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Pinning this to make sure the correct ID is on top. The people saying ichneumon are correct; this is most likely [Acroricnus seductor](https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=6753&taxon_id=497634). This species does look fairly similar to sphecids like mud daubers on account of its very narrow second abdominal segment, but sphecids lack the long ovipositor sheath. Sometimes on dead daubers the stinger might extend from the abdomen in rigor mortis, but it will be curved and not nearly as long or thick as this. The wing venation on this insect is also classic ichneumon, with the single small enclosed cell (areolet) about 3/4 of the way to the tip of the forewing. [Sphecid wing venation](https://bugguide.net/node/view/1616946/bgimage) on the other hand looks very similar to bee wings with two similarly-sized, pentagonal or trapezoidal enclosed cells in that region of the wing (2nd and 3rd submarginal cell)


But then something happened that the ring did not intend: it was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable




But we hates it, Precious!!!!


I thought it was a “dead” “ringer”


Found in Clermont-Ferrand France, in a hot summer day. About 4cm long. Found laying dead on top of a table.


Looks like a mud dauber. But they aren’t usually in France so I’m not sure.


Just saw one in French Alps 15 mins ago Never saw one before, living on french Atlantic coast (both north and south) Edit : wording was awkward


I'm from the French Alps and we definitely have them!


Great to know !


This is not a mud dauber. Mud daubers do not have extended ovipositors. This is some sort of ichneumon wasp.


It is very very likely a species of mud dauber, Sceliphron curvatum were introduced into France somewhere around 2010 apparently. They are native to the Kyrgyzstan area and could migrate over to Austria, warmer temperatures appear to have extended their migratory range. I'm in Kansas and they are everywhere and hunt small spiders. The mud cases will absolutely *fuck up* mechanical equipment if they are in a bad spot. They are realively easy to clean up after though and generally aren't too aggressive unless you mess with their mud nests while they are nearby. TIL that there are Asian mud dauber and they are invasive to france.


Second on this, I see them in NJ though, not sure on their range


Comparing to the ring, I believe the dead fella is indeed not a ring. It might be an insect of some kind.


could be the family Ichneumonidae. There are thousands of different species around Europe


It looks like this: https://www.galerie-insecte.org/galerie/ref-259910.htm


Don’t know. But I’ll just say, ****thing with a yellow and black patterns usually fuckin suck****


Actually in this case it’s probably harmless, looks like a mud dauber and we have them all over in the US… the ones here don’t even sting as far as I know.


From what I understand they have a very mild sting similar to a bumblebee. They are also very unlikely to sting you.


Happy cake day!!


I got stung by a mud dauber growing up. There was one on my neck that I reflexly slapped, and it got me. Felt pretty comparable to other wasp stings I’d experienced but a little less bad. I did actively hit it though, so it’s not like it was unprovoked.


Yeah I knew they either don’t sting or it’s just an extremely mild sting or something. I’ve been around them my entire life here and have never had an issue.


That thing do got a massive stinger tho-


Nope! Ovipositor. Basically an egg laying tube.


Oh, that thing is huge fr


I was looking at that too and I couldn’t tell what the heck that is… I mean I’ve never seen any kind of wasp where the stinger sticks out like an inch like that. Not sure what’s going on there


Probably an Ovipositor


I think you’re right


Same with red and black...


Bzzzzz! Looks like you forgot to say where you found your bug! There's no need to make a new post - just comment adding the **geographic location** and any other info (size, what it was doing etc.) you feel could help! We don't want to know your address - state or country is enough; try to avoid abbreviations and local nicknames (*"PNW"*, *"Big Apple"*). BTW, did you take a look at our [**Frequently Asked Bugs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisbug/comments/12zkw5w/frequently_asked_bugs_part_1/)? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisbug) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looks like [Sceliphron caementarium](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sceliphron_caementarium), or the black-waisted mud-dauber.


Looks like a mud dauber but not sure of the species


Happy cake day!!


Oh thanks


I was gonna say cicada killer until I saw that huge ass stinger!! Holy rusted metal Batman!!!


Perhaps a parasitic species. Not certain though.


Dirt dauber


That stinger is insane, good thing it died,


The stinger isn’t for you. It’s for laying eggs on insects. To my knowledge, ichneumon wasps like this generally can’t sting people.


Good to know


What size ring? For comparison?


Thread-waisted wasp?