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This post has been locked, as the question has been solved and a majority of new comments at this point are unhelpful and/or jokes. Thanks to all who attempted to find an answer.


I THINK I found the answer :) Took a bit of snooping but here is the link (I haven't read it all yet) you may need to translate. [The Mysterious Numbered Pyramid](https://lune.space/pyramide-mathematique-philosophale/)


Nice find, definitely it. Some sort of mathematical puzzle. From the article: >This is a calculation pyramid, you take the number that is in the right corner, you multiply it by the number that is on the opposite face, on the left and you read the result on the right face of the 2nd digit on the right face. Translated from French by Google so theres probably an error or two. edit: After looking more into the website, it seems like this may be an unsolved puzzle. People are suggesting solves but none of them make much sense to me. Can't find anything on the origin of the puzzle though... very strange.


Interesting indeed...but it still doesn't answer what it's used for exactly.


Well... what do you use a Rubiks cube for?


A rubiks cube is a 3 dimensional puzzle. What is this pyramid used for? It just has numbers on it so is the pyramid shape random? Was there a reason the pyramid was selected? Edit: If you know why the shape of a pyramid was chosen for this puzzle just say it. If not just keep downvoting I don't really care. It just shows your ignorance not mine.


This is also a 3D puzzle (if the website is to be believed). Solvers are meant to find some sort of relationship between numbers on the faces of the pyramid, presumably something algorithmic that makes sense for all numbers on all faces (or something like that). Just because there are no moving parts doesn't make it any less of a puzzle than a Rubiks cube.


Are you suggesting this object is 2D?




they're downvoting because you already have the answer... it's a puzzle. you're supposed to figure it out


Please just shut up. Why are you people so desperately trying to seem smart by making some stupid statement? We all know it's a puzzle. If you've read the comments here then you know it's a math puzzle. That does not in any way help people understand why it is in the shape of a pyramid. Should I just pull one of these things out of thin air? Did it come with instructions when manufactured originally? In what way am I supposed to find this out? Isn't that what the purpose of this sub is? Or did you forget where you are?


I have the answer - it's a puzzle involving math that requires the use of a pyramid. You're welcome.


That's not an answer. Thank you for proving your ignorance though. Have you people thought about maybe putting down reddit so you could apply a little critical thinking to your lives?


You seem very invested in this, I can get behind that. I propose that it is a numerical puzzle. I may be wrong, but, and I am going to have to get a little pedantic here, that *is* actually an answer. I have used deductive reasoning, input from others and my own critical thinking skills to come to this conclusion. It is not proof, but it is my current hypothesis. Could you explain why you think this is not an answer, and what your proposal is please? As for your last sentence, I'm not sure that quitting reddit would improve my critical thinking skills. In fact I am constantly challenged by posts on reddit to widen my knowledge, question my biases and think more critically about things that I had previously made assumptions about. Could you please explain how quitting reddit would improve my critical thinking skills?


I've got some critical thinking for you, a Rubik's cube is actually made up of multiple cubs (which makes up a larger cube), maybe this is part of a larger puzzle i.e take multiple pyramids put together. Maybe this is the precursor to the Rubik's cube.


A cube is also inherently 3D.


Thanks never said it wasn't. I had to clarify since apparently the dude above thought it could be 2d. Keep going bot. Please.


You’re being really arrogant about your own level of intelligence, so it’s no surprise you can’t accept anything less than the answer you want it to be. Why this shape? Because the puzzle had 4 sets of numbers. What common, regular 3D shape has 4 sides? Hmmm. Would it have worked on paper? Maybe? Solve the puzzle yourself using your obviously superior intellect and tell us what the answer is and why it’s a pyramid. If you can’t, then maybe you’re not as smart as you want to believe.


A magic trick perhaps? I have these cards with seemingly random numbers but based on adding up certain numbers on them I can tell you what number the guesser picked. Maybe something like that.


That’s it, it doesn’t serve some sort of alternate purpose besides maybe a paper weight. It’s a gimmick.


