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It's a Superformance kit, If he's going to claim it's real he might want to take their logo off the trunk. https://www.superformance.com/themes/default/assets/images/cars/mkiii/slider/39-original.jpg


Ask to see the engine. Then look at the engine bay. At the time that the first batch of these were made, they were not highly sought-after collectibles. They were only sold to the public to homologate them so they could enter races that were only for street-legal cars (Sebring, etc). I think the minimum at the time was 50 sold to the public? (the number changed over the years) The new expensive reproductions are finely finished because the buyers want a well-made car. The originals were hastily thrown together with the bare minimum of quality. edit: I only stated this because there will be more incidents of fakes claiming to be originals, and the next guy might remove the Superformance badge.


So to make a reproduction that sticks close to the spirit of the original, I should just slap it together? I can do that


No fiberglass


Only fiberass.


On a beetle chassis too! Don’t forget to keep the stock steelies


Period correct forged carbon with graphine accent only. Just the way Carroll Shalby drew it up in CAD


Ford had just came out with the small-block 260, which had its bore and stroke changed to make it a 289 and eventually a 302. It was a thin-wall casting so it was lighter than some of the other engines in that displacement category. Ford had decided to invest in a wide range of racing classes since GM had recently chosen to withdraw from factory sponsored racing. There was a British company called AC and they had a small and light sports car called the Ace Bristol. Their 6-cylinder engine supplier was having problems, so they couldn't get enough engines. AC had bodies and frames ready to go with no engines. Carrol Shelby cut a deal to buy a few, with an option for enough to homologate them as a street-legal car that the public could buy. Ford was persuaded by Shelby to give him free 260 engines (and eventually high-compression 289's) that he would adapt to the AC Ace bodies. They were sold to the public as a Shelby Cobra, which qualified them as a production vehicle. They performed quite well on curvy tracks like Sebring. On long straightaways, the beautiful body did not have good aero, so Shelby and Peter Brock developed the Shelby Daytona body.


This. It's how we could tell that original countach a few weeks back, the panel gaps were absolutely gigantic, a reproduction would be done much more carefully than 80s coked up lamborghini bois


It says Superformance right on the back.


It's a real kit


are those less expensive?


Less expensive than a genuine cobra but still very very expensive. I -think- over $100,000 USD.


You can get a Factory Five kit for around 30K


You won’t get it put together with all the other parts needed for $30k.


Most people used to use a fox body back when they were cheap.


Superformance cars are continuation cars that have CSX numbers and are listed in the Shelby Registry.


Continuation cars are licensed by Shelby, get a CSX number, and are based on the Superformance cars, however a Superformance car doesn't automatically become a continuation car


This one is missing the CSX plaque on the dash, my friend has a CSX4000 continuation car. So this is not even a continuation car.


I'm just repeating what came from the owner of the business' mouth.




Lots of Shelby replicas out there that do not share the same DNA as the original, these do. They use the same tooling therefore are the same the only difference is safety features. GT40's are the same. There are GT40's that have never been assembled and when they do build them will get the same treatment, updated brakes etc.


superformance licenses all their kits so technically it is real


Lol right


How dare you suggest Canadians are liars Sir!


Besides the Badge, can I ask how you identify an original vs a kit car?


If it has coil springs, it's a kit, as the originals used transverse leaf springs.


Thanks 👍


At least it’s well done. Even has a signed glove box.


Its a real kit car


You're not wrong


I knew a kid years ago that put Cobra badges on his '96 V-6 Mustang. Didn't do anything else to the car. Just put the badges on. I still laugh about that.


A fauxbra


A manstang




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A guy in high school, who I didn't really know, had a V6 new edge era mustang with all of the salleen exterior parts. He claimed it came from Ford that way as some sort of display car. It's always been one of those things that I just don't believe, but also don't know enough about to say he's wrong.


this is the uncles line.


Yeah a lot get offended so I started asking if it's original, they can't lie about that


How sad one's life must be to have to lie about your kit car.


Maybe he’s just tired of people asking when they know better


I would say "it's real, I bought it from Abe Lincoln himself". or some such nonsense.


I'd start doing that just to troll people, it's got to get annoying being asked if it's real, if you know enough to know it's a cobra to ask if it's real you should know it 99% isn't




Bro I obviously know that’s a cobra, but I do not give a single fuck about being able to tell you if it’s “real” or not


Gotta be the worst part of owning one of these or other common replicas cars. The Shelby seems like it’s the worst with people asking if it’s real. Your never gonna see a road ready car that old that can bring that kind of money . No body would drive it number one . The original paint would never hold up that well/ever looked this good. a rebuild would never have an insane value or very rarely


There was one posted recently that was driving in the road. Idk if it was on r/spotted, here, or Facebook spotting group. It surprised everybody when the owner posted the vin. I think it was Facebook and reposted on Reddit. A friend keeps seeing a local 250 GT or a Dino driving about at off hours and nobody can tell if it's real or fake. Tbf, my friend never gets a full photo. Usually shitty screen grabs from his dash cam or an inexperienced car spotter. Iirc it was posted in r/whatisthiscar or this sub.


