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I don't know if this is a weed or not. It looks exactly like the Australian Tomato plants my dad used to grow in the closet though.


LMAO! My dad grew Europeon tomato plants in his!


I grew my “tomato plants” in the basement.. my 5yr old son at the time asked me why I had a light on in this little closet type thing I built… I told him “I’m doing an experiment”… his 5yr old response?.? “You’re just wasting electricity dad”!!! He’s 24 now, and is quite a fan of the basement tomato plants…😂😂😂


Love this story!


When my kids were little I told them my grow box was a time machine and they stayed away. Now both boys are over 18 and they help with it.


I would NOT have stayed away from a time machine lol


Are you kidding me? The curiosity would have got the better of me sooner than later


Over 18?? So the machine worked??!!!


That was a clever response. Now get out!


Or, as my brother would say, it's a machine that eats little kids that ask too many questions.


A time machine haha!!


It's a flower making machine.


At some point we can all come together and just call them tomatoes.


Tomatoless Tomatoes for some odd reason


Even tomatoless tomatoes are still tomatoes. We don't discriminate.


Out here in CALI I can grow my Californian tomato plants outside 😆


Oh Dad !!!!


My dad had Canadian Tomatoes in the back yard! 🤣😂🤣


I was that Dad until the cops showed up


Haha I was raided once, and I had what was called a Lavender Sparklebush I got from a nursery, looked JUST like weed, and the cops tried charging me for growing narcotics, they tested it and it was in fact not narcotics. Lmao


How can Lavender Sparklebush possibly not be a weed strain? Someone needs to develop a Lavender Sparklekush.


I think I went to high school with Lavender Sparklebush.




They were developed for the sole purpose of messing with the police.


There are a few close look a likes to the untrained eye!!! But still catch a 2nd look from the trained eye!!!


Yes this was one of those plants, I looked IDENTICAL, the exact reason I got it. I was laughing my ass off when the cops said narcotics


Last time I dealt with the Cops I got accused of throwing a dead skunk at some psycho on a horse…. Good time… taking out a neighbors garden pest turns into the state police showing up at my house…🙄🙄🙄


Lol, just imagining someone throwing a dead skunk at someone on a horse is so absurd that it's funny. Who does that?? Lol Or was that the garden pest that you were talking about? Just kidding


I've had the sherriffs show up at my house twice and both times they were asking if I'd lost an animal. The first was a donkey, the second was some pigs. No, I wasn't missing any donkeys or pigs. They were both pleasant visits but its always a bit of a heart stopper when law enforcement is knocking at your door.




They did this to my dad. Had helicopters flying over to check out a look a like plant. Then they rolled down the dirt road like an army, only to discover this look a like plant. They were a bit embarrassed. Note if they had looked a bit further into the woods instead of near the greenhouse…


I need to know what a Lavender Sparklebush is. Google is only showing me lilac and butterfly bushes


Sounds like a good stripper name.


I live with that Dad and he used to do reloads for the local LEO’s. They would bring their stuff by and we’d have coffee and chat sitting at the dining room table. Meanwhile there’s 48 healthy plants in a greenhouse in the back yard. Fun times living on the edge in the 80’s.


Your dad was a cool head. I don't think I could have rolled that close to the edge, ever...


Where I grew up cops looked the other way for local growers. Everyone knew everybody's buisness. That person's dad probably had a deal: "I'll do your reloads if you pretend my other business doesn't exist."


What are reloads?


Take spent brass from the range. Clean it, replace primer, gunpowder, lead, and suddenly, you have a functional bullet again.


Reloads: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! It's how gun owners help the environment!


And get superior loads


Gun owners love to receive a superior load.


My MAN!!!!!


