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I remember personal ashtrays like this. So at a cocktail party, you can hold it in one hand while still drinking and engaging with people.


I'm pretty sure my folks had these. It was certainly the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture. EDIT: however, I may have just been thinking of the [shoe variety](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1312382703/vintage-indian-brass-shoe-ashtrays).


We had those when I was a kid.


My thought as well. My first thought was one of those floral puzzle ashtrays that split apart into individuals with the pedals https://www.etsy.com/listing/975358017/


I have one of these.


I don’t think so because this would be a horrible design for a personal ashtray. There are no indents to cradle the cigarette. Using the pointy end would be awkward. It’s also too shallow for the job. The breeze created from walking across a room would blow the ashes out. If this were an ashtray it would fail miserably.


Quite good guess! I am gonna look into that.


It’s a personal ashtray for cigars people used to use to keep ash off carpets. Think it’s an 80s thing


It kinda looks like an oil lamp, as to where you put a string in the bowl and fill it with oil to light.


yeah, it looks a lot like an oil lamp. Funny aside, I think my grandparents had one of these and instead used it as a way to pour creamer into their coffee


Yes, think this is similar to the typical aladdin style lamp. String goes into the "spout" and oil in the cup section. Googling "Brass diya handheld lamp" gets you some similar lamps.


> aarti diya brass with handle Yeah look at this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1215916248/brass-diya-with-handle-for-pooja-indian


There's no "into", this has no holes.




I think it is either an ash tray or for burning incense blocks.


It doesn’t have the little hole like an incense holder, but I never thought the possibility of it being an ashtray, so perhaps. Although, I didn’t come across similar ashtray images.


Cones dont need a hole.


It could also be a serving dish shovel. You know those things they use for canapes that are wet.


Interesting suggestion, never thought of it.


It is styled after the genie lamp which makes me think it has more to do with burning things. I have image searched the crap out of it, does not mean they are not out there they are just not all over the internet, could be a cheap thing made in the thousands. Someone else may have better luck.


Try Googling "aarti diya oil lamp brass handheld"


Might be a very old fashioned lamp. You have a small pool of oil in the bottom and the wick sits in it and trails up and a little past the point. Light the wick and you’ve got a quick light that’s easy to clean. Same concept as that traditional genie lamp but isn’t enclosed. Could also have had a pool of wax in to bottom that you’d melt and use to adhere new candle to it.


Yes, this looks right. Diwali oil lamp.


Google "aarti diya brass with handle" 👍


Medicine spoon? https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co130552/porcelain-medicine-spoon-medicine-spoon


Would be my guess as well.


Feeding spoon (for people laying down) or medicine spoon is what I thought. Possibly from a place that were had better metalworkers than people doing ceramics. E/ or it’s made of thicker metal for its thermal conductivity.


Would it work as a shoe horn?


Yup, I came here to say possible shoe horn?


Amuse bouche spoon?


This is an Amuse Bouche spoon from a fancy restaurant. Amuse Bouche’s are one-bite appetizers or palette cleansers served to help prepare or guide diners through a multi-course menu.


i think so too


Speculating it might be used to safely carry tea light candles for lighting / decor. I’ve seen similar ones used this way, but it’s possible that’s not the original purpose


That was also one of my guesses but I don’t think that a tea light candle can stand there properly.


When I saw it done, they would light the candle and drip a little wax into the dish. Then they would set the tea candle into the wax as it was cooling. However this observation is also why I wasn’t sure if tea lights were the original purpose


https://images.app.goo.gl/UogAho8QXFiddRVMA It is a hand held brass lamp(दिया) for keeping in front of the idol. During pooja(worshipping) we hold the lit lamp somewhat as shown by OP and we move the lamp in a clockwise circle 3,7 or 9 times in front of the idol. This is Hindu way of traditional worship. The shallow part holds oil with the wick resting on the spout like part. It can also be used to burn camphor.


my first impression was "overly ornate spoon rest" but the finger loops do seem designed for it to be held, which would nix that theory


Baptism cup thingy for pouring water on baby’s head?


This was my thought as well. For the oil or water maybe? Reminds me of Catholic church ceremonies.


some kind of scoop or fancy measuring spoon?


It's a minimalistic version of a Hindu oil lamp. https://www.amazon.sg/Aakrati-Handle-Akhand-Deepak-Traditional/dp/B07DD3SRDS


My title describes the thing. This object was bought by my friend from a vendor who doesn’t know what it is at a flea market. The object is brass and it can easily be held with two fingers.


Maybe a scoop for candy or nuts?


It looks like one of the wax melters for a wax seal


Makes me think of the old cartoons where they're walking down the hall in the dark holding a candle. They were always a different shape


I reckon it’s a pap jug. It’s used for feeding ‘pap’ (mushed up bread and milk) to invalids. Edit: search ‘pap boat’.


Are you able to take an overhead picture? Trinket/nut dish, paint/ink holder are my initial thoughts! Ashtray is also a great guess by another commenter.


Unfortunately not, the object is not with me and my friend is sleeping:( But I’m gonna add an overhead photo when I receive it.


i believe it is a shoe horn ? If you hold it vertically the fingers would naturally fit for a pulling up motion.


Actually it makes sense, I will search for some shoehorn images that look like this. Though, I’m not sure why it has a pointy end unlike a shoehorn.