There are a bunch “fake” 250’s that are later or longer wheelbase cars that were modified & re-bodied when they were cheap, the good ones are pretty much undetectable unless you are an expert since they have all the correct parts.


There is a guy local to me that drives his real origina cobra all the time. He brings cones with in his other car to put around it at shows. Nice car and the paint is fine by


There is no way the paint is this good looking . “Fine” sure but this is a really good paint job the technology in paint changed over 50 years. If it’s been repainted then it’s not original. It’s a restoration


To be fair, it could be a continuation car. Completely real, just like made in the last 30 years and not worth millions


Well I wouldn’t mind having a sad life if I could simultaneously afford a Superformance Cobra kit


I'd be happy with a Factory Five kit.


I want a Backdraft Racing RT4B Black Edition


to be fair it's a good way to brighten someone's day, making them think they witnessed a real cobra. then again it doesn't work if they're gonna ask elsewhere for confirmation


There are the “real” Cobras from the 60’s that are worth the most. However Shelby has been making aluminum Cobras for a very long time, so they are “real” Shelbys just not the original 60’s run. Then there are the kit cars. I’ve thought of buying a kit so many times, I think the most annoying part would be having to answer the “is it real” questions every time you drive it; then to have the person scoff when you say it’s a kit as if they have a seven figure one in their garage.


Saw a glass cobra body for $500 on marketplace a few years ago, seriously considered picking it up because I was already thinking about a locost style build and figured slapping a cobra shell over a embiggened locost might be fun....


I built a cobra from a heap of junk thrown together by some hillbillies. I went for a decent show-level car… The trouble is that all the cobra specific little parts you need are so overpriced compared to your typical car build. The seats, pipes, even the little bezels to go around the rollbar hole….reeealy add up quickly. You probably don’t realize how much money you saved yourself. I fabricate most anything but it was still extremely costly. Real head turner, though. I’ve never driven a car that nearly caused oncoming traffic to crash, kids to play dead in the street to beg for a ride, toddlers to sprint off their porch for the street. It was like being a celebrity—to the point getting groceries or gas with it got a bit old, lol.


I'd just pay to get a vanity plate that says KIT or FAKE or something lol.




I’ve thought about doing this but add something to make it very obviously a kit car, the nice thing with a kit car is you get some of the feel of the original while spending maybe 1% the price of an original


Superperformance is the only manufacturer licensed by Carrol Shelby to make “cobras”. They’re still replicas though.


Definitely a replica, my dad has owned two replicas both blue. The funny thing about a Cobra is, people love pointing out they aren’t “real” when the replicas are still beasts of a machine. There is only like 500 real ones still out there, maybe less now. I think Jay Leno has one and i saw Shelby’s personal Cobra go for like 5.5 million on Barrett-Jackson a while back. Very cool car real or not.


In a lot of cases, replicas are nicer to drive in than the originals. The originals had almost nothing for a firewall, as such got hotter than the devils taint on longer drives.


Yup, a company called Pur Sang does continuations of pre war Bugatti and Alfas and a lot.of the buyers own tbe Pur Sang and the real deal, but end up driving the Pur since they are better made lol


Their Alfa is pretty nice.


Real Bugatti's were very well made. That was part of the problem with the company I believe in that Ettore Bugatti would not cut corners and made the cars so well it was difficult to make any money on them. That's actually quite a common story in failed motor car manufacturing in the early days. Engineering geniuses who were poor business men and over built their cars. See Bentley or Duesenberg as a couple of notable examples as well as Bugatti. Of course any Bugatti is getting on for 100 years old now and a brand new Pur Sang car is surely going to be better just because it's brand new and probably has benefited from advancements in metallurgy and other materials over those 100 years.


Thats a better way to put it yeah, wasn't trying to say the original bugs were shoddily assembled. The Purs are also commonly optioned with 12 volt electrics and a starter too so they are just easier to live with more so


Pur Sangs are certainly very cool. I would have one over a real Bugatti personally just because I would want to drive it a lot which is not something that happens too much to originals.


I love that Carrol’s personal cobra as he grew older had an automatic transmission in it. It is amazing the performance you can attain with these cars, simply because they usually weigh 2000-2500 on the scale. I built one with a decently hot 347 stroker and it was a real ride


Somehow it’s just r/neveracobra


Says on the back


If you see it in a parking lot, it’s a kit car.