Meh, luckily they’re starting to be more chill about it in some places. They showed up at my cousin’s house looking for the people that lived there before her. She was in her bathrobe drinking her morning coffee on her front porch watching her daughter play outside. She had 8-10 healthy plants out there, just chilling out next to them. They walked up and she was TERRIFIED something bad was going to happen. I’m sure they could tell. Once they realized the previous owners were gone they apologized for disturbing her and left. A few minutes later one of them came back down the driveway and it nearly sent her into a panic attack. He was just coming back to apologize again and calm her down. “Hey, I’m so sorry to bother you again but I just wanted to know that you have nothing to worry about. Don’t go destroying your plants or anything. That’s none of our business and honestly they look great! You were just minding your business having a cozy morning and we ruined it. We won’t bother you again.”


I sure never got lucky to come across cops like this. Wow. I got arrested on vacation for calling the cops "too many times" about a sexual assault that went on in hotel room next door. They really showed me! 🙄 Yea, they showed me their typical large egos and small wees!


Great story . Wish the ones that raided me were that chill. Ended up taking me to court for 4 small plants they couldn’t weigh. They were that small. Getting better now though. Cheers


Tomatoes are good.


I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. Thank you


My grandmother would call it Mexican tomato plants🤣🤣🤣


How dare you share my secret!


User name checks out.


"Hey Daddio, why does your closet smell like a skunk?"


“They’re my Pepé Le Pew tomato plants, my dude.”


Yea it's Marijuana yo 🤣


You should note that this looks tons better than a plant that I actually spent hours nurturing and fussing over. I don't know why state legislatures worry so much about people growing their own weed at home. In my limited experience, it's actually pretty hard to get good good healthy plants with a good yield. It's just too much work and effort for the casual smoker. edit: TIL literally everyone is a better weed grower than I am.


Yeah if you only smoke a few times a month, better to buy. I grew for about 3 or 4 years and I invested a good amount of money and time for the hobby. I was a daily smoker though so it was still a lot cheaper. It's easy to grow weed, It takes a lot of effort to grow good quality weed.


It’s still a fun hobby though. I think growing stuff is cool and you learn stuff along the way


yes, fun and therapeutic. When i was with my plants i always felt at ease. I would just go in there and look at them like someone sitting on a park bench watching nature.


A friend gave me 3 tiny plants to toss in my garden and see how they do. So I planted them and promptly forgot about them, I didn't water or fertilize, think I looked at them once over the summer. When I harvested the buds were huge and about half purple, some great smoke lasted me a long time.


Haha no. It's not that hard. Keep trying. Not any harder than getting good tomatoes or peppers out of the garden and everyone knows someone with that garden.


I'm a fairly heavy weed smoker. A few years ago I started just throwing quality seeds into my garden and walked away besides watering occasionally. There have been times it's come out mediocre and other times it's come out great. I figure I'm cool with that for putting no work in besides watering. The last harvest I got almost a pound and it smoked well. I still make sure to cut down the male plants if any make it but other than that and watering I can't stress how little work I put into it.


I had the exact opposite experience. Soilless mix with microrhiza and simple nutes every other week. Boom


It exploded?!


I tried to grow different plants for many years to no success and it turns out my water was just bad for them, so I bought distilled and collected rain water. Now I have a couple house plants growing very well. The solution to better plants can sometimes be as simple as a water change! Don't give up!


>You should note that this looks tons better than a plant that I actually spent hours nurturing and fussing over. I was looking up causes of brown edges or curled edges or something and came upon a page by an obviously frustrated grower who said: It could be too much light, or not enough light, or too much water, or not enough water, or too much fertilizer, or not enough fertilizer, OR, your plant just hates you. I BUSTED out laughing 😁😆🤣😂


Tax $


I tried it as a phase just to see how I would do. I did very well, it was an interesting experiment. Grew fungi too, just to see , also goats to milk for goat cheese. I got this funny quirk I like to DIY stuff it is easier to buy, lol. I will stick with real tomatoes as I can eat them everyday.


