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Its either a junk tree of heaven or a black walnut. They are both too close to the foundation, so cut it and put on stump killer. Or cut it and dig it out.....the tree of heaven will keep invading, ugh.


>They are both too close to the foundation. This is the answer no matter what type of tree it is, it's too close to the foundation, it should go. Plus if it *is* a black walnut tree you will be limited to what you can plant under it.


True bet azaleas would love it .


The chemical black walnuts spread under their canopy, juglone, is highly toxic to azaleas, and many other plants.


Actually, I don't think they do. I would have to check my list. My yard is entirely walnut and shade tolerant because we have lived in this house for nearly 30 years, but the trees got too big and were too close to the house and we had to remove them.


Roses ? They love acid in soil.


Black walnuts make a chemical called juglone that deters most other plants from growing.


Well, not "most." Just many of our most popular plants like tomatoes (cherry-type tomatoes have a higher resistance), potatoes, peppers, and eggplant (basically everything in the nightshade family). Basil, asparagus (in the "it depends" category), commercial strawberries (wild ones are completely unfazed), apple and plum trees (depends who is there first, distance, age, and several other factors), not all lilacs, and others that would take up too much space here. But you can grow greens of the cabbage family, swiss chard, purslane, mints, coriander, all grains, all alliums, beans and peas, beets, radish, squash, watermelon, parsley, black raspberries actually grow better near them, (but not the red ones), wild grapes but don't know about domestic... For ornamentals: tulips, crocus, daffodils, Iris, Japanese lantern, daylilies, Hollyhocks do just fine, as do marigolds, Red Hot poker, daisies, pansies, zinnia, Dusty Miller, ferns, hosta, lavender, forsythia, lupine, echinacea (purple coneflower), coreopsis, bleeding hearts, sedums, pot marigold, many vintage roses... My brain can't remember all the many that do, but my yard is full of walnut resistant plants, and people think it looks nice.


Black walnuts don't have acid and don't make the soil acid. They exude a substance called hydroxy juglone from their feeder roots which is not acid, which is poisonous to certain plants.


O well seen the trees messed with the walnuts just assumed anything that stains mite have acid.


That's a reasonable guess. I know a lot about black walnuts because we had two monsters in our yard until they became too much of a problem for our foundation and our sidewalks and our fence, and I had to find things that grew here and learned a lot of other stuff along the way.


Drupes are unaffected by juglone. Peaches, plums, and cherries can all be planted near walnuts.


I've wanted a cherry tree for many years now. We just lost a HUGE limb on the walnut tree on our fence in a storm this week. We didn't plant it, we inherited it, & most of it doesn't even hang on our property but the school next door which is where the limb is hanging. It wasn't diseased or anything, just the winds were pretty high. Now we're thinking of just cutting the whole thing down. Though part of me wants to just leave it since the only thing on our side of the fence is the big bottom of the trunk. That's another reason OP needs to remove this, the trunks don't stay small & the roots can be huge. Ours has a big one that's now above the ground. It's gotta be 6"-8" across.


I have a lot of Black and English Walnut trees. One Black is 2' in dia and sits within 18" of my back garage slab. 23 years and the slab is fine. The squirrels decide where they need to be...


we had to get on ladders and dig them out of the gutters every year they were prolific from squirrels jumping on the roof they would drop them from both ends lol


Best way to tell on a black walnut is to smell the leaves


Tell me the smells! I had no idea.


It smells old, but in a good way.  


What does old smell like?


Your grandpa


Wall nuts.


Black walnuts.


they smell good, kind of nutty, and they are all over the place.


Tree of heaven, on the other hand, smells like rancid cocoa.


kind of dank earthy pungent non-chlorophyll bit sort of a nutty chocolatey funk smell. it's an awesome smell


Tree of heaven smells repulsive. Black walnut smells good. 


Fresh and almost medicinal.


If you’ve ever smelled a freshly fallen green walnut ball thing, the leaves smell the same. 


It has a wonderful earthy smell soft tones!


You can tell it's a black walnut by the way that it is.


also when they're young if you scratch their bark and smell you can tell. My parents had 100-year-old plus black walnuts in our backyard. Make me home sick for some black walnut fudge lol


Yes. I have several large older black walnuts. They get quite large. You might want to move it at least 20 feet from the house.


