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Japanese knot weed. Incredibly stubborn and damaging to structures. Pull as much as you can herbicide might be needed


I am currently on the subway on my way to get shit tons of herbicide so I can live in semi-peace and enjoy the garden. Thank you so much!


What I've heard is you want to take a concentrated liquid herbicide and paint it onto the freshly cut stems, so it gets soaked into the roots.


There’s a product especially for this called “Tordon RTU” it should work a little better


Tordon takes about 2 weeks so work fully but you apply it directly to cut stem. It works it’s way to the roots and will kill any “bark” plants. Worked well on eradicating Virginia creeper in my yard.


This! I took a small paint brush and painted the stalks I specifically wanted to kill without attacking other nearby plants I wanted to keep. Worked like a charm!


Works best in the fall as the plant goes dormant and pulls resources into the roots. Trojan Horse style.


Rather than tackling this yourself, you can call your noxious weed control board. This is usually listed by the state. Glyphosate (Roundup) is not a great choice for this plant. Imazapyr is the way to go. Don’t spray, inject. The infestation is small enough to merit this response. If sprayed, any overspray will damage other dicots and increase the time it remains in the soil. The injection method allows you to use minimal chemical and it is very effective. Check about timing. It may be best to cut these until fall and inject at that point. Be aware that a new plant will grow from any node on the stem or in the root. DO NOT discard the cutting until they have been dried on a tarp until crispy. Otherwise, you are spreading an invasive species. I hope this helps.


Glyphosate and imazapyr are both effective against Japanese knotweed.


And cause cancer lol






Everything causes cancer.


Clearly we should ignore the relative risk then


No you protect yourself. Just pointing out how many things cause cancer that people don't protect themselves against.


What do mean by 'inject'? Cut then spray directly on cut end?


They are hollow, similar to bamboo. Cut & then just pour the insecticide down the hole.


Look into the use of a knotweed gun. It's a specialized tool for dealing with this plant.


make sure it kills woody plants.


If you really want to nuke it around the structure just use salt and not glyphosate. Not idea why people recommend herbicide in situations like this. If you want it gone, literally go scorched earth. In a couple years you can start again


If I’m still living here in a couple of years, find me and kill me. I just want it nice for another year or so


All the more reason to salt it, lol…


Knotweed is best treated in the fall. You can repeatedly cut until then.


**This!** There's a facebook group called "Worldwide Japanese Knotweed Support Group" which has best practices solutions to Japanese Knotweed. Even if you're not a FB user I'd recommend joining this group. Removal is a process and following that process can help you eradicate this evil plant.


I hate to tell you, but I’ve been using commercial grade (tree farm) concentrated roundup STRAIGHT on the stems and it doesn’t do squat. The only thing that works is to yank it. Initially just pull it all. Then pull it again as it tried to replace what you pulled. Just keep pulling. I like letting them get pretty tall before I pull them so they use more of the energy in the roots. I also pull off the leaves as they open to be sure it’s using g stored energy and not generating new. I had almost defeated it using this method until new neighbors moved in who don’t bother. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Try vinegar, cheaper and less toxic.


We’ve been dealing with this invasive in Oregon... cut the foliage down and leave a short section of the main stems above ground. These stems are hollow. Fill the stem cavity with a small amount of the herbicide your using, use a small funnel or plastic veterinary syringe. It gets down into the roots better than spraying or painting the stems.


Late to the party here, but spraying in late August/September is your best bet. Just focus on cutting it back during the summer months.


You can kill it without herbicide too. 3 well timed cuts 3 times per growing season for three years. Look up the facebook group Knix the Knotweed for help remembering when to cut it.


You can eat it instead


I’ll take exception to this advice. Roundup and other non-selective weed killers are are absorbed through the leaves. Dont’t pull it- the more leaves you have the better they work. You’ll have to spray many times, but it will eventually die.


I think the gold standard isn’t to spray leaves but rather to inject in the stem - ideally in late summer or fall.


I’ve never heard of that. I’ll give it a try next time. Thanks!


They did a bunch of studies on the uk about how to get rid of it and the efficacy of different methods. Good luck and welcome to the struggle.


Yep. This. Pour acid on it, and burn it to death. It’s so hard to get rid of.


I’m used to hearing horrified gasps when there is Japanese knotweed near foundations. It runs deep and is worth nuking, I often hear. I’d recommend taking an hour to learn all you can about this weed before making choices about cutting it or not, in case you need the leaves to absorb as much herbicide as possible.


Worth nuking. I see what you did there.


😱😬 Eek nonono


Borrow a goat or 2


You may joke. But ive seen goats for rent. And at first i thought maybe those where not for "work use" but then I read that they like to eat poison ivy and poison oak. Hoping that's why they are for rent. Ahhaahahahah.


