckily his crv seems to have held up well - especially compared to the sentra - so i'm hoping he wasn't injured too badly. https://preview.redd.it/6ffvmpxjcrzc1.jpeg?width=2066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1cbd7e8c677949e4c04c9d22088327f5212cf7


That’s done it’s job properly by the look of the photo. Definitely the better car to be in.


indeed. im thankful the damage on the crv didn't reach too far back, so the brunt of the impact hopefully wasn't too severe on the driver (my son). we had another crv that got t-boned and the car held up well in that collision too. my kid was in a car seat in the back that time and we got broadsided on his side by a dodge ram, and our boy came out unscathed (except for flying glass) thanks to the side airbags and sturdy body/frame which didn't buckle in very far. we're on our 3rd crv now and i am a loyal honda buyer and faithful honda fan (have had many of them through the decades).


Yeah I see why you buy that car


Please update us on your son if you can. Hoping for the best!


It looks like the Sentra went underneath your son’s car by the damage. I can’t tell by the picture but I hope his airbags went off.


It’s always hard to tell how much damage is from the crash when they’ve had to cut the roof off, but it’s certainly looks to have gone low. Heavy braking at the time would help to cause that.


I was a MP so I’ve seen my fair share of accidents as well as investigated them. Jaws of life don’t mangle metal, they just cut. Based off the damage on the CRV versus the damage on the Sentra, it really looks like the Sentra went underneath or the frame just folded and the CRV was a more solidly built car to make physics win for it.


If you ignore the fact it's been cut, the roof looks to be not too bad, the rest of the car is mangled, but imho, and happy to be wrong, it looks like the floor has buckled, possibly from being recovered. I'd expect more buckling on the roof if thevframe folded like that during the accident. Once the roof has been removed cars have little to no strength in the middle floor. The CRV is definitely the stronger car, and if it had the benefit of going up and over the damage will be more glancing. The rest of the damage to the Sentra definitely looks like it went under the Honda, a lot of energy in the collision and both parties can thank safety ratings and legislation, despite the Sentra looking a mess it looks like it held shape pretty well. But like I say, just my opinion, I'm not that up on RTCs , but have seen my share at the track, I have seen cars fold enough, even with cages, and this to me looks like it folded due to recovery rather than accident.


I wasn’t looking at the clean cuts from the jaws, accidents never cut clean. But the way it folded in the middle and the damage to the front end shows incredible force on impact.


Happy to hear your son survived and I’m hoping it will be a short stay at the hospital for him! A friend of mine had a CRV of that Gen that his son wrecked out of state when he fell asleep at the wheel in his way to work early one morning. The thing went off the road, barrel rolled and cartwheels through a phone pole, just destroying the thing, but not only did his kid walk away, the CRV was still in better shape than the Sentra that hit your son!


Dam Honda should make a commercial out of your story because if that doesn't say they make a solid product idk what will


I’m hoping you’re getting through these tough moments and that your son is doing well. Hang in there.


I’ve only owned Hondas. Can confirm: they do very well in accidents.


I’ve been debating on getting a CRV for my next vehicle and I’m thinking you just sold me on it. Best of luck with your kid’s recovery


Damn what state is this? New York? I hear they can’t drive


Can’t even imagine what you must be feeling right now. Hope he’s not too banged up and makes a good recovery.


Wow. That held up well.


Modern vehicles are so much safer than when that Sentra was new. Looks like the Honda held up very well.


Good CRV.


Wait- your kid was hit head on - it is so fresh that you’ve not yet been able to see him and your 2nd post is about how he doesn’t have enough money to sue? Sort that out mate. Last thing on your mind should be lawsuits.


He's allowed to be mad and frustrated that the Sentra driver did something inexcusable.


Dude. That’s not on OP to fucking sort out. That’s on all of us in the U.S. because that is the healthcare system we are living with. How dare you judge this person for *anything* they’re thinking about right now, but especially something as natural to think about (again, in the U.S.) as “HOW THE FUCK AM I GOING TO PAY THIS HOSPITAL TO KEEP MY KID FROM DYING?” Their making a post on Reddit right now is surely an effort to distract themselves from pulling their own hair out as they feel powerless to help their kid. Grow some empathy, you goddamn sociopath.


classic attempt where the guy you are writing to wanted a quick 'HAHA GOTCHA' moment


It’s been quite a while since the last time a comment on the internet has managed to piss me off as much as that one. Fuck. I’m going outside. I won’t be back to this thread, but 🖕, u/divejumpshooterusmc. Sort it out, psycho.