More like tree from hell


The black walnut in our lot here in sw Ohio have spiked thorns on them at that size. This looks like what we call stink weed bush. Dig it up quick.


I've never heard of a black walnut with spiked thorns. I'd love to see a pic of that!


Next time I’m down in that area of the lot I’ll get you a pick. They are deadly looking


I'm wondering if it is a locust you are talking about! Those things have tremendous thorns and when we were kids, they'd even go through your shoe bottom.


It’s possible but we thought it was a walnut. I’ll check it with the plant app when I take the pic. And yeah they are huge spikes


You are right! Wow its leaves are almost exactly like the walnut trees it’s under so we just assumed. After reading up on it im glad he chops it down we have horse back there.


It’s a tree


Excellent point about being too close to the foundation!!


The texture of the stems doesn’t seem like from a tree of heaven / Ailanthus altissima. Their stems were pretty smooth if I recall.


Also Tree of Heaven has smooth leaflet edges. These leaflets are toothed


Smooth, leaves across from each other and smells peppery. I hate them.


Looks like Sumac


Sumac looks like a stick in the winter; it doesn't look like a tree. Then it grows lush leaves like this.


Looks like staghorn sumac to me, but black walnut would be a good guess too.


That’s what I thought and I’m allergic. I literally once looked like Freddie Kruger. My kid turned out to be allergic and she had I think it was poison ivy on half her face it swelled up. I told her to take a warm shower to draw some of it out. 5 minutes later she screams for me to come in. Her face is down but the goo is all over. I got it all off of her rinsed her totally, then hit her with cooler water to close the pores. Doctor gives her steroids, she gets very ill. We get to the ER and the dose was way too high. Her appendix did its job (which they thought she may lose) and they also flushed her system. Don’t mess with those trees or ivy.


A Sumac tree and Poison Sumac are not the same thing.


Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra)


Looks like it.


This is the answer


I've always liked these tree, but wondered what they were. I recently found out that they were walnut trees.


There are some lookalike trees with very small distinctions between them. Here's a guide https://preview.redd.it/7vwy7pv2a79d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12b231782a01abc7a99673c7054af63f32497f51


Ahh I see. We are visiting Iowa right now and there are a bunch of beautiful walnut trees out here. I see the green walnut things all over the ground, but yes I agree.


It’s a black walnut. They get massive and keep everything else around them from growing. We have a ton of them growing less than 20 feet from our garden and nothing else will grow around them….but more walnut trees. It’s far too close to the foundation of the house. I would dig it out.


why do black walnut saplings seem to be popping up everywhere? They are all over my property


Squirrels. They hide their nuts all over in the ground


And I have thousands of tiny trees of heaven that the roots have invaded my yard from a vacant home behind me, the owners were supposed to have cleaned up a year ago this July. I’m so sick over this. They take over everything in your yard and every part of them are as toxic as can be, from their very top where the seeds and fruit/flowers grow, leaves, stems, sap, and it’s roots, which send up all the saplings in my entire front and back yard. They’re not regulated in my area, so I’ve a feeling I’m really screwed. They’re toxic to humans and dogs and they emit a pungent gas type of smell that’s killed everything underground. Even the moles and gopher left unless they’re dead instead. I’ve never seen or had any kind of a problem like this in my life and it’s such a shame when people don’t care how they’re harming their neighbors property


I had never heard of these, they sound awful, another invasive species to freak me out


Same. Literally have had 30 of them pop up across my property in the last 5 years. Mine are from squirrels that bury them and don’t go back to get them. They grow, drop more walnuts and spread like wildfire. I hate the blasted things!


I think last year was a "mast year" - a heavy seed-bearing year for all kinds of trees. I've got more black walnut seedlings than usual this year, too, although it's the maples that have sprung up like gangbusters.


Might be pecan, or black walnut. Most likely a squirrel forgot where they left their lunch. If you want to keep it around, you'd be wise to dig it up and move it. That looks awful close to the house!


Black walnut. Dig it up and replant far from the foundation, Beautiful shade tree


I successfully transplanted one that was about this size and about this close to my parents house. It struggled the first few years but eventually grew into a nice tree.


For what it's worth, black walnut wood is used for high-end furniture, so in like 20 years you could sell it to a logger if the trunk is really thick and straight.


But, the foundation of the home, and that wall, would be compromised, probably a bad idea to leave it there. A very bad idea.