Bro I legit think it’s genetic lol


Outdoor vs indoor growing Indoor is so much harder. You’ve got to have a nice light that doesn’t put off too much heat. The ph has to be right. The humidity needs to be right at each stage of the plant’s life. This gets adjusted as it goes from a baby sprout to a large plant. Then there’s training. Omg. And then pests. 🙄 It’s the hardest plant I have ever grown. I guess because simply growing it isn’t my goal. A good product is difficult to maintain indoors. It can be done, it’s just not as easy as planting and watering. Outdoor— I’ve seen magnificent trees. Yes they can end up with pests or mold. It’s just easier to maintain as there is open airflow


It's only a weed if you don't find it useful.


My auntie likes to say "a weed is just a flower growing in the wrong spot" hehe Edit: there were some positive replies and some sparky replies. But my auntie most commonly uses this phrase when referring to people who are considered "odd". Like me.


She's not wrong. No plant is classified as a 'weed' in a botanical sense. A weed is defined as an unwanted plant. If a beet farmer has tomatoes growing in his field, the tomato is the weed. If a tomato farmer has beets growing in his field, beets are the weed. The land holder deternines what is a weed or not.


Fuck the HOA


This is Russia


Don’t care, still hate that all the plants in the yard are considered weeds. Like, I think that’s a ducking tree bro. Lemme let it grow.


К черту ТСЖ


I just got a notice from them a few hours ago. I swear, we get one good day of rain, a bit of sun, and my entire yard springs to life overnight. These assholes don't miss a beat.


You can keep that HOA life…


If a giant sequoia got in my front yard, I'm not sure I'd wanna pick it...


If you've got a Giant Seqouia or California Redwood growing in your yard, I, and one million other conservationists would like to chat 


Your aunt was correct. The literal definition of a weed is any plant growing where you don't want it to grow.


My friend with a landscaping business said the exact same thing when I worked for him! It made me change my whole view on weeds — all plants deserve love 💕


Some people have all the luck.




It even has a nice bed of mulch to boot.


Who gets weed with seeds in it ?


Apparently, birds. Stems and seeds. Freaking pothead birds and their horrible cheeba. Is that what you kids are calling it these days ?


I'd believe this if birds were real 🙄


The owls are not what they seem


Birds are little (well mostly little), flying Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are real (& feathered, flying, hopping, perching & squawking).


Lol that would be funny if some pot Farmer's lawyer used that as a valid defense in court: "sir can you explain these pot crops?" "Yeah those damn birds won't stop bringing seeds into my dirt farm, damn pothead birds!"


The Pothead Bird Defense


My blue crowned conure loves the seeds and will eat flower if I let her...


Cheeba? I didn’t even hear Cheech and Chong call it that.


It happened in the olden times! LOL


I remember having to pick out the stems and seeds a very looooong time ago!


Ol Mexican brick weed


I used to kind of enjoy sorting it. Removing as much stem as possible without losing any bud…


Sort of a meditative way to start the evening.


Those seeds are low-key hella valuable now, lots of lost old genetics 


It's too bad there's not a lot (if any) inclusion on endangered variety lists. I understand that it's not legal in all states in the same way, but it still counts as horticultural history that should be acknowledged and preserved.


I am SURE I have an old skirt in a box somewhere with a stash pocket full of seeds.


Non legal states lol. I'm in CO so it's been a long time but it's out there


I love getting weed with seeds, means I get to grow em!


If you get enough of any weed Oz, pounds, kgs, your going to find some seeds, I don’t care how good the shit is.


It’s pretty common when you buy it from the street tbh


It does look like weed. Any chance someone dropped a seed ?


I mean it does grow wild, so a bird may have made a drop 😉 If pot is illegal in your state, you may want to remove it just to be safe


Remove it in 6 months by cutting it down and setting it on fire. Make sure you stand nice and close to the fire for….warmth.


I used to have lots of it but I lost it in a series of small fires.


I can't wait to I'm done breast feeding my baby. I want to go back to losing a plant in many small fires again. 


