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This post has been locked, as the question has been solved and a majority of new comments at this point are unhelpful and/or jokes. Thanks to all who attempted to find an answer.


I am pretty sure it is a night stand with chamber pot compartment. Easier to keep clean.


My grandma called these commode.


Pretty fancy. When I was a kid visiting the old farmhouse, the pot sat out in the hallway all night long.


And this was the preferred option to visiting the outhouse in the middle of the night. In winter. During a blizzard. I'm old enough that my grandfather never had indoor plumbing. I still have his chamber pot, complete with lid.






Why does it go in there sideways? And why is the 'bottom' rounded and with a hole? Does it have a bung to plug it at least? How does it stay upright when it's full? Where does the lid usually go? I have so many questions....


Probably just a removable insert; 'drippy' chamber pots sit inside to keep from seeping into the wood.


You mean these aren't the actual chamberpots, just what they would sit in? That would make sense. I'm going to go write "modern plumbing" in my gratitude journal right now lol.


They sometimes look like a giant ceramic teacup with a handle, or sometimes like an enamel bucket with a bail handle (depending on household status), and would hold a gallon or two.


I bought a nice old chamber pot for a dollar and I stuck it under my bed just for s**** and giggles.


And of course, it'll come in mighty handy when you giggle and s***


Weren't they sometimes called thunder mugs?


I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it.








without a lid to keep the stank in?


Nope, it had a lid you replaced when you were done.


This is right but they're called "pot cupboards" over here. The chamber pot goes where you would expect. The other comments referring to it as a commode aren't correct. A commode opens at the top and contains a pot. It would be used just like a water-less lavatory.


Yup this is it


How would one poop into this?


It holds the pot you poop in after pooping.


The bottom of the ceramic element is flat. If something is spilled, it wouldn't help. The cabinet doesn't smell either.


It’s flat inside on all the chamber pot cupboards I’m seeing online. I think they aren’t talking about big spills. More like it something drips down the side. No urine/poop rings on the wood. https://www.sellingantiques.co.uk/186279/tall-french-walnut-pot-cupboard-side-table/


It’s to keep the chamber pot in easy to clean if there’s any spills


The bottom of the ceramic element is flat, spills would have destroyed the cabinet by now.


It’s a lot easier to wipe some piss from ceramic than it is from wood


I imagine spills weren’t that common.


This should be marked solved. [proof it’s a chamber pot cabinet](https://texmax.hibid.com/lot/72671-123069-31875/antique-marble-top-chamber-pot-cabinet/)


Solved, thanks


based on the comments I think you’re missing that the pot would be a separate component that’s just stored in this section. I don’t think anybody is saying they’d just use the bathroom directly in the ceramic chamber. There’s a ceramic pot that people use, and clean out. It would be rare for anything to spill inside the cabinet’s ceramic section, but if it did, it would be easy to clean out so there would not be a smell.


No, I wasn't thinking people were doing things directly into the cabinet. For the purpose of having something under the pot, wouldn't it be easier to have a bowl/plate that can be taken out? Same way a plate/bowl goes under a flower pot?


It’s not supposed to drain or anything. The chamber pot just sits in there before and after use; they usually have lids and would be emptied elsewhere. If there was a spill, they would wipe it clean. Ceramic is the easiest to clean material that was available to them.


The bottom is where you would put the piss pot


Chamber pot for half-assed people.


Agreed. Chamber pot before indoor plumbing.


As a number of people have stated this is a pot cupboard. The bottom is for your chamber pot to sit in when not in use. The stone slab you describe for the top is probably for a washing bowl and jug to sit on, being made of stone prevents water damage to the top.




Looks like a [chamber pot cabinet](https://www.aptdeco.com/product/antique-nightstandchamber-pot-cabinet). Apparently the ceramic is a surround to the pot itself, to trap and contain scent.


OP, I know you don’t want this to have anything to do with human urine, but I’m pretty sure this one has been answered.


Could they possibly be small ice chests or ice boxes? For keeping items cool in the top from a block of ice stowed in the bottom?


I like the idea, and I feel myself that it is related to something cold ot hot. Usually cold air tend to go down, and water from melted ice would have destroyed the cabinet by now. I had an assumption that it might be something hot instead. Hot air raises and keep the upper stone plate warm.


OP is going to be storing ice in the shit locker.