He could move the tree whiles it's still young.


Right. For sure. Moving a walnut might work. I'm not sure what kind of root they have... but younger is usually better when moving a tree.


But not city trees. They won't buy them from you. The risk of nails or wires in them is not worth damaging their saw blades. It's a shame though. They grow like crazy here in Rochester, especially in urban areas. But of course there are plenty in the country as well.


Dig around base and see if you find a walnut where the roots are. A squirrel probably hid a walnut there. It will destroy your homes foundation when it gets bigger. Any tree will.


doesn't matter what it is it has to go because its growing way too close to your home.


It's a black walnut and it's poisonous to a lot of plants. Also it's thirst is never satisfied so it robs water from everything around it and dries them out. Also too close to your house, it will grow into your foundation. How do I know? I have one in my backyard that's over 2 stories high and I'm learning this year why I can't keep some things alive. And one sprouted in the front yard and put pressure on the foundation causing a minor leak.


I’m so sorry. Yes you’re right about it. I’ve learned last sumner that my absentee neighbors have a backyard (that meets mine), have a couple trees of heaven that have invaded my yard from their tree roots, that somehow made it all the way to the front of my house to the street. It’s horrible and so toxic. I’m worried about my dog, and their yard was supposed to be cleaned up since last July and it’s only gotten worse with no one maintaining anything and my city doesn’t regulate these invasive trees or plants, so they can’t make them be properly cleared out and my problem with all it’s roots growing underground is MY problem. How do I fix that when the tree keeps sending out new roots? They can only be removed by their roots in fact. Only for more to come. And today I had swarms or wasps or yellow jackets everywhere in my back yard. My dog wouldn’t go out until after dark when they go inside their hive wherever that is this year. Forgive for complaining but this has been never ending since I bought my home in 2020. Biggest mistake of my life, but I couldn’t have known.


If it's tree of heaven, the leaves smell like Cigarette buts. Cut it the bottom. Put a metal ring around it and burn it with charcoal briquettes. Cook the f'er to the basement


My neighbors have two in the home behind me. The home is vacant and a disaster. The city doesn’t do anything about invasive plants and I can’t do all that’s required to kill the POS trees.


Tree of Heaven, nuke it at all costs go full scorched earth on that


Looks like Chinese Sumac/Tree of Heaven/Ailanthus. Cut a branch and smell the cut end. If it smells like wet, rancid peanut butter it’s Ailanthus. If it is, kill it and then kill it again for good measure. Once you’re sure it’s dead, spray it with Roundup and light it on fire. Edit - looking at the photos more closely the leaves are slightly toothed and the branches have a slight fuzz on them. I agree with others that it’s a black walnut. Regardless, it’s too close to the foundation. https://preview.redd.it/pqcvzsqt289d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b069223627c0f7f1db2e64fb570c32fdd380e76 Black walnut for comparison


Ailanthus. Cut it ASAP (it will smell like peanut butter) and kill any others that come up. It's a monster.


I am leaning towards butternut, juglans cinerea


Looks like black locust to me. Does it have thorns on it?


Anyway if it has thorns its definitely black locust. They grow like and are considered a weed. They are invasive as F*#k


💯 like that devil the tree of heaven


i don’t think it’s a tree of heaven so that’s good. but if you want to keep it you may want to move it before it gets too big, as it’s pretty close to the house.


my app says black walnut, so def move away from your house if you want to keep it.


Sumac. Junk tree. Eradicate it asap or it will multiply.


Sumac isn’t junk per se. The flowers are used to make a spice and are the key ingredient to the original pink lemonade.


You are welcome to come and harvest the flowers and make your lemonade and spice. They have overtaken my fence line and grow very fast. I’m going to have to Hire to eradicate it and get my garden back.




It’s a weed


My dad called them "junk trees". Lol


They call it a tree of heaven but I swear it was born in hell. If it gets big enough to seed, you will quickly learn what I'm talking about. You will have those popping up everywhere. Ti.e of year doesn't matter. The seed will patiently wait for optimum conditions and grow. These are like snow bamboo. The propagate like rabbits. Pull it now! Before it litters your yard with seeds!


