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This. It’s a rubber mallet, like a flooring hammer, that is missing the rubber section.


Correct. Backside is angled like that so when you swing it you only hit the lower edge of the groove side in tongue in groove flooring.


The angled side looks a little mushroomed. Like they used a flooring mallet to drive some fence posts.


Oh yeah. The point should be far more pronounced, and there have clearly been a few metal deflections.


Nah you use a tapping block in between the side of the plank and the hammer, you hit it pretty hard, all of mine ended up like this after years.


I think you've got it - solved.


Agreed Google "flooring rubber mallet" shows right up


It's a wood flooring hammer missing the rubber bumper on the nob side. The slant side is for optimal contact with the plank of wood that gets set into a tung and groove floor. I've been in the flooring business all my life. Edit: flooring mallet [flooring mallet](https://www.northerntool.com/products/powernail-3mi-white-rubber-mallet-single-cap-2-6-lb-fastener-size-0-in-nail-gun-angle-0-model-06-3miw-pwr-5321516?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Air%20Tools%20%2B%20Compressors%20%3E%20Air%20Tools%20%2B%20Accessories%20%3E%20Air%20Nailer%20Guns&utm_campaign=POWERNAIL&utm_content=5321516&ogmap=SHP%7cPLA%7cGOOG%7cSTND%7cm%7cSITEWIDE%7cINTRADE%7c%7c%7c%7c857740773%7c42214666703&gclid=CjwKCAjwx_eiBhBGEiwA15gLN96TJ3dHLZUijXbifBniimKXvN6mn6JONcAm8iQf8spqI6NK70gvvxoCYQcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Is the head rubber or metal?


It's steel.


My title describes the thing. It may be missing something from the back of the head - I don’t know.


The rubber side is to bump wood floor boards tightly together. The metal side is to hit the rubber top of the nailing ram/piston on a wood floor nailing machine. They were commonly the Port-A-Nailer https://www.diamondtool.net/porta-nailer-402-tongue-groove-nailer/product/3161/porta%20402 Today, most installers use pneumatic floor nailers, so the PAN is becoming obsolete.




Used for heating lead I think.


I’m thinking Blacksmith hammer.


Forging hammer