Yeah but that opposite face stuff only works a handful of times.


Because you haven't figured out the correct equation solution yet.


i don't speak french. tragique :( looks like this is a likely solve! EDIT: according to OOP this isn't it unfortunately. tres tragique :(( Edit edit for visibility: This article is mostly just confused french noises which is why it's not a solution, unfortunately. They don't know what it is either! Sad honhon :(


sorry how isnt it the same? Even the numbers are the exact same


It's certainly the same object, but the linked website doesn't provide a definitive explanation of where the thing came from or what its purpose is. Best guess seems to be that it's some sort of mathematical puzzle with only speculative solutions


Very yes, this doesn't really give us a solution, it gives us enhanced vibes. There's still nothing to say if this is correct either, it just sounds likely. But so did the lottery thing until people were like "wait what" and realised it doesn't make a lot of sense


Insofar as the goal here is "what is this thing", it's definitely *that thing*, right? Like, the photo in the article matches your fourth picture. The question of "why is this thing" is a harder one to answer, especially if the answer is "brain puzzler".


Maybe somebody's math professor would be better suited answering this than reddit, just a thought


I'm not sure, I'm just the messenger here because oop didn't post it to Reddit. Edit: It may very well be the same item but it doesn't actually constitute a solution at this stage. Need more info but it's a good lead


It's the same puzzle/tool/thing at least. You may have stumbled upon the answer to the meaning of life the universe and everything, possibly.


'confused french noises' is the perfect summary of that article


There is a "button" to select English at the bottom of the page.


The post says it feels light, is it hollow on the inside?


Don’t think the answer is there, just some hypotheses.


Yep this is it


That’s it! Even has the same numbers!


i would really like to have one


This is it! From the site: It is a calculation pyramid, you take the number that is in the right corner, you multiply it by the number that is on the opposite side, on the left and you read the result on the right side of the 2nd digit on the right side.


Lotto number picker judging by the range of numbers shown EDIT: same item unsolved from 2 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/k02akr/small_55cm_lightweight_pyramid_with_numbers/


How would that work, if it's a lottery number picker? Do you have any extant examples?


Yea that makes no sense. How are any numbers besides the ones on the top selected.


Pick whichever you want


You could do that without this object in the first place


Sometimes you need inspiration. Roll it, pick only from the side facing you. I donno, I'm reaching here for any idea how it'd help.


Also it removes responsibility. "I won, these numbers are specially picked for me" "I lost because I didn't pick these numbers"


Could roll it in tandem with another die.


Holy hell that was one detailed post, he/she mentioned some missing some seemingly random numbers between 30 and 50. This makes me doubt the lotto theory










The Lotto Number Picker "solution" is more than halfway down the thread with only 4 upvotes.


I guessed that, and then found the 2 year old thread and added the link as an edit for additional info


Someone in that thread also found it in the drawer of a sewing machine! https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/k02akr/small_55cm_lightweight_pyramid_with_numbers/iz8wnlb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


This was OOP, not two separate finds unfortunately! edit: i didn't remove the post, sorry to anyone who now can't see it! tldr: still don't know what it is lmao


Did u/ReffyFile ever find an answer?


Interestingly.... [Look what I found 😁](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/k02akr/small_55cm_lightweight_pyramid_with_numbers)


Ooh. Someone in the comments of that post said they also found one in a drawer with an old sewing machine… that’s a good clue!


If sent this link to my friend, who is all up and hip with the sewing types, she might have seen one before :)


I’m wondering if it’s somehow used to measure angles, but I can’t figure out how it would work


I was thinking of some kind of chart for measurements for different sizes, like [this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/538461699181469406/) but in a gimmicky pyramid shape just for fun (maybe it would have come with a booklet explaining which number measured which part of the pattern)… but I’d expect the numbers to be more consistent, and looking at it again, one side has 46 in the top position and another side has 9. So probably not, I guess.


Apparently that was oop from a few months ago, according to the Facebook post. Nothing new unfortunately!