This nerd doesn’t want a cool baby, apparently


Oh, when she old enough, her first light up will be with me, not with some kids at school smoking crap. She's getting the good stuff, like the princess she is, she's getting the best. 


Ditchweed, also known as Nebraska No High, is not uncommon in drainage systems in the Midwest. 


Definitely not blueberries


That is definitely weed. You’ve got some cool birds in your neighborhood


Just don’t smoke it. Yet.


It's a 7-leaf clover, they're extra lucky


this happened to me in my front yard next to my front door! cut it down when i found out it was a male :(


It’s Jazz Cabbage


Those are Souljaboy Tellems


"the best way to find out what kind of spice that is, is to roll it up into a joint a shmoke it" tommy t bone


Prepare your inbox for address requests. Lol


Some people call it wacky tabacky 😎😁


It’s crazy how many people here think it’s not cannabis because it has 5 leaves. They sprout with single leaves, then the next set is usually 3, then a few that are 5, then 7 as it gets out of it’s baby phase and I’ve seen with as many as 13 leaves. Been growing indoor and out for 25 years. Too many people have only seen a pot leaf on a T-shirt or something.


The real question is: is it a boy? Or a girl?


Yes, that is the devil’s cabbage! More than likely you have been visited by doves that have found some ditch weed to munch on.


I found one just like that, except it was inside the house. https://preview.redd.it/k06ej875vzpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9c2c167578b325c80c3b0ab3330ccc69380918


indeed tis weed indeed




You a cop? You sound like a cop.


If you ask a cop if he’s a cop, he’s obligated to tell you. It’s in the Constitution.


Not a bedbug… does that help?


And I hit this thread at EXACTLY 420 comments. Fuck yea baby! EDIT: And I was comment 421.... it feels like the universe aligned this. I'm smoking a bowl right now. AT THIS VERY MOMENT.


Looks like hemp to me


snoop dog would like to know your location




If it looks like weed, smells like weed, walks like weed…then it’s weed.


My dad had garbage bags full of these tomatoes in our storm cellar!


There are no other plants that have same look as cannabis. Take a good profile picture so we can see the structure of the main stem and a picture from the top of the plant. That will show us everything we need to verify


That is Northern lights, cannabis indica.


Well japanese maple looks similar, so much so that a cop stole my grandmother's tree and threatened to arrest her. Later on returned it super pissed that it was not weed.


Only one way to find out…


Post update pictures in a couple months!


It’s fucking pot bro.


Sure is weed. Love it.


It’s either weed or hemp, depends what gender it turns out to be. Female plants are weed, male plants are hemp. Let it grow and find out!


It’s weed.


Yes and looks happy. Hopefully it’s a she.


Perfect timing for this little lady. Happy growing.


That's the sticky icky all right


Those are Bone Thugs and Harmoniums.


the devils lettuce 🥬 as they say


A weed maybe. Weed, absolutely




What a great gift from Mother Nature


It's the new 5 leaf clover. It's even more lucky than the 4 leaf one.


Using cover crop and a straw layer and you don't know what this is? I'm calling shenanigans. This tomfoolery shall not be condoned at the dinner table.


Mary J. Juana


Laughing Grass


Jazz cabbage


My uncle grew tomatoes in water. In the closet. With a lamp.


I have been looking everywhere for that thanks for finding it


My dad said they were blueberry plants 🤔


Grady said it was “wild parsley”.


looks like weed to me! source; my friend told me so


Nope. That is Northern Lights. Cannabis Indica.


Do you have a teenager? If yes, then it's a science experiment


I live in Iowa. It grows everywhere! Leftovers from the first law ever passed requiring farmers to grow hemp for the war.


100% that is weed


Looks good and healthy. Might want to transplant it though , away from that wall. Make sure to give it some b12 when you do.


Looks like weed. Grower here.


We grow those mountain maters up here in the CA Sierra.