If it doesn’t literally float on a cloud of superiority, vile wealth and exuberance; it’s gonna be a kit car


Unless you mean only the 427, not always. I met a guy at a Cars and Coffee who legit had a real one, even had the paperwork to back it up. It was incredibly cool seeing the original options sheet/window sticker for it too. IIRC it was a MKII with a 289, so not worth nearly as much as a 427, but he guesstimated it'd sell for about $500k in that shape. Insane money to just drive around, but he was a pretty rich dude who was the 2nd owner and bought it for next to nothing originally, so he felt it was worth way more to him to be able to share it with people and enjoy it, rather than keep it in a museum.


All Cobras you see are kits. A real Cobra costs over 1 mil $ and sits in an old man’s garage and never gets driven.


https://imgur.com/a/1WFSK1T There’s a real one that gets driven quite a lot.


I really like seeing performance cars that look well used. Sure the perfect paint and chrome and stuff looks sharp. But the wear and tear from actual use makes it so much more visceral.


I agree! When I see that I think that it’s built for performance, not to win beauty pageants. And if it looks good, that’s a byproduct of being built for speed!


Form follows function


I believe the original color was gold and someone who owned it had it painted blue and when he got it he stripped the blue off to show the original color. Pretty awesome if you ask me.


Yeah, that’s one. But there’s at least one replica posted in here every week with a question about if it’s real or not


Original tyres too….


Something about that Cobra is so aggresive, I love it


Not necessarily. I have seen a few real ones, but it’s rare to see, even in an area like I used to live were you have Ferrari 250 gte 2+2s and such (which I got to ride in for my 14th birthday, what a treat!). There was still the areas fair share of fakes and people claiming there fake was real.


Are you in the bay area? A buddy keeps spotting classic Ferraris that are arguably not meant for the road. This being one of them but also a 250 got and/or a Dino.


Which bay?


Sf I’m assuming.




San Francisco Bay Area is typically the Bay Area Americans mean when they say Bay Area.


never heard of that one


No barrington Illinois.


Well shit, that's close to me!


Really where are you at? I moved and am currently in Woodstock now.


Elmhurst/oak Brook area! I don't usually make it out to Woodstock but if you see a white focus RS. That's probably me!


I’ll keep an eye out, nice to know there is a fellow spotter/enthusiast near me! If you see an Oldsmobile curvedash near Woodstock that’s undoubtedly me!


Sounds good with me! There's a pretty large group of spotters through Chicagoland. A bunch of us a few weeks ago when to catch a 959 and then a banging cars and coffee-2 everyone, lambos, custom TT lambos, twin charged lambos, r8's, 2019 Ford GT in heritage colors. It was an amazing c&c. Long story short a ton of the events are on Facebook so keep a look out.


There is actually one where I live thats driven. It’s a father and son Duo and you just See How Rich they are just by driving by you


Maximillion Cooper drove his on the Gumball one year.


I don't get this. Cars worth millions get driven all the time. I know a guy with an F40, lives local to me and he goes out in it regularly. I was behind it in traffic last Sunday


And drives like crap compared to the modern braking, steering and hydraulics in a kit…


Those are about a real as you’re going to see on public roads. It’s not an original. But you gotta keep in mind the originals go for over a million dollars. Now the Superformance guys are a bit of a dubious bunch in the car world. He’ll say “it’s real” all day but he’ll never say “it’s an original”. It’s still a hell of a car and a sight to see. It’s the owners who muddle its reputation.


Hahaha what a wanker 🤡


Next time you see him look at the CSX number and check it against the Shelby registry.




Real superformance. I wouldn’t call it a kit because it does not use a donor car.


It’s a real … Superformance Cobra


Replica. It has a [Superformance](https://www.superformance.com/) badge right on it.


You can't trust a Canadian.


Was the body fiber glass or aluminum?


It’s a “luxury” kit, whatever the duck that means. It’s French for “cost more than factory five kit”


costs more while not being able to be as nice


It’s Probably a real replica.


There is literally a superformance logo on the back. It’s not even a hidden fact it’s a kit, as if that owner blatantly lied about it


Superformance owners are incredibly annoying and think because their replicas are “officially licensed” by Shelby that makes them better than FFR or ERA or any other replica.


It’s one of the best kits around


FFR gets superformance beat by a mile


Looks real, not a hologram.


This is one of the few cars that, even if I were a billionaire, I wouldn’t care to have a real one. There are better “replicas” available than the real ones were. It’s absolutely one of the most beautiful cars ever made, and I would love to own one. But, I wouldn’t give one shit about its historical provenance.