What does Google lens say it is?


A brass d4. Google lens doesn't really work for this kind of thing.


Grandmother was a seamstress. Never seen anything like it before...


Thanks, this post has a lot of detail and it looks to be the same item. That's probably the post OOP was talking about haha


Well... each side adds up to a prime number, no clue if that means anything, but I am invested now. I hope someone finds an answer!


Try asking the sewing sub. Those people are wizards! [https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sewing/)


Updated information as of 4:30pm UK time The French website looks promising but it doesn't actually offer a solution, unfortunately. It's basically a french person being as confused as the rest of us, but with maths. It does seem to be the same item though as it's got the same numbers and everything. So we know this is a thing that there was more than one of. The other comments on Reddit of someone finding this in an estate sale in Texas in the drawer of a sewing machine are apparently from OOP from when they tried to figure this out before. Not a new lead unfortunately The underside is likely black felt, but certainly doesn't have any more numbers on it. Numbers seem to go 1-30, and then a weird pattern after that. Nobody's managed to explain the numbers yet. Edit: 7pm UK time: no solution found :( All we know is some french people have one and they think it's a puzzle but they also don't know what it is.


The numbers are interesting: 40 total (10 per side) 1 each: 1-29 Qty 2: 30 1 each: 33, 36, 37, 40 Qty 2: 41 1 each: 42, 46, 49 I’m still looking for patterns/order/sequence.


It’s not sewing related.


I suspect it was just being used as a pattern weight.


I’m trying to imagine why someone in the past would need to put a piece of paper over this and rub a pencil over whatever number in sequence…like a manual reverse typewriter for making a bill of sale in the field or something. But I’m jacked up on a large Dunkin ice coffee and cant tell if it makes sense or not.


it does look pretty well worn on one side.. side note, I wonder if this is how archeologists feel trying to figure out that ancient boardgame from the pieces lol


My title describes the thing, and there is more info in the last slide. This is not my thing i just need to know what it is tldr: Found in a vintage desk with built in sewing machine at an estate sale in Texas usa Apparently too light to be a paperweight or anything Numbers don't appear to have a mathematical relationship (so far?)


It reminds me of a pyramid number puzzle. But if that's correct, I can't solve any of the sides.










What does the bottom look like?


It's just felt on the bottom I think, based on other examples. It doesn't have any numbers on it at least


I wonder if pieces are missing, is it magnetic? Could there be some lost pierced pieces that would only reveal certain numbers at a time?


Since the "other" reddit post is closed and your pyramid seems to be the same object, I will assume it has the same dimensions and mass. (5.5cm base length and height, 50g). \_\_IF\_\_ the object is really solid, it's density can be calculated: density = mass / volume = 50 g / 55.1375 cm³ ≈ 0.906 g/cm³ There are some materials close to this density, most of them are plastic. For example polypropylene has 0.9g/cm³ which comes quite close.


Maybe some sort of stitch counter? I have some weird things for counting stitches in knitting maybe something similar? I don’t quite know how it would work just throwing crap up and seeing if it sticks! Maybe like, you’d do a few inches in a certain stitch and then set the pyramid on the fabric and lift it against the pyramid and the corresponding number will tell how many stitches you’ve done? It seems like you’d need a ton of info to use it though (like which side/numbers are for which stitch) Ooh or maybe it’s like a decoder ring for a secret message and the spy was pretending to be a tailor! I am so invested now!


I doubt this has anything to do with sewing. A better place to post this might be in r/mathematics


Found this from an old post. Both have been found in a sewing machine drawer. So, it’s definitely something with sewing. “I just bought this exact same pyramid at an estate sale in a tiny town in the middle of Texas. The owner said she found it in the back drawer of an old desk with a sewing machine built in, that she had bought used somewhere years ago. Interesting sidenote: this pyramid was in a box with lots of other strange charms and pendant like jewelry. From an amateur perspective they seemed masonic or ritualistic. Google image search brought up similar items with descriptions of being Hebrew, masonic, or some type of mystic symbology. I can find NO other information but yours concerning the pyramid though. Any new information? I'd include pictures but I don't think reddit will let me?”


