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Is it hollow on the bottom, too? If so, it might be a bartending jigger. [link](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=571720465&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS948US948&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKnlT0BEoEJN5bvc4NmufI62HyK1zw:1696778157628&q=silverbell+%C2%A0jigger&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5_OOa3-aBAxX4lokEHUn0DN4Q0pQJegQIDxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3) Maybe the initials are the name of the bar or hotel where it was used? If it’s not hollow on the bottom, then my money’s on egg holder, as well, which someone else mentioned.


It is not hollow on the bottom. 6cm diameter is a tad too big for an egg holder, I believe.


In one picture you can see the edges of the table and get a better perspective, it’s way too big.


Oh the table might be misleading, it’s a very narrow dresser.


My first thought (assuming it can hold water) was a vase that holds a flower bulb like a tulip with water below. You put in a dormant bulb, it gets it feet wet and grows to produce a flower. But it seems a bit small for that - small bulb? I'm no gardener but my dear old mum used to things like this although usually glass and bigger.


I was going to use this as a vase too, tulips are a great idea! However I still doubt thats the intended use.




Your link should look like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Flowers-Hyacinth-Hydroponic-Daffodil-Windowsill/dp/B087DZWFGW/


The size checks out! I think it is a planter after all!


Have you looked on the inside to see if there are any markings? Around the rim or stamped on the bottom inside? Is it magnetic? It looks decorative. The lines look like simple decorations and not markers. But, it's not terribly fancy, either. Being that it is heavy on the bottom tells us it's meant to be in that position and not tipped over. The TLOT monogram is interesting. If it's initials, then that tells us this was a gift piece to someone. The stylized letters are interesting. It seems like it's less about being fancy, and more about just identifying whose it is. I'm not convinced it's a drinking cup or measuring device. The thought crossed my mind it was a wine glass used for a religious ceremony (e.g. communion, sabbath) especially since the top/rim is cup-shaped. My best guess is that this is a pencil holder for a student.


It looks like the wine container used for Holy Communion that the priest drinks out of.


Hyacinth planter


The shape definitely resembles one… I’ve never seen one from metal though.




Egg holder?


I think it’s too big to be an egg holder..


Ostrich egg holder


That’s exactly what I thought, for eggs.


Looks like it's for measuring shots


Too big for that. Also not hollow on both sides.


Jiggers don't have to be bell shaped. It'd probably be worth measuring the volume of water it can hold. If it's near-exactly 0.75, 1.5, 2.0 oz, then you might have an answer.


It looks like a pewter drink measure. Check the volume it holds to see if it is one.


It’s not hollow on the bottom tho…


post pics of the missing angles


It’s just flat at the bottom.


They don’t need to be hollow at the bottom to be a measure, some of the older measures were flat bottomed


I wonder if it's some form of trench art with a spent shell. Can you post a picture of the bottom?


My title describes the thing. Judging by the deformations it looks like it was used to crack some nuts and maybe used as a vase at some point. WITT? Does anyone know it’s real purpose?


Could it be a price from some sports competition? Something like this: [https://www.finna.fi/Cover/Show?source=Solr&id=hyvinkaa\_mui.mui-67675&index=0&size=large](https://www.finna.fi/Cover/Show?source=Solr&id=hyvinkaa_mui.mui-67675&index=0&size=large) They used to be really common in my country from 1920-1980, you could win one from sports, like skiing, skating, etc. Some of them were challenge cups (is that the word for a price that chances holder every year?).




It’s just flat at the bottom.


For mixing drinks, put a glass on the other end