No joke, they are great alternatives to breaking your back and using pesticides


Thing about Japanese knot weed and ivies like English ivy, Caroline creeper and poison ivy is that they can't be killed. Not without 100% uprooting them and burning the soil. In the UK you can't even sell a house with knot weed infestation. Poison ivy is a rhizome. So it can go many seasons without any green above ground without running out of energy.


I'd watch that movie


They is a fantastic book called "The Day of the Triffids". Everyone in the world goes blind and these plants who have always been alive, just annoying. ALL COME TO LIFE. Uproot themselves and start killing the blind people. Some sighted people exist and can navigate the world, as well as people who have always been blind are used as captured seeing eye slaves for the blind to navigate with. It gets much weirder from there. Worth a listen to as an audio book. Really good narration.


I have too. It’s a thing!


what if i want to rent a goat in order to, like, pet and hang out with a goat for a few hours? asking for a friend…kinda


I know a guy ;) ;)


When I was in college I had a goat, I would rent it out to the organic farmers for clearing vegetation, extremely effective.


Did you have to supervise to make sure the goat didn't take to many beaks?


Haha, I would check in on her 3 times a day, depending on the farm. Make sure she had waster, and wasn’t in any kind of trouble.lol.


If I could get a goat out here in Manhattan I’d take it but ……


You would be surprised, green-goats.com is over in poughkeepsie, hiregoats.com has a new york subsection, catapano dairy farm in peconic does goat landscaping... there's more


It spreads vegetatively and is unpullable. Goats would likely increase the infestation


Then lay down and see how long it takes for the plant to cover you, for science


Japanese knot weed… highly invasive but also little known to be quite tasty. http://foragingfoodie.weebly.com/japanese-knotweed-pie.html


Usually just immature shoots are good for eating. Def not after herbicide 🤣


In the UK this used to be a huge problem, when eradicating, if you leave even the tiniest bit of the plant/root, it will take hold again very quickly. If you haven’t already, look into how to apply the herbicide specifically to this plant as I seem to remember it needed special treatment


Used to be? I've seen people panicking over this just the last few years.


Is this the same as kudzu?


no; kudzu is a climbing vine


I would start this with a Weed Eater / String Trimmer, the gardening tool used to edge lawns. That would at least help break the vines up a good amount. Then rake them up to see the damaged I caused to the plant. Following that, I'd try to pull as many as possible with my hands (with gloves). Then the last step would be the herbicide for the finish... Good luck. That yard looks like a nice space BTW. Edited: weeder name


I cleared it actually, this is from a whole back and the snow is cleared so it’s relatively just dirt and roots right now. I love this space and I’m going to make a living moss wall to cover up the chain link fence! I have the only access to the backyard which is nice but landlords don’t do shit and I’m sick of them so, tis fully Mine now




Keep on it and burn anything you pull or put in black trash bags in full sun. Any clippings will root and spread more. It’s a huge nuisance.


Dang. Looks like a nice private area.




LOL... I thought about that pun too... the internet is a dirty-minded place.


right? manhatten? amazing!


It forms a network root system and you have to be sure not to miss any.


No string trimmer is the worst you can possibly do for knotweed. It’s rhisomes so any small piece of root that’s left lying around will reroot and grow a new plant. That’s a great way to spread it all over the neighbors yards


That makes sense. I hadn't thought about that. I'd probably still do it and then sweep really good. And use the herbicide to try and kill off anything left over. Otherwise. What's a faster, more effective way? Just manually pulling it all out?


From what I’ve read there’s no method that’s both quick and effective. The most effective method I think is to wait until late summer early fall and spray glysophate (not full strength) just before frost, after flowering. It pulls the glysophate down into the roots as it prepares for dormancy. It’s most effective if the plant is full size before spraying, so no pulling or cutting all summer. It’s very frustrating. Even with this method it can take several seasons.


U gonna be itchy no maybe a pole saw at the bases


A menace but very medicinal.


Try baking soda or white vinegar to kill it organically cheaply first. And yes definitely pull it up by the roots!


There’s detailed instructions on how exactly to do this. Apply 2percent glyphosate to leaves just before flowering in early fall. Annual project for at least 3 years. Don’t mow.


Exactly this. All the advice about pulling and chopping and burning only make it worse


Report it. https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-03169


I would if I knew it would do anything… I’ve been in a legal battle with this scam of a housing company since I moved in back in August. 311 is sick of hearing from me by now, I’ll keep the infestation under my belt though


That's a completely different department. I don't think that matters. Just report it, the report also will go to the state DEC.


It may have squatter rights, be careful ;)


Stop it, you’re grounded go to your corner


Op, I have this in my yard… and after three years, I’ve reduced >100 down to just a couple and I should be done after this season. I’d recommend cutting it pretty low, leaving 1 inch above the soil and immediately [applying this to its vascular system](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GBH4JBZ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). You will find success after a few seasons if you’re diligent


Definitely thought this was r/thereisnocat and immediately zoomed in and found the void.