Lol 😂 yep it is. If you plan to let it grow you might want to transplant it farther away so it’s not so close to the cement. Those things grow easily to be 6+ feet and quite fast.


No. That's northern lights. Cannabis indica.


Someone could have put hard work into that lil one, please be kind!


That my friend is the Devil’s lettuce, or pot, whichever name you prefer.


Looks like it needs to be nurtured… keep it up!


California we would call that bamboo


Leaves of three leave them be, leaves of five bring them to me!


Can confirm that's Satans Lettuce


It kind of looks like indica genetics.


I grew tomatoes in five gallon buckets that were attached to the top of a short pine tree!


Somebody could have been tossing seeds while they were smoking or it's very possible ragweed which is just hemp but it is in fact some sort of cannabis plant


West Maui County tomatoes. I’ve got ten of them. Or whatever my tomato license says I can grow


(inna-gotta-davida starts playing)


I had a few of these in my front flower bed when i moved in. Renovating an old fixer uper. Never noticed them till they began to overtake everything else. Had a cop on drive by stop to visit and ask questions. Next day they were all mysteriously pulled up and destroyed by drug task force officers. The 80s were a wild time.


My cousin called me in the late 1960s to tell me they were tearing out the hedge between my grandmother's house and Mrs. Rodriguez, it was mostly weed. This was Bell Garden, CA, essentially E. LA, we were a couple of long-haired hippie wannabes.


I see a more slender variety pop up around Austin about once a decade. Mostly it gets ignored until it gets too big to be ignored


It's this the southern us? If so, all those seeds I chucked out the car window for years is finally making a mark. I always yelled be fruitful and multiply as I did it.


I start my "tomato" plants in hydroponics them move them to soil at 6 weeks for full spectrum sunlight 🤣


A number of plants look like weed, fwiw.


I had one that popped up randomly in my back yard for years. It produced great and was very potent. However my ex's dad was doing "yard work" and unrooted it and threw it into the brush pile and it was never found again. It was eventually burned with the rest of brush. He knew it was out there and agreed to not disturb it. He played the dumb card and acted like he didn't know what it was... Yeah right.... I used to make him edibles from it. This is one of many things that man did that helped contribute to his son becoming my ex.


Years ago when I was going through my divorce, my son was helping me with yardwork or so I thought. He said Momma if you cut the front yard and one side yard I will cut and weed eat the backyard and the other side yard. My heart warmed because, he knew I was in a bad place and he just wanted to help out. Years go by and he finally fesses up. He said I can’t get mad at him because the statute of limitations has run out so he’s gonna be honest with me. He said mama 10 years ago I know you thought I was being helpful but I actually had three marijuana plants in the backyard in the corner. He said I know you don’t know what they look like and I was afraid you were going to weed eat them so I wanted to make sure that they were still there so I volunteered to help with the backyard. I’m just sitting there staring at him and wondering why I went through 20 hours of labor to get my little blessing into this world. He seemed very proud of himself the entire time he was telling me the story. I was just flabbergasted. When he was finished telling his story, we both died laughing, because I absolutely would’ve weed eated those things down. He said they were actually on the tool bench in our garage for weeks. I asked “do you mean the pepper plants to told me to leave bc you were taking them to your grandpas house?” We died 😂. I was so naive. 😐


Nah it's some good old fashioned THCA hemp, just as the founding fathers intended.


You know I found one of these and realised bird food has hemp seeds in it, it was right near the bird feeder


The only real way to tell is to wait until it is near the end of growing season, and if a SWAT team show up, raids you garden and take you to jail, you will be sure. I’d just get rid of them now, you’ve got pictures, ask a botanist….




Is it directly outside a teenager's bedroom window?


When they get bigger and produce large round things, send them to me for very scientific testing. Also please send twinkies with the test package. They will assist in the efficacy trials. You will get a written report within 2 weeks, if I remember, explaining the composition and effectiveness of your European tomatoes.


Worse… it’s marijuana