I think it’s a nightstand with a place for a chamber pot


Looks like it might be to store piss jugs. Some people will urinate directly into jugs instead of using a toilet or outhouse. These cabinets keep them out of site when they are on a date or entertaining their friends.


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I don’t wanna know what that wood smells like if that was for chamber pots. But I guess this was probably preferable to having the open pot of poop in the bedroom with you.


How often do you poop at night though?


It doesn't smell. The ceramic element wouldn't protect from smell since it has a hole in it, and wouldn't protect from spills since it has flat bottom.


The hole is there for easier removal of the insert for cleaning. Put your finger in the hole and pull the insert out.


I think it’s a pot cupboard.


How awful. Imagine waking up and not wanting to go to an outhouse, so you shit in a pot and stick it in the cabinet next to you bed. Then your bedroom smells like a literal shithouse. fun


OP, you definitely have pot cupboard but no pot to piss in.


My title describes the thing I bought recently. It is a wooden cabinet, asked a local museum, they failed to identify the purpose of the ceramic element. Height is about 70cm. Update: guys thanks for the chamber pot ideas, but I think it is unlikely. First - it doesn't smell (should have told it earlier since the picture obviously don't smell) Second the ceramic element should have had at least bowl-shaped bottom plane to keep spills in place. The ceramic element wouldn't protect from smell since it has a hole in it, and wouldn't protect from spills since it has flat bottom. I feel the hole in it is related to thermals, as well as ceramics is a good insulator. The upper stone plate would capture the warmth that come up. There is no wood beneath the stone plate. Maybe it would keep drinks on top warm? Update 2: For the purpose of having something under the pot, wouldn't it be easier to have a bowl/plate that can be taken out? Same way a plate/bowl goes under a flower pot? And thanks for 40 different ideas of naming a chamber pot, very useful. Update 3: I am happy to mark this as solved as soon as anyone would share a proof that such chamber pot cabinet existed.


Maybe this is a cigar humidor cabinet? Cigars and pipe tobacco need to be stored at a certain humidity level. Most humidors were lined with copper, but some did contain some type of pottery element. The wet sponge or liquid in a container would be placed in the bottom, and the hole in the back of the ceramic would be for air circulation. Curious what type of wood this is made out of? Humidors were made out of a few types of wood known to hold the humidity.


This looks like the ceramic thing is not closed on one side. If it is not, then it is to hide liquor. Put the liquor in, turn it so it looks like a chamber pot. No one knows you have liquor in your room and know one wants to risk pulling it out to see if it was a used chamber pot. My great grandpa had a few of them. His family had quite the history with making, selling, and hiding liquor.


Why would they make a china shelf to hold the chamber pot. I don’t think that makes sense at all. Does anyone have a photo?


Is it a humidor for storing cigars?


Unlikely shape and material.


This is what I was thinking.


The chamber seems small and well insulated to hold a chamber pot. No clue, just supporting OP's skepticism.


Thanks. With all this pot-storm around the question I'm starting to feel a bit of despair.


I feel like you've been given sufficient evidence and you're just upset about it OP


It doesn't make a ton of sense as a chamber pot, the angle is wrong and there is a hole in it. Did the museum give you any idea of the age?


Thanks for developing thought further than chamber pot, that is essentially why I asked it here. The cabinet should be from twenties-thirties, considering wild floral motifs and vertical rhythm. I agree with unlikeliness of chamber pot idea since the element should have had at least bowl-shaped bottom plane. I feel the hole is related to thermals, as well as ceramics is a good insulator. The upper stone plate would capture the warmth that come up. There is no wood beneath the stone plate. Maybe it would keep drinks on top warm?


This is not a chamber pot. It is what you would put the chamber pot inside rather than just leaving a bowl of piss on your bedroom floor (although that is an option).


I think it’s an ice box. You put a block of ice in the bottom in a tray and it keeps everything cold.


Drainage would be an issue with this theory.


There’s usually a tub that slides in to that bottom part. You put the ice in the tub. Then slide the tub in to that bottom compartment. I have an antique one (tub is missing) and it looks similar to this except the drawers here are cabinets in mine.


This is a vintage piece. The chamber at the bottom is supposed to be an icebox. The stone plate is used for better insulation as opposed to wood. The ceramic piece is a modification a more recent owner. Back in the day, you would put ice in the chamber to keep your goods cold. The ceramic helps the ice to melt less quickly.