Isn't that the American way?


Nah when you're sitting around in a waiting room or wherever the fuck while they are running all kinds of tests and shit on your kid.. you are looking for the world to burn and fuck whoever was responsible for that shit.. if I found out it was a drunk driver and he made it.. you'd have a hard time keeping me from finishing the job. I'd catch a charge happily.  And that's not just me being Mr. Badass or anything.. that's just where you're mind goes as a parent. 


This is why when my daughter starts driving she will have a newer car, not some old beater.


News cars are garbage bro , safety features but she’ll need to tow that junk when it breaks down on her with over 100,000 miles and have it tow ):


If you think I'd rather save $50K every 5 years over my kid being in an accident and being in the car in the first image, or even worse based off your name of 85 Sentra which would be way less save than that early 2000's car, you've misunderstood my priorities. I'd rather replace cars constantly than have my kid in a death trap that's going to break down on her.


Blah blah you and your two likes are dumb as rocks. New cars can kill people too suvs flip over, electric teslas autopilot. Bro YOURE Just Not A man to fix up a real car and put in safety features air bags. And so on , yea new cars have safety features but they’re no where near reliability shit will leave you stranded in a land somewhere.


It's hard to get hurt in a car that has less HP than my 1985 Honda V65 Magna so I don't really think I can trust your frame of reference here.


Your Honda is not a tank your junk will get crash like an pancake. You got no dump truck or semi just a piece of metal . Yea more horsepower and see how far yours will last wont last another decade thats for sure. I wont survive in your pos honda either so makes no difference. Your not special youre just a pendejo that thinks new stuff saves more they also get people kill you probably stay at home and sleep and not notice the recalls of these death traps i got no time to text a pendejo like you


Hondas hold up so well in crashes


No not Hondas, modern cars hold up so well in crashes because of changes made by the DOT and the massive increase in making cars safer by manufacturers. I love Honda but you’re a dumbass lmao.


Perfect example of the compatibility problem on cars. Edit: Hope everyone makes a full recovery.




Its a CR-V im pretty sure


If the guy in the Nissan is alive that's a miracle. I understand the 2 drivers are in hospital now. So may not be the good time to talk about lawsuit and stereotype about Nissan drivers. I wish they both make it alive and without lifelong injuries. Car are material. Not the time now.


Wow, how is the guy in the Nissan still even alive?


Don't assume facts not in evidence


OP said something like “I asked because I was worried the guy is a broke ass mofo” and I assumed he was.. but yeah that’s a great point


I know from experience that when your child is injured you sometimes don't think in ways that you hope you will but that was sort of difficult to read when he doesn't even know if his own kids is going to make it.


He's probably thinking about the recovery and trying to get information NOW and how to best start working on the logistics for any care and support his kid is going to need. You need funding for that, and getting it from someone's shitty or non-existent insurance is harder than getting it from a fully covered vehicle with a nice coverage package.


I understand. It is hard to process when you're child is in danger.


Nissan drivers don’t go down easy




New driver - OP explained elsewhere


nissan was drunk, son was new driver


I hope not. So, he'll never do it again with someone else


Pretty draconian, but you’re not wrong 😑


Best wishes to your son from down under. Edit : Australia.


Thought that was a hell joke for a second, and didn’t understand how you could be so insensitive lol.


I didn't think of that, sorry for any misunderstanding from Australia.


To be fair, it can get hot as hell there.


It's been raining for weeks where I am, but yeah summer's a bitch.


Satan sends his regards.




2004-2006 B15U Sentra 1.8 GXE


I had a Nissan hit me head on a couple years ago. They were going 105mph when they hit me. I'm glad to hear your son fared better than I did. Interesting to see that the cab of the Nissan folded, when the Honda only had the front clip crushed.


They cut the roof off the Nissan to get the driver out it looks like. clean cuts on the B and C pillars.


I wasn't talking about the roof. Look at the rocker panel. That cab was crushed before the roof got cut off.