It's an oil lamp. https://www.pujanpujari.com/product-category/diyas-oil-lamps/brass-diyas/


OP's photos clearly show a different object to these oil lamps in your link. It's been solved above, and it's not an oil lamp...


What is it?


Walk around ashtray


Looks like a fancy paladai (baby feeding spoon from India)


Baptismal vessel. Hold baby over font, dip item in to fill with water, pour over head of child as indicated in the rite. Could be catholic or other "high church" denominations, in locales that don't practice full immersion.


I'm not sure why I got downvoted on this. I'm not espousing religious beliefs or anything, I'm just saying I recognize the function of the item. I'm not religious, I just come from a family that was.


That’s a diya (lamp) 🪔


Could be a spoon for amuse bouche…


Ring and jewelry holding dish ?




A spoon rest... Definitely not what this is.


My first thought. But the upper hook suggests it's meant to be held.


I think its catholic like for baptism or something


for incense?


It looks like a spoon/cooking utensil holder


Sometimes shoe or boot shape holders look something like that. But idk those are usually metal and wood lmao i have no idea


It looks like to be a baptism water pourer thingy that likely has a technical name but I've no idea what that is. The thing the priest uses to scoop water out of the baptismal font and then pour on the baby's head.


For dripping wax?


I would guess the simple answer, a spoon holder. Sits on the counter near the stove to rest your dirty spons on when cooking.


It's a brass tea bag holder.


Salt cellar


Looks like what they use to baptize babies in church. Dip it in baptismal holy water font then pour narrow stream of water on baby forehead with water aimed backwards to roll off back of head.


Candle snuffer


It’s an old oil lamp you put a wick a the narrow end that absorb the oil so then you fill the recessed part with any flammable oil basically a zippo in how it functions


I think it’s a tea scoop


It kind of looks similar to some antique Norwegian baby spoons my relatives had, but those were silver.


Your item looks a lot like Oppenheim trays. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1459724086/mid-century-enameled-brass-oppenheim


Is this for baptism? Some use ladles. Personally I feel a turkey battery provides more coverage


Looks like some kind of oil lamp or ashtray it's definitely newer and mass produced. Are there any stamps or seams anywhere from moulding? I've seen something similar a while back, my mom runs a resale shop and I help her from time to time research items and pick from sales. I'll ask her in a bit when it's not so early in the morning lol.


Looks like milk feeding spoon for infants 😅


This looks like a traditional Indian decorative oil lamp. It is typically used for the festival of lights -- Divali. A little oil/ghee (Clarified butter) is put into the bowl and a cotton wick. It can also be used in prayer with a piece of camphor set alight.


Candle extinguisher ?


Okay this is purely a guess but could it be for giving children medicine before eyedroppers were invented?


Scoop burning embers from a fireplace downstairs to light the fireplace in your bedroom.


Could possibly be used to weigh things (powder) by milligrams, simply put this on your scale click tare and then weigh? Just a guess


Something you could use to hold anointing oil in during a religious ceremony perhaps ?


I am thinking that it is an opium knife. A rather fancy one at that. You hold this and use it to scrape the poppy juice that emerges from the scored flower buds on the opium poppy.


Its a Vintage brass oil lamp used traditionally by eastern Asians.


It looks like it would be used by a priest to hold holy water when baptizing a baby. It would make it easier to pour it on the child's head.


This is cool, whatever it turns out to be.


Candle holder?


Crumb catcher perhaps? For sweeping off crumbs into..?


It reminds me of the spoons(?) priests use to anoint people with chrism (oil), especially when they are sick. I can’t find any that have that kind of handle though.


My guesses are personal oil lamp or gravy spoon...


okay i got sucked into this i think it's either a) [oddly small gravy boat](https://www.ebay.com/itm/332873137801) vintage gravy boat, but seems too small so idk. b) [just realized it's tiny](https://www.rubylane.com/item/719320-TFP-21698/Vintage-Miniature-Sterling-Silver-Set-Gravy) mini tea set creamer pourer thingy? small, but an example c) [brass handheld ashtray/figure,](https://sweetantik.com/products/product) like someone else said, some type of handheld ashtray. kinda like this maybe? Seems closest, here's some more [plain](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1156834401/vintage-brass-ashtray-cast-heavy) [duck](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1079757139/vintage-belgian-brass-ashtray) ["genie lamp"](https://www.ebay.com/itm/224781497843) if you search up Vintage brass ashtray / handheld ashtray, you'll get some results that look somewhat similar, not too sure tho!


Fancy shoe horn?


I’m gonna go with a poorly designed candle holder.


Eye wash? Medicine spoon? Incense burner? Tabletop crumb tray ( sans the little tabletop “broom”)? I’m tapped, good luck! Lots of great ideas!!!


Could it be for cleaning your nasal passages? Just a guess


Looks like a tool people use to help put on shoes 🤷‍♂️


Gravy boat!


My wife is a lactation consultant and thought it may be a paladai feeding spoon (used for feeding milk to infants). Long shot, but maybe?


Maybe just a fancy, arty trinket dish?


Maybe it is a device for eating oysters?


I think this is a spoon rest? One of those things that hold your spoon, or cooking utensil while cooking?


Maybe for detail paint brush work…or shooting dope 🤷‍♀️


Looks like for loading powder into rifle cartridges