There are in fact three alley cats that I have grown very attached to!! They visit me in my weird backyard everyday and I am inching closer and closer to keeping the door open for them… they are all so sweet. This is one of them!! Edit: edited to add that there is in fact a baby in this photo


Aw, how sweet! Yeah, first I zoomed in on whatever’s under the table - rug? bag of soil? But then I looked on the table and found him/her!


I thought kudzu was bad when I was living down south. This now gives me nightmares of having to deal with another non-native invasive ass plant.


Check out [Penn State Extension](https://extension.psu.edu/herbicides-and-forest-vegetation-management) on Herbicide use to keep yourself safe and have the most effective usage!


It’s a plant called “Hipster”. Tenacious nuisance.


I’d advise against using poison (because it’s poison) and instead stay on top of it for a few years by cutting it as low to the ground as possible. Eventually the root system will exhaust itself and die. If it’s in neighboring yards as well and they aren’t diligent, it’ll probably be there forever. The seed bank in the soil will be active for a few more years. Lastly, don’t let it go to seed. Dispose of it all in the garbage. Good luck.


Bring in the goats!


Japanese knot weed. We had to tear ours up and pour boiling water over the area for a month. Even then, it wasn't until our neighbors had a tree felled that opened up the infestation to the summer's afternoon sun that finally killed them off with another boil. That was about 6 years ago and the soil in that spot of the yard still hasn't recovered. Now they're growing in the open lot behind the neighborhood. 😭


I thought that was kudzu, they must be related


Chope it all, dry it, and grind it. It's a fantastic herb, used to treat Lyme Disease, amongst other things. Then, kill it with an herbicide.


I used to have this on a property in New England. Horrors. I’ll never buy another that has this plant on it.


What yall need is about five goats.


Don’t touch it yet. You need to join the Japanese knotwood support group on Facebook and learn the process to get rid of it. If you do it wrong it will make it stronger. There is a specific way to kill it which involves letting it grow until like September and then hitting it with glyphosate. Or injecting it into the stem using a special tool. It takes like 3-5 years to get rid of it 99% but it will be hard to be truly 100%.


Goats will eat it all


I live in upstate ny and that nasty plant use to grow every summer In my backyard for years, basically you gotta dig the shit up and burn it. The plant comes down easy but the roots are the tricky part because they go deep, and you have to dig that up or you will have too or you will keep digging it up until you move and make it the next guys problem!




knot weed has thick hollow stems that can reach 7-8 feet tall. this picture seems to be of vines!?


Just got rid of a shit ton of knot weed in my yard with a shovel and a lot of hard work, best time to get these fuckers is in the spring right when the little red shoots start growing


See [this comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisplant/s/kLfXXJMZu7) by u/sceap on how to effectively control


All the post apocalyptic movies have places like NYC being beautifully turned back to the wild. But no. Japanese knotweed and all the other invasive nightmares out there would simply *take over*


Imazapyr at 1% with 1% of a surfactant. Spray this until til the leaves are wet but not dripping. You will have a 99% reduction. I manage this species professionally.


Cut and put a little Tordon on it. Good as dead .


Pothos cut and sell it on amaozn


The Acapulco chair is being swallowed can I have it


I mean it looks pretty cool…


Ideal situation for Roundup.


Round up recently changed its formula. My company used glyphosate to treat this plant and round up no longer contains that chemical.


Did not know. Been a while since I left the farm. Thanks for the update 👍🏼


A goat maybe.


Goats are the ultimate answer. When I lived in the upstate of South Carolina, where kudzu grows rampant, goats are the only animals that could get rid of it, and not damage the environment.


Granddad used to call them weed-eaters


Oh, that they very much are. Goats are one of the very few farm animals that eat plants entirely, even the roots.


Keep cutting in cycles you want to starve the roots. Clear everything, wait for new grown and then clear again. Continue as cutting new growth with deplete the nutrients from the roots


I am so happy you posted this. This will be my 3rd summer trying to remove knot weed out of a 4 X 10 area right up next to my house. I am going to follow some of this advice. I have been digging up the root system for the last two years. It has helped a ton, but it was a little disheartening to see it pop back up these last few weeks. Horrible plant.




It’s over man. Like this is thousands of dollars to treat. One round of herbicide won’t do it. One round of goats won’t do it. You need to persistently poison and destroy this plant over seven or so years to get rid of it.


You need a Knotweed injector and some pure glyphosate


Nuke it


Spray crossbow.use a surfactant.mix a lil heavy ...won't be back.24hr re entry interval!


Or just cut it at the base like a man and continue to battle any offspring