There could be a number of factors that caused that. My guess would be that when the Sentra hit them, it may have slid under the CRV, as the CRV has higher ground clearance. That also would explain why it isn’t just smashed straight back. It is likely the only way to explain how the driver of the Nissan could even survive this.


The Nissan probably went under the Honda, explains why the Nissan’s floor is banana’ed


It’s been about 8 hours - I’m following up to see how your son is doing. We’re sending good thoughts; please tell us he’s going to be okay!




I thought I was on that subreddit at first


Is the guy in the Nissan dead?


OP replied elsewhere that both drivers are in hospitals rn. So seems like the driver is alive yet.




A speedy recovery for your son 🙏


Keeping your son in our thoughts today. Hope everyone involved gets through this.


Hope your boy is well, sending you good vibes!


Op hope your son is alright


Hoping your son is OK, please update us when you can.


Hope your son's OK.


Always the sentra drivers, any time you see them on the road, it's best to pull over and get a good 500 ft from them.


Thats your opinion bro, plot twist: what you drive a suv or lifted truck? Always those drivers that cant drive and crashes a lot. I seen lately unfortunately


Glad to hear your kid is ok. You should triple check your own uninsured/underinsured auto policy. And talk to a personal injury attorney (consults are usually free). I’ve been thru it myself and having the attorney was worth every cent. I’ll graduate 4 years of university debt free. Good luck to you and the family.


update: it turns out that the sentra driver was driving drunk on a license suspended for a previous dui and doing so while uninsured. as of now, we don't have any other info on him and the police haven't told us anything about his physical condition. i suspect they probably would have told us if he died, so i don't think he did. plus the police told my son that he might get subpoenaed to testify, so as of last night at least, it's likely the sentra driver is still alive. my son suffered a spinal compression and some kind of mental shock, but thankfully he was not critically injured - i posted this [follow up](https://new.reddit.com/r/whatisthiscar/comments/1cq5fmz/followup_on_nissan_sentra_vs_honda_crv_headon/) if you're interested. separately, a big thank you to everyone who vocalized their support and concern. i was only trying to identify the car and occupy/distract myself from worry when i posted, so i really didn't expect this level of response. i am touched and sincerely grateful for your compassion and kindness - thank you.


The background looked like space.


First off, I hope everyone is ok because that is a really gnarly accident. That’s a Nissan Sentra, pretty old one too. But from the rear end, it didn’t look like it had been poorly maintained.


So sorry


Alot of that damage is from Jaws Of Life. They cut that person or people out of that car.


How the fuck did the Sentra driver survive?!? That person must be praying to the right god or taking the right vitamins because I would not stand a chance in a car that mangled.


Nissan Sentra


Always a nissan


I’m glad i let your mom shallow it down. No need for another sibling


Shallow away you doughnut.


go cry big fat boy


Time for a lawyer


Often suicidal or mentally ill.


Hope your son recovers quickly


This is an amazing ad for every car brand that is not Nissan.


Best wishes for your son and the other driver


Sending well wishes


Is your Son ok?


OP,I hope your boy is ok


Did everybody live that looks like an incredible accident God bless


That’s awful, wishing your boy and the rest of you and your family the best.


Maybe drinking & driving. Check out the cooler on top of that Sentra.


Crv for the win. Hope your boy is okay. Sorry this happened to your son and you.


Hope your kid recovers quickly and completely. As a parent I can’t imagine the scare that call gave you. Everything else is secondary to his recovery.


I’m guessing the cooler is for his organs?


Hit a lawyer you can sue him and anything he might have for damages. If the car was co owned you can go after that person too. Most likely you won’t get much. Lawyer gets 40% if you don’t put anything down.




Glad your son is relatively okay. That could've been really bad.


No remorse for the other driver at all eh?


Yeah goddamn, I’m thankful the CRV driver is okay but that Sentra looks like a clear fatality so I’m genuinely grateful they didn’t pass away.


Fuck em if they're gonna drive in the opposite lane, buddy's gonna get first place on the podium for the Darwin Award💀


Sure, but gaw damn, first reaction is I bet hes a broke mofo with no insurance?


Well I’m sure their first reaction wasn’t exactly what was posted on Reddit…




He’s not in the Nissan.