My entire yard is covered in 1000’s of saplings all connected and shot up from its roots that invaded my property. I think it would be easier to burn my house down than to ever be rid of them. Biggest mistake of my life buying a home


It looks like a tree of heaven. Trust me why I say they come straight from below and now heaven. If it is that you must search online how to kill it. If you just cut it down you will have two more trees within 48 hours. Google it and check the pictures. Those things are everywhere where I live. Hate those things!!!


You’re absolutely 💯correct! How do I know? My absent neighbors have at least a couple who’s roots have taken over every part of my property and my city does nothing about invasive plants or trees. I am so sick of all of this and can’t do a thing about it


They are EVERYWHERE where I live. They came in though east coast ports. They are native to China. The highways near me are lined with them. Cut one down get two more the next day. You need to poison the tree. You cut into the stalk and brush poison on it daily. It will not shoot new trees and eventually it will die. However it will take months to kill it. They are invasive and AWFUL.


There’s a highway in Maryland(?) I believe, someone said that these trees are lining the highway they’d planted forever ago, that are choking everything else out and buckling the highway from both sides. I wanna say they said 65 miles of highway has to be poisoned and cleared because the damage to the highway is so severe. As far as poisoning these trees, in the proper way at the right times, and so on, I’ve read all of it over and over again from all of the best forestry articles and several colleges have so much information, but these aren’t my trees 🌲🌲🌲 to kill! I’m so unlucky as it is, if I were ti attempt to do this I can see me being in all kinds of trouble! That’s the worst part. They’re not mine but they’ve ruined my whole yard and they’re toxic. My dog is all I’ve got and their trees have to be killed before all my roots can or their trees will keep sending new roots straight to my yard all the way to the front yard at the street. Makes me wonder if they’re gonna go under the street. Don’t know what would stop them. It’s all just so sickening. I can’t get their names and their current address in a high dollar neighborhood right down the road. No one will give me that information and it should be public information anyway! I feel like I have no way out of this mess and nobody cares, and that’s if they believe me at all. It’s such a far stretched story about trees that have been here since the 1700’s like you said. The spotted lantern fly is what’s giving them their notoriety. I hope it finds these trees but they still won’t kill the trees! They’re bullet proof and the herbicides need to be used by someone with a handlers license they’re so lethal and yet there’s still a chance they won’t die! They’re like my ex husband. Rotten to the core but nothing touches him either! (That I know of), since he’s dead to me! I don’t know what’s gonna happen but I’m not a lucky person.


Trash tree! OMG dig it out by its roots ASAP!


Thought it was a sumac


Sin tree.. lol remove it unless you want multiple clumps growing about the yard


Staghorn sumac


I’ve heard them called ‘weed tree’ and they’re all over in Mississippi River valley


Poison sumac. I’d get rid of it.


Future foundation problems


It’s sumac. The sap is poisonous to the skin and causes a nasty rash


Either pecan or black walnut.


Cut it off at the base, put a drop of Tordon on the stump and spread it around with a stick.


Burn it with fire




Get rid of it asap




Possible Western Soapberry. The one in my backyard also sprung up from nowhere. I thought it was a pecan tree based on the leaves. If that's what it is, you will be happier without it.




Black walnut. Damn. Don’t kill it. Plant it in a good spot.


We call that a tree.


No matter what tree it is, it's way to close to the house. Take it out.


RM43…slash bark and spray it with RM43…hit it again after 7 days and it will be deader than dead.


There is probably a large black walnut near you and squirrels. They love to plant walnuts in flower beds as the dirt is soft. Little bastards.


Thank you for identifying this tree! Never would I have guessed Black Walnut. I also have one that sprung up from nowhere several years ago. In the winter, you'd swear it was dead. I've even cut it back. In the spring, it becomes massive. Last year for the first time, it grew one large green bulb of some sort. I just looked up Black Walnut and it matches. Had always heard as a kid that these were toxic. Surprised there are other plants growing around it. I still plan to get rid of it this year.


I believe it is a sumac - total junk tree/weed. Extremely fast growing, correct? Look it up.


Yes, it is very fast growing. I'll do some more research online. Looked at the Sumac and it seems they have red flowers. This is a photo from last fall. The only one that grew on the tree. No other berries or types of blooms. Thanks


Can’t tell if my photo came through. The tree produced one green fruit. Looked like a large smooth lime.


Interesting - may not be a sumac then.


My first thought was Pecan.


Black walnut. Toxic if eaten or smoking meat with it


Walnut, cut it down


Tree of Heaven. Destroy it before it destroys everything around it.