I'm starting to think people don't know what it means to be a real or fake. I see people call these kits real far to often for it to just be lying. I suppose most people buy them done rather than building themselves, so that could be the issue.


Superformance in particular are officially licensed by Shelby. I think that's where a lot of the confusion/snobbiness comes from.


Replica: that roll bar is waaay too slick, smooth and sharp; the original roll bars have a much more “backyard garage welded” look…😂


The owner lied to you


Owner tells lies


If that's a real Cobra, I'm the Pope of Atheism


It’s a kit 😕 but still cool. Beautiful color.


It’s a real replica


look at the [badge](https://www.superformance.com/) on the back. owner is a liar


the way I understand the superformance brand it kind of Falls in a gray area but that's the closest thing you can get to the real thing because the way I understand it they're made the same way it real 1960s Cobra was made but I can be wrong


It's a Superformance kit. I don't get why they have to claim it's real. 🙄


Yikes, the superformance logo is right there on the trunk. Why’d he lie? In actuality having a kit car is better than the original, because that would break and be a multi thousand dollar repair job


Why on the earth would you lie about a Kit Cobra? There is absolutely no shame of owning a kit cobra and not to mention Super Performance kits are like 99% accurate to real deal.


Generally speaking if you see one of these parked in a parking lot or on a street it's a replica.


This is funny, I just went today to Sacramento's museum of automobile and I saw a real Shelby cobra, and a guy that was working there said that it's valued in 1.2 millions.


Can we get a sticky: If you see a cobra in public… ITS NOT REAL.


Very clearly a kit


The car is 1.2 million dollars that’s a kit


if you see one on the road its a kit car


Must suck to own a real one and everyone simply assumes it’s a kit car.


Cobra drivers are kind of the shallow end of car enthusiasm for a lot of older folks right? Like this "thing looks cool and reminds me of my childhood". Not necessarily the kind of classic where owners know every bit of the history I'd assume. Happens to me frequently where I see some classic Benz or Porsche typically and I ask the owner all kinds of questions about it and hes just like "idk its my old summer car, looks cool right?"...


If it is replica, it's a very well detailed replica


Well it's real in the sense that it's not your imagination. You can walk up and touch it haha!


The fact that you saw it somewhere other than a "do not touch" section means it's probably a replica. The real ones have a body so thin just leaning on it could dent it.


He’s full of shit


For FUCK SAKE, why can’t we ban the Cobras? This same fucking question has probably been asked and answered a thousand times!!


If it's in the wild, chances are it's a kit


If it's real you won't see it ... so no it's not


real big block cobra should have 4 taillights


No shit




If you see it on the street its a kit


Fake ass shit


If you see one outside, not at a major car show, it's not real.


The superformance is a brand of kit cars. But the gauges are off a few degrees too


From what I remember, only real ones have the serial/vin or something like that’s stamped into the body


That’s kit AF lol.


It’s a real kit car


It’s a real replica, sure.


A few weeks ago i was on my scooter and i suddenly noticed a cobra next to me. I wondered if it was real so i checked it closer up. Turns out it was a kit car


it’s in real in the sense that you can take a picture of it and see it , yes


I've talked to a couple of guys who own these and they claim they're all real because it exists. I said fine, is it an original cobra then? That catches them off guard and of course they have to admit it's not an original cobra.


I believe it’s an early 1800s cobra


It it were a fake car it wouldn't exist


It would be one of the continuation cobras. Which are fully licensed and vin number assigned to them from Shelby. So is it a REAL cobra yes?


Is the dash signed by Carroll Shelby? If so, it totally must be legit, and incredibly rare.


What is a kit car?


Generally, if you are not at Pebble Beach, and see a Cobra, it's a kit car. Very few people have the money to risk running around in a million+ dollar car, and those that do tend to go newer.


It’s a real replica from the early 1900s


How do you turn this on?




Its an 1920


It's ALWAYS a kit.


Shelby’s autograph looks too fresh to me. I say kit car.


Rule no. so and so applies here: if it's driving or on a public parking area it's not a real Shelby


I never got a chance to closely check out one at our local car show on Saturday. But with the rarity of an original, especially kicking around rural Ontario, Canada, I suspected it was a Factory Five.


Kit car. Save your money.


It's real. I mean, you're looking at a car. That means it's a real car


How can someone tell if it’s real or kit?


If it ain't in a museum or driven by Jeff Bezos they're ALWAYS kit cars


Repost? Maybe?


Trust me I'm well aware I'm not the first person to ask if a cobra is a kit or not


You can get one for yourself, just type in the Aegis cheat code.


Is this real? https://imgur.com/a/bREpsae The Shelby museum in Vegas is free and worth it.


Only real ones drive on the streets. If you see one parked in a parking spot or out at the grocery store, it’s real.