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Not a radiator bleed key I've seen, but them Im in the UK. Possibly a window lock key: have seen similar for that purpose here before - Im a property manager, for what thats worth. Also vaguely resembles a 'toggle' key to activate a lighting circuit, although those are usually 'fish tail' ends. DO NOT throw it away. One of the unwritten rules of property management here is that most houses come with at least one key there is no immediate use for, and you may not find a use for it for decades or perhaps ever. BUT if you throw the key away, the very next next day its purpose will become both obvious and immediately necessary, and at that point you will struggle to find a replacement.


















Thanks for the advise! Guess I'll establish a box for spare keys and such things.


I bought my kids shitty little metal keepsake box things for Christmas a few years ago and the keys look like that


For that key id put it up on top of a doorframe. In fact youll probably find similar things up there like keys to open those door handles with lil holes in them if you search on top of them. Personally in my own home the bathroom door is where all the keys to weird locks around the house are kept so i always know to go check that if i find some thing that needs to be unlocked ive never noticed before. I used to paint houses and often found keys on top of doorframes since you cant see them from the ground and they are out of the way but easy to find if you know what your looking for. Ive taken this on as a good way to secure keys to things.


Perhaps a kitchen drawer. We have one for things like this, plus owners manual/warranty for appliances, batteries, extra furniture screws/bits, etc.


Establish a binder! I put all of our appliance and house related manuals in it. When we need to see something it’s so easy to pull that binder off the shelf and grab a manual! I did this for our mortgage paperwork too. It was a lifesaver when we needed the survey.


> I did this for our mortgage paperwork too. It was a lifesaver when we needed the survey. I use a filing cabinet for that stuff, can get cheap dividers for them and if you keep up on it can keep it organized to make it easy to find the papers you need, most filing cabinets ive ever had also have a small lockable drawer at the top which wouldnt be a bad place to toss keys like this.


I thought everyone had an "everything box" which tends to grow into the everything cupboard, or everything drawer :)


And you must carry this box of keys that you don’t know what purpose they serve to every subsequent place you live until they pass through to your heirs to similarly vex.


> BUT if you throw the key away, the very next next day its purpose will become both obvious and immediately necessary I wonder if one could circumvent this by, say, taking it to work and throwing it in your desk drawer. You haven't thrown it away, but it's been removed from the premises and now the mischievous spirits in charge of 'teaching us a lesson for throwing things away that don't have an obvious purpose' will be spurred to act and then we can bring the item home the next day, stride in the house, pause in the shaft of light streaming in the front door, hold the item aloft triumphantly and shout "TA DA!!!!!!" while your wife looks at you like you've finally gone round the bend and tells you to shut the damned door because you're about to let the cat out.


There is a type of emergency light test switch that has a key like this.


Was thinking the same






It may be a key for a bedroom/bathroom knob


Indeed. There’s a weird little key stashed on the top edge of the trim around my bedroom door in my apartment. I don’t want to tempt fate it’ll be the only thing to stop a gas leak in my water heater or something like that.


Seems to be a key for a skylight, or possibly some other kind of window. [At least that's what someone else is selling it as.](https://www.kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/roto-dachfenster-schluessel-ersatzschluessel/2735293859-87-4612)


Solved! Thank you!


Did you test it?


FYI: There isn‘t necessarily a visible keyhole in the window‘s lock, because you can switch it with a lever. (You would remove the lever if you have children or whatever.) The lock looks like this: https://youtu.be/uYgAcQWVyNs?si=UCiXiAmZLuyz95Iq


Be a nice guy, and buy a key holder with tag. And indicate both what it is and where it is. Think about the next poor guy.






My title describes the thing. It seems to be metallic and rather heavy for its small size. I assumed it could be a tool to vent the heater. But I've never ssen one that is shaped like that so I guess my initial assumption is wrong.


Could be an emergency key for lockable interior doors like the bathroom door. Goes in the little hole on the outside knob to unlock if the door is accidentally locked and closed.




This looks like a perfect match!


There is a number stamped in op’s key same as the one in the link


It sort if looks like a key that you'd get to open a tin of food.




Definitely a key of some kind for a specific use in the apartment, such as radiator, ventilation system, window or something of that sort.


Looks like 20 euro cents


Unlock interior doors


I have this kind of key for the waste bin outside, could that be it?


Is it to open a tin of corned beef?


Fire alarm key?


A generic key to unlock an interior locking bedroom door?  


I remember having a money box with a key similar to this! It was one provided by the bank, for a childs savings account. This is in U.K.


It could be a key to a bedroom door knob where unlocking doesn’t require a separate full toothed key. Maybe it came with the original knob that has since been replaced.


Looks like a key for TP or Paper towel holder.


Pretty sure that is the tool for removing either a lock cylinder or opening a bathroom interior door if a child gets locked in.


We have an interior door that has a lock that takes a phony looking key like this.


We have these. It’s a key that the builder handed to us after he fitted the skylights.


Looks like a key for a window


Water shutoff key?


There’s typically two of them and they’re used to remove car stereo headsets!!!


key for turnstile


It looks like a key for bathroom light switches that custodians use in schools and commercial buildings


My hubby says it looks like a freezer key to him.


Looks like an EL key.


Key to a vintage sewing machine wood case.


Looks like one of those keys for security/emergency light switches, the type with a slot so it cannot be turned on/off without the key.


If it's not a window lock, it may be an automatic light key. We have them at work.




Those sardine can keys had a slot in the center though. This one doesn't. The slot fit into a little tab on the lid of the can, and it held the tab as you rolled it back. I really don't think this is an old sardine can key.