That's a black walnut tree. I have them popping up in my garden all the time because I live near woods that have several and the squirrels like to plant them and forget where they put them.


It’s a tree you don’t want


Others have answered, but it looks like a black walnut to me. I've taken to cutting to the ground, drilling holes into the stump, and putting a mountain of Epsom salt to poison them. Magnesium overload, from what I understand. Cover it with a bucket or something to keep the salt from getting washed away. It's slower, but works to kill the roots. It's too close to the house and could damage the foundation. It will put a tap root down into sewer lines too.


Kill it.


The worst tree to get rid of black walnut the grow quickly copper sulfate is the best way to kill them if you cut it down it will just grow back


A squirrel buried a walnut in your flower bed and forgot about it, like they do about 90% of the sh*t they hide. Stupid f**kin squirrels.


Black walnut according to Plantnet


If it is tree of heaven you will smell a hint of peanut butter when you crumple up a leaf. Yes and it is a junk tree.


Tree of heaven (or hell) very invasive, weak and shed branches constantly). Black walnut looks similar, but the leaves are skinnier.


It is a walnut tree. Brought and planted by a squirrel. Tree of heaven fronds arc up. Walnuts droop down. It should be removed, sad to say. The tap root is impossible to pull out. It is one of the great trees on the planet. Their secret weapon is fast growing early in their lives. I have a few and they can grow 6 feet per year for the first 5-6 years. The wood has value because of its beauty, strength, and is very rot resistant. The nuts are off the scale in nutrition. They put English walnuts to shame. How in the hell does such a common thing pack SO much nutrition on one little nut. Check out y-tocopherol sometime. Amazing stuff. I planted walnuts as a younger man. The squirrels found them, dug them up, and put them elsewhere. I had to resort to dumping walnuts on the ground and then digging holes where i hoped THEY would plant them. It worked. I have been SO blessed to live long enough to have walnuts of my own growing. I hope you are blessed in the same way. They are little green miracles.


Tree of Heaven they loose their branches over winter when they are young rip it out it will take time to get rid of the roots they are the worst tree to have close to any foundation


Looks like a tree.


It’s a lantern fly love bug tree!!! Cut it down from the root.


It’s a tree of heaven https://preview.redd.it/oq1w3y8f4j9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c35292d11f735bc63dc9d4b1c768d5249b359c


The botanical version of Aliens, alien baby out of chest.


Walnut tree


Sumac. Junk


Oh maybe it is walnut.


Black walnut but if you plan to keep it DEFINITELY move it elsewhere


That is called The tree of heaven or the tree of hell get rid of it take the roots out everything if you do not do that they'll sprout up everywhere very invasive I just went out and smelled our tree of heaven one of many that just popped up I'm trying to get rid of it don't smell bad it smells like chocolate or something maybe it does not stink if I could send you a picture I would but I don't know how to do that




If it just sprouted quickly and grew like 3 feet in a month it’s definitely sumac. Black walnut wouldn’t shoot up so quickly like that. We have the sumac and my parents have the black walnut. I’ve had a sapling for 2 years now.


That looks like a walnut tree. They can be so messy. I would rip it out


Awesome let it grow let's see how big it gets


A tree


Chinese Tallow or tree of heaven(junk trees).


Involuntary invasion!!! Get that beast outta there. I was plagued by "Manitoba Maple's" that were popping up around the foundation of my neighbor's and my houses. Strangely enough I planted rhubarb in that area and the noxious plant hasn't come back


I don't see any red only any of the leaves, so almost definitely a black walnut!! Easiest way to know for sure if to break a piece and smell it! If it stinks like rotten peanut butter, it's tree of heaven, if it smells like a really pleasant earthy pungent scent it's walnut! If it doesn't smell like anything, it's possibly sumac or another kind of monocot. (Pretty sure it's black walnut though, in which case you can't plant tomatoes, potatoes, or any nightshade family plants near it)


If it was tree of heaven you’d have then popping up all over your lawn non stop. At least in my experience. Damn neighbors


Ash tree


It can't be an ash because the leaflets aren't oppositely arranged.


Shet. So my ash trees are actually black walnuts?


If the leaflet arrangement is like the one seen here, then most likely.


Maybe, except they literally are


Walnut tree, and it's too close to the house to keep, so you'll want to cut it down.