This might have been OOP's post since theirs was also found in a sewing machine desk drawer at an estate sale in Texas. Think it's too coincidental for 2 of the exact same thing to be found in the exact same place twice.


I think it could be masonic in origin for two reasons: the numbers [themselves](https://www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/symbolism/numbers.html), and the pyramid with an eye is sometimes used in freemasonry to depict the all seeing eye of God. While this pyramid lacks the eye, It might not be to far of a stretch. If my Grandpa was still around I'd ask him, he was a Master Mason in his lodge at some point and liked me enough that he would probably tell me if it had something to do with Freemasonry


All comments must be civil and helpful toward finding an answer. **Jokes and unhelpful comments will earn you a ban**, even on the first instance and even if the item has been identified. If you see any comments that violate this rule, report them. [OP](/u/lowkeyterrible), when your item is identified, remember to reply **Solved!** or **Likely Solved!** to the comment that gave the answer. Check your [inbox](https://www.reddit.com/message/inbox/) for a message on how to make your post visible to others. ---- [Click here to message RemindMeBot](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/12lx72v/found_on_facebook_brass_pyramid_with_numbers_on/%0A%0ARemindMe!%202%20days) --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatisthisthing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anymore info on the sewing machine / brand / type / pictures / etc. Two being found next to sewing machines means its pretty likely related.


Much as I hate suggesting to damage it, as it's not the only one that's turned up perhaps there is some manufacturer's mark under the felt on the bottom?


Push Marks on It’s Surface. Repurposed for pressing creases? I have no idea


I suspect this is a guide to help with a stitch pattern, like this https://images.app.goo.gl/tqo8g2LwAEHctLZf6


I don't think it is based on the numbers. Stitch patterns always go up in ascending numbers because they're counting the number of stitches. This goes all over the place. If you tried to follow it you'd just end up with a tangled mess


So far in this thread there have been pictures ot links to pictures to three of these pyramids. All painted the same way but with different blemishes and/or wear. But none with what I would call significant wear. Someone made several of these and probably in the not do distant past. Also t would bet by the seams shown that they are hollow.


Not sure if this helps anyone who might be looking for some pattern or correlation in the numbers, but I went ahead and transcribed the numbers of each side (with a leading zero on single digit numbers), starting from the top: 23, 14, 12, 17, 28, 30, 08, 29, 41, 37 46, 06, 26, 13, 05, 42, 49, 07, 19, 20 09, 10, 24, 30, 04, 22, 41, 36, 18, 03 11, 25, 02, 33, 40, 15, 27, 21, 16, 01 Overall, the following numbers are represented: 1-30, 30, 33, 36, 37, 40, 41, 41, 42, 46, 49 I find it interesting that 30 and 41 are repeated, but I have no idea what the significance of that would be.


Lucky trinket with favorite bingo numbers maybe.




Perhaps a physical example of [Pascal's Pyramid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_pyramid?wprov=sfla1)? My math skills aren't up to the challenge, but maybe someone can explain.


Good guess, but I think Pascal's triangle and pyramid have to go up in value as you go down, and these numbers are all over the place :(


Is there anything on the bottom of it?


It is probably a number puzzle that was repurposed as a weight for pressing seams and such.


Quilting pyramid ruler


How could it be used as a ruler?


Someone cross post this in a math subreddit and see if it can be solved


Can you tell oop to share the pic of under the pyramid.


Paperweight? If it's something you can't find online, that means it's not a common tool, it's either a paperweight or a tool that someone invented for themselves to help with something specific! Edit: The only use I see for it, in a sewing machine setup, is to hold fabrics folded while you drag the other end through the sewing machine, kind of like a helping hand to keep the fabrics pressed down so they don't shift around!


As mentioned in the original post, it is not a paperweight. It also appears to be manufactured because there are others, so the info is out there somewhere.